2 High Street
St. Peter's
01843 861402
Above engraving, 1800s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams. |
Above print, circa 1865 by C. P. Nicholls. |
Above photograph, pre 1875. |
Above photo, circa 1883, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, 1907, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
From the Early Broadstairs & St Peters in old photographs collected by Barrie Wootton.
Looking down St Peter’s High Street, c. 1919. On the left hand side
is Creasy’s slaughterhouse, followed by their grocery store, the only
grocery store in the village allowed to sell wines and spirits. |
From the Early Broadstairs & St Peters in old photographs collected by Barrie Wootton.
Above picture, date unknown. Note the three doors and the flag-pole
which has since disappeared along with the two lamps over the doors. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo circa 1950. Red Lion building on right, supplied by Tomson
and Wotton. The other building in centre of picture is D T Evans the
Chemist. |
Above photo, circa 1972, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo 15 August 1981, by David Burrin. |
Above photo 2007. |
Above picture from Google May 2009. |

Above photo, date unknown.
Above photo 2022. |
The "Red Lion" in St Peter's village was trading in the late eighteenth
century. In 1810, a committee was formed for the Royal Jubilee celebrations
of George III, and a dinner was held at the inn, where ‘all hearts and
voices united in singing God Save The King'. The landlord of the Red Lion,
Charles Newbolt, later purchased three acres of land nearby, and opened the
popular Ranelagh Pleasure Gardens.
The licensee Charles Newbolt is also listed as being the licensee of the "Ranelagh
Gardens," in 1823.
Kent Gazette, 30 September, 1778.
To be sold by auction, at the "Red Lion" in the parish of St. Peters in the
Isle of Thanet, on Thursday the 8th day of this instant, October, at 4
o'clock in the Afternoon, if not sold before by private contract.
All that freehold Farm, called Beards Hill, in the parish of St. Peter's,
consisting of a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, Orchard, and about 28 acres of
good arable land, with the appurtenances, now in the occupation of Mr. John
N.B. Some of the said land is in an excellent situation to build on.
Enquire of Mr. Fagg, Attorney, at Ramsgate.
Sussex Advertiser 20 February 1826.
At the sale of the public houses and other estates, situate in the eastern
parts of the County of Kent, which took place at the "Bell Inn," Sandwich,
on Monday last, Messrs. Pott and Denne knocked down the following lots, at
the sums affixed to them, viz.:—
The "Bull," at Eastry, £1,190.
"Three Colts," Tilmanstone, £500.
"White Horse," Eythorne, £575.
"Red Lion," Frogham, £455.
"Rose and Crown," Womenswould, £166.
"Duke of Cumberland," Barham, £910.
"Charity," Woodnesborough, £710.
"Three Crowns," Goodnestone, £620.
"Admiral Harvey," Ramsgate, £1,150.
"Ship," Ramsgate, £1,250.
"Red Lion," St. Peters, £1,100.
"Crown and Thistle," St. Peters, £705.
"Crown, or Halfway-house," Sarr, £940.
"King's Head," Walmer Road, £425.
The "Duke of York," Walmer Road, £310.
The sale-room was most numerously attended.
We understand that the "Ship," at Ash, and "Crispin," at Worth, have since
been sold by private contract, the former for £750, and the latter for five
hundred guineas.
From the Kentish Gazette, 8 February 1842.
In the Isle of Thanet, with the "Red Lion Inn" adjoining, a most valuable
MR. GEORGE ROBINS is instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Mart, LONDON, on
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, at Twelve, by direction of the Assignees of Mr.
George Hudson, with consent of the Mortgagees, and most peremptorily, a
singularly attractive
FREEHOLD PROPERTY for the speculator, it presents a source of immense
pecuniary gain;— the well-known RANELAGH Gardens, at St. PETER’S, in the
Isle of Thanet, midway between Margate and Ramsgate, and which at an
enormous cost have recently been much improved, and rendered worthy the
patronage of the numerous visitors at these favoured watering places.
