Page Updated:- Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.



Notes of 1910


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 4 February, 1910.



At the Dover Licensing Sessions, to be held on Monday, opposition will be made to the renewal of the licenses of four Dover public-houses, on the ground that they are not required by the needs of the neighbourhood. The licenses to be opposed are the "Milestone," London Road, The "Old Fountain," Caroline Place; The "Pier Inn," Beach Street; The "Beaconsfield Arms," Adrian Street.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 11 February, 1910.


The Magistrates on Monday at the Dover Licensing Sessions sent four public-houses for the East Kent Quarter Sessions with a view to removal by compensation. The procedure of the court in these cases seems quite a formal affair, and the question as to the desirability of the proposed reference of the licences to have been gone into at the private meeting of Magistrates. The evidence offered in Court certainly did not in two instances point to the fact that the houses selected for opposition were not required, although it was obvious that in the area there were more houses than seemed necessary. But the whole matter was cut and dried, and the Bench appeared to be quite ready to deal with the cases without any evidence whatever, for the announcing the decision the Mayor intimated that they had arrived at the decision as to the houses they had decided to get rid of before the cases come into Court.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 11 February, 1910.



The annual Dover Licensing Sessions were held at the Town Hall on Monday at midday. Four licenses were reported to Quarter Sessions for removal under the Compensation Act. There were no applications for new licenses, and the proceedings did not last more than one hour. The following Magistrates were preset: The Mayor (Mr. Walter Emden), Messrs. H. W. Thorpe, J. L. Bradley, E. Chitty, F. G. Wright, W. J. Barnes, and T. A. Terson.


The Mayor said that the applications for renewals of the existing licenses (except the four houses in respect to such notice had been given) in the borough and liberties would be granted. He was pleased to say there were only two cases where reports had been made in regard to houses. In both those cases they had been met by the house being placed in other hands.


Mr. Mowll applied for the compensation contribution in regard to the refreshment rooms on the Admiralty Pier, the prince of Wales Pier, the Promenade Pier, and Mr. Tritton's, to be reduced one-half as on previous occasions. A similar application was made on behalf of the Harbour and Town stations refreshment rooms. These were granted.

In regard to the Granville Restaurant, which had had a reduction of contribution on previous occasions, no application was made.


The transfer days were arranged as follows; April 1st, July 3rd, August 5th, October 7th, December 2nd, and January 20th.


The adjourned Licensing meeting will be held at Broadstairs for renewals on March 2nd, and at the Town Hall, Dover, on March 4th, to hear applications for new-licenses.


Mr. Mowll stated that the Swan Hotel had been held under two titles, and the lease of one of them had fallen in. This necessitated some alterations to the ground floor.

In reply to the Magistrate's Clerk, Mr. Mowll said that with the cottage there were a certain number of extra bedrooms. There would be no extra entrances.


In respect to this house, notices had been served of objections to the license on the grounds of redundancy.

Mr. Rutley Mowll appeared for the brewers and the tenant.

Chief Constable Fox said; The Milestone is a fully licensed house situated in London Road. The owners are Messrs. George Beer and Co., Canterbury. The present tenant is Edwin Stock. It was transferred to him on the 7th August, 1908. There have been six changes in eight years. The rateable value is gross £24, net £19 5s. The licensed house in the immediate neighbourhood are the "Rose and Crown," 61 yards, the "Crown" beer-house, 132 yards. The frontage of the house is 13ft. 8in., the accommodation front bar, bar parlour, and private room on the ground floor, the kitchen in the basement, and upstairs three bedrooms. It is next to the Wesleyan Schools. I visited the house at 10.50 a.m. on Thursday, 20th January, and found no customers. At 3.05 on Monday, January 24th, I found no customers. At 9.30 a.m. on Saturday, January 29th, I found no customers. At 6.50 p.m. on Thursday, February 3rd, I found one customer.

Cross-examined: Do you really consider your evidence as to the number of customers is of value having regard to the carefully selected times of visiting the house? - I visited it morning, afternoon, and evening.

