Shalmsford Street
Above postcard circa 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Shown as a
George Beer and Rigden house. |
Above photo 28 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 28 August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo 17 April 1964, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, 1978 showing licensees Davina and Roy. |
Above photo, March 1988, kindly sent by Philip Dymott. |
Above photo January 2013. |
Above picture taken from Google maps July 2012. |
Above photo, 2013, from |
Above sign 1987.
With thanks from Brian Curtis |
Above OS map 1896. |
Above OS map 1896. |

Above map 1913. |
So far I have managed to trace the pub back to as early as 1737. However,
during the late 1980s until the early 1990s the pub was operating under the
name of "Ye Olde
England" but after being closed for a time in the 1990s it reverted back
again to the "George."
Michael George Cordwell says the following:- Our grandfather ran this pub
between 1922 and 1927, he retired from the Dragoon Guards in Canterbury as
Captain Charles Edward Cordwell and ran the "George" (my uncle was born
there in 1925) until his mother died and then he moved the family to
Woodchester, near Stroud.
History information taken from their web site.
SHALMSFORD-STREET is a hamlet in this parish, built on each side of the
Ashford road, near the river Stour, and the bridge which takes its name
from it, at the western boundary of this parish. It was antiently called
Samelesford, and in the time of the Saxons was the estate of one Alret,
who seems to have lost the possession of it after the battle of
Hastings; for the Conqueror gave it, among many other possessions, to
Odo, bishop of Baieux, his half brother, under the general title of
whose lands it is thus entered in the record of Domesday: In Ferleberg
hundred, Herfrid holds of the see of the bishop, Essamelesford. It was
taxed at half a suling. The arable land is one carucate. In demesne
there is one carucate, and three villeins, with one borderer having one
carucate. There are three servants, and eight acres of meadow. In the
time of King Edward the Confessor it was valued at sixty shillings, and
afterwards forty shillings, now sixty shillings. Alret held it of King
Edward. Four years after the taking of the above survey, the bishop of
Baieux was disgraced, and all his lands and possessions were confiscated
to the king's use. Soon after which this estate seems to have been
separated into two manors, one of which was called from its situation.
THE MANOR OF SHALMSFORD-STREET, and afterwards, from its possessors,
the mansion of Bolles, a family who had large possessions at Chilham and
the adjoining parishes. At length, after they were become extinct here,
which was not till about the beginning of the reign of queen Elizabeth,
this manor came into the name of Cracknal, and from that in the reign of
king James I. to Michel, one of whose descendants leaving two daughters
and coheirs, one of them married Nicholas Page, and the other Thomas
George; and they made a division of this estate, in which some houses
and part of the lands were allotted to Thomas George, whose son Edward
dying s.p. they came to Mr. John George, of Canterbury, who sold them to
Mr. Wm. Baldock, of Canterbury, and he now owns them; but the manor,
manor-house, and the rest of the demesne lands were allotted to Mr.
Nicholas Page, and devolved to his son Mr. Thomas Page. He died in 1796,
and devised them to Mr. Ralph Fox, who now owns them and resides here.
The court baron for this manor has been long disused.
ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE of the road, about twenty rods from the bridge,
stood an antient seat, which was taken down about thirty-five years ago,
though there is a malt house remaining on the scite of it, which has
evident marks of antiquity, and of its having been once made use of as
part of the offices belonging to it. In the windows of the old house
were several coats of arms, that most frequent being the coat and crest
of Filmer, with a crescent for difference. This seat, with the lands
belonging to it, was for a great length of time owned by the Mantles,
and continued so till Mary Mantle carried it in marriage to Mr. Stephen
Church, of Goodnestone, the present owner of it.
THE MANOR OF SHALMSFORD BRIDGE was the other part of the bishop of
Baieux's estate here, described as above in Domesday, and was that part
of it which was by far of the most eminent account, and was so called
not only to distinguish it from that last-mentioned, but from its
situation near the bridge of this name over the river Stour, on the
opposite or west side of it next to Chilham, in which parish much of the
lands belonging to it lie. It was antiently accounted a member of the
manor of Throwley in this county, as appears by the inquisition taken
after the death of Hamo de Gatton, owner of that manor in the 20th year
of King Edward I. when Roger de Shamelesford was found to hold it as
such of him by knight's service. His descendant William de Shalmelesford,
who possessed it in the beginning of the reign of Edward II, leaving an
only daughter and heir Anne, she carried it in marriage to John Petit,
who resided here, and died before the 20th year of the next reign of
King Edward III, bearing for his arms, Gules, a chevron, between three
leopards faces, argent. In his descendants, who resided at Shalmesford,
this manor continued down to Thomas Petit, esq. of Canterbury, who died
possessed of it in 1625, (fn. 7) leaving his three sisters his coheirs,
who became entitled to this manor in undivided thirds. They were married
afterwards, Catherine to Michael Belke; Elizabeth to Giles Master, of
Woodchurch; and Dorothy first to William Master, secondly to John
Merryweather, and thirdly to Parker, of Northfleet.
