5 George Street
Griffin Street
Above photo, date unknown, by Darkstar. |
The Deal History Society give the dates of this pub from between 1699 and
1851, but no address, however, at one time between those dates it was called
the "Three
Seen listed in Pigot's directory of 1840 and in other directories as
simply the "Sun". Either in Griffin Street or George Street. Hopefully they are one and the same as those streets are
close to each other.
From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 7 September 1819.
Free Public Houses and other estates,
To be Sold By Auction, By Messrs. White, (Without Reserve).
Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and
before the Major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and
by a Commission of bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William
Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the
Guildhall, of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 22nd
day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (subject to
such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced.)
The following very Valuable Freehold Estates, in Lots.
Valuable Brewery free public houses and other Estates to be sold by
auction by Mrs white without reserve. Lot 16. A new erected Messuage (late in two dwellings) called the "Sun,"
with the stable, yards, grounds and appurtenances, situate at Deal, in
the said county, and now in the occupation of Mr. Kennett. |
Kentish Gazette, 22 October 1844.
An awful instance of sudden death recently occurred here. On Sunday
afternoon, Mr. Redsell, the landlord of the "Rising Sun,"
retired shortly after dinner to take his usual nap. The family supposing
him asleep, allowed him to remain undisturbed beyond the
customary time. At length his continued absence excited alarm, and he
was found lying in the bed perfectly lifeless. An inquest was
held on the body, on Tuesday.
Verdict— "Died by the visitation of God."
South Eastern Gazette, 11 December, 1860.
Petty sessions, Wednesday. (Before the Mayor, W. Nethersole and E.
Brown, Esqrs.)
Charles Williams, landlord of the "Rising Sun" public-house, was
charged with an assault on John Macey, on Tuesday, the 4th inst.
Complainant stated that on his return home from work about 5 o’clock
on Tuesday, he found the defendant the worse for liquor at his
house, the "Bricklayers’ Arms," West-street. He began to interfere
with witness, who told him to leave off, and tried to pacify him.
After that Williams’s mother came in with her eye cut, and said "I
have got my arm broken." Witness asked her about it, and while so
doing defendant came up and struck him twice on the nose with his
fist, on seeing which a witness named Bowles rushed forward and got
him away.
Defendant then left, but soon returned, when he began to strip, and
became very violent, tearing off his clothes and breaking things
around him. He was then given into custody. Complainant’s wife’s
mother is also prisoner’s mother.
George Bowles stated that he was at the "Bricklayers’ Arms" when Macey came home. Saw Williams strike Macey with his fist. Williams
then got him down, and heard him say he would do so again. Witness
then pulled him away and went to call the doctor for defendant’s
Defendant was again charged with assaulting Martha Graham, wife of
Richard Graham, labourer. Complainant deposed that at about 5
o’clock on Tuesday afternoon she was going home with some potatoes,
when Williams came out of the "White Horse," and said "Who are you."
She hurried on and did not answer, and after repeating the question
several times, he abused her in the grossest terms. Witness tried to
run away, but defendant soon overtook her and kicked and knocked her
down in the street. She screamed "Murder," and went into Macey’s
house, but said nothing whatever to defendant.
Defendant, who said he was very drunk and did not know what he was
doing, was sentenced to pay £2 and 7s. 6d. costs for the assault on
Macey, and to 21 days' hard labour for the assault on Mrs. Graham.
The fine was paid.
In 1869 the premises was not licensed, but gained its licence back again
in 1872, but from the article below apparently it was causing some
disturbance during the years it was without a licence to serve intoxicating
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
11 December, 1869. 1d.
Mr. Mourilyan was present and said he had an application to make to
the Bench on behalf of Messrs. Hills and Son, brewers, under somewhat
peculiar circumstances. It appeared that a tenant of one of their houses
called the "Sun" had run away and taken the license of the house with
him and therefore it was impossible to get it renewed at the last
licensing meeting. There was a section in the Act which provided that in
