191 (179 in 1861 ) Beach Street
South End
Above Google image, August 2016. |
After finding mention of a passage in the Kentish Post or Canterbury
News, 1730, at the "Sign of the Globe" I assumed this to be the "Globe
Hotel." However, the Lambeth Palace Library have records that show
the following:-
From records held in Lambeth Palace Library.
deeds are held under the TA references shown. The starred number is the
number in the 19th century rentals held at Lambeth. TA
276/1-30 *195. Leases from 1674 to 1853, but précis gives no
indication as to whether it was the "Globe" throughout. As it was at the
South End, it was obviously not the same house now called the "Globe
Hotel." |
Deal Borough Records show the following entry:- MS Council's Opinion 18th
November 1776 - by Geo. Rowe, Inner Temple.
In the town and Borough of Deal are 30 Publick Houses including taverns
and Inns, 18 whereof have stabling fit for the accommodation of Dragoons and
horses and the other 12 have no stabling at all.
These dragoons (12 or 13 in all) were to assist the Officers of the
Revenue at Deal.
The following houses refused to billet the Dragoons for lack of
suitable accommodation.
The Globe was mentioned in this list. Stephen Norris was the licensee.
From the Kentish Post, May 16-20, 1761. Kindly sent from
Alec Hasenson.
Sale advertised of a French Privateer, May 30th, at the Sign of the
"Globe" at the South End of Deal.
Sale of the manor of Chamberlain's Fee (KAO U.924 P
9/4) 1828
INNS in the sale catalogue
All that messuage or tenement No.179 in Beach Street, lately called
or commonly known by the name or sign of the "Globe" with the
cellar, outhouses, edifices, buildings, yards, ground and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
and the backway or passage to the same and now used therewith late in
the occupation of John Lawrence and now unoccupied. These
premises are subject to a lease granted to Francis Cobb Esq. for 21
years from Michaelmas 1811 at the yearly rent of £3. 15s. 0d. and to a
Covenant therein contained for renewal thereof for a like
term of 21 years at the end of 18 of the existing term, upon payment of
a fine of £37. 7s. 0d. (Note,
sold to Mr. Iggulden.)
Southeastern Gazette, 15 March 1853.
FEEEHOLD SEASIDE PREMISES, Comprising Messuages or Dwelling-houses,
Stores and valuable Capstan Grounds further part of the Estate of
the late Edward Igguldeny Esq., in Deal, and other Property, which
At the "Royal Exchange Inn," Deal, on Monday, the 21st day of March,
1853, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, in 15 lots,
Lot 6. All that FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, with large yard and various
detached outbuildings, situate in Beach-street, formerly the "Globe
Inn," now in the occupation of George Pordige. Together with a small
STORE in Dolphin-street, in the occupation of the Deal Boatmen’s
Committee for the lugger Tyger. Together with a CAPSTAN GROUND lying
in front of the dwelling-house, having a width of 38 feet 3 inches,
in the occupation of James Cuthbert Roberts.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. Mercer and Edwards,
Solicitors, Deal.
Southeastern Gazette, 16 August 1853.
Suspected Child Murder.
In consequence of the discovery on Wednesday last, by Mrs. Castle,
the wife of a tailor residing in the yard of the "Old Globe"
lodging-house Beach-street, of the body of a newly-born baby, which
had been thrown down the privy, an inquest was held on Thursday,
before S. Mercer, Esq., borough coroner, when the evidence adduced
shewed that Mr. Carter was aroused about three o’clock on Wednesday
morning by strange groans and cries, like those of a female in pain.
He got up, dressed himself, and went into the yard, whence the
sounds seemed to proceed, but could discover nothing, and fancying
that the noise had come from the premises of the "Old Globe," he
returned to bed. Mrs. Castle, the same morning, at a later hour,
enquired of Mrs. Pordidge, proprietor of the lodging-house, if any
person had been ill during the night, and on relating what she and
her husband had heard, they went together to the privy, where they
found the head of an infant. Police-constable Redsut was then called
in, and on making search found the trunk of a newly-born male child,
with a wound between the shoulders, which had separated the spine,
so as to allow the head to be pulled off. Mr. W. Hulke, surgeon,
subsequently examined the body, and was of opinion that the birth
was a premature one, at five or six months, and that it was doubtful
whether or not the infant had been born alive. Esther Allen, late
servant to Mr. E. Fairbrass, of Canterbury, who had been lodging for
about a month at the "Old Globe," and who was suspected to be the
mother, was then examined by Mr. Hulke, who found that she had
recently given birth to a child, but no further evidence could be
obtained as to the circumstances. The jury, after a short
deliberation, returned a verdict of "Found dead, but there was not
sufficient evidence to prove whether it was born alive or dead."
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 15 march, 1879.
To let, with immediate possession.
The "Globe Hotel," Beach Street, Deal. Full-licensed House. Facing the
Sea. Incoming would be small. The back premises are very extensive, and
are well suited for a soda water and ginger beer manufactory, there
being not one in the town.
Apply on the premises.
Dover Express 16 February 1906.
At the Deal Licensing Sessions on Thursday last week, the Mayor
announced that, owing to the superfluity of licensed houses in Deal, the
following licences would be recommended to the Quarter Sessions for
extinction: The "Hope Inn," the "Maxton Arms," the "Deal Lugger," the
"Deal Cutter," and the "Sun" and
From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 6 October, 1906.
On Tuesday the Committee settled the compensation to be paid to the
owners and tenants of some of the houses, the licenses of which had been
taken away. The following figures were agreed upon:-
"Globe, Deal. £365.
To the owners (Messrs. Thompson and Son, Walmer) £365.
NORRIS Stephen 1730-76+
BROWN William 1804+
REDMAN J Mr 1814+
LAWRENCE John to 1828+
FINNIS Mary 1851 (age 50 in 1851 )
FINNIS John Belsey 1851+ (age 30 in 1851 )
FINNIS Phillip T 1861+ (age 46 in 1861 )
JENNINGS William John 1874+
Uninhabited 1881
CHITTENDEN Henry H 1891+ (also carpenter age 40 in 1891 )
BISHOP Mrs Sarah 1899-1903+

(Globe Inn and char-a-banc & fly proprietor, closed and open carriages, 199
Beach Street).
Uninhabited 1911
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Kelly's Directory 1903