Michael Belke above-mentioned, whose ancestors were originally of
Coperham-Sole, in Sheldwich, having purchased another third of this
manor, became entitled to two thirds of it, which continued in his
descendants down to Dr. Thomas Belke, prebendary of Canterbury, who died
in 1712, and his heirs sold them to Mr. Hatch, of that city, who was
before possessed of the other third part of this manor, which he had
under his father Mr. John Hatch's will, who had purchased it of one of
the descendants of Mr. Thomas Petyt, before-mentioned, and thus became
entitled to the whole property of it. He died in 1761, and by will
devised it to his great nephew, Mr. John Garling Hatch, of Chartham, who
sold it to Mr. Joseph Saddleton. He died in 1795 intestate, leaving
Elizabeth his widow, and Joseph their only son, who are the present
owners of it.
Mystole is a handsome well-built seat, situated on the green of that
name, in the south-west part of this parish, about a mile and an half
from the church of Chartham. It was built by John Bungey, prebendary of
Canterbury, who was rector of this church, and married Margaret Parker,
the archbishop's niece, by whom he had several sons and daughters. He
bore for his arms, Azure, a lion, passant-guardant, or, between three
bezants, (fn. 8) and dying here possessed of it in 1596, was buried in
this church. His eldest son Jonas Bungey succeeded him here, and in his
descendants it continued till it was at length sold to Sir John Fagge,
of Wiston, in Sussex, who was created a baronet on Dec. 11, 1660. But
before this purchase, there were those of this name settled in this
parish, as appears by their wills, and the marriage register-book in the
Prerogative-office, Canterbury, as early as the year 1534, in both which
they are stiled gentlemen. He left a numerous family, of whom only three
sons survived; Sir Robert, his successor in title; Charles, who will be
mentioned hereafter; and Thomas, ancestor of John Meres Fagge, esq. late
of Brenset. Sir John Fagge died in 1700, and by will devised this seat
of Mystole, with his other estates in this and the adjoining parishes,
to his second son Charles Fagge, esq. of Canterbury, before-mentioned,
who continued to bear the family arms, being Gules, two bends, vaire.
His only surviving son Charles Fagge, esq. resided here, and married
Elizabeth, youngest daughter of William Turner, esq. of the White
Friars, Canterbury. His son Sir William Fagge, bart. resided at Mystole,
and married Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Le Grand, gent. of
Canterbury, who died in 1785. He died in 1791, having had one son John,
and two daughters, Helen, married to the Rev. Mr. Williams, prebendary
of Canterbury, but since removed to Winchester; and Sarah to Edwin
Humphry Sandys, gent. of Canterbury. He was succeeded by his only son
the Rev. Sir John Fagge, bart. who married in 1789 Anne, only daughter
and heir of Daniel Newman, esq. of Canterbury, barrister-at law, and
recorder of Maidstone. He now resides at Mystole, of which he is the
present possessor. |
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Saturday 28 May 1737.
Stolen or stray'd from the "George" at Shanford on Thursday the 19th
instant, a little Sorrel Horse about 13 hands and a half high, with
a slig tail, and a scar on his Hind Foor, with a bridle and saddle.
Whoever brings him to the "Three Horse Shoes" at Graveney near
Faversham, shall have all reasonable satisfaction.
Kentish Gazette, 14 June, 1780.
Late on Sunday evening a party of 9 men stopped at the "George Inn,"
Shalmsford Street, in the parish of Chartham, and desired to have
some beer and bread and cheese brought them. Their first appearance
rather alarmed the Landlord; but it brought them what they ordered.
They were meagre, ragged and shabby fellows dressed in sailors
jackets and trousers, and the greatest part of them without shoes
and stockings. They were well armed with pistols and cutlasses; the
former of which they carried openly in their hands and on full cock.
After being a little time in the house and people ventured to to
speak to them, and to ask the reason for their appearing in that
manner, and with arms, which being cocked might by some accident go
off and be attended with bad consequences. On which one of them
said, that he and his companions walked from Dover, having escape
from a French prison, came over in an open boat, which they stole
for the purpose, and they were armed to prevent being pressed.