THESE DELIGHTFUL GARDENS, which are most beautifully laid out, and planted
with valuable trees and shrubs, and ornamented by alcoves, rustic seats, and
refreshment saloons, have so long been the universal theme of panegyric, it
will, in the short space of an advertisement, be unnecessary to state more
than that on gala days the most perfect and complete arrangement they
possess has enabled the conductor to present ENTERTAINMENTS OF THE HIGHEST
CHARACTER not only by day but of an evening, whilst for flower shows,
private fetes, societies, and clubs, several of whom hold their meetings at
these Gardens, a wide scope is offered to a spirited proprietor. The gardens
occupy about two acres of ground, having a carriage entrance, a commodious
bar, and every convenience for conducting this extensive business;
A NOBLE GOTHIC BALL-ROOM, capable of dining 100 guests, with six boxes
underneath, to accommodate a large company, numerous other boxes, a capital
smoking room, two excellent kitchen gardens fully planted, a spacious
bowling green, adorned by beautiful trees, two extensive platforms,
supported by iron columns, forming A SPLENDID SALLE DE DANSE for upwards of
300 votaries of Terpsichore, with raised orchestra in the centre; likewise A
BEAUTIFUL COSMORAMA, arranged at a great expense, by the late proprietor,
offers its attractions; and though last not least in importance, may be
named THE RED LION INN, AT ST. PETER’S, a most capital and thriving public,
having a large club-room and every accommodation, with excellent cellarage
for conducting an extensive wine trade, good stabling, &c.
The Gardens may be viewed until the sale; and particulars had on the
premises, 21 days previous; also of Messrs. Mercer and Edwards, solicitors
to the assignees, Ramsgate; of Messrs. Austen and Hobson, solicitors, 4,
Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-inn; at the Auction Mart; and at Mr. George
Robins’ Offices, Covent Garden, where a plan and drawing of the gardens may
be seen.
From the Kentish Gazette, 8 March 1842.
On Thursday last the "Red Lion Inn" and Gardens, better known as the "Ranelagh
Tea Gardens," St. Peter’s, Thanet, in consequence of the bankruptcy of Mr.
George Hudson, the late occupier, were offered for sale at the Mart by Mr.
G. Robins, but did not realise the amount advanced on mortgage upon them,
unfortunately for the numerous creditors. The last purchase of the estate
was for the sum of 3,000 guineas.
From the Kentish Gazette, 21 February 1843.
TO LET, With immediate Possession,
For particulars, apply to Mr. R. S. Champ, Cannon Brewery, Ramsgate.
Kentish Gazette, 5 March 1844.
The annual dinner of the St. Peter’s Amicable Association, took place at the
"Red Lion Inn" on Thursday, week, Mr. W. Manser in the
chair, when the members present partook of an excellent supper, served up by
Cramp, in that prince of landlords’ well known style,
whose qualities as a caterer were exerted on this occasion to the marked
satisfaction of all present. After the removal of the cloth,
the health of the Queen was drank with the usual honours, and the National
Anthem sung by Messrs. Moss, Busbridge, and Hills, in
their well known masterly style. Several other toasts were drank, and wit
and good humour were kept up, enlivened by songs, until a
late hour.
Kentish Gazette, 14 May 1844.
The proprietors of the Ranelagh Gardens met on Friday last at the "Red Lion
Inn," when the gardens were let for the season to Messrs. Walton, R. Mercer,
of Margate, and Thos. Busbridge, of St. Peter’s. From the spirited manner in
which the undertaking has been entered upon, with a view to cater for the
public amusement, a good season may be anticipated.
From the Kentish Gazette, 21 January 1845.
On Thursday evening last Mr. T. F. Cramp, of the "Red Lion Inn," "gave" to a
large party of his fiends an excellent of beef "supper," from a round of
80lbs. Harmony and good fellowship prevailed over the social bowl. On the
following day the worthy host generously distributed the remainder of the
beef, &c., with bread, to his poor surrounding neighbours.
Kentish Gazette, 10 August 1852.
To Be Let.
The old established "Red Lion Inn" St. Peter's, in the Isle of Thanet, with
immediate possession.
For particulars apply to Mr. Robert S. Cramp, Cannon Brewery, Ramsgate.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 5 October 1867. Price 1d.
On the 20th alt., an inquest was held at the "Red Lion Inn," before W. H
Payne, Esq., Coroner, on the body of William Setterfield, who met with
his death under the circumstances detailed in the following evidence:— Jane Elizabeth Setterfield said:- I am the wife of George Setterfield,
of St. Peter's, labourer. The deceased William Setterfield, my youngest
son, was nineteen months old. On Tuesday morning last, about a
quarter-past five o'clock, my husband and myself were just going to take
out breakfast, and the deceased child was standing at my knee. Just as I
was reaching over the table to cut a piece of bread my elbow touched the
teapot, which had just been filled with boiling water, and upset it. The
water ran on the child's shoulder, and down its back. My husband
immediately seized it, while I tore off the bed-gown with which it was
dressed. I then bathed it with rain water and whitening. I sent to
Broadstairs for a medical man. Mr. Taylor came about eleven o'clock. He
told me I was applying the proper remedies, but said also that I was to
give it a spoonful of brandy every four hours. I did so until it died,
which was about eleven o'clock at night. It was convulsed very much, and
sank gradually. Mr. William George Taylor said:- I am a surgeon residing and practising
in Broadstairs. On Tuesday last I was sent for to see a child at St
Peter's belonging to Mr. Setterfield. I went to the house and found that
the child was suffering from a severe scald over the right shoulder. I
told the mother to go on with the same remedies she had been applying,
and to give it all the nourishment possible, as I was fearful exhaustion
might come on. The child gradually sank, collapse coming on from the
effects of the burn, and the severe shock to the nervous system. The Jury returned as their verdict, “That the deceased child died from
injuries accidentally received by being scalded.” |
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 17 October, 1873.
On Friday, George Henry Hawkes, of the "Red Lion," St. Peter's, was
summoned before the Cinque Ports Magistrates, at Margate, on the charge
of keeping his house open for sale of intonating drinks, during
prohibited hours, on the 25th ult.
P.C. Axon (No. 180 K. C. C.) proved
the offence.
Mary Ann Taylor, the defendant’s step-daughter, said the
house was closed at 25 minutes past eleven, and that no drink was drawn
after that time. The bar was locked, and the persons seen in the house
were in the parlour. The defendant said he was away from home at the time,
and left the last witness in charge of the house. At his request one of
the men seen by the Constables visited the house every night, and
remained in it till after it was closed for her protection. Another of
the men was mending a pipe for him: and the third was a friend from
Ramsgate. He denied that they were drinking after hours. A man named
Friend corroborated this statement; but the Bench inflicted a fine of
40s. and 13s. 6d costs. The defendant said he should appeal. Magistrates
present were Mesrs. Blackburn, Friend, and Flint, but the latter
gentleman left the court immediately before the decision was given.
Thanet Times, Tuesday 15 December, 1964.
They're a friendly lot in the "Red Lion."
After 15 years in the same public house, Mr. Peter Price, of the
"Red Lion," St Peter's, can claim to know a bit about the village
and its people.
And his opinions are very complimentary.
"It is one of the most pleasant places I know," he said.
"Everyone is so friendly. I have never had any trouble in the pub
with arguments or fights. They are a good, friendly crowd.
Mr. Price moved to Thanet at the end of the war after spending a
hectic 6 years as a full-time fireman in Hell-fire Corner - Dover.
He was first manager of the "Clarendon Hotel" in Broadstairs,
High Street and moved to the "Red Lion" just 15 years ago.
One event he does particularly remember is a sunny Sunday morning
in 1952 when an American jet fighter from Manston crashed on St.
Peter's High Street only a few yards from his pub.
"I have never known a pub empty as fast as it did that day," he
Mr. Price's oldest son, who was about 10 at the time, saw the
whole thing as it happened, and another young boy, a holiday visitor
in the village, who was badly burnt by the exploding fuel tanks,
still visits the pub each year on his holidays.
Mr. Price has three sons, one in London, another a prefect at
Charles Dickens School and the youngest at the St. Peter's Church of
England School.
East Kent Times and Mail, Wednesday 19 January 1977.
Pub playing not fit for area.
A plan to demolish a house in Vicarage Street, St. Peter's, to make
way for an extension of the "Red Lion" public house has been turned
down by Thanet council.
Members of the Planning Committee had a site meeting and decided the
scheme would not be in keeping with the area.
The plan had been put before the committee by Whitbread Fremlins
Ltd, and included an extension to the saloon bar with toilet
Planning director Peter Bingham said the existing building did have
some architectural merit but it was in a poor state and could be
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Joe Wright, 22 July 2022.
VW Passat smashes into Red Lion pub garden in Broadstairs.
A pub garden has been obliterated after a VW Passat veered off the
road and smashed into a seating area.
Bosses at the Red Lion in St Peters, Broadstairs, say it was lucky
no one was killed in last night's incident.
The crumpled car ploughed into the pub garden.
Police were called to Vicarage Street at about 7.30pm, where
officers arrested a 37-year-old man on suspicion of dangerous
A major clean-up operation was conducted and the historic pub, which
sits on the junction with St Peters High Street, has had to undergo
structural repairs as a result of the damage.
Long-term manager Sarah Richmond, who came rushing downstairs to see
debris scattered across the ground following the crash, said: "If
anyone was sitting out in the garden they wouldn't be alive.
"Usually, if the sun was out everyone would be out there as that is
the sun-trap side.
"But thankfully no one was sitting outside at the time."
A door of the pub suffered significant damage. Picture: Natalie
Ms Richmond says damage has been caused to a car, a bollard, and the
pub's garden furniture and door - which has "potentially made the
building structurally unsafe".
"Everyone was shocked by it and we all had to leave and close the
pub early," she added.
"I wasn't allowed back in until 2.30am as they needed to make it
structurally safe by putting in a metal pole to support where the
door was damaged.
"I can't fault any of the locals - they came out and made tea and
offered beds if needed.
"I've been here I don't know how many years and have never
experienced anything like this."
The pub remains shut as it awaits another inspection before
customers can make a return.
Damage to the pub is set to be covered by insurance.
From the
https://theisleofthanetnews.com By Kathy Bailes, 22 July, 2022.
‘Miraculous’ no-one injured as car crashes into front of The Red
Lion pub in St Peter’s.
Thankfully no-one was hurt in the crash (Image Leon Rouge).
Police, the fire service and council attended the scene yesterday
(July 21) after a car crashed into the front area of The Red Lion
pub in St Peter’s.
The impact of the car caused damage to brickwork, fencing and
outdoor furniture as well as to the supporting door lintel and
another vehicle. A man has been arrested for dangerous driving.
Photo ‘Leon Rouge’.
Pub landlords Paul and Melvin say it was lucky yesterday’s weather
had cooled down or there would likely have been injuries to
They added: “The building is secure. Much of the wrought iron fence
and ornamental work created by Mark Metalwork has been destroyed as
have the benches and tables. The door has gone and the brickwork on
the corner of building at the door surround.
Photo ‘Leon Rouge’.
“Ongoing is the work to repair the building and replace all the
fencing and garden equipment. If the railings hadn’t slowed the car
down considerably it would have ended up where the pool table is.
Had it been the day before in the hot weather there would have been
many people sitting outside and there would undoubtedly been at
least one fatality.
“Thank goodness the weather had changed and miraculously there was
no one outside at the time of the accident.”
Photo ‘Leon Rouge’
A Kent Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: “Kent Fire and
Rescue Service was called at 7.39pm to reports that the property had
been struck by a vehicle.
“One fire engine attended along with the technical rescue unit.
No-one was trapped but crews evacuated the premises and closed the
road while they assessed the damage to the property. A building
surveyor from Thanet council also attended.”
Duty of care was left with the council and Kent Police at 10.36pm.
Photo ‘Leon Rouge’.
A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Kent Police was called to a report
that a car had collided with a building in Vicarage Street, St
Peters, near Broadstairs at 7.35pm.
“Officers attended along with Kent Fire and Rescue Service and a
37-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.
“The road was closed while the incident was responded to and
reopened at around 2am on Friday 22 July. No serious injuries were
reported.” |
NEWBOLD/NEWBOLT Charles 1826-39+
HUDSON George 1839-42 bankrupt (age 30 in 1841 )
CRAMP Thomas Fisher 1844-47+
HURST Joseph 1851+ (age 39 in 1851 )
HAWKES George Edward 1858-74+ (age 62 in 1871 )
GORE James D 1881+
BRIDEN William 1890-91+ (age 28 in 1891 )
MUIR John Browne 1899-03+
SUMMERS Frederick William pre 1910

CUTLACK Thomas Edward 1913-22+
HARRIS Gus ????
MOORE Sidney S 1934+
SAPWELL Harry V 1938+
PRICE Peter 1949-64+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34