Wellington Bridge
Union Street (Snargate over the Sluice)
Snargate Street

The original was present in 1792 but a new house was being constructed in
Kentish Gazette, 22 April, 1806.
April 16, at Dover, Mr. Argar, of the "Three Kings,"
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 22 April 1806.
April 16, at Dover, Mr. Argar, of the "Three Kings" public-house.
Kentish Gazette, 23 July 1844.
This morning, about eleven o’clock, the body of Mr. Henry Rawlings,
woollen-draper, of Basinghall-street London, aged 22, who was drowned on
Monday, was picked up in the bay, and an inquest before the borough
coroner, on the bodies of that unfortunate gentleman and Sophia Bennett,
one of the young ladies (picked up yesterday, as narrated in the Kentish
Gazelle of Tuesday last), who also perished by the upsetting of the boat
on the name occasion, commenced at the "Three Kings," Union-street, at
one o'clock.
Philip Fox, the boatman, who had charge of the boat on the occasion of
the accident, deposed that on Monday afternoon, Henry Rawlings,
accompanied by a lady and two little girls, came to him while he was on
the beach, and hired the boat for a sail. Witness, accompanied by
Newsome, went off in the boat Tiny, with the parties. At first, they had
the full mainsail up, which they afterwards reeled, and the foresail was
hoisted after they got out a little distance. When they had been off
about a quarter of an hour, the boat being on the starboard tack, they
ran her before the wind a few minutes and he was about to jib her, but
while attempting to do so, a sudden puff of wind catching the sail, she
jibbed before he was aware of it. The main sheet being either foul or
fast (he could not say which) at the time, the boat overset and filled
directly. Witness was steering at the time, and Newsome was forward
attending to the sails. When I was about to jib the sail, I told Mr.
Rawlings to shift to the other side of the boat, and while attempting to
do so he staggered from the lurching of the boat, and catching hold of
the tiller in order to save himself from falling, dragged it towards
him, which immediately overset the boat. It is the custom for some
seamen when about to jib a boat in a strong breeze to brail the
mainsail, which is the safest plan. The wind blew a fresh breeze from
the westward at the time of the accident, and witness intended to brail
the mainsail, but the boat jibbed too suddenly for him. He did not think
she would have jibbed so suddenly had not the gentleman caught hold of
the tiller in the manner above described. When the boat upset, she
immediately filled and sank, and they were all thrown into the sea.
Newsome and he (witness) swam for some time, as did also the gentleman,
and the lady floated above water on her back, but the two children went
down. He had not been in the water above a quarter of an hour when the
boat of a fishing smack was lowered, which, after picking up the lady,
picked up him and Newsome also. The gentleman had sunk just previous to
the lady's being picked up. Witness was here shown the two bodies which
have been found, and identified them as those of Mr. Rawlings and one of
the little girls who had accompanied him in the boat. The boat in
question was sixteen or seventeen feet in length, and was not a good
boat for a gale of wind. She carried rather too large a sail for her
size in his opinion. He had been accustomed to boats, but Newsome had
not been bred to the sea. If the sheet had not been fast at the time of
the accident he believed the boat would not have capsized. Both he and
Newsome were sober when managing the boat.
The inquest was adjourned at three o'clock for the evidence of the other
boatman Newsome, who was absent from the neighbourhood.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 8 March, 1845. Price 5d.
A Coroner's inquest was held at the "Three Kings," on Tuesday, before
G. T. Thomson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, upon the body of a
newly-born male infant, which was picked up, on Sunday, floating out of
the Harbour.
The jury being sworn, proceeded to the Royal Humane Society's
Receiving-house, to view the body, and on their return, the following
evidence was adduced:-
Kennett Hall, watch-maker, deposed - On Sunday afternoon about
half-past 4 o'clock, while walking on the North Pier, my attention was
called by my children to what they called a dead monkey floating out of
the Harbour. On looking at the object, I thought it to be a child, and
hailed a boat which was coming towards the Harbour, and the crew picked
up the body. When I first saw the body, it was floating out of the
Harbour near the end of the North Pier. The body was quite naked.
Richard Dowell, a lad about 12 years of age, son of Mr. Dowell,
bricklayer, deposed - On Sunday afternoon, on the North Pier, I saw
something in the water, which I thought to be a dead monkey floating in
the Harbour. I went down the ladder, near the red lights, and turned it
over with my foot, when I found it to be the body of a child, and I told
some gentlemen on the Pier.
