Sandwich Road
Waldershare (Minacre)
Above photo, date unknown. Kindly submitted by Colin Varrall of the
Elvington and Eythorne Heritage Centre. |
Royal George circa 1961. Kindly supplied by Philip French, grandson of
Ernie and Joice French, licensees 1961-66. |
Originally called the "Guildford
Arms" as far back as 1800. I do not yet know when it change to the
"Royal George" but changed it's name not before 1974 to
The "High and Dry".
King George IV died on 26 June 1830, so the name may have changed shortly after.
Another pub that used to have a skittle alley in the garden.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 23 April, 1965.
Jim Howells, captain of the Royal George team being presented with
the Skittles Association Darts League Cup by Mr. Len Latcham on
Saturday. Ernie French, the licensee is peering over Len Latcham's
shoulder to the right of the photo. |
Above photograph shows the skittle alley in the 1960s. Kindly sent by
Philip French. |
Ernie and Joice French behind the bar circa 1961. Kindly sent by Philip
French. |
Joice and customer (unknown) behind the bar circa 1961. Kindly supplied
by Philip French. |
Joice and twins behind bar, circa 1961. Kindly supplied by Philip
French. |
The removal of the porch in June 2010 now shows the sign over the
door from between 1961-66. |
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
16 July, 1869. Price 1d.
An inquest was held on Saturday afternoon at Whitfield before
the County Coroner, T. T. Delasaux, Esq., on the body of Edward Clover,
a labourer, aged 32 years, who committed suicide by shooting
Mary Clover, wife of Joseph Clover, deposed: The deceased was my son.
Yesterday morning, about half-past eight, I went into the shop and there
found the deceased lying in a pool of blood on the floor, and a gun
which belonged to the deceased was in the room. The last time I saw him
alive was about a quarter to nine on Thursday evening. I have fancied
him to have been a little strange in his behaviour. The gun was always
kept in the room in which he lived, and was there on Thursday evening.
It has been shot off, but I do not know that it has been loaded with
anything else beyond powder. He has also been low spirited since the
death of his uncle, who poisoned himself a few weeks ago, and upon whom
I heard an inquest was holden at the "Royal George."
This was all the evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict to the
effect that the deceased had shot himself whilst in a state of
temporary insanity.
From the Whitstable Times, 30 June, 1900.
The East Kent Coroner (R. M. Mercer, Esq.) held an inquest at the "Royal
George, Northbourne, on Tuesday, respecting the death of Alfred William
Frederick Libby, of 20, Union Row, Dover, stated that he was driving a
brake on the previous Sunday. He left the "Fountain Hotel," Market
Square, Dover, at 2 30 p.m.. with seventeen persons. They drove to
Eythorne, a distance of about seven miles, when they stopped at the
"Bell" at Lydden for refreshments. They then went on to the "Crown" at
Eythorne where they stopped again. Then they went to Dover without
further stoppage.
At about five o’clock he was driving past the "Royal George,"
Northbourne. Deceased was riding a bicycle. He had followed them on the
bicycle from Dover, and in passing on the near side his shoulder touched
the near side cob on the nose. Witness pulled over to the offside.
Deceased seemed to go straight for three or four yards—then he took his
right hand off the handle bar to waive it and the bicycle turned right
over. Deceased fell against the horse and he went under both near side
wheels before witness could do anything. He pulled up in sixty yards
which was owing to the horses becoming frightened and becoming
Several passengers on the brake also gave evidence.
According to the evidence of Dr. James Gordan, of Eythorne, who was
called to see the deceased, death was due to the brake passing over the
deceased's chest.
The Coroner summed up and the jury returned a verdict of Accidental
Death and added the following rider:- We would further add that the time
has arrived for protesting against the driving of brakes on Sundays and
the general disturbance of the peace of our roads and villages.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 7 August, 1914. Price 1d.
At the Wingham Petty Sessions yesterday, before Mr. Plumptre (in the
chair), and Messrs. W. O. Chandler and H. E. R. Rye. Celia Berry was
charged with being drunk and disorderly at Waldershare the previous day,
August 5th.
Police Sergeant Ford, K.C.C. said: About 7.45 last night I was on duty
on the high road near the “Royal George,” with P.C. Hawkins, when I saw
the defendant coming along in a cart with her husband. She got out of
the cart and came to us and commenced shouting and swearing, and said,
“Have you freezed the tap on me?” I said I had because I considered she
had had enough, and advised her to go away. I tried to get her away, as
I was very busy with P.C. Hawkins, to whom I was giving special
instructions. She then started swearing, and said “I _____ pay £2
licence to keep such as you.” I advised her to go away, but she would
not, and she persisted in shouting, I took her across the road to her
trap, but she refused to get in it. She threw herself on the ground and
tried to bite me on the leg. She was very violent, and I was compelled