They however could give no account of the route they must have
passed, and, when they happened to be separated in the public house,
contradicted each other in their story; but all declared they would
not be taken alive; and, to convince these people of their being in
earnest, one of them with the ramrod stated that his pistol was
charged near half full. They had plenty of money, particularly
Portugal coin, and of which (a fix 6 and 30) they had sold, and one
man showed a little box full of gold coin and 3 watches. Their
behaviour was peaceable; they paid for what they had, and wanted to
lay there. But the landlord refusing, they set off, after having
given a list of the places to were to go thro', saying they were
going to London, and wanted to avoid the great roads. For which
purpose they directed that course thro' Molash and Sheldwich. One of
those wrote a very good hand, and put the names of the places they
were to pass through down in writing.
The same evening seven men of exactly the same appearance was seen
on Chartham Downs, armed with pistols and cutlasses, in company with
two other men. We have not heard any depredations being committed in
that neighbourhood; tho' it seems very probable that these people
have escaped from some gaol in London during the late riots.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 3 October 1794.
Household Furniture and Farming Stock.
To be sold by auction period by Messrs Pout and Son, on Wednesday
the 8th and Thursday the 9th days of October inst.
The household furniture of Mr. Richard Fox at Shanford near the
Bridge; consisting bedsteads, with furniture's, good feather beds and
bedding, chests of drawers, tables, carpets, chairs, coppers, and
other useful household requisites.
The Farming Stock consists of one team of exceedingly good horses,
cows, hogs, wagons, carts, ploughs, harrows, shims, harness, and
every article in agriculture.
N. B. The Household Furniture will be sold the 5th day. Catalogues
maybe had on Monday next, at the "George," Shanford; at the Place of
Sale; and of Messrs Pout and Sons, Auctioneers, High Street,
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 12 July 1808.
Whereas a Cow and Calf were left on the 22nd of May last at Mr.
George Reynolds at the "George" at Shamford Street, in the parish of
Chart, ham, by a person unknown. Notice is hereby given that if the
said Cow and Calf are not taken away within 14 days from this date,
they will be sold by auction to defray the keep and other charges.
July 5, 1808.
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1840.
Shalmsford Street.
(The following was in response to Queen Victoria's recent marriage to
Prince Albert on 10 February 1840. Paul Skelton.)
A party of gentlemen met at the "George Inn," Shalmsford Street, near
Chartham, where an excellent dinner was well served up by the worthy
landlord Mr. Hukins. After the cloth was removed, the chairman in a neat
speech proposed the Queen's health and that of her consort, which was
received with enthusiasm. Many other loyal toasts were given, and the
evening was spent with great festivity.
From the Kentish Gazette, 3 March 1840.
The members of the Chartham Burial Society met at the "George Inn" on
Saturday evening, the 22nd ult. to celebrate the prosperity of the
Society, when an excellent supper was provided by the worthy and much
respected landlord, Mr. Hukins. The chair was taken and most ably filled
by Mr. Joseph Stubberfield, the president of the Society. Loyal and
other toasts were given and received with much applause; harmony and
conviviality were continued throughout the evening, when the company
dispersed to their respective homes in decorum, much delighted with the
pleasures of the meeting.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 1 December 1840.
Chartham Agricultural Association.
J. B. Wildman Esq. President.
The Anniversary Dinner of the Society will take place at the "George
Inn," Shalmsford Street, Chartham, on Thursday the 3rd day of December, at 3 o'clock, when the company of any Gentleman favourable to
the Association, will be esteemed.
The ploughing match will take place at Thruxted Farm, Chartham,
commencing at 10 o'clock the same day.
Plomer Mount, Jun,. Canterbury, Nov 22nd, 1840. Honorary Secretary.
From the Kentish Gazette, 31 May 1842.
May 28, suddenly, in the buoyancy of spirits, while attending a meeting
of the United Britons held at the "George Inn," Shalmsford-street,
Stephen Norris, aged 39, a faithful upright servant in the establishment
of Sir John Fagge, bart. of Mystole. By his uniformly correct conduct in
the station which he occupied, he had the good fortune to endear himself
to all around him of every degree. He lived, as he died—a most
meritorious example to all those individuals in his immediate sphere of
From the Kentish Chronicle, 21 January, 1860.
On Wednesday, a large and influential meeting was held at the "George
Inn," in this parish in connection with our Rifle Corps that has lately
been formed for this and several of the neighbouring parishes. Captain
Morris occupied the chair, and a number of gentlemen were present.
Another meeting was held on Saturday last, when it was expected the full
complement of members would be obtained. If so the Corps will shortly
commence operations for drill.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 9 June, 1860.