a case like the present the Magistrates could grant a fresh license to a
new tenant, on what was called transfer days, or at a special session
for that purpose. That day he knew was not a transfer day, and his
application therefore was for the Magistrates to grant permission to a
tenant, named John Bax, that Mr. Hills had got for the house to sell
till the next licensing day.
The Clerk thought it necessary, before the Magistrates granted the
application, that Mr. Hills should be present and depose to the facts
stated, and as Mr. Hills was out of town some little difficulty arose.
Mr. M. Langley, however, who is agent for Messrs. Hills and Son, was
present, and on his stating his ability to speak to the facts, he was
sworn. He said: I am agent of Messrs. Hills and Son, brewers, Deal. The
"Sun" public-house, Deal, belongs to them, and they had a tenant named
James Armstrong, who was duly licensed to keep the house. Prior to the
last licensing meeting he left the house, absconding in fact, leaving
his wife behind him. She also left the house some few months before the
licensing day, and delivered up possession to me, as agent, and gave me
the key. The house was not let to anybody before the last licensing day,
and has, in truth, remained shut up till now. I hold the key. The house
is now let to John Bax. Armstrong did not apply at the licensing day for
a renewal of his license, nor did anybody on his behalf.
Mr. J. Bax the tenant, was present, and said he was going to take the
house in question as a yearly tenant, subject to six months' notice
either way. He has kept the "Fishing
Boat" beer-house, till within a short time, and had lived in Deal
all his lifetime. He now applied to the Magistrates' certificate and
authority to enable him to open the house in question prior to the
licensing meeting without prejudice to the decision which the
Magistrates might therein arrive at.
Mr. Mourilyan was afterwards and very much surprised to discover the
license of the house done up amongst some other papers, and could not in
any way account how he became possessed of it.
Superintendent Parker having stated, in answer to Mr. Iggulden, that
there had been no complaints against the "Fishing
Boat" during the time the applicant had kept it.
The application was granted.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
18 March, 1869. 1d.
Mr. F. Mercer appeared for the plaintiff in this case, the landlord
of the "Sun," public-house, the claim being for £7 3s., money lent in
the month of November last, to defendant, a waterman, who was in the
habit of using plaintiff's house. Defendant did not appear, and the
plaintif having proved his claim, his Honour made an order for payment
forthwith, and allowed costs for two witnesses.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
29 January, 1870. 1d.
Mr. Bax, landlord of the "Sun" public-house, George Street, wished to
know what steps he could take against a man named Henry Larkins, who was
in the habit of entering his house every evening after he had been
elsewhere and creating a disturbance. He had several times got the man
out the best way he could, but he bow came regularly every evening, and
he (Mr. Bax) was afraid that if it were not stopped it would be the
means of bringing a disgrace upon his character.
The Magistrates said the only advice they could give him was to lay
an information against Larkins, and have him brought up for causing a
From the Deal, Walmer and Sandwich Telegram, 29 April, 1871.
Report regarding a disturbance by three mariners in the "Rising Sun,"
Griffin Street, landlord, John Bax.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
29 April, 1871. 1d.
Joseph Riddle, James Banham, and Richard Carry, three men belonging
to the Royal Marines, were summoned by John Bax, landlord if the "Sun"
with being drunk and riotous at his house on Sunday night last, and with
refusing to leave the house when requested to do so by him.
J Bad deposed: I am the landlord of the "Sun," public-house, Deal. On
Saturday night from between nine and ten minutes to one there were some
Marines in my house. The three defendants were there, and also another.
They were drinking beer. They were very quiet till 12, when I am bound
to clear my house. At 12 I went into the tap-room and told them I must
clear my house, but they sat there drinking, and took no more notice of
me than they did the form they were sitting on. I waited a few minutes,
and gave them a second warning, but they paid no heed to that, and I
told them I had a sick wife and would be glad if they would leave, when
the prisoners blasphemed me and my wife and then commenced fighting and
quarrelling amongst themselves. Carry swore he would not go out of the
