Page Updated:- Tuesday, 09 July, 2024.


Earliest 1662

Three Horseshoes

Open 2020+

139 Mongeham Road

Great Mongeham

01304 375812

Three Horseshoes 1900

Above photo circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Three Horseshoes

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Three Horseshoes date unknown

Above photo date circa 1950.

Three Horseshoes

Above photo, date unknown.

Three Horse Shoes

A peaceful scene at Great Mongeham, when it was safe enough for a child to stand in the middle of the road.

Picture by Gregory Holyoak. Circa 1903.

Three Horse Shoes 2011

The 2011 view of Mongeham Road, with the street Iined by parked vehicles.

Picture by Paul Amos.

Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham, 2009 Three Horseshoes sign, Great Mongeham, 2009

Above photos by Paul Skelton 25 July 2009.

Three Horseshoes at Mongeham Three Horseshoes at Mongeham Three Horse Shoes sign at Mongeham

Above photos circa 2008. The above inn sign was probably made by the blacksmith and is over 200 years old, although having said that, I have just found an earlier similar sign that appears to have been made with the lettering the other way up. Sign below, date unknown.

Three Horseshoes sign

It looks similar, but certainly not the same sign as above. Perhaps it was repaired at one time and turned upsidedown.

From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. MONSON-FITZJOHN, B. Sc. 1926

Three Horseshoes sign 1926

Above sign illustration 1926.

The book stated the following:- THREE HORSESHOES. Great Mongeham, near Deal. Half a mile away from the Walmer Road is a little hamlet with a big name, just beyond Deal, which has a unique  sign, constructed entirely of wrought iron, and is suspended over the roadway from a wood beam. In it are worked the three horseshoes and the date, 1735.

Inside Three Horseshoes at Mongeham

Above 3 photos by kind permission of The Three Horseshoes, 4 May 2008. Sign taken by Paul Skelton 16 March 2008.

Kentish Gazette, 9 July 1844.

Valuable FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSES, at Sandwich, Word, Deal, Sutton, Northbourne, and Great Mongeham, in the County of Kent,

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT the "Three Horse Shoes," GREAT MONGEHAM, on THURSDAY, the 25th day of JULY, 1844, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, in several Lots.

Also a FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE, called the "Three Horse Shoes," situate in the parish of GREAT MONGEHAM, with the stable, outhouses, yard, garden, land, and appurtenances thereto belonging, now in the occupation of Mr. Shadrack Allen.

The above Property forms a most desirable investment, and (if not forthwith Sold by Private Contract), will be offered for sale in convenient Lots, as will be expressed in future advertisements.

For Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, apply at the Offices of Mr. Mourilan, Solicitor, Sandwich.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 11 May, 1846. Price 5d.

On Wednesday evening last a party of friends met at the "Three Horse Shoes Inn," for the purpose of enjoying a social evening. The gentleman of the orchestra of the Eastry Harmonica Society were also present, and very materially, as well as creditably, contributed to enhance the pleasure of the convivial circle. A number of glee, duets, &c. were sung in good style, followed by many excellent toasts and sentiments. The chair was ably filled, and good order prevailed. A substantial repast was provided on the occasion, the viands, as well as liquors, being bountifully supplied, and of a superior quality. Much credit is due to the worthy host (Mr. Allen) and hostess for their kind attention to the comforts of their guests, and the excellent manner in which they entertained them, and we hope that ere long a similar meeting will take place again.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 14 February, 1846. Price 5d.

Mr. ALLEN, Landlord of the "Horse Shoes" Mongeham: "Deal:

Caution - Common Informers v. Publicans

A case was heard last week at the office of Mr. Mercer, solicitor, which excited some interest. An information had been laid against Mr. ALLEN, the respected landlord of the "Horse Shoes," at Great Mongeham, by a Mr. J. PARKER the elder, farmer and cow doctor, of the same place, for serving, as Parker alleged, a pint of beer during the hours of divine service.

However, the informer and his witness (his own son) failed in supporting the information, and the case broke down. Mr. ALLEN was therefore acquitted, and the informer saddled with the costs.

Mr. Bass, of Dover, conducted the case for Mr. ALLEN in a most able manner. Mr. ALLEN is very generally respected in Mongeham, and his house is well conducted.