The members of the Chartham Benefit Club, held at Mr. George Bourne's,
the "George Inn," dined together on Saturday. Upwards of 140 sat down to
an excellent repost, served up in capital style. Mr. George Hayward
(president) occupied the chair. The state of the weather prevented the
company from joining in out-door games; but this circumstance only added
to the spirit and conviviality that prevailed in the club-room. The
usual division of the surplus took place. Every one present appeared
well pleased with the result of their Annual gathering.
South Eastern Gazette 14 July 1863.
Having taken this old-established Inn, solicits a continuance of the patronage so long
bestowed upon his predecessors by the inhabitancy of Whitstable and its
neighbourhood, and by the visitors. G. B. also takes this opportunity of
thanking his numerous friends and customers who supported him in his
late business at the "George Inn," Shalmsford Street.
Whitstable 6th
July, 1863.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 12 January, 1867. Price 1d.
At the County Police Court, on Saturday Thomas Newington, landlord of
the “Cross Keys,” and Robert Streeting, of the “George,” both in this
parish, pleaded guilty to allowing raffling to be carried on in their
houses during the Christmas holidays, and were each fined 1s. costs 10s. |
From Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 12 September 1891.
SATURDAY, September 5th. - (Before O. C. Waterfield, Esq., in the chair,
and Captain Lambert).
This being the annual licensing session, Superintendent Wood presented
his annual report which was as follows:-
The GEORGE INN, CHARTHAM, has not been so well conducted as in my
opinion it might have been.
I have no complaint to make against the house. There are 102
fully-licensed houses, 36 beerhouses, and 11 grocers and others licensed
to sell beer, spirits, and wine not to be consumed on the premises.
Thirty one persons ( 26 males and 5 females) have been proceeded
against, and 30 convicted for drunkenness and drunk and disorderly
conduct, this being one less than the previous year." The whole of the
licences were then renewed, and the sessions adjourned for three weeks
when applications for new licences will be heard.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 9 September, 1939.
A crash un the main Cantcrbury-Ashford Road at Chilham on Saturday
evening between a motor cycle and a pedestrian, as a result of which,
the pedestrian received fatal injuries, was investigated by the
Canterbury City Coroner (Mr. C. A Gardner) and a jury at an inquest held
at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital on Tuesday.
Deceased was William James Reed (51), a bricklayer’s labourer, residing
at 9, High Street, Upchurch, near Rainham, who died in the Hospital on
Sunday morning.
It was stated during the inquest that the motor cyclist, Sergeant D. J.
Blowers, of the Royal Artillery, who resided at Shalmsford Street,
Chartham, was still dangerously ill as a result of the injuries he
received in the crash.
Myra Elizabeth Harrell, a mill worker, gave evidence of identification
and stated that deceased had been residing with her for the past 15
years. On Saturday, he went to Lower Emsden Farm, Chilham, where
hop-picking was in progress, to stay the week-end. At 10.15 that night
witness left him inside the "George" public house, Shalmsford Street.
His sight was failing but his hearing was quite good.
The Rev. Edwin Henry Steele 23, Limes Road, Folkestone, stated that on
Saturday he was attached to the Hop-pickers’ Mission at Shalmsford
Street. About 10.40 p.m. he was standing by the gateway on the path
leading to Lower Emsden Farm when he saw a motor cycle coming from the
direction of Canterbury. It was approaching very steadily as to speed
and was under good control. Its lights were perfectly visible although
they were obscured. It was on its proper side of the road. At the same
moment, witness saw a pedestrian walking down Shalmsford Street in the
centre of the road. He was walking in a manner which witness could only
describe as "lazy or inattentive." It was clear that he was coming out
into the main road but witness thought he saw the motor cycle. He
appeared to halt and then go on again. Just as witness shouted a
warning, the motor cycle hit the man. Witness was of the opinion that
the motor cyclist did not see deceased until the very last moment and
swerved slightly to avoid him. Deceased was then about four feet out in
the main road from Shalmsford Street. He was thrown forward and landed
in the gutter on the Ashford side of the turning. The motor cycle
appeared to turn round and skid backwards in the opposite direction to
the pedestrian. It landed some yards on the Ashford side of the Lower
Emsden opening. There was a pillion passenger, who, as far as witness
could see, was thrown clear but the driver was mixed up with the
machine. Witness went to the pedestrian first and saw that he was
severely injured. With the aid of another person he lifted him on to the
pathway, made him comfortable and made arrangements for his removal to
Septimus Alexander Robson, a farmer, of Shalmsford Farm, Chartham, a
special constable, stated that he was on duty on the evening in question
and was standing about 150 yards on the Canterbury side of the turning
to Shalmsford Street, when he saw a motor cycle approaching at a very
normal speed and with its lights well obscured. A few minutes after it
had passed him he heard a crash and he proceeded to the spot. In
witness' opinion the lights of the motor cycle were according to
regulation and the machine could be plainly heard.
Dr. J. L. Gild, resident house surgeon at the Kent and Canterbury
Hospital, stated that deceased was admitted at 11.20 p.m. on Saturday
and died at 11 a.m. the following day. Witness had since carried out a
post mortem examination and found the cause of death to be shock
following cerebral haemorrhage and several fractures, including one of
the skull.
The Coroner, in summing up, said that although deceased had failing
sight, his hearing was supposed to be good, and hearing counted more on
such occasions. Motor cycles always made a considerable amount of noise
while proceeding along a road.
The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death and exonerated the
driver of the motor cycle from all blame.
From the By Alex Claridge, 8 December 2013
Pub landlords Bob Mitchell and Sharon Austin say they are victims of hate
campaign at George Inn in Chartham.
A couple say their dream of running a successful village pub has been
turned into a nightmare by a vicious hate campaign against them.
Bob Mitchell and Sharon Austin, of Chartham’s "George Inn," have been
accused of being drug takers, have had unwanted pizzas and taxis sent to
them, received silent phone calls and false bookings, and believe their
every move is being reported to the authorities.
Acting on complaints about planning issues, Canterbury City Council has
threatened them with a possible £20,000 fine or two years in prison over
static caravans at the back of the pub in Shalmsford Street.
Landlady Sharon Austin feels someone is waging a vendetta against her.
Sharon, 56, said: “There is no doubt that a hate campaign is being
carried out against us.
“We feel like our every move is being complained about, sometimes
seemingly just minutes after we’ve done it.
“We are getting taxis sent, takeaways and someone even claimed we are
drug addicts.
“Worse still, the council seems to be doing the bidding of the people
who are targeting us in the village.
“It is turning into a nightmare.”
Pub landlady Sharon Austin.
Bob, 50, known as Mitch, and Sharon took the pub on in August last year
and opened at Halloween after spending thousands doing it up. They
decided that in order to make a living they needed to offer punters more
than just food and drink.
Static caravans for accommodation were moved to the back of the pub, a
children’s play area was created with farm animal enclosures and a
memorial garden is being built for her nephew Chris Austin, a musician
who died, aged 38, from cancer earlier this year.
The council says the caravans are in breach of planning rules because
they affect the look of the area.
But Sharon counters that a new 26-house estate across the road, which
replaced a historic oast house, affects the area far more.
And she is furious that the council is refusing to tell her who in
Chartham is behind the complaints about the "George."
“Apparently, if they tell me I might commit a criminal act – which is
rubbish, of course,” Sharon said.
Bob added: “There are something like 26 pubs closing a week and all we
wanted to do was offer people a diverse experience here.
“There’s nothing like this around here. All these complaints have done
is strengthen our resolve to make the business a success.”
Information received in August 2016 say the pub has closed, been sold for
development and the rumour is that it's going to be converted into a care
Further information, November 2016 says it's been sold for £350,000 and
as the Canterbury County Council have refused its change of use it may
reopen as a pub/restaurant with accommodation as a Bed and Breakfast, but
currently is still boarded up.
October 2017, unfortunately still closed and awaiting a final decision
from the planning department. I have just been informed by Amardeep Dosanjh
that it has been bought privately and is currently being converted into a
residential property.
Above photo October 2018, kindly taken and sent by Doogie Moon. |
Above photo October 2018, kindly taken and sent by Doogie Moon. |
Above photo, April 2019, kindly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe. |
REYNOLDS George 1808+
GOLDUP Stephen 1858+
STREETING Robert 1867+

BOURNE George 1860-July/63
(age 45 in 1861 )
WEBB George Edward 1871-74+ (age 41 in 1871 )
GOLDUP Stephen 1879+
STUPPLES James George 1881-91+ (age 54 in 1891 )
SILLS Edwin 1901-13+ (age 52 in 1901 ) 
HAWLEY Newman 1922+
CORDWELL Captain Charles Edward 1922-27
MOODY Frederick
SINDEN Robert James 1938-39+ (age 39 in 1939)
EDWARDS Ron and Margaret
???? Roy & Davina 1978+
MITCHELL Bob & AUSTIN Sharon Aug/2012-13+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald