3 High Street/Middle Wall/Cheapside
The "Bear and Key" is shown on the right. The building on the left is
the "Duke of Cumberland."
Circa 1910. |
Above photo circa 1900, showing the Norfolk Union Insurance manual fire
appliance and Whitstable Fire Brigade. The appliance was housed at High
Street and the horses kept at the "Bear and Key" stables. Photo from
Douglas West book. |
Above photo circa 1900. |
Above photo, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, date unknown, by Douglas West. |
Above postcard, 1960, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
![Bear and Key sign 1990](../2014-photos5/Bear-and-Key-sign-1990-Whitstable.jpg)
Above sign, August 1990.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com. |
According to the Canterbury City Council Appraisal of Whitstable the pub
was originally known as the "New
Ship Inn" as early as 1730, the pub changed name to the "Bear and Key"
in 1739, but was rebuilt in the 1790s.
I believe renumbering occurred around about 1881 and the premises has
also been addresses as Number 1.
Situated just to the right of the "Duke
of Cumberland."
The name refers to Baron's Quay, where some local Baron tied up his
The licensee William Brannan, in 1898 was also described as a wind and
spirit merchant.
By 1940 the pub was owned by Flint Ales and Co.
From Kentish Gazette 1 June 1768.
Now in full Perfection, Are ready for the
Reception of Ladies and Gentlemen, at his House at the "Bear and Key."
Good accommodations, with the best of Wines, etc., and the Favours of
those, who please to honour him with their Company, will be gratefully
acknowledged. By T. Hockless.
N.B. Lodgings, Coach-house, Stabling, etc. and Horses to any Part of
England. A good Turnpike Road from Whitstable to Canterbury.
Kentish Gazette 9 January 1844.
An action in which Mr. T. Fairbrass, timber-merchant, of Canterbury, was
plaintiff, and Mr. J. Pettit, bricklayer, of Wingham was defendant was
brought before Mr. Palmer, the Under Sheriff, yesterday, at St.
Augustine's Sessions-house, which occupied the court and jury for a
considerable time. The action was for the recovery of £5 16s. 8d., being
the value of a quantity of laths supplied in the repairing of the "Bear
and Key" public-house at Whitstable, in September, 1842. The debt was
denied by defendant, who pleaded he was never indebted to Fairbrass for
the laths charged to him.
Mr. Delasaux, of Canterbury, appeared as solicitor for Mr. Fairbrass,
and Mr. Lee, of Sandwich, for Mr. Pettit.
After Mr. Palmer had gone through the whole of the evidence adduced on
each side, and clearly explained the points at law thereon, the jury
consulted for a short time, and returned a verdict for the plaintiff.
Damages £4.
Kentish Gazette, 21 January 1851.
On Thursday evening last, there was a very fashionable soiree dossiate
at the "Bear and Key Inn."
The stewards were Messrs. Ames, Williams, Ginder, Reid, Reeves and
Dancing was kept up to my late hour, and the party separated highly
satisfied with the evenings amusement.
It is only justice to the worthy post to state that the refreshments
were on the most liberal scale.
We understand that it is intended to hold balls in the same Assembly
Rooms monthly during the season.
Kentish Gazette, 25 November 1851.
A lecture on Bloomorism (Support for equal
rights for women; an early form of feminism) was delivered at the "Bear and Key Inn," on
Saturday evening last, by Mrs. Franklin, the attendance at which was
very meagre.
From the Kentish Gazette, 11 August 1857.
The Executors of the late Mr. James Daniels have instructed MR. T.
REEVES TO SELL BY AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, the 20th of August, 1857, At
Two o’clock, p.m.. precisely, At the "BEAR AND KEY INN." WHITSTABLE.
Lot 1:— All that valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising a very
compact BREWHOUSE with Plant, Dwelling House, and Garden, Coal Yard,
Stables, Cart Lodges and Out Houses.
The BREWHOUSE is an old established one, with ale and porter
cellars, is in excellent condition, and fitted with a
FOUR-HORSE-POWER STEAM ENGINE, With mashing and sparging apparatus,
a powerful refrigerator, and barrel copper, wrought iron wort back,
a malt mill with all modern appliances necessary for carrying on an
extensive business, and now in full trade.
The DWELLING, a respectable substantial brick building with double
front, contains 10 rooms, out houses, and other appurtenances, with
flower garden in front and a large kitchen garden at the back, and
adjoins the brewhouse; the whole commands a frontage of 152 feet,
and stands on an area of 63 perches. The Utensils and Stock to be
taken at a valuation.
Lol 2:— A FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE, the "Rose Inn," situate in Preston
Street, FAVERSHAM, now in the occupation of Mr. H. Chapman, doing a
good trade.
Lot 3:— 21-64 parts of the Schooner "Equivalent," in very good
Lot 4:— 24-64 parts of the Schooner "Mark Breeds," in good
Also on the Following Day, on the Premises, TWO excellent HORSES, a
capital COLT, nearly thorough bred, 3 1/2 years old, 2 light Spring
Carts, light Chaise Cart, Dung Cart, 2 Drays, Spring Waggon, Truck,
sundry Harness, Ploughs, Shims, harrows, and other Implements of
Husbandry, &c.
Further particulars may be had on application to Messrs. Daniels,
Holden, and Stephens, Executors; and of the broker, Whitstable.
From the Kentish Gazette, 1 September 1857.
of September, 1857, At Three o’clock in the Afternoon precisely.
called the "Rose and Crown," situate on the "Wall," in the parish of Seasalter, in the county of Kent, together with the Ninepin Alley
and Outbuildings thereunto belonging, now in the tenure of
occupation of Mr. Gardner, or Mr. George Angel, his undertenant, at
the yearly rent of £17, payable quarterly.
Lot 2:— All those TWO newly erected MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, or
COTTAGES, with the appurtenances, situate in the said parish of
Seasalter, lying at the back of the last lot, and now in the tenures
or occupations of — Pattenden and the Widow Rigden, at the aggregate
weekly rent of 8s.
Lor 3:— All those FOUR newly erected MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, or
COTTAGES, with part of the yard adjoining the next Lot as now staked
out, and the well of water and appurtenances thereunto belonging,
situate and being on the "Salts," in Seasalter aforesaid, now in the
tenures or occupations of Samuel Warner, Thomas Warner, Wm. Hook,
and — Holness, at the aggregate weekly rent of 11s. 4d.
contiguous to the last Lot, with the piece of Building Laud
thereunto adjoining, as staked out, now in the tenures or
occupations of James Shingleton, Richard Wilkinson, and John Rigden,
at the aggregate weekly rent of 9s. 3d.
To view the premises apply to Mr. Thomas Warner, Whitstable, and all
further particulars can be had on application to the AUCTIONEER,
High Street, Canterbury; or to MR. ROBERT GEE,
Solicitor, Canterbury.
South Eastern Gazette, 31 January, 1860.
Charles Brannon, landlord of the "Bear and Key" at Whitstable was
charged, at the St. Augustine’s petty sessions, on Saturday, with
having assaulted Wm. Morgan, on the previous Sunday evening. There
was a second complaint against the defendant, of having damaged the
complainant’s hat to the amount of 5s. It appeared that complainant
had a dispute with the defendant’s ostler, and was subsequently
pushed out of the house by the defendant, who also kicked and struck
him several times. Defendant said he merely pushed him out.
Fined 1s. for the assault and 20s. costs, and for the damage to the
hat 1s. and 10s. costs.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 4 February, 1860.
(Before William Delmur, Esq., Capt. Slarke, and William Plummer, Esq.)
Charles Brennan, landlord of the "Bear and Key Inn," Whitstable, was
charged with assaulting William Morgan. A second charge was also
preferred, for damaging Morgan's hat, to the amount of 5s.
complainant stated that his employer, Mr. Hatton, had a horse, which he
kept in the defendant’s stable. On Sunday, he had the horse, to go to
Canterbury with, and on his return, in the evening, he proceeded to put
it in the stable us usual. Having some cause of complaint against the ostler, he afterwards went into the house to speak to the defendant.
Without any provocation, the latter struck him on the face, knocked his
hat off, and pushed him out of the house.
The defendant said:— The complainant came home on Sunday evening in a
state of intoxication, and proceeded to put a horse, belonging to Mr.