The defeat of the informer is looked upon with much satisfaction."


South Eastern Gazette 11 March 1851.


March 3, at Great Mongeham church, Mr. Edward Bass, farmer, eldest son of the late John Bass, farmer, to Susannah, the only daughter of Mr. Shadrack Allen, "Three Horse Shoes Inn," all of Great Mongeham.


Kentish Gazette, 11 March 1851.


Bass - Allen:- March 3, at Great Mongeham, Mr. Edward Bass, farmer, eldest son of the late Mr. John Bass, farmer, to Susannah, the only daughter of Mr. Shadrach Allen, "Three Horse Shoes," all of Great Mongeham.

From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 19 October, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


Mr. Fox held an inquest last Saturday, at the “Three Horse Shoes,” in this village, on the body of Mary Elizabeth Bass, a child four years old, who was accidentally killed, it appeared from the evidence that the child, with her sister, was playing in the yard of Mr. Wellard's house, endeavouring to walk on the edge of a large beer cooler, when it fell over, crushing the poor little child under it. Help was speedily obtained, and Mr. Hulke rendered all the medical aid in his power, but the child never spoke, and died in a few minutes after the sad accident. The cooler was 4 or 5 cwt. in weight.

The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 15 February, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.


Mr. T. T. Delasaux, the coroner, held an inquest on Tuesday, at the “Three Horse Shoes,” in this village, on the body of William John Wicks, aged 3 years, who met with his death under the circumstances detailed in the following evidence.

Jane Wicks, mother of the deceased, deposed that her son was three years old. On Saturday morning last, about nine o'clock, she went out leaving the deceased in the room in which there was a fire. On her return, a neighbour told her that the child had been crying; and, on entering the house, she found he had been burnt, and he died the same afternoon.

Benjamin Terry, a labourer, said he went into the house of the last witness about nine o'clock on the morning of Saturday, and saw the deceased, who was much burnt.

The Corner having summed up, the Jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”


From the Kentish Chronicle, 16 July, 1864.


On Saturday an inquest was held at the “Three Horse Shoes Inn”, Mongeham, before T. T. Delasaux, Esq., coroner, and a respectable jury, of which Mr. Harrison was foreman, touching the death of William Newton Hills, who for nearly thirty years has been in the employ of Messrs. Woodruff and Son, butchers, of Deal. The deceased has generally taken the country beat to obtain and supply orders. It appeared that on Friday, about one o'clock, Hills drove his horse and cart into Mr. Coleman’s brewery yard, Mongeham, and on arriving at Mr. Richardson’s door a girl saw him with his head drooping down in his lap. The girl called Mrs. Richardson, who got up into the cart and lifted deceased up. She also threw cold water into his face, but could not perceive any signs of life. By this time Mr. Beechley, farmer, had arrived, and they tried to administer some brandy, but without effect. They then got the deceased out of the cart, laid him in Mr. Colman’s office, and despatched a messenger for Dr. Mason, who arrived on the spot about two o'clock, and found, on examination, that deceased died from disease of the heart. The jury returned a verdict in conformity with the doctor’s evidence. The deceased was 61l years of age.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 26 April, 1873.


Mr. Delasaux proceeded to the "Three Horseshoes" public-house, at Great Mongeham, to hold an inquest upon the body of Mr. William Page, a farmer residing in that parish, and whose body had been found early the previous morning floating in a pond directly opposite the public-house above named, and but a few rods from the turnpike road. Mr. Joseph Paramour, sen, was elected foreman of the Jury, which was composed, in addition, of the following gentlemen:- Messrs. J. Bass, F. Brett, R. Capp, E. Foreman, F. Hopper, S. Philpott, E. Pott, J. Paramour, jun., G. Rigden, and I. Terry. The body having been viewed, the following evidence was adduced:-

James Hewitt deposed: I live at Sholden Bank. I am a labourer and have worked for deceased about seven years and eight months. Yesterday morning, about twenty minutes past six, I went from my master's house to the farm. It is my custom always to go to the house first. I went and looked round the premises, having been told master had not been home all night. I went in search of him, and as I could not find him, I made enquiries of Mr. Homersham, bailiff to Mr. Charles, and asked him to go and assist me in making further search. After a time we found his body floating in a pond in meadow belonging to the deceased. I went and obtained further assistance and took the body from the water. It was quite dead. I believe deceased to have been drowned. I last saw deceased alive about 4.30 on Saturday afternoon, at his own house. He seemed as usual. For the last month or six weeks he has been in a strange way. I do not know from what cause.