But look at the time of the week; there is no visit to the house on either Friday or Saturday afternoon or evening? - No, I did not know any reason why I should go here then.

You did not go when there was any chance of wages being left? - I went on Monday afternoon.

When people aught to be at work? - I visited it four times. I did not think it fair to go there on a Saturday evening.



This was also a house to which objections to the renewal of the license had been given on orders of the Magistrates on the ground of redundancy.

Mr. Rutley Mowll appeared to represent the tenant.

The Chief Constable said that the Neptune Hall, Hawkesbury Street, was fully licensed. The brewers were Messrs. Mackeson and Co. Hythe. The tenant was Mr. G. H. Walker, and it was transferred to him on August 16th, 1895. The rateable value was £15 gross, £12 net. The licensed houses in the immediate vicinity were the "Albion" 67 yards, the "Railway Inn" 97 yards, the "Archliffe Fort Inn" back door 30 yards, the front 50 yards, the "Endeavour," Bulwark Street, 93 yards, the "Hope," Council House Street, 120 yards, the "Granville Arms," Limekiln Street, 64 yards, the "Two Brewers," Limekiln Street, side door 66 yards, front door 76 yards. Including the buffets at the Railway stations, there were 27 licensed houses in the area to the west of the railway. The total number of houses in the area was 493, and 430 were occupied and 63 empty. Reckoning five persons to each house there were 2175 in the district, or 80 persons to each license in the district. That included children. In Hawkesbury Street there were 23 houses, including three licensed premises. In the immediate neighbourhood a number of the house had been demolished. The frontage was 14ft. 10in. The side of the house abutted on to Bulwark Lane, and was 47ft. The accommodation was a private bar in front, public bar, door at side entrance. private sitting room, used also as a store room, and a kitchen on the ground floor. Upstairs there was one sitting room, three bedrooms, and two rooms not in use. At 11.20 on Thursday, 20th January, there was one customer, at 3.30 on January 24th no customers, at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 31st, no customers, at 7.20 p.m. on Thursday, February 3rd, two customers.

The Mayor: The house has been well conducted. - Oh yes, the man has been there since 1895.

Mr. Mowll: In regard to these visits, you say, I see you gave him two visits on Thursday? - Yes.

It so happens he has been keeping a little record against you, and on Thursday there were 83 customers.

The Mayor: That is the whole day?

Mr. Mowll: yes, not at one time, of course.

The Mayor: You are not questioning his evidence?

Mr. Mowll: No. In regard to Superintendent Fox I should not question his word. I was questioning the value of his evidence. On Monday, the 27th, when you say there were no customers when you went into the house there were over 60 on that day. On the Thursday there were 34, on Friday 88, on Saturday 96, on Monday 63, on Tuesday 53, on Wednesday 46, on Thursday 63, on Friday 76. You see from these figures that your little test of visits at carefully selected times are hardly a fair criterion of the trade being done.

Chief Constable Fox: I see yours increase as time went on; evidently they knew something was coming off.

It is not a wise remark on your part, and it is not true. In regard to the number of licensed premises in the district, if I remember rightly you gave the same evidence in respect to the "Albion" last year? - Yes; it would cost too much to close it.

When you made a statement as to the population in this immediate area I think you will agree with me that the public houses  in the Pier district cater for people who live in other parts of the town and work in the neighbourhood? - Yes, I have also included any military who live near or pass through the district.

Mr. Mowll said that the basis taken, therefore was not of much value.

The Mayor: Surely the basis is to take so many people into each house. The Superintendent has also stated that you must consider the large number of working people who come down to the Pier district.

Mr. Mowll: This tenant has been in the house for 14 years?

The Chief Constable: Yes.

He has no other means of livelihood, and that means that he has  been able to get  a living during that time? - I have his own words for it; he says he has.


This license was also opposed  by direction of the Magistrates on the grounds of redundancy.

Mr. Mowll said that he appeared on behalf of the licensee and Mr. Gardiner, who was the immediate leaseholder for the premises.