to arrest her. I had previously warned defendant at Whitfield.
P.C. Hawkins gave corroborative evidence.
Superintendent Stone said when the defendant was brought to the Police
Station she asked to see a doctor, and Dr. Anderson came at 9.20, and he
certified that she was not sober.
Defendant was fined 10s. to go towards the costs.
Dover Express 19th June 1942.
Waldershare Funeral of Mr. W. E. Lincoln.
The funeral took place on June 13th of Mr. William Edward Lincoln of the
“Royal George”, Waldershare, who died on June 10th, aged 81 years.
Deceased was born at Church Hougham where he eventually became the
licensee of the “Horseshoes Inn. After 15 years at the “Horseshoes”, he
took over the “Royal George” where he has been for 37 years. The Rev. H. Saumerez Smith officiated and the mourners present were:- Mrs. Lincoln
(Widow), Mr. & Mrs W. Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. P. Lincoln, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Lincoln (sons and daughters-in-law), Mr. & Mrs. H. Hobbs (son-in-law &
daughter), Mrs. D. Laker (daughter), Mr. & Mrs. H. Brisley, Mr. & Mrs. A.
R. Hambrook (sons-in-law and daughters), Mr. A. Grainger (son-in-law),
Mrs. R. Waterhouse (granddaughter), Mr. Cyril Lincoln (grandson). The
funeral arrangements were by Mr. F. R. Gosby.
Dover Express 3rd September 1943.
Plans for alterations at the “Royal George”, Waldershaare, were approved.
Dover Express 17th May 1946.
Wingham Petty Sessions.
The Wingham Petty Sessions were held at Dover on Thursday before Viscount
Hawarden, Messrs T. G. Elphinston, F. P. King and F. Turner and Mrs. Crookenden.
A Family Quarrel.
John Howard Gerry of Wandsworth was summoned for assaulting Herbert
Walker at the “Royal George” public house, Waldershare on 21st April.
Mr. J. H. Mowll appeared for defendant who pleaded not guilty. Mr. P. A. G.
Aldington appeared for complainant.
Herbert Walker, a miner, living at Woodbank Cottages, Shepherdswell, said
that he was in the “Royal George” speaking to a Mr. Epps when defendant
entered and struck witness in the neck. He lost three shifts as the
result of the blow.
In reply to Mr. Mowll, witness said that he was defendant’s stepson. The
blow was not the result of what he said about someone and he did not
stick out his jaw to defendant and say “Hit me”.
Frederick William Epps, a gardener, of Providence Cottage, Whitfield,
said that he was talking to Walker when a man who looked like defendant
said something about “not being in the Navy now” and hit Walker. It was
done so quickly that he did not see the man who struck the blow very
Edward William Alfred Marsh, licensee of the “Royal George”, Waldershare,
said he saw defendant strike Walker. It happened very quickly.
Mr. Mowll said that it was a family quarrel which had been going on over a
number of years Walker provoked the assault by a sarcastic remark to a
man who was a lodger at Walker’s house.
Defendant, giving evidence, said that he had been in the “Royal George”
for about half an hour with his wife and a Mr. Russell. When Russell got
up to go outside, Walker made a nasty remark. Witness went into the bar
parlour and said to Walker “I’m in company now and don’t want any more of
your nonsense. I’m out of the Navy so watch your step”. Walker put out
his chin and witness gave him a back-hander.
Cross examined he said he was younger and bigger than his stepson.
Bound over for twelve months.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 21 January, 1949.
TO: The Clerk to the Justices of the said division.
The Superintendent of Police of the said Division.
The Clerk to the Rating Authority.
And to all whom it may concern.
I EDWARD WILLIAM ALFRED MARSH now residing at the "Royal George,"
Waldershare in the County of Kent Licensed Victualler DO HEREBY GIVE
NOTICE that it is my intention to apply at the General Annual Licensing
Meeting for the said Division to be holden at Canterbury at the hour of
10.30 a.m. in the forenoon on the 10th day of February next for the grant
to me of a justices’ licence authorising me to apply for and hold an
excise licence to sell by retail the following intoxicating liquor namely
wines for consumption on the premises situate at Waldershare aforesaid
and known by the sign of the "Royal George" of which premises Flint and
Co. Limited of Maidstone in the County of Kent is the owner and of which
Company I rent them.
Given under my hand this Twelfth day of January 1949.
From the Dover Express 15 January,
Despite cold and fog there was a large turn out for the West Street
Hunt at the "Royal George," Waldershare on Saturday. Leading the hounds
in our picture after the traditional stirrup cup is Mr. John Barton.
There is another meet tomorrow (Saturday) from the "Plough
Inn," Church Hougham. The East Kent Hunt also meet tomorrow
(Saturday) at the "Black Bull" Newchurch.
The Dover Express inaccurately addressed this as in Minster in a licensee list
of 1942.
KEMBER Stephen 1841+ (also farmer age 40 in 1871 )
KEMBER John 1871+
CHAPMAN Ellen Mrs to Nov/1903

WRAIGHT William Nov/1903+

LINCOLN William Edward 1905-10/June/1942 (dec'd age 81)

LINCOLN Annie Sophie Sept/1942-May/43

MARSH Edward William Alfred May/1943-49+
PEPPER George Sen 1950s
FRENCH Ernest J J 1961-66

WELLS Robert H 1974+

From the Dover Express
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald
Library archives 1974