Thomas Homersham said: I live at Great Mongeham and am bailiff to Mr. Charles. Yesterday morning the last witness came to me to go with him in search of the deceased, whom he told me had been missing all night. We found deceased in a pond in his own meadow. He was quite dead when we took him from the water. I have known deceased for about 20 years. For the last few months he has appeared rather low-spirited. I know of no cause for this. I last saw him alive on Friday afternoon last, when he spoke to me.

Margaret Homersham, wife of the last witness, said: I have known deceased for about 20 years, and last saw him alive on Sunday evening. He came to pay me 1s. 3d. for some milk, and he appeared as cheerful as usual. He came a second time the same evening, it being about half-past seven o'clock the last time. He called me to the door then and gave me his purse to take care of for him, saying he would call for it again presently. I put it away, and did not say anything about it till the next morning. I have since heard that the purse contained £2 3s. Deceased had never left his purse with me before.

This being the whole of the evidence, the Coroner briefly summed up, and the jury, without much hesitation, returned the following verdict:-

"That deceased drowned himself when in a state of mental derangement." The deceased was 46 years of age.


From the Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Telegraph, 29th March, 1879

DEATH - Great Mongeham, Mr. Shadrach Allen, for many years landlord of the "Three Horse Shoes," aged 80 years.


From the Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Telegraph, 22 January, 1881.

Whitstable Times, 29 January 1881.


An inquest was held at the "Three Horseshoes," Great Mongeham, on Thursday afternoon, before T. S. Johnson Esq., Deputy Coroner for the County, touching the death of James Sackett Philpott, age 31 years, who was found suspended by cord in the coal house at her residence at Great Mongeham.

Alfred Leonard Philpott, baker, sworn:- I live at Great Mongeham. Deceased was my wife. I last saw her alive at half-past five on Tuesday morning. I saw nothing different in her at the time, although for the last 10 days she has been rather strange, and said at times that our children were starving and she should be hung for it. She has a child about 3 months old. She has never been in a strange way before. About half-past ten on Tuesday morning I found the coal house door shut, and the children having said they have missed their mother for some time, I open the door, and found deceased suspended by a cord. She was then quite dead. I at once summoned P.C. Fowler, who came with me instantly.

P.C. Fowler sworn:- on Tuesday about 10:20, I was called by the last witness. He stated that his wife was suspended behind the coal house door. I immediately ran and cut her down, and found she was quite dead and cold. I am of opinion that she had been hanging there for some time. The blind cord produced is the one she was suspended by, and belonged to one of the windows of the house. I have known deceased about 4 years. She was the last person I should have thought would have committed such an act.

The jury returned a verdict that deceased committed suicide by hanging herself, while in an insane state of mind.


From the Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Telegraph, 19th March, 1881

The Village of Mongeham was quite en fete on Thursday in consequence of the marriage of Mr. Hopper and Miss Norris. Two carriages, the horses and drivers being decorated with wedding favours, took the happy couple to and from church. The church bells were rung in honour of the auspicious event, both after the ceremony and during the evening. The hand bell ringers made a tour of the village.

A rope was also stretched from the Three Horse Shoes to a post on the opposite meadow, on which was suspended a rake, spade, hoe, pickaxe, scythe, pitchfork, a bunch of parsnips, cabbages etc. emblematical of the occupation of the worthy bridegroom – a gardener.

(Information kindly supplied by Sue Solley)


From the Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Telegraph, 10th December 1881

Fire at Mongeham

On Monday, 5th December, a fire broke out at the "Three Horse Shoes" public house at about 3.30 pm in a large thatched kitchen at the back of the house. It appears that the fire originated in the chimney. About 40 men with buckets and the aid of a good water supply succeeded in preventing it spreading to the old building, which is a thatched one. The news having reached Deal, the Fire Brigade with their engine were quickly on the spot, but by that time the fire was got well under control. The sign of this ancient inn bears the date 1735.

(Information kindly supplied by Sue Solley)


From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 28 January, 1881. Price 1d.


On Thursday an inquest was held by T. S. Johnson, Esq., deputy coroner, at the "Three Horse Shoes Inn," Great Mongeham, on the body of Jane Sackett Philpott, aged 31 years, belonging to that place. Alfred Leonard Philpott, baker, husband of the deceased, stated that the unfortunate woman had for the last ten days been strange in her appearance and conduct, saying that he children were starving and that she would be hanged for it. On Wednesday morning the children were in trouble about their mother having disappeared, and on witness looking into the coal-house he saw the deceased suspended by a cord, quite dead. Witness obtained assistance, and she was cut down. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased committed suicide whilst in a state of temporary insanity.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 22 July, 1927. Price 1½d.


An application for an extension at the “Three Horseshoes,” great Mongeham was made.

Supt. Lane opposed the extension, as it was to the licensed house immediately opposite the ground, and was not an occasional licence used by people going to the show. It would be an extension open to everyone.

The application was refused.


Three Horseshoes Great Mongeham 1998
Three Horseshoes Great Mongeham 1998
Three Horseshoes carpark Great Mongeham 1998

The above three pictures are of The Three Horseshoes in Great Mongeham. The bottom one shows the car-park. All photographs by kind permission of Dover Library and were taken in 1998.


Three orseshoes, Great Mongeham

Above photo of the Three Horseshoes, centre of picture, date unknown, kindly supplied by Sue Solley.


From the Dover Express, 11 February 1999.

Pub can build in car park.

OUTLINE planning approval has been given for homes in a pub car park.

Members of Dover District Council's planning committee approved the application by owners of the Three Horseshoes in Mongeham Road, Great Mongeham.

The landlords convinced councillors the car park was virtually unused as all their customers live in the village.

The parish council was worried about a possible increase in on-street parking if, in the future, the pub became more popular with people from outside Great Mongeham.



Built in 1676 and was the blacksmith's until it became three cottages and eventually permission was granted in 1801 to sell alcohol, although records show licensees mentioned before that date.

However the Sandwich Borough Records shows Licensed Victuallers who paid for new Inn signs, 6s. 8d, and Sureties of £5 on 12th September, 1662.

Unfortunately, no address was given, and I am only assuming this to be the same pub.

I have found reference to a "Five Horse Shoes," Sholden, which is just outside Great Mongeham, from the 1740 list of Wingham Division Ale Licence renewals, and it is not know whether there is any connection at present, as errors often occurred in names and vicinity in these documents. However, the same list also mentions this pub and indicates a different licensee. The Wingham Division Ale Licence list names this pub in 1740 as renewing its licence for 8 shillings. Unfortunately the name given as licensee in 1740, Joseph Browne doesn't at present tally with the one already on the list, so I will assume that this is indeed a different pub.

The name "Three Horse Shoes" is quite common in pubs with blacksmith and farrier connections as the horse would need to stand of three legs (three shoes touching the ground) whilst the fourth one is fitted, but I don't know how the five horse shoes comes into this theory. I am assuming the other one tried to outdo this pub with two extra shoes.

The next passage has been taken from an article that hangs in a picture frame inside the pub:-


This inn known by the name and sign of the Three Horseshoes was built in the 16th year of Charles II, in 1676.

When first built the property was a blacksmiths dwelling with adjoining forge, owned by the estate of Richard Tully esq. of Mongeham parish, who, it appears commissioned the building of the property for the benefit of those living and working on his estate, which then took in many properties and lands in the parish of Mongeham and what is now Upper Deal. This would be feasible for the nearest blacksmiths at that time was in the parish of Studdal.

The first recorded smith to reside here and conduct his craft, was one Joshua Fagge blacksmith of Great Mongeham, who occupied the house on a form of peppercorn lease, which he had been granted in 1677. His wife Francis and children, Cephas, Naomi, Samuel, Reuham, Charlotte, and Esther are also recorded here between 1677 and 1692. By the latter date only the elder Fagge and Charlotte and Esther are recorded here. They remained here until 1698, and during the course of those years, the widow Francis Fagge, was, like her husband, described as a blacksmith.