Mr. Spyh appeared for the freeholder.

The Chief Constable said that the "Pier Inn" was a fully licensed house, and also an early morning licensed house. The brewers were Mr. T. H. Gardiner, trading as the Burton Beer Co., Herne Bay. The present tenant was William Thomas Hunter, and it was transferred to him on 25th January, 1907, and there had been six changes in ten years. The rateable value was £30 gross and £24 net. The licensed house in the immediate neighbourhood were the "Brussels," 19 yards, the "Terminus," 25 yards, the "Sceptre," 73 yards, and the "Railway Bell," 128 yards, all in the same street, There were also  the Railway buffet, the "Rose and Crown," 59 yards, the "Cinque Port Arms," 47 yards, the "Royal Hotel,"106 yards, and the "Silver Lion," Middle Row, 68 yards. There were also the "King's Head," the "Lord Warden," and the "Dover Castle Hotels." This was one he mentioned in the case of the "Neptune Hall," Beach Street and a total number of 26 houses, including five licensed premises. The frontage was 20ft. 6in., and the house had a side abutting on to King's Passage of 26ft. 6in. The accommodation was front bar, private bar at side, and private sitting room on the ground floor, kitchen on the basement, and four bedrooms. He visited the house at 11.10 a.m. on Thursday, 20th January, and there were no customers; at 3.25 on Monday, 24th January, two customers; at 9.55 a.m. on Monday, 31st January, one customer; at 7.30 p.m., on Thursday, 3rd February, two customers.

Cross-examined: This house has been occupied by the present licensee three years? - Yes.

It has an early morning license? - Yes.

Why? - I do not know how many years it has had one.

Do you not know the object? - All the early morning licenses have been granted for the supply of coffee to men working all night.

This is opposite the Railway station and the nearest house to the Admiralty Pier? - Yes.

And it is frequently used by men coming from the boats? - Yes. It is open at 3.30.

Mr. Mowll said: In regard to these cases I only want to say a few words. I think the "Pier Inn" I can dismiss by saying that this man has been there three years, that he gets up very early in the morning, and he supplies what is undoubtedly a want - coffee, ad if people require it, intoxicants for the passengers coming from the early morning boats, and for the many men employed down there in the night traffic. One could imagine that men working on the Admiralty Pier on the depth of winter were exceedingly thankful to have a nice place like the "Pier Inn" where they can go and have a cup of coffee or something else if they wish it, or something in their coffee, as I believe some of then do after they have done their work. In regard to the "Neptune Hall," I do think I aught to offer you a few observations on that case. This man has held the license for 14 years. It goes without saying that as it is a fact that the man has got no other means of livelihood that he has been making a living there, or he could not have held the license for those many years. You will remember you had the case of the "Albion" before you last year, and then I suggested to you that the "Albion" could not very well be taken away because of the trade it was doing. You then invited me to offer the name of another house. That invitation placed me in a very invidious position, having various clients, and I could not with justice to them make any suggestion to the house that should be selected. The "Albion" was referred by you to the Quarter Sessions. But it was renewed by the Quarter Sessions, no doubt on the grounds of the very considerable trade it did. Now we come to this year. The "Albion" is left standing, and the "Neptune Hall" is selected for extinction. I think the very fact of the man having been there so long is some indication of the "Neptune Hall" doing a very decent trade, and I ask you to renew the licence. There seems to be a sort of feeling that it is almost hopeless to ask the Dover Bench to renew licenses selected by them for extinction. I hope it is not hopeless. It is rather discouraging to the advocate to find that the remarks he makes so seldom bear fruit, and that is particularly discouraging to me as being the unfortunate advocate who usually appears in these cases that so little success in this department falls to me. I can only say that it does seem to me a very hard case that the tenant of the "Neptune Hall" is to have his licence taken away from him after holding it for no less than 14 years, and therefore I ask you to renew the licenses.


The licence of the "Beaconsfield Arms," Adrian Street, was also opposed on the instructions of the Magistrates on the grounds of redundancy.

No one appeared to legally represent the tenant or owner, but the Secretary of the East Kent Brewers Company and the leaseholder  were in Court.

Chief Constable Fox said that the "Beaconsfield Arms" was a fully licensed house situated in Adrian Street. The owners were the East Kent Brewery Company, Sandwich, and the tenant was Horton Walter Moore, and it was transferred to him on October 2nd, 1908. There had been five changes in nine years. The rateable value was £40 gross, net £32. The licensed houses in the immediate neighbourhood were the "Liberty," 11 yards, the "Trocadero," 29 yards, the "Prince Louis," 40 yards, the "New Mogul," 51 yards, and the "Criterion," 74 yards. The frontage was 27ft. The accommodation was the front bar, side bar, small kitchen on the ground floor, and upstairs a club room used also as a dining room (private), and there were four bedrooms. It was visited at 11.50 a.m. on Thursday, January 20th, and there were two customers; at 3.50 p.m. on Monday, January 24th, one customer; at 10.05 a.m. on Saturday, January 29th, no customers; at 7.47 p.m. on Thursday, February 3rd, three customers.

The Secretary of the Brewery Company said that they were not asking any questions.


The Mayor at once said: The Bench have come to the conclusion that the four licenses ought to go forward. Of course we quite appreciate the eloquence of our friend, Mr. Mowll, and if it were a question of dealing with a matter from one of sentiment, it might have been decided otherwise. We have a very difficult question to deal with, and the decision we have come to must have regard to the question of redundancy in the neighbourhood. before even this case went to Court great care was taken that those houses which we really believed are redundant, are those that come before the Court, and I think the Bench in this case are of the opinion that all these houses are in that category, and that it is important to do otherwise than to send the four cases to be dealt with by the Quarter Sessions.

The licenses were provisionally renewed pending the decision of Quarter Sessions.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 12 February 1910.


The Licensing Sessions for the Sittingbourne Division were held on Monday, before Messrs. R. G. E. Locke (chairman), G. H. Dean, R. Mercer, T. E. Denson, H. Payne, C. Ingleton, J. Copland, W. R. Elgar, H. L. Webb, and W. N. Rule, and Lieut.-Colonel Thompson, C.I.E.

The annual report of Superintendent Crowhurst mentioned that two ale-houses and two beer-houses that had been referred for compensation were closed on December 31st last. These houses were the "Jolly Sailors," Milton; the "Criterion," Sheerness; the "Good Intent," Sheerness: and the "Sons of Sheppy," Minster.

In the past year 170 persons had been proceeded against for drunkenness, 42 being residents. This was a decrease of 17 compared with the return of the previous year.

The Chairman remarked that the report was very satisfactory. The Justices. he said, had been pursuing their policy of reducing the number of licenses,. and had referred four houses to the Compensation Authority. The four houses were the "White Hart" and "Sir John Falstaff," Newington; and the "Jolly Gardeners" and the "Woodman's Arms," Rainham. With these exceptions the whole of the licenses were renewed.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 12 March 1910.


At the adjourned licensing sessions on Monday, Mr. R. G. E. Locke in the chair, formal evidence as to accommodation and the class of trade was given by Superintendent Crowhurst in the eases of the "White Hart" and "Sir John Falstaff," Newington, and the "Jolly Gardeners" and "Woodman's Arms," Rainham, the licences of which houses had not been renewed at the Licensing Sessions a month ago. Mr. A. Booth Hearn (Chatham), representing the owners (Messrs. Shepherd, Neame and Co.) and the tenant of the "White Hart," Newington, applied for the renewal of the licence. Formal application for renewal of the licences was also made in respect of the other three houses. The Bench, however, decided to refer all four licences to the Compensation Authority.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 1 July, 1910.


Mr. T. Appleton has tendered his resignation on the ground of ill-health of the Dover Licensed Victuallers protection Society. A meeting to receive the same, and, if necessary, elect a successor, will be held shortly. Mr. J. P. Caspell's name will be proposed as Mr. Appleton's successor, and Mr. T. Mills as Vice-Chairman.


