4 Queen Street and Chapel Place
On the corner with Chapel Place. it was fully licensed and supplied by
Leney. As an alehouse up to 1859, it had belonged to Walker's Phoenix
Brewery. Later there were two bars. The private one was approached from
Queen Street and the public bar from Chapel Place. There were no parlour
facilities. The licence changed hands four times in six years and the
authorities were quick to note the fact. Redundancy was proved in 1908 and
Leney received compensation of £1,100. The licensee got £128 and the
premises continued as a fried fish shop. (See also "Ordnance").
The census of 1861 named a man called Arthur Barton age 46 being there
who was the Constable of Dover Harbour.
Supplied by Alfred Leney Co Ltd, who bought out Thomas Walker's Phoenix
Brewery in 1859 and registered as such in 1896, until bought out by Fremlin
Brothers brewery of Maidstone in 1926, brewing at the Dover brewery ceased
in 1927, which later passed to Whitbread.
The last licensee moved to the "Prince
Regent" in March 1909.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 16 July 1859.
To let by tender.
The following public houses situate in and near Dover, Eastry, and
Folkestone, viz:-
1. The "Bull Inn," Eastry.
2. The "Halfway House" and land, on the Dover and Canterbury Road.
3. The "Chequers," at Folkestone.
4. The "Chequers" and land, at West Hougham.
5. The "Red Lion," at Charlton.
6. The "Fox," in St James's Street.
7. The "Ordnance Arms," in Queen Street.
8. The "Cause is Altered," in Queen Street.
9. The "True Briton," on Commercial Quay.
10. The "Three Kings," in Union Street.
11. The "Fleur-de-Lis," in Council House Street.
12. The "Cinque Port Arms," in Clarence Place.
13. The "Red Lion" in St James's Street.
14. The "Dolphin," in Dolphin Lane.
The above houses are to be let as free houses, in consequence of the
proprietors of the Dolphin Lane Brewery discontinuing that business.
The holdings of the present Tenants expire under notice to quit, as follows,
viz:- No. 2, on the 6th January next, No. 3, on the 6th July, 1860, No. 10,
at Lady Day next, No. 13, on the 23rd October next, No. 14, on the 6th April
next, and reminder on the 11th October next.
Tenders must be sent into the offices of Mr. Edward Knocker, Castle Hill,
Dover, on or before the 20th day of July next, marked on the cover "Tender."
Particular and Terms of hiring, with the forms of Tender, to be obtained on
application to Mr. knocker, or Mr. Thomas Robinson, Estate Agent, Bench
Street, Dover.
Tenders may be given for the whole together or separately. The Tenders will
be accepted subject to the houses being sold on or before the 20th day of
September next, and the proprietors do not bind themselves to accept the
lowest or any tender.
N.B. The proprietors are open to treat for letting the Brewery, Malthouse,
and Premises, in Dolphin Lane.
Edward Knocker. Castle Hill, Dover, June, 1859.
South Eastern Gazette, 20 March, 1860.
Highway Robbery by Soldiers at Dover.
James Dolan, 21, Joseph Jones, 26, and Michael Walsh, 19, soldiers,
were indicted for having violently assaulted George Spain, and
stealing 6d. from his person, at St. Mary the Virgin, Dover. Mr.
Deedes was for the prosecution.
Prosecutor, who is chief clerk at the Post-office, Dover, said that
on the night of the 3rd January he was on the way to the
post-office, at about half-past eleven o'clock. He went by
York-street and Princes-street. There is a blank wall in
Princes-street, and on arriving there he heard persons talking, and
saw three soldiers. Dolan came up to him somewhat in advance of the
other men, and said "Have you got the price of half-a-gallon in your
pocket?" Prosecutor said " Why." Dolan replied, "Because I want it."
Prosecutor said they had no business to make such a claim on him,
and Dolan, "It is just this, sir; we have taken an oath to one
another that we will stop the first man that comes along, and have
his money, whether he’s rich or whether he’s poor. More than that,
we have cast lots to see which should stop the first man we met, and
the lot fell on me; you are the first man that came along, and money
we want and money we’ll have." Prosecutor then took out some coppers
in a paper, and gave them to Dolan. One of the men said, "There is
only three-halfpence," and prosecutor then gave them sixpence, the
copper being returned. Some man came up, and Dolan repeated the
whole statement to him about the oath they had taken. Prosecutor
then advised the men to go home to barracks, and Dolan said, "I am
glad you gave me the money, to save further trouble; you’re a real
gentleman — let me shake hands with you." He (prosecutor) was
induced to give up the sixpence as he had a good deal of money about
him at the time, and he thought the men might resort to violence.
There was a peculiarity about the coin, by which he was enabled to
speak to that produced as being the same. The paper produced was
also similar to that he had given the men. He distinctly recognised
Dolan, but neither of the other prisoners. It was raining very hard,
and he had an umbrella with him.
Harriet Cocks, servant at the "Ordnance Arms," Queen-street, Dover,
said that on the night of the robbery the prisoners came into that
house, with two other soldiers, about ten o’clock. They all left
together, and went in the direction of Princes-street. Some little
time afterwards she heard a noise like scuffling, and on looking out
she saw the three prisoners and two gentlemen, one of whom had an
umbrella at the time. The prisoners were in liquor when they came
into the "Ordnance Arms." They had three quarts of beer, but had not
money enough to pay for the last.
Police-constable Geddes also deposed to having seen the three
prisoners together in Queen-street on the night in question; they
had their collars turned down, so as to hide their facings. After
the robbery witness went in search of the prisoners, and found Jones
in Queen-street. When searched at the station the piece of paper
produced and 2 1/2d. were found on him.
Police-sergeant Scutt apprehended Dolan, and found on him the
sixpence produced.
Walsh was acquitted; Dolan, twelve months’ hard labour; Jones, ten
mouths’ hard labour.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 8
August, 1863.
Robert Sullivan, a gunner of the 2nd Brigade of Royal Artillery,
whose general appearance betokened a night's debaunch, was brought up on
the complaint of Mrs. Elizabeth Barton, the landlady of the "Ordnance
Arms," public-house, Queen Street, in whose bedroom he had been found,
with "a supposed unlawful purpose," at half-past three o'clock the same
morning. It appeared that Mrs. Barton, on rousing from her first sleep
in the hour named, was shocked and horrified to find the prisoner coolly
seated in an arm chair at her bed side. In the confusion caused by her
sudden surprise, she thought him one of four artillerymen who had been
billeted at her house a few days before, and indignantly demanded of the
prisoner how he had dared to mistake her bedroom, but on recollecting
that the billeted man had left her house on the day previous, she became
more alarmed, and arouse Mr. Barton. It was then found that the prisoner
was without his shoes, and that although he was the worse for liquor he
knew sufficiently well what he was about to have forced the till in the
bar and made such an inspection of the premises as might have warranted
a charge of a more serious nature than that now preferred. As nothing
had been missed, however, Mrs. Barton was content to rest her accusation
on the "unlawful purpose." It seemed that the prisoner must have
obtained access to the premises by squeezing himself through an open
fanlight over the back entrance, although, on being called on for his
defence, he declared himself quite unconscious of the matter in which he
had got into the house, or what had been his object in going there. His
only excuse was that he was drunk, but from the facts above detailed it
will be seen that he had his wits well about him. As a sergeant of his
battery gave him a good character, however, and as Mrs. Barton was not
desirous of pressing heavily against him, the bench took a lenient view
of his offence, and sent him to prison for fourteen days with hard
labour, telling him he might consider himself very lucky in getting no
heavier punishment.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
23 August, 1867. Price 1d.
Edward Phillis, landlord of the "Ordnance Arms," was summoned for
having his house open for the sale of beer at an illegal hour on Sunday
last. The Magistrates took a lenient view of the matter in this case,
and ordered only the payment of costs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
19 November, 1869. Price 1d.
Elizabeth Brown, a married woman who had been before the bench on
several previous occasions on charges of felony, was brought up, charged
with stealing from the "Ordnance Arms," Queen Street, one artificial
flower, value 1s., and a bottle of spirits, value 2s.
Police-constable Bath deposed to taking the prisoner into custody
from information he had received and asked for a remand order to obtain
further evidence.
The Magistrates remanded the prisoner until today (Friday.)
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
2 January, 1880. Price 1d.
Patrick Wheelan, a private in the 84th Regiment, was charged with
stealing about 8s. from the till at the "Ordnance Arms," Queen Street,
the property of the landlady.
Mary Reilly, landlady of the "Ordnance Arms" said: The prisoner, with
another soldier of the same regiment, came in our tap-room about four
o'clock yesterday afternoon. After a short time they went and sat in
front of the bar. The other man fell asleep. I had occasion to go
downstairs with my daughter into the cellar, returning into the bar in
about three minutes. As I came up the prisoner was on his way on his way
out of the front door, and the other soldier was asleep. On looking
towards the counter I noticed the till was wide open, with the bowl
containing coppers on the counter, but the other bowl was still in its
place. Both bowls were empty. The one on the counter when I last saw it
contained about 2s. 9d. or 3s. in coppers, and the other about ten or
eleven six-penny pieces. I went into the tap-room to my lodger and told
him what had happened, and sent him after the prisoner. he said he had
not stolen any money out of the till, and what he had got was his
regimental pay. I told him if he returned the money I would forgive him,
but as he would not I sent for a constable who came and took him in
charge. The prisoner had been drinking, but knew well what he was about.
Emily Thorpe, wife of Francis Thorpe, bandsman of the 30th Regiment,
said: I am the daughter of the last witness and am lodging at the
"Ordnance Arms." I saw the prisoner and another of the same regiment
come into my house yesterday about four o'clock. They went into the
tap-room and prisoner asked for two threes of whiskey and a pot of ale,
which I served them. They afterwards went into the bar and prisoner
asked for some more whiskey, and paid for it with 2s. 6d. I gave him a
2s. piece for change. I served him again with two threes of rum. He was
then a little the worse for drink, but knew what he was about. My mother
and I had occasion to go down in the cellar, leaving the prisoner with
the other man, who had fallen asleep. We returned in about three minutes
and found the till empty. The prisoner was gone and the other soldier
fell asleep. My husband went after the prisoner and brought him back. My
mother accused him of stealing the money, and as he denied it she gave
him in charge.
Police-constable Baker said: I was sent for yesterday about four
o'clock to go to the "Ordnance Arms." Police-constable Cadman
accompanied me. We went at once and the prisoner was given into my
charge for stealing some money out of the till. The prisoner took out
two six-penny pieces and several coppers from his pocket, and put them
on the table saying it was what he received as his regimental pay. I
heard some money fall down his trouser leg. I picked up another two
six-penny pieces and 1s. 6d. in coppers, making about 2s. in silver and
2s. in coppers. I took him to the police-station where he was searched
by Police-constable Cadman, who found on the prisoner another 6d, and 6½d.
in coppers in his boots. In answer to the charge he said he did
not take the money. Prisoner was drunk.
Police-constable Cadman gave corroborating evidence.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and said: I left the barracks with
my chum yesterday, shortly after one o'clock. I had received 5s. as it
was pay day, and I had 2s. 9d. of my own. We went to the "Ordnance Arms"
and stopped there till I got drunk, and did not know what happened till
I was at the station.
The Bench committed the prisoner for trial at the Quarter Sessions.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 January, 1882. Price 1d.
Henry King, 37, labourer, and Emma King, 42, were charged with stealing
a bonnet and other articles and money to the value exceeding £5, the
property of fanny Hussey, from No. 2, Clarence Lawn, on the 16th
November, 1881.
There was a second charge against them of having stolen two shoe
brushes, value 2s., the goods of Mr. Steriker Finnis, of 1, Wellesley
The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty to both charges and the female prisoner
said she was guilty of stealing the bonnet and dress, but not the
brushes, for she had picked them up.
The case of stealing the brushes was only gone into.
Mr. Dickens prosecuted in the case of the brushes.
Mr. Prosser said he prosecuted in the other charge, which would not be
gone into, as the prisoner had pleaded guilty.
Police-sergeant Hammings said: On the 16th of November last I went in
search of the prisoners and found the man in Northampton Street at about
six o'clock in the evening. I asked him where his wife was, and he said
he had left her about an hour previously at the top of the street
because she was drunk and quarrelsome, and he wanted to get away from
her. I asked him if he would go with me to look for her, and she said he
would. We went together to different places, but eventually found that
she was in custody at the police-station for being drunk between six and
seven o'clock. I said to the man “where is your luggage and your
parcels?” and he said he had left them at a public house. We went in
search of the house and he did not know if the name or district, and
found that it was the “Ordnance Arms,” Queen Street, where we obtained a
parcel from the landlord. From what I found there I took the male
prisoner in charge, and on searching him at the police station I
discovered the two brushes produced in his coat pocket. The parcel
contained groceries and some of the clothing as described in the other
charge. There were bacon, butter, tea and sugar. He said the brushes
were his wife's, and that was all he had of hers in his possession.
Walter Potter, butler to S. Finnis, Esq., 1, Wellesley Terrace, said: I
know the brushes produced are the property of Mr. Finnis, I saw them on
the 16th November last at about 10 o'clock in the wood house in the back
yard of 1, Wellesley Terrace. Anyone leaving the lower door and going up
the steps and through the back gate could see it. It was not kept
locked. At about 12 o'clock I found the brushes were missing. They are
worth about 2s.
By the male prisoner: I did not see you anywhere near the house on that
Susan Sneller, cook to Mr. Finnis said: At about 11 o'clock on the 16th
of November last a woman came down the back yard steps and begged. I
could not recognise her again, as I refused her anything, and closed the
door. She came in from the Liverpool Street side and could se in my
wood-house as she passed it. I did not see what she did nor did I give
her any authority to take those brushes.
Sarah A. Mempes, wife of William Mempes, keeping a general shop at the
bottom of St. James's Street, said: At a quarter to two o'clock on the
16th of November last I remember the female prisoner coming into our
shop, and the male prisoner stood outside. Our shop is a short distance
from 2, Clarence Lawn and 1, Wellesley Terrace. I sold the woman some
bacon, butter, sugar, cheese and tea, for which she paid 9s. 9d.
The Recorder then went through the case with the Petty Jury, and
explained the difference points to them.
The Jury found the male prisoner guilty of receiving the brushes well
knowing them to have been stolen, and the female prisoner guilty of
stealing the brushes.
Mr. Prosser said it was hardly worth while going into the other case for
the purpose of restoring the property to its owner because nothing of
any value had been found. She had pleaded “guilty” to taking them, and
the bonnet and dress were left at the “Ordnance Arms,” but the money had
not been recovered. No doubt the half-sovereign went to buy the
groceries. The speaker did not think it necessary to try the case unless
the learned Recorder desired it.
The Recorder: I do not think it is necessary. Mr. Sanders, do you know
anything about this woman?
The Superintendent said: The woman was convicted and sentenced to one
month's imprisonment with hard labour for stealing sausages from a shop
in February, 1881, when she went by the name of Mary Hayes. She has told
me that her husband was a discharged soldier, and had left her, and she
had taken up with this man since. I do not think the prisoners are
The female prisoner: Yes we are, sir.
Henry Lilley, prisoner warden, said: The male prisoner confessed to the
Governor that he was convicted in the name of Joseph Whitehead at
Warwick about six years ago for embezzlement, and was sentenced to nine
calendar months with hard labour. He made that statement in front of the
Governor previous to his being brought here, and it was said
The Superintendent said the money had not been recovered.