In 1698, one Thomas Harrison blacksmith was granted a lease on the property, however in 1703 he was able to purchase the freehold from the executors of the Tully estate. Harrison remained here until his death in 1736, leaving the property to his wife Sarah, who at this point is described as a blacksmith, as is her son Daniel. The widow Harrison died in 1742, and bequeathed everything, including the contents of the house, down to the last article of linen, to her son Daniel. However, also included in the items mentioned in the will were a number of vassails (mugs) and drinking pots, so it i quite possible that the Harrisons were brewing their own ales, at this date.

In 1756, Daniel Harrison sold the dwelling and forge to Mathew Hopper, blacksmith of Deal parish. He resided here with his family and operated the forge till 1783, selling in that year to Isaac Bray, blacksmith and farrier of Eastry parish. He died in 1795  and the property passed by the terms of his will to his eldest son Samuel blacksmith, and daughter Susannah, harness maker. In January 1801, Samuel Bray, applied for and was granted a licence to sell ales from the premises, which at this date remained untitled other than that it was a beer house of Great Mongeham parish, and that Bray, a smith and farrier and now beer seller was of that house. However, on a subsequent hearing before Deal Magistrates, he registered the house under the title of that, that it had commonly come to be called, the "Three Horseshoes", the origin of which refers  to the trade of a smithy, who after obtaining a licence for a particular house called it the "Three Horseshoes" if it was situated on even ground or the "Four Horseshoes" if the property was on a hill.

In 1816, Samuel Bray sold the now thriving ale house to Richard Hayman, blacksmith and beer retailer of Deal. In 1816, he was granted a liquor licence for the house and the "Three Horseshoes" became a registered tavern. He died in 1824 and became the last blacksmith to surrate the forge as well as run the house. When he died he bequeathed the property to his daughter Maria, who kept the house until her death in 1862. In that year the executors of her will namely a masher John Goad, sold the "Three Horseshoes" to Thomas Hills, brewer of Great Mongeham and Lower Street, Deal (now the High Street). They installed one Shadrach Allen as keeper at an annual rent of 12 guineas.

He kept the house till 1877, handing over to Counard Philpott, who remained here until 1889, and was succeeded by Alfred John Ratcliff and he in 1898, by William Wright, who remained here until his death in 1936. By this date the Flynns brewery in Canterbury, had purchased the house from the Mills Brewery. In 1936 one Herbert Arnold came to keep the house and remained for many years. To-day the "Three Horseshoes" a Whitbread house is kept by Keith Austin. (I am not sure when this was written, but between 1934 and 1974)

Charlotte Jamson and friend

Above photo kindly sent from Jackie Myall, showing her grand-mother Charlotte Jamson and friend, circa 1945.


From the Deal, Walmer & District and Kingsdown Telegram, 5 October, 1861.

An inquest was held at the "Three Horseshoes," Great Mongeham.


From the Dover Mercury, 4 December 2003.

Three Horseshoes Bar

TOP-CLASS FOOD: The Three Horseshoes Ref: pd 512749

CHRISTMAS will be an extra -special time this year for Wendy and Martin Styles, who are the new licensees of the Three Horseshoes in Great Mongeham.

They are looking forward to sharing the season with everyone looking for a warm welcome, excellent food and good company.

The Christmas menu looks delicious and the pub is taking bookings now for meals, starting from Monday.

Wendy and Martin are offering four courses for £14.95, with a £5 deposit per head, and more details can be obtained by phoning 01304 375812.

There is a choice of three starters. Salmon goujons are served on a bed of salad leaves, there are mushrooms in a creamy garlic sauce and crusty bread or breaded chicken fillets on a skewer served with a sweet chilli dip.

Three main courses include turkey with all the trimmings, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding or leek and stilton tart, all served with roast potatoes and fresh vegetables.

For dessert the choice is between Christmas pudding with brandy sauce or cream, or Black Forest pudding with cream. Cheese and biscuits are also available.

The meal is followed by coffee and mince pies, with mints and a Christmas cracker.

Wendy and Martin have made some impressive changes at the old village pub, which has a rich history.

It was built in 1676 and was the blacksmith's until it became three cottages and eventually permission was granted in 1801 to sell alcohol.

Apart from the special Christmas menu the Three Horseshoes serve food every lunchtime and evening except Thursday.

Each Tuesday between noon and 2.30pm the pub serves a two-course meal for pensioners for £3.50 and Fridays is fresh pan-fried fish day, lunchtimes and evenings.