From the Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle and the Woolwich Gazette, Saturday, 4 January, 1910.

Over 30 inns and beer-houses in West Kent have been permanently closed, the Licensing Committee having refused to renew the licences, for which £26,530 was paid in compensation.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 23 July 1910.



The Compensation Authority for the Eastern Division of the County sat at the Sessionse House, Longport, Canterbury, on Monday, to hear persons interested in the licensed premises it was proposed to close. Lord Harris presided, and there were also on the Bench Mr. F. H. Wilbee, Mr. E. T. Ward, Mr. H. H. Owen, Mr. C. J. Burgees, Mr. T. G. Gillett, Mr. H. Fitzwaiter Plumptre, Mr. R. G. E. Locke, Dr. Arthur Flint, Captain Down, Mr. W. A. Lochee, Mr. J. H. Monins, and Mr. F. E. Burke.

The Chairman said all the applications for renewal of the licences had been withdrawn except in three coses. In all the cases except the three, those of the "Woodman’s Arms," Pudding Lane, Rainham, the "Wellington," Bench Street, Folkestone, and the "Walmer Castle Inn," 9, Adelaide Gardens, Ramsgate, the applications for renewal would be refused and referred for compensation. The licences not renewed were the following:-


"While Hart," Newington, alehouse, licensee William Albert Skinner, registered owners Shepherd. Neame and Co., Faversham; "Sir John Falstaff," Newington, beer-house (ante 1869), licensee George Cherry, owners Style and Winch, Ltd. Maidstone; "Jolly Gardeners," Lower Rainham, beer-house, licensee William Francis Barnes, owners Style and Winch, Ltd., Maidstone.


"Tally Ho" Middle Street, Deal, beer-house (ante 1869), licensee James Edwin Redman, owners Gardner and Co., Ltd., Ash-next-Sandwich.


"Mile Stone," London Read, Dover, alehouse, licensee Edwin Stock, owners George Beer and Co.. Star Brewery Canterbury, and Jease Hind (mortgagee). Fletcher Gate, Nottingham; "Neptune's Hall." Hawksbury Street, Dover, alehouse, licensee George Henry Walker, owners the Dover Town Council; "Beaconsfield Arms," Adrian street, Dover, alehouse, licensee Frederick Sawkins, owners the East Kent Brewery Co., Sandwich.


"Elephant and Castle," Water Lane, Faversham, alehouse, licensee George Harris, owner Percy Beale Neame, Faversham; "Royal Standard." Court Street, Faversham, alehouse, licensee, Frederick George Nicholls, owner Percy Beale Neame, Faversham; "Waterman’s Arms," Pump Yard, Faversham, alehouse, licensee William George Marsh, owner, Rigden and Co., Faversham; "Queen of Hearts," Conduit Street, Faversham, beer-house, licensee Louisa Brown, owners Thomas Ash and Co., Canterbury; "Mason’s Arms,” West Street, Faversham, beer-house, licensee Henry Frank Macey, owners Mrs. Mary Ann Brooks, 58. Preston Street, Faversham, and Percy Beale Neame. Faversham.


"Alexandra Tavern," 218. High Street, Margate, beer-house, licensee Thomas James Adams, owners Messrs. Flint and Co., Canterbury; "Market House." 4. Duke Street, Margate, alehouse, licensee James John Kemp, owners Messrs. Woodham and Co., Rochester.


"Alexandra Tavern," 218. High Street. Margate, beethouse, licensee Thomas James Adams, owners Messrs. Flint and Co., Canterbury; "Market House," 4. Duke Street. Margate, alehouse, licensee James John Kemp, owners Messrs. Woodham and Co.. Rochester.


"Pretoria Arms," 61. High Street, Ramsgate, beer-house, licensee Edward Thompson, owners Russells’ Gravesend Brewery Co. Ltd. ; "Crispin Inn," 25. Plains of Waterloo, Ramsgate, beer-house, licensee Charles Walter Davis, owner William Miles. 26. Harold Road, Margate.