house, and went and threw himself on to the stage, and the others
continued fighting amongst themselves. When P.C. Carvey came round to
the house the two, Riddle and Banham, went outside the house on the
doorstep where they stood swearing they would not go away till the other
man came out. They were drunk, but not so bad but what they knew what
they were about.
By the Court: I could not tell what quantity of beer I served them
with during the evening as I have a little girl to serve.
Examination continued: I should not have brought the men forward only
that two of them came again on Sunday and they refused to leave at
eleven. When I found they would not go I ran along the town, and whilst
I was gone I found they took advantage of the little girl I had left in
charge and took the candle from her, and threatened to thrash her if she
did not get them more beer.
In cross-examination prosecutor admitted that he had told Colonel
Rodney on Monday morning that the men were perfectly sober, whereas he
now swore they were drunk. He denied that Riddle paid him one shilling
for lodging at his house on Saturday night. He did not know of his
knowledge that he had ever slept at his house with a girl, and he did
not see Private White, one of the Military Police, or any other member
of that body, at his house after half-past eight o'clock. He likewise
denied that he had that morning offered to settle the case for 15s., but
alleged that the men had sent Private White to offer him money to settle
it, although this was strongly denied both by the men and by White.
Prosecutor called P.C. Carvey as a witness, but as he did not arrive
at the house till sometime after the row had subsided, although he was
there before the men left, his evidence was not material.
A little girl, the sister-in-law of prosecutor, corroborated his
statement as to the men threatening her on Sunday night whilst her
brother was gone for the police.
The men alleged, in defence, that on Saturday night they had all paid
for lodgings, and then made certain allegations affecting the character
of the prosecutor.
They called Sergt. Hodgson and Private White, of the Military Police,
who swore most positively that they visited the "Sun" about half-past 11
on Saturday night whereas the prosecutor had sworn there were no
Military Police there after half-past eight o'clock, and Sergt. Hodgson
even detailed a few minutes' conversation he had with Bax while two of
the Military Police went upstairs to see who was then in the
house. Private Fox, another of the Military Police, was also called, but
although he at first objected to be sworn, he ultimately took the usual
oath, but he was evidently an unwilling witness.
The case occupied a very long time, and more than one of the
Magistrates had once or twice felt disposed to stop the proceedings, and
eventually it was dismissed, the Magistrates telling Bax that no
reliance could be placed on what he had stated, and also that the facts
disclosed were anything but creditable to himself. He would have to pay
all costs.
27th January 1873.
JAMES PETTY, boatman, appeared to answer the charge of ALEXANDER PETTET,
one of the Borough Police, of being drunk and riotous and refusing to
leave the Sun public house when requested. PETTY was ordered to pay 20
shillings for fine and costs, or 14 days in Sandwich Gaol. PETTY said he
had no money and should be sent to gaol.
Dover Express 16 February 1906.
At the Deal Licensing Sessions on Thursday last week, the Mayor
announced that, owing to the superfluity of licensed houses in Deal, the
following licences would be recommended to the Quarter Sessions for
extinction: The "Hope Inn," the "Maxton Arms," the "Deal Lugger," the
"Deal Cutter," and the "Sun" and
From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.
On Tuesday the Committee settled the compensation to be paid to the
owners and tenants of some of the houses, the licenses of which had been
taken away. The following figures were agreed upon:-
"Sun," Deal £334.
To the owners (Messrs. Thompson and Son, Walmer) £309.
To the Tenant. (Mary Marsh). £25.
Last mention I know is in 1908 when it was again not licensed.
DILLON John 1804+
WHITE John 1823-24+
WILDE Mary 1828+ ( Griffin Street)
WHITE Mary 1832-39+
Griffin Street)
ROGERS William 1840+

REDSELL Mr to Oct/1844 dec'd
PAUL William E 1847+

NORRIS George 1858+

WILLIAMS Charles 1860+
DLR 1869 not licensed
BAX John 1870-71+
DLR 1872 license renewed
PETTIT Mr to Aug/1872

LANGLEY Mr M Aug/1872-Jan/73

HURREN John Jan/1873-74+

(Formerly of Sutton)
BARNETT Eilliam 1882+

MARSH Thomas 1891+

MARSH Mary to Dec/1906
1908 not licensed
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
Deal Licensing Register
From the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury