23 Commercial Quay and 74 Snargate Street

The western docks, in 1880, with Snargate Street in the
foreground showing some of the properties swept away when Commercial
Quay was enlarged. The buildings now gone include those of the Duke of
Cambridge Inn, left, The Grand Shaft Inn (marked with XX), the "Mitre Hotel" and Bishop,
the Ironmonger. |
An outlet of Dover Brewery Company in 1868. The pub was situated next
door to
the "United Stores."
The Grand
Shaft tunnel leading to the barracks above had opened in 1802.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
4 December, 1868. Price 1d.
Mary Anne Barton, married and unfortunate, was charged with
obstructing the thoroughfare in Snargate Street, on the previous night,
in a state of drunkenness.
Police-constable Bath said he saw the prisoner in front of the "Grand
Shaft Inn," about twenty minutes past eleven on the previous night. She
was very much the worse for liquor, and was making use of the most
abusive terms towards the landlady of the "Grand Shaft Inn." Her
language and demeanour occasioned a mob of people to assemble, and as
she refused to go away or to desist, he was obliged to take her into
Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, wife of Thomas Bailey, landlord of the "Grand
Shaft Inn," appeared to complain against the prisoner. Since she came
out of the "United Stores," another
public house adjoining the one witness kept, and on seeing her at her
bar, called her a filthy name. Her conduct caused a mob to assemble,
and she would not go away till the policeman interfered.
By prisoner: I did not call you a married ______, or say you aught to
be ashamed of yourself to draw your husband's half-pay while living a
life of a prostitute.
The prisoner said she was sorry for having caused a disturbance; but
that no disturbance would have been caused but for the conduct of the
woman Bailey, who, she sarcastically remarked, remained perfectly
unconscious of her (prisoner's) improprieties as a married woman all the
while they were carried on in her house and she derived some benefit
The Magistrates fined her 5s. and 7s, costs, which she paid.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday
29 January, 1869.
Charles Bayley, landlord of the "Grand Shaft Inn" was summoned
for an assault on Mrs. Evans, landlady of the "United
Stores," and was fined 10s., and costs, which he paid.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 6 April, 1871. Price 1d.
Charles Martin, landlord of the “Grand Shaft Inn,” Snargate Street, was
charged on the information of Mary Ann MacDonald, an unfortunate, with
assaulting her on the 30th ult.
The complainant said that on the night in question she went into the bar
of the defendant's house with a friend to get some refreshment. The
refreshment consisted of a little lemonade and brandy. While partaking
of it in the bar, a woman known as Mrs. Kent passed through the bar in
company with a soldier of the 76th, and witness remarked to her friend
that she did not see why the woman should not be brought under the
Contagious Diseases Act as well as girls of their own class, as that was
the second time she had been seen with different soldiers. In
consequence of what was said an altercation took place between her and
the woman, and the landlord then came round in front of the bar and
forcibly removed her from the premises. He kicked her in the side, and
threw her out upon the pavement. She bled very much from her mouth, and
became insensible; and the injuries caused to her side by the defendant
kicking here were such that she had been compelled to have a doctor.
Mary Ann Barton, another unfortunate, but who described herself as a
married woman, said that she was standing opposite the “Grand Shaft Inn”
on the night in question, talking to a soldier, when she saw the
defendant throw the complainant into the street. He seemed to use great
violence. She went across to pick up the complainant, and found her
bleeding from the mouth, and in a fainting condition, and she had to get
the assistance of another woman to raise her.
Emily Fox corroborated the testimony of the last witness. She was
passing, and at the witness's request helped to raise the complainant.
She was bleeding from the mouth, and appeared very much hurt. She was
quite sober, so far as she (witness) could observe.
Ann Martin said she was in company with the complainant at the “Grand
Shaft Inn.” When Mrs. Kent came in the complainant made the remark
already deposed to, when Mrs. Kent came up to her and smacked her in the
face, remarking that if it was not for the law she would do the so
again. The defendant told complainant to hold her noise, and after
pushing Mrs. Kent into the taproom, he turned round and pushed
complainant in the street. Witness did not see anything else.
The defendant, on being asked if he had any witnesses, said that Mrs.
Kent was in Court, and he should like her to be examined.
Kate Kent said she was the wife of a pioneer in the 67th Regiment. She
lodged in the neighbourhood of the “Grand Shaft Inn,” and was in the
habit of going there for a super beer. She was getting her supper beer
on this occasion. The complainant, who was sitting in the bar, made some
very offensive remarks; and Mr. Martin said he would not have such
language used in his house. She then called the defendant names, and he
put her out of the house. As she was being removed she put her hands to
the framework of the door to prevent the defendant putting her out, and
when Mr. Martin pulled her hands away she fell down heavily on the
pavement. The complainant was not sober.
In reply to the Magistrates, Superintendent Coram said the “Grand Shaft
Inn” had not been made the subject of complaint during the defendant's
The Magistrates thought that, although the defendant might have received
some provocation, he had used a great deal of unnecessary violence in
removing the complainant from the house, and fined him 17s. 6d.,
including costs, which he paid.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 15 September, 1871. Price 1d.
Henry Cox, an aged man, was charged with being drunk and obstructing his
son-in-law in his business, at the “Grand Shaft Inn,” Snargate Street.
The Magistrates enquired whether, before proceeding with the evidence,
the complainant wished to press the charge.
The complainant said he did not wish to do so. His only object was to
put a stop to defendant's coming to his house (the “Grand Shaft Inn”).
On these occasions the defendant was frequently the worse for liquor,
and by his abuse of witness and his wife, he obstructed them in their
business. The defendant continually came, and on each occasion did more
or less damage to their property.
The Magistrates told the defendant that such conduct as this towards his
son-in-law could not be tolerated, and enquired whether he would make a
promise to abstain from doing so in future.
The defendant: I have not annoyed the complainant; but, on the contrary,
it was the complainant who annoyed me.
The Magistrate: If you persist on saying so, we must go into the case.
The defendant, after some little hesitation, promised not to go to the
complainant's house any more, and the Magistrates, upon this
understanding, dismissed him.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 3 December, 1875. Price 1d.
John Pucknell, a labourer, was summoned for leaving his horse and cart
with no one in charge.
Mr. Wollaston Knocker, the Town Clerk, prosecuted.
Police-constable Walker deposed: Last Wednesday evening I was on duty at
the Commercial Quay. I found a horse and cart standing in the middle of
the road, so as to stop any carriage traffic. I took it to the side of
the road and watched for ten minutes, when defendant came out from the
backdoor of the “Shaft Inn.” I remonstrated with him for leaving his
horse, and told him it was not my duty to mind it. He said, “It is a
______ lie. It has not been here any time.” I said it had been there ten
minutes, and he made the same reply, and added, “You can do what you
like.” I then took his name and address.
The Bench discharged the prisoner after cautioning him severely.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 September, 1882. Price 1d.
The landlord of the “Grand Shaft Inn” was called up and told that there
had been a conviction a few days ago with respect to this house, and
there was a question as to the way the house was conducted; therefore
the question of renewing this licence would stand over to the adjourned
meeting at Broadstairs.
The landlord wished to address the Bench.
The Chairman said the report on the case was not yet before them,
therefore he would not go into it until the adjourned meeting.
Mr. Worsfold Mowll said he was instructed to appear on behalf of the
landlord, but if the Bench were decided not to go into the matter he
would say no more.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 3 September, 1886. 1d.
In the case of the “Shaft” the tenant had left and given up possession
to the Dover Brewery Company. The case being out of order was ordered to
stand over. Ultimately the license was granted to the tenant.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 24 August, 1888. Price 1d.
Waltyer O'Sullivan and John Driscoll, two privates in the Royal Munster
Fusiliers Regiment, were charged with breaking and entering the “Grand
Shaft” public house, 74, Snargate Street, and stealing one meerschaum
pipe, one decanter containing rum, and 6d. in bronze the property of
Cornelius Brown.
Cornelius Brown, landlord of the “Grand Shaft,” public house, said the
house was locked up securely, by his son the previous night. Witness
closed his house at 11 o'clock, and retired to rest, shortly before 12
p.m. The prisoner Driscoll was in his house, during the evening, but he
would not say whether the other prisoner was. About two o'clock witness
was aroused by the police, and he got up and went downstairs, where he
found a policeman knocking at the door. He admitted the constable, and
from what he said, witness found that the door at the back entrance was
open and a pane of glass in the window was broken in front of the catch,
and the top part of the window was pushed down. Witness missed a cut
glass decanter which had contained about three pints of rum, from a
small shelf. The police constable afterwards showed him the pipe
(produced) which witness identified as belonging to him. The two
prisoners were afterwards brought to his house by the police and then
taken to the Police Station. The pipe had been taken from a drawer in
the bar. The value of the decanter, rum, and pipe was 12s. About 6s., in
bronze money had also been taken from the till, where it was left by
witness's wife.
P.C. David Henry Fox, said that (Saturday) morning about 2.30 a.m., he
was on duty in Strond Street, when the two prisoners came towards him in
the direction of the Commercial Quay. They had their belts, underneath
their tunics, and their trousers appeared to be white and dirty. The
prisoner Driscoll came up to witness and asked him if he had a match, as
he wanted to light his pipe, and witness gave him a light from his
lantern, and was enabled to see the prisoners faces. He advised them to
go into barracks, and they then went away, in the direction of Limekiln
Street. About a quarter past three o'clock, witness saw the two
prisoners again, coming up Custom House Quay, and he followed them along
the Commercial Quay and saw them stop opposite the back entrance of the
“Grand Shaft Inn,” but when they saw witness coming they both walked
away. Witness found the back door of the “Grand Shaft Inn” was open, and
he went in and examined the premises and found a window broken where the
fastener was, and there were marks on the window sill. He roused the
landlord, Mr. Brown and then went into the bar. The till had been pulled
out and was lying on the floor, and the other drawers had been
ransacked. The knife (produced) witness found on the floor, and it was
identified by Mr. Lane as his property. Mr. Brown missed a decanter and
witness sent P.C. Scutt to inform Police-sergeant Suters at the Pier, of
the robbery, and the prisoners were afterwards brought back by Sergeant
Suters, P.C. Fogg and P.C. Scutt. Mr. Brown, said Driscoll had been in
his house the previous evening, and Driscoll replied “I think you have
made a mistake, Mr. Brown.” The prisoners were not drunk but both smelt
very strongly of rum. Witness searched the prisoner O'Sullivan at the
station and found the mouth piece of a pipe in his pocket.
Emily Conner, wife of Edward Conner, landlord of the “Rose and Crown,”
public house, at the pier, said both the prisoners came to her house,
that morning about 4. a.m. and called for two cups of coffee and eight
slices of bread and butter and witness served them and the prisoner
Driscoll paid her 6d. which consisted of two pennies and eight
half-pennies. Whilst they were there the police came, and took both
prisoners away.
The prisoners were further charged with breaking into, and entering the
“Lord Wolseley” public house. And stealing one table knife, value 1s.,
the property of William Lane.
William Lane said he kept the “Lord Wolseley” public house which
adjoined the “Grand Shaft Inn.” He identified the knife produced as his
property, and it had been taken from the table, and a part of a loaf had
also been taken. Witness was roused by the police that morning and on
going downstairs he found a quantity of burnt paper, at the bottom of
the stairs and also in the tap room. The door of the tap room had been
opened, and he found the screw-driver (produced) there, which was his
property. Both of the prisoners had visited his house several times as
customers, and knew the premises well. The handle of the porter engine,
was also pulled halfway down, but he could not tell whether any porter
had been taken.
P.C. Fox and Police-sergeant Suters gave additional evidence.
The prisoners in answer to the charge said they wished the case to be
dealt with summarily.
The Bench committed the prisoners for trial at the next Quarter
By 1896 Dawes and Son sought a new licence for premises
they were about to erect in Heathfield Avenue. (The "Diamond
Hotel") It was only issued with the
proviso that this one be surrendered. These premises then continued as tea
BAILEY Thomas 1868
BAYLEY Charles 1869
MARTIN Charles 1871+ (age 40 in 1871 )
MARTIN Mrs Harriet May/1873-77
DAWSON Thomas T H J Mar/1877+

WING Michael to Jan/1880

BRYNE James Owen Jan/1880+
Street, pensioner)
POWELL Henry 1881-82 (age 39 in 1881 )

BROWN E Cornelius Mr 1888-98 (age 59 in 1891 )

From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Post Office Directory 1901