"Malt Shovel," Delph Street, Sandwich, beer-house, licensee Horace Price, owners East Kent Brewery Co.. Ltd.. Sandwich.


"Military Tavern." Canada Road, Walmer, alehouse, licensee Henry Taylor, owners Jesse Hind. Fletcher Gate. Nottingham, and Beer and Co., Canterbury.


Mr. Boucher applied for the renewal of the licence of the "Woodman’s Arms," Pudding Lane, Rainham, a beer-house of which Charles Alfred Rayfield was the licensee and Messrs. E. Mason and Co.. brewers, of Maidstone, the owners.
Mr. R. F. Gibson, barrister, who appeared on behalf of the local licensing justices, said the "Woodman's Arms" was a tied house. It was an ante 1869 beer-house. It was situated in Pudding Lane, thirty-seven yards from the High Street, and in order to get to the "Woodman's Arms" one had to pass other licensed houses. The premises were very small having only a twenty-eight feet frontage and Pudding Lane was a cul-de-sac. There were sixteen cottages in the alley. The house was doing a decreasing trade. In 1907 it did one hundred barrels, in 1908 82 1/2 barrels, and in 1909 74 1/4 barrels.

Superintendent Crowhurst, of Sittingboume, said the tenant of the house paid £18 a year rent. The population at the last census was 3,688 and there were sixteen licensed houses, giving one licence to every 230 persons as against one licence to every 248 for the whole of the Division. In his opinion the house was not wanted.

In cross-examination the Superintendent admitted that the previous tenant was in the house fifteen years. Most of the licensed houses in Rainham allowed a decreased trade because the brick making industry was in a depressed state.

Mr. Brucher said there were signs of the brick making industry reviving and with that the trade of the licensed houses would revive. Formerly the "Woodman’s Arms" did a good trade when the trade of Rainham was in a normal condition. Messrs. Mason and Co. were the only registered owners, they having the house on lease from the trustees of the late Mr. Edward Mason, of Maidstone.

Mr. Herbert Cooper, manager to Messrs. Mason and Co., gave evidence, bearing out the statement made by Mr. Boucher.

The application for the renewal of the licence was refused.


Mr. Travers Humphrey, barrister, applied for the renewal of this licence.

Mr. Mathew, barrister, who opposed on behalf of the local licensing justices, said in the Harbour Street district, which wan the congested area of Folkestone as regarded licensed houses, there were thirty-eight licensed premises, which meant one licence to every 117 of the inhabitants. while there was one on licence to every 144 persons. Taking the rest of the borough there was one licence to every 249 of the inhabitants as compared with one to every 117 in the congested area, and one on licence to every 369 persons as compared with one to every 144 in that particular area. The Committee would therefore see that in the congested area there were something mere than double the licences. The class of trade done at the house was poor. The trade has certainly increased of late years, but that was owing to the fact that ten licences had been taken away in the particular neighbourhood.

Chief Constable Harry Reeve gave evidence in support of Mr. Mathew's statement and added that last year in the borough there were ninety-three convictions for drunkenness, seventy-three coming from the congested area.

Cross-examined Chief Constable Reeve admitted the house was in a good position and that he had no complaint to make against the way it was conducted. Within a hundred yards nine licensed houses had been closed under the last Licensing Act and as a result the trade of this house had increased. He knew that the house was the only one in the district supplied by Messrs. Bushell, Watkins and Co., of Westerham. Some firms of brewers had several houses in that neighbourhood. He believed the tenant did well there in letting lodgings in the summer.

Detective Sergeant Burnston stated that one in the neighbourhood used the house except hawkers and soldiers, and in in cross-examination he said if the licence was taken away he had no doubt the customers of the house would frequent other licensed houses in the neighbourhood.