Edward George Rutley, surgeon, deposed - On Sunday evening, I was
called to see the body of a child lying at the Humane Society's
Receiving House, but being dark, I did not examine it closely till the
following morning, when I made a post mortem examination, and from
appearance, it was evidently the body of a newly born infant, which must
have bee in the water some weeks. The funis was divided close to the
abdomen, which circumstance alone, supposing the child to have breathed,
must have very shortly terminated its existence; and from that
circumstance, no medical man could have been present at the birth. The
child was of full growth; but, from the decomposed state of the body and
other causes, I cannot give any satisfactory opinion whether the child
was born alive. The lungs, which were of a dark colour, shewing little
or no appearance of blood, did float, but that might have been caused
from being so long in the water. The blood having escaped through the
umbilical cord, I could not decide from the state of that fluid.
A boatman named Kemp was next called; and, in reply to a question
from the coroner, he explained that the body might have been washed into
the harbour on the rising of the tide.
The Coroner, in addressing the jury, observed, that from the evidence
of Mr. Rutley, it was impossible to say whether the clild had been born
alive; and if so, from its decomposed state, they could not identify it,
even if there was any suspicion attached to any one as being the mother.
The jury, after a short consultation, returned a verdict, "That the
body was found floating on the water."
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 November 1845.
The purchase of the "York Hotel," the "Three Kings," and the "Liberty"
public-houses, for the improvement and enlargement of the harbour, was
agreed upon.
From the Kentish Gazette, 16 December 1845.
Epps:— Dec. 11, at Dover, Mrs. Epps, wife of Mr. Epps, of the "Three
Kings" public house, aged 46.
Dover Chronicles 7 March 1846.
Dover Petty Sessions. Monday.
This being the transfer day for ale house licences, the following
transfers took place.
The "Three Kings," public house, having been pulled down for the
harbour improvements, a new licence was granted to a newly built
house, nearly opposite to the "Union Hotel." The sign to be as
heretofore, and the same landlord.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 7 March, 1846. Price 5d.
The following public-house licences were transferred this day:- The
“Three Kings,” Leonard Epps, to a new house in Union Street, the old one
having been pulled down for the new harbour improvements.
The address was sometimes Wellington Bridge and the thoroughfare as
above. Epps moved from the old to the new in 1846 and the licence from the
old pub was transferred to the "Good Intent,"
Queen Street. Its neighbour was the
"Royal Arms" and its lease was for eighty
years. It changed hands in 1859 after Thomas Walker sold off the Phoenix brewery
to Leney's.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 6 July, 1850. Price 5d.
On Saturday evening at eight o'clock, an inquest was held at the
"Three Kings," Union Street, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for
the Borough, on the body of Richard Wilden, aged 51 years, porter in the
employ of Messrs. Killick and Back, drapers, Market Place, whose body
was picked up in the harbour near the Wellington Bridge, about half-past
6 six o'clock that morning. The Jury (having appointed Mr. W. T. C.
Atkins as their foreman) were then sworn, and proceeded to view the
body, after which the following witnesses were examined:-
Robert Reynolds, a commissioned officer in the customs deposed - Last
night, between half-past 11 and ten minutes past 12 o'clock, while on
duty in the quays, I saw a man, whom, having seen the body of the
subject of this enquiry, I believe to have been the same, three or four
times. The first time I saw him, he was sitting under the clock house,
and had two women with him, who, I thought, from their appearance, were
respectable parties. The next time he was on the new quay, apparently on
his way towards Wellington Bridge, in company of the same women. The
last time, he was on Wellington Bridge; the shortest woman was ten by
his side, and the other a short distance behind. He called out to the
one behind, saying, "Come along; make haste." I saw no more of him
during the night, the whole of which I continued on duty. I heard no
noise of any person falling into the water.
William Hocking, a stoker on board H.M.P. Onyx, deposed - This
morning, between half-past 6 and 7 o'clock, as I and Richard Gill,
another stoker, were going along the quay leading from the clock-house
to the Wellington bridge, I noticed in the other harbour, near the new
steps, an object in the water, which I took to be a dog, but on looking
more closely I saw it was a man. There was then about 4 or 5 feet of
water over the mud. I procured a boat, and with Gill, went to the body,
which I floated alongside the boat to the steps. Some men, who were
there then gathered on the steps, took it and conveyed it to the shed
opposite the bridge. The body was dressed in a sleeve waistcoat, a pair
of dark moleskin trousers, half-boots, one blue stocking and one white
one. The clothes were not disarranged, further than his waistcoat was
unbuttoned, which might have resulted from my taking hold of it to raise
the body. There was no hat or cap on the body. It lay about twelve feet
from the edge of the quay.
