182 Snargate Street
Trocadero Bars showing war damage. |
The Trocadero bars were to the right of the picture. Photo by kind permission of Dover Library. ILL/483.

Above shows a photo of Snargate Street in 1948. The Trocadero is extreme
right. The above has been taken from the Dover Express 26 November 1948
with the caption:- SNARGATE STREET TODAY. A view of the area at the
junction of Snargate Street and Five Post Lane. A shell, in September,
1944, destroyed the Salvation Army Hostel, which stood near the corner.
The premises adjoining are now being pulled down. |
On the corner with Five Post Lane and assuming this title from 1907. It
had been the "Wine Vaults" where Adams had acquired a six day licence in
The Trocadero Company made their debut in 1907 with the provision of a
wine lounge. They claimed it was the largest and most comfortable wine
lounge in the town, with fine oak panelled saloons and wines served from the
wood. That lounge, previous to 1908, had artificial lighting, but that year
a partition was removed which gave the use of a window.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2
February, 1912.
The management of the "Trocadero" were granted permission to supply
refreshment at the Drill Hall, Northampton Street, on January 31st, on
the occasion of an Army Pay Corps dance.
From Dover Express 12 June 1914.
The first three-days' fishing in connection with the six days' tope
competition held at Margate under the auspices of the British Sea
Anglers' Society and the Margate Fishing Club, took place on Saturday
and Sunday, but on Monday the weather was too rough for fishing. Mr.
Todd's fish, which is 5ft. in length, was on view at the "Trocadero" at
Dover this week. |
From Dover Express 03 November 1916.
At the Dover Police Court this (Friday) morning, before Messrs. F. W.
Prescott (in the chair), J. Scott and W. D. Atkins, the licence of "The
Trocadero" was transferred from Mr. Lukey to Mr. J. Casselden, who had
for three years had the "Salutation" Inn. Mr. Holford, the late Manager,
had joined up.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 5 January, 1917.
At the Dover Police Court this (Friday) morning, before Messrs. W. J.
Barnes (in the chair), J. W. Bussey, H. Hobday and Edward Chitty.
John Casselden, landlord of the “Trocadero,” Snargate Street, was
summoned for, on December 20th supplying, either by himself or by his
servants, intoxicating liquor to Mabel Ratchiffe, the same not being
paid for by her, contrary to the Central Control Order. He was further
summoned for supplying intoxicating liquor to Winifred Friend, not
having been paid for by her. Mabel Newing was summoned as being a
servant of John Casselden for supplying the liquor. John Hale, a stoker,
was summoned for ordering and paying for intoxicating liquor to be
supplied to the two women; and Charles Miller, another sailor, was
summoned for a similar offence.
Before the case was called, Edward Le Gros, landlord of the “Avenue
Inn,” Snargate Street, was called forward to answer to a similar charge.
Mr. Watson, who appeared for Mr. Mr Gros, asked that the case be heard
after that of Mr. Mowll's, as Mr. Mowll was his senior!
Mr. Vosper said that he thought that the cases should be taken in their
proper sequence, but he would not be unreasonable.
Mr. R. Mowll pleaded not guilty in each case.
Mr. Vosper prosecuted.
Winifred Dora Friend, ages 13 years, of 13, Hartley Street, said that on
December 20th she went to see Mrs. Ratcliffe, of 14, Herbert Street,
Buckland. They went into the “Avenue” public-house. Afterwards they went
to the “Trocadero” with two sailors. They had several drinks there. The
shortest sailor, Miller, paid for the drinks – gin and cloves, port wine
and whisky. Neither Mrs. Ratcliffe nor witness paid for any of these.
The sailors drank whisky. They got the drinks one by one. As soon as he
got one glass he immediately went back and got another. Witness did not
remember what happened after having all these drinks. When she left Mrs.
Ratcliff's house she had 1¾d. in her pocket, and all the money she spent
was a penny for the tram. Mrs. Ratcliffe did not pay for any drinks, as
she sat by the witness all the time. She could not say who actually
supplied the liquor. She did not see Mr. Casselden or the barmaid.
Mrs. Mabel Ratcliffe, of 14, Herbert Street, said that on December 20th
she went out with the last witness. They went to the “Avenue” first, and
then into the “Trocadero” at about 6.30. The two sailors were with them.
They went into the bar in Snargate Street. Miller paid for gin and
cloves, which witness and the last witness drank. She did not notice who
served the drink, but she could see the counter. Miller paid for a
similar round. There were four customers in the bar. The barmaid Newing
was serving in the bar, but witness did not notice if she served the
drink to Miller. The third round consisted of port wine, and Hale paid
for it. The fourth round consisted of port wine again. Witness paid for
no drink at all. Afterwards they had whisky, at the order of Miller.
When they came out at ten minutes to eight there were a considerable
number of people there.
Cross-examined. Her seat was right away from the counter, in a corner
that she indicated. There were a great many people round the counter
after a time.
Re-examined: The person serving could see her if she saw over the
Detective Sergeant Southy said that on the 21st December he accompanied
the last witness to the “Trocadero,” and saw Mr. Casselden. Witness told
him that Mrs. Ratcliffe had made a statement, and he read it. Mr.
Cassleden said that he had not seen either of the girls before. Mrs.
Ratcliffe then pointed out Mrs. Newing as the person who supplied the
drinks. She said, “I may have served the sailor, but he may have called
again and been served by other attendants. We were very busy, and I
never saw the girls on the premises.” Witness saw Miller on his ship,
and took a statement from him. Witness told Miller that a girl had been
charged with drunkenness before the Magistrates. Miller said that at
6.30 he was in the “Avenue” public-house with Stoker Hale. They went to
another public-house, and he said that the statement of Mabel Ratcliffe
was quite correct. He had never seen the girls before. He called for one
drink at a time and fetched it away. He did not know that the
no-treating order was in force at Dover. On the 22nd December her
witness saw Hale at the Police Station, and, in reply to questions, hale
said that he called for a drink and stood it on the table, and it was
drunk by Friend. He did not treat them, but they picked up the drinks on
their own account.
Cross-examined. Mr. Casselden had an excellent record n Dover as a
licensed victualler. The “Trocadero” was doing a very busy trade in the
evening. Witness had no reason to doubt that Mrs. Newing and Mr.
Casselden did not see the women, owing to the construction of the bar.
Mr. Mowll said that it was a case he could ask should be dismissed
straight away, as there was no evidence, but he would call the
Mr. J. Casselden said that he had held the “Trocadero” on a lease, and
paid nearly £1,000 to take it over. He knew nothing about the case, and
did not know the sailors or the two girls. He went through the bar and
in front sis times in an evening. He had no doubt that he did so that
evening. There was such a crowd there that it was possible that they
were there and he did not notice them. Mr. Millen, Mrs. Newing and a boy
served in that bar. Strict orders were given that there should be no
Mr. Mowll: Suppose a man orders a drink and comes back and orders
another drink, how can you tell if he is ordering the drink to hand over
to anyone else?
It is impossible to tell.
Re-examined. The instructions were that one man is not to be given more
than one drink at a time. Orders were also given that such evasion as
suggested should be looked after. He had a large house, and was very
At this point the Court adjourned, till a quarter past two.
On the resumption of the Court, the Magistrates, after a long
deliberation, dismissed the summons with a caution against Mr. Cassleden,
and fined Mrs. Newing £2. Miller and Newing were fined £2 each.
In the case of the “Avenue Inn,” Mr. Le Gros was fined £1; and the two
sailors, for treating the girls, were fined 10s. each.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 9 February, 1917.
The annual meeting of Justices for the purpose of issuing licenses for
the ensuing year was held at the Town Hall on Monday before Mr. W. J.
Barnes (in the chair), Messrs. Edward Chitty, W. J. Palmer, W. D.
Atkins, F. W. Prescott and A. Clark.
In the case of the “Trocadero,” Mr. Casselden attended with a plan, and
the Magistrates examined it. The question of the sanitary accommodation
was raised by Mr. Prescott; and it was decided with regard to the
proposed alterations to the bar, which will be reduced by 8ft., that it
would not be passed until the sanitary accommodation was increased. The
renewal of the licence was adjourned till the adjourned Sessions in
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2 March, 1917.
In regard to the “Trocadero,” it was now explained that there was
sufficient lavatory accommodation on the premises, and, with a slight
alteration, it was quite satisfactory. In regard to the alteration to
the bar, 11ft. was being cut off, so that the customers could be kept
under observation; and the licence was now ordered to be issued.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 17
August, 1923. Price 1½d.
Mr. H. Clark, of the "Trocadero," Dover, was granted an occasional
license for the Stanlee Sports Club sports on Saturday from 12 till 9
p.m. It was stated by the Police that the ground was just outside the
Borough at River.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 8 April, 1927. Price 1½d.
Mr. S. Knott, on behalf of Messrs. Worsfold and Hayward, had a very
large company of bidders – and others – before him at the sale by
auction yesterday of a large block of property fronting Snargate Street,
Five Post Lane and Adrian Street, which included the “Trocadero.” This
was part of Lot 1, which also included the adjoining house, No. 182
Snargate Street, and amongst those present were many who are interested
in the Licensed Trade in the district. Auction sales are always
interesting, and an added spice was conveyed to that of the “Trocadero”
by the presence of an unknown bidder who opened the bid with a few
enquiries about a wall that had to be built under certain conditions,
and the whereabouts of which the inquirer said he could not be quite
sure of, although he had inspected the premises by the courtesy of Mr.
Clark, the tenant. Colonel Hayward having carefully explained this, the
bidding commenced. Mr. Knott invited offers at £3,000 for a start, but
the first bid was an unaccepted one of £1,000 from Mr. Clark, and then
another “unknown” offered £2,000. From this the price rose by £250's to
£3,000, and then climbed by £100's, the inquirer about the wall capping
every bid. Eventually at £4,500, when there was a lull, Mr. Knott
announced his intention of knocking it down to that figure if Mr. Clark
would not go to £4,600, and the fact that he would not was explained
before the gathering dispersed by the unknown buyer at £4,500 announcing
that Mr. Clark, who he was acting for, would sign the contract! There
was general congratulations afterwards to mine host of the “Trocadero”
on his successful purchase.
Other results of the sale were:-
133, Snargate Street, £900
Nos. 4 and 3, Adrian Street, £300
No. 2 Adrian Street, £400
No. 1 Adrian Street was not sold.
Herbert Clark served from 1919 and in 1927 he managed to obtain also the
licence of the "Burlington Bars". In 1929 he followed that achievement by
annexing number 182a Snargate Street. The public bar was then available from
the front of the premises and lunches were provided. The six day licence was
still operative to 1954 when the full licence of the "Pavilion Hotel" was
In 1936 it came within the perimeter of a redevelopment area. The onus
was then on Dover Corporation to provide an alternative site. The country
was at war before that could be progressed and following hostilities, when
the brewer was negotiating the opening of the "Dover Stage Hotel", he agreed
to close here in order to make that possible.
That closure came on 17 May 1957, the licence passing to the "Dover
Stage" a week later. Owing to an empty money box, it was September 1959
before the town was able to buy the property and even then, demolition
proceeded by stages. I read that it was being taken down in November 1967,
that the demolition was complete in July 1968 and that authority was given
by the Corporation for the remains to be demolished in January 1971.
The site, together with Five Post Lane, now lies below the new York
From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 1 March 1939.
At the Dover Police Court, on Friday before Mr. W. J. Palmer, Dr. C.
Wood and Mrs. Morecroft.
Peter Donovan, St. Radigund's Road, was summoned by Thomas Edward
Kettle, of Buckland Avenue, for assault on March 3rd.
Defendant pleaded guilty under provocation.
Thomas Edward Kettle said that at 2 p.m. on Friday, March 3rd, he
went to the "Trocadero" and had a drink whilst waiting to see someone.
Defendant came over to him and called him a "Police Nark" or informer.
Witness did not understand what he meant. When witness was leaving at
2.25 p.m. defendant said, "Get out, you are a Police Nark." Witness
said, " I don't think so, I think you are." Defendant then rushed at him
and struck him knocking him down. Witness got up and went to the door.
Defendant rushed at him again but witness got outside.
Defendant: Didn't you ask me to buy you some beer? - You gave me half
a glass but I didn't ask you for it.
Then you asked me for money? - "No."
And I would not give you any because you still owed me some? - "No."
Defendant said that the whole argument was over money. He did not
deny striking Kettle, but it was under great provocation.
Dismissed on payment of costs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 5 January 1940.
At the Dover Police Court on Monday, the licence of the "Trocadero,"
Snargate Street was transferred from Mr. S. E. A. Glynn and Mr. B. A.
Straughan to Mr. Glynn and Mr. W Holden of Hastings.
Dover Express 8th August 1941.
Dover Police Court 1st August 1941.
Ernest Thomas Calvert of the “Trocadero”bars, Snargate Street was
summoned for allowing light to show from the premises at 11.15 p.m. on
July 19th.
Mr. P. A. G. Aldington appeared for the defendant who pleaded not guilty.
Mr. S. R. H. Loxton (Town Clerk) prosecuted and said that the light was seen
by Mr. Kalfuss of No. 183, and two police officers. They had to knock on
the door for ten minutes during which time defendant must have pulled the
black-out blind, because it was in order when the police were admitted to
the building.
William Kalfuss of 183 Snargate Street said that at about 11.15 p.m. on
July 25th he saw a bright light coming from the lantern light of the
"Trocadero." Witness went to the Market Square and informed the police.
Witness returned to his house with two police officers and the light was
still on. The police went out and witness returned to the window and saw
the light still burning. He heard banging and six minutes later the light
suddenly went out.
P.S. Lee gave evidence of seeing the light and he, with P.C. Milton,
knocked on all three doors of the "Trocadero" for about ten minutes before
they were admitted. The lantern light was then obscured by a draw blind
in the lounge. Going on to the roof, witness saw that wooden shutters
were attached to the lantern light, but one of these was not in position.
Light did not show through when the inside blind was drawn.
In reply to Mr. Aldington, witness said that he did not notice any other
P.C. Milton gave similar evidence.
Defendant, giving evidence, said that he was responsible for three
skylights and there were other skylights nearby. Witness’s skylights were
covered by wooden boards and these were in position, and inside, blinds
were used. The nearest light to the lantern light was 3ft to the side of
the lantern light.
Mr. Aldington submitted that, if any light was shown, it was not from
defendant’s premises.
Defendant was found guilty.
The Chief Constable said that defendant was fined £3 for a lighting
offence on 15th November 1940.
Fined £5 and £1.15s costs, including 10s witness’s costs for Mr. Kalfuss.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3
April, 1953.
Licences Confirmed
Confirmation of their decisions made on 2nd March, regarding the
Hotel de France and the "Trocadero Bars" was made by Dover Licensing
Magistrates on Monday. The "Trocadero" may now remain open on Sunday
compared with its previous six-day licence, while at the "Hotel
de France" drinks can now be served to guests of residents without
themselves having meals.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 31
October 1958.
Town May Buy Former Pub
The town is to negotiate for the purchase of former licensed
properties in Snargate Street, the Trocadero, and two sites at the rear
near, 3 and 4, Adrian Street.
The owners Messrs. Watney, Coombe Reid & Co., have asked whether the
Corporation would be interested to acquire the properties, and on Tuesday
the Town Planning Committee reported that they had authorised the
Town Clerk to negotiate for the purchase "at a price now mentioned."
ADAMS 1872
ADAMS Lewis 1899-1908 end

LUKEY Edward Aug/1908 dec'd

LUKEY John Edward Aug/1908-16 end

CASSELDEN John C 1916-Sept/19 end

CLARK Herbert Sept/1919-34 end
TAYLOR William Alfred James 1934-Aug/38
SHAUGHAN Bernard Ralph and Glynn S E A Aug/1938-39 and

GLYNN Stanley Edwin Arthur and HOLDEN William Aug/1938-51 end

HOLDEN Hastings or W 1940 end
CALVERT Ernest Thomas 1940-41 end
Watney, Combe, Reid & Co 1948

WOODS Horace George 1942-1950+

EYNON Richard 1951-Aug/53 end
GASCOIGN Robert and Madeline
Aug/1953-67 end

Herbert Clark also ran the "Burlington
Bars" and "Falcon" between 1924 and
According to the Dover Express, Bernard Shaughan and Stanley Glynn, were
Brewers' Managers.
Stanley E. A. Glynn was of, 5 Linton Road, Hastings and Ernest Thomas
Calvert, of 27, Woolcomber Street, Dover was a constable.
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49
From the Kelly's Directory 1950
From the Kelly's Directory 1953
From the Kelly's Directory 1956
From the Dover Express