Mr. Travers Humphrey submitted that it was no argument in favour of refusing to renew the licence because the house catered to a particular class of people. It was a well conducted house and there was no suggestion that hawkers assembled there to do anything contrary to the law. The strongest point in its favour was its location, it occupying the best position in the neighbourhood. He submitted that the house was required for it did a particular class of trade that was not done by any other house. It also supplied the beer of a particular firm and if the licence were taken away many people would not be able to obtain that firm’s beer. As they had heard nine licences had been taken away in the district and the result had been to increase the trade of the other houses. He maintained that the argument in favour of the Licensing Act to diminish drinking had not been the result in that particular district.

Charles Coppin Skinner, the licensee of the house, gave evidence and stated that the trade was increasing and that he wished to remain in the house.

At this stage Mr. Fitswalter Plumptre presided in place of Lord Harris who had to leave to fulfil another engagement.

Mr. Frank Newton, Secretary and Manager of Messrs. Bushell, Watkins, and Smith, stated that the licence of the "Wellington" was in existence in the year 1700. In 1898 his firm spent £300 in putting the house in thorough repair. The house was doing an increasing trade, in 1900 the sales amounting to 235 barrels. For the past three years the house showed an average of over five barrels a week, which was an exceedingly good trade for a beer house.

After hearing other evidence.

The Committee decided to renew the licence.


Mr. Shea applied for the renewal of this licence and explained that after referring the house to that Committee the Ramsgate Licensing Justices did not propose to offer any objection to the renewal of the licence. It was a fully licensed house and was doing an increasing trade. The licensee was Ernest Bayer and the owner Mr. James Fleet, Broad Street, Ramsgate.

Mr. John W. Scarlett, valuer, of the firm of Messrs. Scarlett and Goldsack, stated that the house was situated on the west cliff at Ramsgate in the midst of several lodging houses. Last year the trade of the house was 115 1/4 barrels and thirty barrels of beer sent out in crates, making 145 barrels altogether. When the house came before the Committee in 1905 the trade was only 66 barrels. He considered the house met the wants of the people living in the small houses in the district.

Ernest Sayer, the tenant of the house, said his gross profit last year amounted to between £175 and £200. He was perfectly satisfied with the living he was getting.

The Committee renewed the licence.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday, 19 November, 1910.


The supplemental meeting of the East Kent Licensing Committee was held at the Sessions House. Longport, Canterbury, on Tuesday. Lord Harris presided, and was accompanied by the Earl of Guilford, Mr. H. Fitzwalter Plumptre, Mr. Cobb (Valuer to the Committee), and others. The meeting was held to consider claims of all interested in houses referred for compensation.

In a large number of cases the amount of the total compensation and its proportionment among the parties interested had been agreed upon and these were taken first. The following total amounts of apportionments were sanctioned:—

The "White Hart," Newington, an alehouse, owners Messrs. Shepherd, Neame and Co., Faversham, tenant Mr. William Albert Skinner, in which the agreed total amount was £809 10s., to be divided as follows: owners £684 10s., licensee £125.

The "Sir John Falstaff," Newington, ante 1869 beer-house, owners Messrs. Style and Winch, Ltd., Maidstone, tenant Mr. George Cherry. Total amount £205; divided, owners £150, tenant £55.

The "Jolly Gardeners," Lower Rainham, ante 1869 beer-house, owners Messrs. Style and Winch, Ltd., tenant Mr. William Francis Barnes. Total amount £1,029; divided, owners £919, tenant £110.

The "Woodman’s Arms," Pudding Lane, Rainham, ante 1869 beer-house, owners Messrs. E. Mason and Co., Maidstone, tenant Mr. Charles Alfred Rayfield. Total amount £560; divided, owners £253, tenant £10.

The "Tally Ho," Middle Street. Deal, ante 1869 beer-house, owners Messrs. Gardner and Co.. Ltd., Ash-next-Sandwich, tenant Mr. James Edwin Redman. Total amount £263; divides, owners £253. tenant £10.

The "Mile Stone," London Road, Dover, ale-house, owners Messrs. George Beer and Co., Star Brewery, Canterbury, and Jesse Hind (mortgauee). Fletcher Gate, Nottingham, tenant Mr. Edwin Stock. Total amount £821; divided, owners £771, tenant £50.

The "Neptune’s Hall." Hawkesbury Street, Dover, alehouse, owners the Dover Town Council, tenant Mr. George Henry Walker. Total amount £787 17s. 6d.; divided, owners £717 17s. 6d., tenant £70.

The "Beaconsfield Arms," Adrian Street, Dover, alehouse, owners the East Kent Brewery Company, Sandwich, tenant Mr. Frederick Sawkins. Total amount £764 5s.; divided, free-holder £141 5s., lessee £603, tenant £20.

The "Elephant and Castle," Water Lane, Faversham, alehouse, owner Mr. Percy Beale Neame. Faversham, tenant Mr. George Harris. Total amount £195; divided, owners £165, tenant £30.

The "Royal Standard," Court Street, Faversham, alehouse, owners Mr. Percy Beale Neame, tenant Mr. Frederick George Nicholls. In this case Mr. G. E. Boorman stated that the whole amount £345 would go to the owner. Mr. Nicholls was a manager put in at a weekly wage, the former tenant Mr. Jesse Wells leaving on account of ill-health. In reply to the Chairman Mr. Boorman said the owner was dearly entitled to the whole of the compensation.— The Clerk (Mr. Prosser) said a letter had been received from Mr. Nicholls asking if he was entitled to anything.— Mr. Boorman said Mr. Nicholls was only put in because in view of the house being scheduled another tenant could not be got.— The Committee agreed to the whole amount going to the owner.

The "Waterman’s Arms," Pump Yard, Faversham, alehouse, owners Messrs. Rigden and Co., Faversham, tenant Mr. William George Marsh. Total amount, £355; divided, owners £295, tenant £60.

The "Mason’s Arms," West Street, Faversham, beer-house, owners Mrs. Mary Ann Brooks, 58, Preston Street, Faversham, and Mr. Percy Beale Neame, tenant Mr. Henry Frank Matey. Total amount £291 2s. 6d.; divided, freeholder £196 2s. 6d., lessee £25, tenant £70.

The "Alexandra Tavern." 218, High Street, Margate, beer-house, owners Messrs. Flint and Co., Canterbury, tenant Mr. Thomas James Adams. Total amount £330 7s. 6d.; divided, owners £310 7s. 6d., tenant £20.

The "Market House," 4, Duke Street, Margate, beer-house, owners Messrs. Woodhams and Co., Rochester, and Mr. George Whitley, Hillside, Warren Road, Chingford, tenant Mr. James John Kent. Total amount £742; divided, freeholder £582, registered owner £160.— It was stated that there was no tenant to compensate, the holder of the licence being put in at 8 weekly wage. The owners bought out the previous tenant.

The "Pretoria Arms," 61, High Street, Ramsgate, beer-house, owners Messrs. Russells' Gravesend Brewery Co., Ltd., Gravesend, tenant Mr. Edward Thompson. Total amount £89 which goes to the owners, the tenant having assigned all his interests and claims to the owners.

The "Crispin Inn," 25, Plains of Waterloo, Ramsgate, beer-house, owner Mr. William Miles, 26, Harold Road, Margate, tenant Mr. Charles Walter Davis. Total amount £830; divided, owners £400, lessee £359, licensee £71.— A member of the licensing committee wrote that he thought the compensation allowed in the absence of any special circumstances was rather large for the class of house, but after hearing Mr. Cobb, the official valuer, the Committee sanctioned the amounts agreed to.

The "Malt Shovel," Delph Street, Sandwich, beer-house, owners the East Kent Brewery Co., Ltd., Sandwich; tenant Mr. Horace Price. Total amount £108, divided, owners £103, tenant £3.

The "Military Tavern," Canada Road. Walmer, alehouse, owners Mr. Jeese Hind, Nottingham, and Messrs. Beer and Co., Canterbury, tenant Mr. Henry Taylor. Total amount £707; divided, freeholder £200, lessees £437, tenant £70.