On Saturday food is served between noon and 8pm, with Sunday menus available from the same time but finishing at 4pm.

The two-course Sunday roast is £6.95 and each week it varies between beef, pork or lamb. There is also a specials board, with all food home-made.

Friday is live music night, there are darts and pool to play and in the summer a big garden for the children.

Wendy said: "We are a family pub and next year are hoping to start a social club for customers.

"Our locals are brilliant people and so friendly. We would like to thank them for their support since we came in September. They are a good crowd.

"We also welcome their dogs and there is always a special hello from our Labrador Rosie, known as the old lady."



An outlet for Fremlins in 1974. Library archives 1974


Closed for a week in July 2008 while new landlord replaced Graham and Alison Adcock and settled in. Name of Sam & Sarah Rodwell.


From the Dover Mercury, 2 April, 2009.


VILLAGE pubs in Ash and Great Mongeham are appealing for help to set a record for the World's Biggest Toast.

Drinkers at 6,000 pubs across the country will simultaneously raise their glasses at 7pm on Saturday, April 11, in honour of cask beer.

The "Chequer Inn" at Ash and the "Three Horseshoes" at Great Mongeham are taking part.

"Chequer" licensee Richard Munden said: “We are asking the people of Ash to have a bit of fun together, showing support for their local, celebrating cask beer and helping make history.” To mark the event, the pub will host a beer festival from Thursday, April 9, to Monday, April 13.

"Three Horseshoes" landlord Sam Rodwell said: “In order to make the world record official we need as many people as possible to visit our pub.”

■ For details, call The "Chequer" on 01304 813918 or the "Three Horseshoes" on 01304 375812, or visit


From the Kent on Sunday, 9 August, 2009.

Pub meal for celebrity chef.

Ready, Steady, Cook star Ainsley Harriott was a visitor to the "Three Horse Shoes" pub in Mongeham, near Deal, along with members of his family.

The TV presenter called for lunch while on his way to a wedding, which also took place in the village.

Staff said he was friendly but declined to do the cooking as he was on a day off, and added that he enjoyed his lunch and tipped generously.


From the Dover Mercury, Thursday, 13 January, 2011


A quiet country lane on the outskirts of Deal more than a century ago is featured in this week's Now and Then. (See top picture.)

The stamp on the back of the Wykeham Collection number 1401 postcard is dated January 3 1905, and addressed to Miss M. Kennett, Sholden, near Deal. Kent.

It was taken in Mongeham Rood, near the junction with St Richard's Road and looking towards the Northboume and Ripple direction.

Great Moogeham in 1905 was a quiet village and separate from its bigger neighbour in Deal. So peaceful that the only traffic was a horse pulling a small carriage outside the pub, which is stop open.

The words "Three Horse Shoes" can be seen on the side of the public house, which dates back to the 1700s. The building on the corner of St Richard's Road is still standing, with its distinctive tall chimney pot, although the windows have changed. The front door is now bricked up and facing St Richands Road.

In 1905 there was a shop next to the corner property and the bank on to the lower road is still the same, as well as the long line of single storey homes just beyond.

A car park next to the "Three Horseshoes" pub was recently built on and several new homes arc now on the site.

On the other side of the road the big tree is no longer in a front garden and the road has been widened, although the detached house Is still standing. In 1911 the Baptist Church Mission Hall was built opposite the St Richard's junction and is now called the Mongeham Christian Centre. According to an engraving on the facade: "This stone was laid by the carpenters, bricklayers, painters, labourers and helpers who gave their services free in the building of this mission hall."


From an email received 22 November 2015.

My great grandad and his wife Sarah ran the pub in early 1900s his name was William Wraight she was Sarah Bailey they are both buried in the church up the road from the pub.

The story has it that they had a son who they used to make sing in the pub for extra cash until he ran away and joined the navy (to do this he lied about his age as he was only 14) the boy was my grandad who went through both wars and died in 1966. Sadly I never had the honour of meeting him.

Angela Wraight.


From the By Paul Hooper, 9 December 2015.

Mariola 'Mika' Cudworth murder trial: Husband Jonathon stabbed her to death in Northbourne in 'jealous rage'.

A Deal husband murdered his wife in a jealous rage and then faked text messages to cover up the killing, it was alleged this morning.