Mrs. Mary Collard, wife of Henry Collard, shoemaker, deposed - I live
in the Almshouses. I have seen the body, it is that of Richard Wilden,
who was a porter in the employ of Messrs. Killick and Back,
linen-drapers. His age was 51. He always had his meals at my house, but
occupied lodgings in Adrian Street. I last saw him alive at about
half-past 11 o'clock last night; he was then at my house, and appeared
very much depressed in mind. I asked him what was the matter, and he
replied that he should have his discharge on Saturday night, and he
could not bear going to the Union. I remonstrated with him, but it did
not seem to raise his spirits. When I left my house to go to his
lodgings, I accompanied him, and saw him go in, and bade him good night.
His manner has been very different for about five weeks past, and he has
several times stated to me that he should be discharged. Deceased was a
very steady man.
Elizabeth Forth, residing in Adrian Street, deposed - The deceased
lodged at my house. About half-past 8 o'clock last night, he came there
and stopped about 2 minutes. I observed that he looked very strange, and
on this account went to Mrs. Collard's, and told her that I wished her
to speak to him. He did not return to my house till until half-past 11,
when Mrs. Collard came home with him. Again observing that he looked
very strange, I remarked it to him. He then went out to get some beer,
taking a small mug with him. After being absent a few minutes, he
returned, and said the house (meaning the "Odd
Fellow's Arms") was shut up, and that he should go to the
Wellington. After this he did not return. He has never said to me that
he would destroy himself. his trouble seemed to arise from a fear that
he would be discharged, and have to go to the Union.
Mr. Back, one of the deceased's employers, who was present, said that
deceased had been unwell for some time past, and had been under the
advice of the medical gentlemen at the dispensary. Since the deceased
indisposition, he (Mr. Back) had employed another porter, in order to
lighten the deceased's duties, which were rather heavy. He had no idea
of discharging Wilden, but, on the contrary, had promised to keep the
other porter as well as him, until he might obtain as easier situation.
Police-constable Bayley, who searched the body of deceased, found £7
11s. 3½d. in the pockets.
The Coroner summed up, in the course of which he minutely detailed
the evidence. He thought that after hearing the evidence of Collard and
Forth, the Jury would put the evidence of Reynolds out of the question,
looking at the unsatisfactory manner in which he gave it, and the time
at which he states he saw deceased, compared with the time deceased left
his house. He (the Coroner) thought it most probably that Reynolds must
have been mistaken in the party.
Verdict - Found drowned.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 16 July 1859.
To let by tender.
The following public houses situate in and near Dover, Eastry, and
Folkestone, viz:-
1. The "Bull Inn," Eastry.
2. The "Halfway House" and land, on the Dover and Canterbury Road.
3. The "Chequers," at Folkestone.
4. The "Chequers" and land, at West Hougham.
5. The "Red Lion," at Charlton.
6. The "Fox," in St James's Street.
7. The "Ordnance Arms," in Queen Street.
8. The "Cause is Altered," in Queen Street.
9. The "True Briton," on Commercial Quay.
10. The "Three Kings," in Union Street.
11. The "Fleur-de-Lis," in Council House Street.
12. The "Cinque Port Arms," in Clarence Place.
13. The "Red Lion" in St James's Street.
14. The "Dolphin," in Dolphin Lane.
The above houses are to be let as free houses, in consequence of the
proprietors of the Dolphin Lane Brewery discontinuing that business.
The holdings of the present Tenants expire under notice to quit, as follows,
viz:- No. 2, on the 6th January next, No. 3, on the 6th July, 1860, No. 10,
at Lady Day next, No. 13, on the 23rd October next, No. 14, on the 6th April
next, and reminder on the 11th October next.
Tenders must be sent into the offices of Mr. Edward Knocker, Castle Hill,
Dover, on or before the 20th day of July next, marked on the cover "Tender."
Particular and Terms of hiring, with the forms of Tender, to be obtained on
application to Mr. knocker, or Mr. Thomas Robinson, Estate Agent, Bench
Street, Dover.
Tenders may be given for the whole together or separately. The Tenders will
be accepted subject to the houses being sold on or before the 20th day of
September next, and the proprietors do not bind themselves to accept the
lowest or any tender.
N.B. The proprietors are open to treat for letting the Brewery, Malthouse,
and Premises, in Dolphin Lane.
Edward Knocker. Castle Hill, Dover, June, 1859.
South Eastern Gazette, 13 November, 1860.
Death by Drowning.
An inquest was hold on Saturday week, before W. H. Payn, Esq., the
borough coroner, at the "Three Kings" public-house, Union-street, on
the body of John Day, a stonemason, aged 24 years, which had been
picked up on the same morning on shore opposite the Esplanade. Day
had been at work on the previous day upon the Western Heights, and
returned home in the evening at his usual time; but was observed by
his wife to be exceedingly irritable without any known cause, except
that he was subject to epileptic fits, and was frequently so when
unwell. Suddenly he jumped up to go, as he stated, to his father's,
and his wife went after him there, but he had not arrived, and was
not again seen till found on the shoes next morning by some
The jury returned a verdict of "Found drowned."
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 26
November, 1864.
William Iverson, landlord of the "Three Kings Inn," Union Street, was
charged with infringing his license, and charged 10s. and costs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
6 December, 1867.
William Everson, landlord of the "Three Kings" public-house, Union
Street, was charged with having his house open for the sale of
intoxicating liquors after twelve o'clock on Saturday night. - The
Magistrates dismissed the summons.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
10 March, 1871. Price 1d.
Mr. Claris appeared on behalf of Mr. Allen, the landlord of the
"Three Kings," a public-house in Union Street, which had just been
acquired by the Harbour Board with a view to its demolition for the
purposes of Harbour improvements, to make application for the transfer
of the license of that house to the house, 29, Snargate Street. He
pointed out the powers of the Magistrates under the Licensing Acts to
make such a transfer and read several testimonials to character in the
applicant's possession. Mr. Claris concluded by calling Mr. Coleman to
prove the formal service of the notice.
Mr. Fox who appeared to oppose the application, cross-examined Mr.
Coleman to show that the house in Snargate Street to which it was
desired to transfer the license, was known as the "Gothic
Inn," and that it had been closed since the last annual licensing
day in consequence of the manner in which it had been conducted by the
previous tenant. At the adjourned licensing meeting of the Magistrates,
held at Broadstairs, application was made on the part of the fresh
tenant, with a view of inducing the Bench to re-consider their decision;
but the witness believed that this application was unsuccessful.
Mr. Fox said this was the case, and he confidently appealed to the
Magistrates, in view of the strong decision they had arrived at so
recently, to refuse the present application. At the Broadstairs meeting,
he reminded the Bench, the application was made, like the present, on
behalf of a fresh tenant; but, although it was supported by the eloquent
pleading of Sergeant Sleigh, the Magistrates refused to entertain the
matter, and he submitted that there was nothing in the present
circumstances calculated to induce them to change their opinion. He
pointed out that there were a number of licensed houses in the immediate
locality of the "Gothic Inn," and that there
was nothing whatsoever, therefore, so far as the public accommodation
was concerned, to call for the licensing of an additional house.
Mr. Claris said that it was not the fact that the eloquence of
Sergeant Sleigh was brought to bear upon the Bench, the fact being that,
although Sergeant Sleigh attended for the purpose of supporting the
application, the Magistrates declined to hear him.
Mr. Fox said that the admission of his friend, Mr. Claris, would
answer the purpose of his (Mr. Fox's) argument equally well. (A laugh.)
The Bench, after a short consultation, determined to grant the
transfer of the license.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 21 July, 1871. Price 1d.
Messrs. Robinson and Son are honoured with instructions from the
Commissioners of Dover Harbour, to submit for sale by public auction, on
the Premises of Union Street and Strond Street, on Monday 7th August,
1871, punctually at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
FOUR HOUSES THREE OF WHICH ARE NEARLY NEW, and will be sold without any
reserve; to be pulled down within a specific time to be named in the
Conditions of Sale, viz.:
Lot 1. All that newly erected Public House, known as the “Three Kings,”
together with the fixtures that are therein.
Improvements by the Harbour Board in 1871 again called for its removal. The
"Gothic" nearby, had been closed for irregularities since September 1870 and
Allen the brewer was fortunate enough to effect a reopening with this
HILL Thomas 1713+
PREST Hugh 1792-93
ARGAR Mr to May/1806 dec'd
MOORE Young 1823

HUKE Alexander 1826-39
EPPS Leonard 1839-59
(age 48 in 1851 )
New pub in March 1846
COTTLE Mrs S 1862

IVERSON/EVERSON William 1864-68

ALLEN Mr 1871 
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-9
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
From the Dover Express