Mr. Prosser said it was about one o'clock the same day as the brushes
were taken, the houses being close to each other. Nine and nine-pence
was spent in groceries. The act was done by going to beg, and in the
absence of the servant taking the things in the passage.
The Recorder, addressing the prisoner, said: It is very lucky for you
that I hear nothing about you since six years ago, when you were
convicted as you say, or you would have been sentenced to a term of
penal servitude. Depend upon it that if you go about in this way you
will be sent, but I will give you one more chance, and you will be kept
to six month's hard labour from the present time, and as to you, Emma
King, I have no doubt that you go about, and that when doors are open
you steal property. You had one warning, but as I have heard nothing
since the 22nd of February, the sentence is that you be imprisoned for
four calendar months.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 19 June, 1885.
Mary Knott was charged with breaking a pane of glass, value 2s., from
the window of the “Ordnance Arms,” Queen Street; and also with being
drunk and disorderly in Queen Street.
Daniel Slatterly, landlord of the “Ordnance Arms,” Queen Street, said
that prisoner went into his house on Saturday afternoon. She had nothing
to drink as she was almost drunk. He requested her to leave the house,
but she refused. Witness put her out, and then she commenced making a
disturbance in the street. She afterwards deliberately put her hand
through the window. She was very disorderly, and used most filthy
language. The Police were afterwards sent for.
Police-sergeant Johnson said: About three o'clock on Saturday afternoon
his attention was called to the “Ordnance Arms,” Queen Street. He saw
the prisoner in the road creating a nuisance. She was very drunk. She
was sent away by witness, but shortly after returned and continued the
disturbance. Prisoner was then given into custody for breaking the
window, and also with being drunk and disorderly. Her hand was bleeding,
but she would not have anything done to it.
The bench sentenced her to one months' imprisonment with hard labour.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 15 February, 1907. Price 1d.
The Annual Licensing Meeting of the Dover Magistrates was held at the
Police Court on Monday at noon. The Magistrates on the Bench were:- The
Mayor (G. P. Raggett, Esq.), Sir William Crundall, Messrs. J. L.
Bradley, M. Pepper, W. J. Barnes, W. J. Adcock, H. W. Thorpe, H. F.
Elwin, J. W. Bussey, F. G. Wright, E. Chitty, J. Scott, F. W. Prescott,
and T. A. Terson.
Sir Wollaston Knocker who appeared to represent Messrs. Leney and Co.,
the brewers intimated that he should raise no objection to the licence
being referred to the Quarter Sessions for compensation.
Mr. Dick Wakefield the tenant was informed that the objections of the
Superintendent of the Police objected to the renewal of the licence. (1)
Having regard to the character and necessities of the neighbourhood and
the number of licensed houses in the immediate vicinity being excessive,
the licence now held by him was unnecessary. (2) That in the interests
of the public the renewal of the licence was undesirable.
Chief Constable Knott said that the “Ordnance Arms” was a fully licensed
house in Queen Street, and the present tenant, D. Wakefield, had the
licence transferred to him on 29th January, 1905, there had been four
changes in six years. The licensed houses in the immediate neighbourhood
were the “Cause is Altered,” 115 yards away, the “Five Alls,” 91 yards,
the “New Mogul,” 108 yards and there were two other houses at no great
distance. The rateable value was £18, and net £14 10s. It had a private
bar in Queen Street and a public bar in Chapel Place. On Saturday,
December 8th, at 12.50 p.m. there were six customers, on Friday,
February 1st, at 7.30 p.m. there were eight customers and on Tuesday,
5th February, at 11.05 a.m., six customers.
Inspector Fox gave corroborating evidence and said that on Thursday,
January 3rd, at 7.03 p.m., there were two customers.
The Magistrates also reserved their decision in this case.
After the luncheon adjournment:
The Magistrates' Clerk announced that all the five houses, i.e. those at
the “Star,” the “Volunteer,” the “Comet,” the “Nottingham Castle,” and
the “Ordnance Arms,” would be provisionally renewed so that they could
go before the Compensation Authority the Quarter Sessions at Canterbury
with a view to compensation.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 14 February, 1908.
Mr. R. Mowll applied for the renewal of this licence, which was
opposed by the police.
Inspector Fox stated: The "Ordnance Arms" is a fully licensed
house situated in Queen Street, the owners being Messrs. Leney and Co.
The present tenant Charles Wallis, went into the house on October
4th, 1907. There have been five tenants in 6½years.
The rateable value is £18 gross, nett £11 10s. The licensed houses in
the immediate neighbourhood are the "Cause is Altered," also owned by
Messrs. Leney and Co., 15 yards away on the opposite side of the road;
the "Five Alls," Market Street, 91 yards away; the "New Mogul," Chapel
Place, 108 yards away; the "New Inn," York Street, 109 yards away, the
"Marquis of Anglesea," 114 yards away. The frontage is 19ft. There is a
private bar with entrance in Queen Street, and a public bar with
entrance in Chapel Place, there is no bar parlour. That is all the
accommodation for customers. There is seating accommodation in each of
these bars. It was visited on January 25th, at 10.10 a.m., when there
were six customers' on Thursday, 30th January, at 2.16 p.m. when there
were two customers; on Tuesday, February 4th, at 8.30 p.m., when there
were two customers; and on Friday, February 7th, at 5 p.m. when there
were five customers. There are 15 occupied customers in Queen Street,
including the two licensed premises. The St. Mary's School Friends'
Meeting House, and Dickeson's warehouses are close by.
Detective Mount corroborated.
Mr. Rutley Mowll said: In this case you referred
to the house in the Quarter Sessions last year, and on behalf of the
owners I have only to say that we should like to have our life or our
death. We feel like the mouse that the cat is playing with. Either give
us our life or put us out of our misery.
The Chairman: That is not on our power, or we
should have dine it long ago.
The whole of the four cases, "Canterbury Bell," "Old Fountain,"
"Ordnance Arms," and "Devonshire Arms," were referred to the East
Kent Quarter Session for decision whether they would grant compensation
for the non-renewal of the licenses.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 24 October, 1908.
The supplemental meeting of the East Kent Licensing Committee met at the
Sessions House, Longport, Canterbury, on Monday for the purpose of
considering claims for compensation under the Licensing Act of 1904.
Lord Harris presided, the other members of the Committee present being
Lieut.-Colonel S. Newton-Dickenson, Messrs. F. H. Wilbee, H. Fitzwalter
Plumptre, J. H. Monins. F. E. Burke, F. Cheesmsn, and A. Flint. The
majority of the agreements as to terms of compensation between owners
and tenants were signed, only four cases being referred to the Inland
Revenue. The following agreements were signed:—
"Ordnance Arms." Dover,
A. Leney and Co. £1,100, C. Wallace £128.
BRYANT W J 1847-56 end

SPICER W 1856-58

PINE John 1859
WHITE Mrs 1859-60 end
BARTON Arthur 1860-61+ (listed as Constable of Dover Harbour age 46 in
1861 )
BARTON Elizabeth 1863+
PHILLIPS Edward 1867
NEWINGTON Stephen 1869 end
HOWE Mrs Eliza Harriet 1869-Oct/74
STORR John William Oct/1874-Jan/75
(Late of
Royal Engineers)
KIRKWOOD Mrs Mary Feb/1876-77+

WEBB William 1882

SLATTERY Daniel 1885+
WOODGATE James 1891 (age 33 in 1891 )

KERSWELL Nathaniel Reuben 1895-1901+
BUTLER Charles 1896 ?
BRICE E 1898 end ?
McADAM 1898 end
BROOK John 1902
O'ROURKE Owen Alfred 1902
PRITCHARD George Williamsen 1902 end
SPRATT A H 1904 end
WAKEFIELD Richard Jan/29/1904-07 end
WALLACE Charles 1907-08

From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Kelly's Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Dover Express