Jon Cudworth stabbed Polish-born partner Mariola – known as Mika – because she was planning to leave him, a jury was told.

The 35-year-old has admitted stabbing 36-year-old Mika to death – but denies murdering her and dumping her body in a field near their home in Mill Lane Cottages, Northbourne.

Mariola Cudworth

Mariola Cudworth pictured on her wedding day with Jonathon, who has been acquitted of murdering her.

But prosecutor Philip Bennetts QC told Canterbury Crown Court: “He killed his wife and he did so because she was going to leave him... and you may consider that the killing was premeditated.

“A jealous man who would not let his wife leave him. It was a case of ‘If you can’t have me you are not having anyone else’.”

Cudworth is alleged to have stabbed the barmaid to death in the lounge of their home before clearing away the blood and hiding her body in the house.

Mr Bennetts told the jury: “He then lied to family and friends saying that she had walked out.

"He disposed of many blood-stained items and dumped his wife in a rape seed field, no doubt hoping that when her decomposed body was found she would not be identified," he alleged.

Cudworth then lied to family members and pretended to be his wife, sending messages from her Facebook account, it was claimed.

The prosecutor said friends reported their concerns to police who raided the house and found a blood-stained doormat behind a tumble drier in the garden shed.

“He was arrested and repeated his lies during the interviews and it was only after pressure from relatives he disclosed to them where Mika’s body was hidden," he claimed.

Cudworth then prepared a statement to police in which he gave an account of the last night the two spent together.

The defence statement read: “Mika came in with her glass of wine and sat next to him on the sofa.

“She asked him what was wrong with him and he told her he thought they were falling apart and that he didn’t know why.

“She replied saying she thought they should split up. He asked why and what he had done. She said she did not care.

"She said: ‘I mean it, Jon. I want us to split up and she came towards his and began pushing and poking him in the chest," the jury heard.

Cudworth claimed that during their relationship she would go “completely mental”, scream and throw things at him.

He claimed the 5ft 4in Mika could be “quite fiery” and her moods “very volatile”.

The statement continued: “When she started pushing him and poking him on this occasion, he grabbed her around the neck, to try and keep her away from him.

“Her voice changed and she became louder shouting: ‘I’ll tell you shall I? I’ve been with Dan. I ****** Dan and I’m leaving you’," he claimed.

Cudworth then told police he felt threatened and grabbed “the first thing” he could, a knife used to peel apples and struck out several times.

But Mr Bennetts told the jury: “If that is what really occurred, why not after he had fatally stabbed her, call the police and tell them what had happened?

“The prosecution say this account is a manufactured one and one you will reject.”

Jon Cudworth confided with his mother about his suspicions that his wife was having an affair with a man called Dan Groombridge, who drank in the "Three Horseshoes" pub in Great Mongeham where she worked.

He is then alleged to have sent Mr Groombridge a text in March which read: “Hi, sorry to bother you, just going through contacts and found your number in there. Do I know you or do you drink somewhere. Just trying to think? LOL, if not I'll delete it.”

The following day on March 21, he confided to a friend that he was upset after finding texts on his wife’s phone suggesting she was having an affair.

Later he is alleged to have told another friend, Ashley Howard that he thought his marriage was over because Mika “wasn’t in love with him anymore”.

She is alleged to have told police later: “Jon has been constantly paranoid about Mika having an affair and their relationship ending.”

She revealed that he had seen messages on her phone and began tracking her movements.

She added: “Jon’s behaviour went downhill and was actually a bit weird. He was always in a mood.”

Mr Bennetts claimed that Mika had confided with a close friend, Wioletta Rachwalik admitting she had “lost her spark for him”.

In April, Cudworth discovered his wife had given a lift with Mr Groombridge one night because he had been drinking and didn’t want to drive.

He is alleged to have sent a text message to Mr Groombridge saying: “Stay away from my wife, She is married. I know she took you home and don’t know what happened but back off and leave her alone. If she is messing about ort whoever idea it was (sic), I leave it and it stops now.”

Mr Groombridge is alleged to have replied: “Seriously we’re back to this? If anything was going on I’d tell ya. Don’t ******* threaten me again.”

Cudworth replied: “Not threatening you mate, just love her and kids so much, don’t want to lose her. Just wound me up when I knew she took you home, sorry.”

And later he sent another text which read: “Sorry, did anything happen or did she just drop you off and go? Just want to be honest. Did she kiss you at all? If she did she obviously don’t want to be with me and I have to try and sort something out my end. Cheers.”

Mr Groombridge replied: “She dropped me off to stop me driving pissed. Seriously sort it out.”

Cudworth then apologised and promised “a few beers for being a nightmare”.

The prosecutor also revealed how on April 28, Cudworth spoke to a neighbour about raspberry plants, asking when they should be planted.

When Mr Halpin returned later he discovered Cudworth had dug an area of 10ft by 18in.

He told the jury: “In a time when he was so concerned about his wife, had he turned to gardening or was this an attempt to dig her grave? If so it is a chilling piece of evidence that demonstrates a premeditated killing.”

Meanwhile Mrs Cudworth had gone to friends where she held hands with Mr Groombridge.

She later texted him saying: “I got home in one piece. Thank you for tonight xx. See you soon xxx"

That was at 11.36 pm – hours later she would be stabbed to death, said the prosecutor.

Mr Bennetts added that Mrs Cudworth died from four stab wounds and a pathologist said the wounds “indicated severe force had been used".

He claimed: “She was hit on the head and had been held about the face and neck. There would have been a substantial amount of blood within the room in which she was killed.”

He claimed Cudworth then tried to hide her body in the house before dumping it in a nearby field.

Mr Bennetts added: “In an effort to hide what he had done, he cleaned the house and disposed of all that he could. He then lied to friends and family.

“He said that Mika had walked out after an argument and persisted in this account until May 7 when under pressure from family he told them that he had killed he," he claimed.

The trial continues.



TEEDE William 1662+

FAGGE Joshua (blacksmith) 1677-92

FAGGE Charlotte (widow & blacksmith) 1692-98

HARRISON Thomas (blacksmith) 1698-1736

HARRISON Mrs (widow & blacksmith perhaps brewer) 1736-42

BROWNE William Joseph 1740 Wingham Ale Licences 1740

HARRISON Daniel (son) 1742-56

HOPPER Matthew (blacksmith) 1756-83

BRAY Isaac (blacksmith & farrier) 1783-95

BRAY Samuel (son) 1795-1816 (1801 licence gained)

STOKES Thomas 1804+

STOKES Henry 1823-24+ (Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1824 Upper Deal)

HAYMAN Richard (blacksmith) 1816-24

HAYMAN Maria P (daughter) 1824-41 Pigot's Directory 1828-29

ALLEN Shadrack 1841-77 (age 72 in 1871Census) (died 3/Apr/1879) Bagshaw's Directory 1847Post Office Directory 1874

PHILPOTT Alfred Counard 1877-81

MOAT William 1881 (age 31 in 1881Census)

RATCLIFF Alfred John 1882-91+ (age 44 in 1891Census) Post Office Directory 1882

Last pub licensee had WRAIGHT William 1899-Jan/1901 Next pub licensee had (age 35 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1899Dover Express

Last pub licensee had LATHAM George Next pub licensee had Jan/1901-Jan/06 Kelly's 1903Dover Express

Last pub licensee had WRAIGHT William Jan/1906-Jan/1932 (also farm worker age 43 in 1911Census) Dover ExpressPost Office Directory 1913

WOOD George Parks Jan/1932 Dover Express (Continuance of temporary transfer)

ARNOLD Herbert 1934-38+ Kelly's 1934

Last pub licensee had JAMSON Ernest Apr/1943-45

JAMSON Charlotte (widow) 1945+

ROLFE William & Miriam 1952-62

AUSTIN Keith (years unknown)

MACSLOY Norman (years unknown)

AYLING John P E 1974+ Library archives 1974 Fremlins


STYLES Martin & Wendy 2003-May 2007

ADCOCK Graham & Alison May 2007-July 08

RODWELL Sam & Sarah July 2008-10+

WILSON Dave 2012-May/2012

WILSON Andy May/2012-Jan/2013

Unknown Jan/2013+

SCALES John & Rachel 2017+


Wingham Ale Licences 1740From Wingham Division Ale Licences 1740 Ref: KAO - QRLV 3/1

Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-