Hatton, in my stable. I heard him cursing and swearing at the boy,
because he would not bring a light. He then accused me about my ponies
being fed with cut meat belonging to Mr. Hogben, upon which I pushed him
out of the house. Mr. Brennan called his ostler, and a boy who was
engaged in the stables in the night in question. They both gave
corroborative evidence. The boy said that Morgan was very much the worse
for liquor at the time, and charged the ostler with stealing his corn to
feed Mr. Brennan's ponies. The bench were of an opinion that an assault
had been proved, but considering the provocation, they would make the
penalty as light as they could. The expenses amounted to £1, and they
would only add to that a fine of 1s. In the other case, for damaging the
complainant’s hat, the bench ordered the defendant to pay 1s. and 10s.
expenses. The fines and costs in the two cases amounted to £1 12s.
South Eastern Gazette, 17 July, 1860.
THE Proprietor, Mr. CHAS. BRANNON, having completed the extensive
alteration to his premises, takes this opportunity of tendering his
best thanks to his patrons for the liberal support he has received
during a period of upwards of twelve years, and begs to assure them
that his best endeavours shall be used to secure a continuation of
their support.
July, 1860.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 4 August, 1860.
The new line of Railway between Faversham and Whitstable was opened on
Tuesday, by the Directors. The town was decorated with flags, and the
day was observed as one of general festivity and rejoicing. In the
evening the directors and their friends dined together at the "Bear and
Key Hotel." The next day the line was opened for public traffic. The
works continuing the line to Herne Bay and thence to Margate are in
active progress.
From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 25 January, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.
Charles Brennan, landlord of the “Bear and Key Inn,” Whitstable, was
charged with suffering gaming with cards in his house, on the 24th
December last. The charge had been permitted to stand over several weeks
on account of the defendant being unable to attend the Court through
illness. The offence was admitted and the Bench fined the defendant 5s.
and 10s, expenses.
South Eastern Gazette 14 July 1863.
Having taken this old-established Inn, solicits a continuance of the patronage so long
bestowed upon his predecessors by the inhabitancy of Whitstable and its
neighbourhood, and by the visitors. G. B. also takes this opportunity of
thanking his numerous friends and customers who supported him in his
late business at the "George Inn," Shalmsford Street.
Whitstable 6th
July, 1863.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 3 October, 1863.
The adjourned enquiry look place on Monday, at the “Bear and Key,”
Whitstable, respecting the death of the gentleman Found dead in the
parish of Seasalter, as mentioned in our last, when the medical evidence
showed that there was an effusion of blood on the brain of deceased,
causing apoplexy, and a verdict of "Death from natural causes” was
From the Kentish Chronicle, 18 June, 1864.
Cole v. Brannan.
Mr. Delasaux appeared in support of the claim, amounting to £16 3s. 6d.
for printing the “Bear and Key Inn,” Whitstable, in the year 1860, and
Mr. Towne defended the action on the ground of excessive charge.
By the evidence it appeared that plaintiff had agreed to paint and grain
the front of the house for £6, and the remaining charge was for extra
work done by order of the defendant and Mr. H. Marshall, acting as
Surveyor to the works then going on on the premises. An attempt to
settle the affair by arbitration had been made without success; but
defendant since the action commenced made an offer of £l2, winch the
plaintiff refused to accept, but said he was still willing to abide by a
fair valuation. Mr. Shrubsole, builder, of Canterbury, and Mr. Marsh had
on one occasion gone over the work, but no satisfactory conclusion was
come to nor any award made. Mr. Shrubsole was examined in support of the
claim, and gave evidence that the extra charge beyond the contract was a
fair charge for the extra work done. On the other hand Mr. Marsh said he
considered the charge for the painting inside the house was excessive,
and that was all he had surveyed.
His Honour eventually awarded the sum of £13 10s. in discharge of the
demand made.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 20 April, 1867. Price 1d.
On Wednesday last, Mr. T. G. Browning offered for sale by public auction
at the “Bear and Key Hotel,” the sail-barge “Agenora,” and she fetched
£250. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 19 October 1867. Price 1d.
On Tuesday last the annual meeting of the Whitstable Mutual Maritime
Insurance Association took place at the "Bear and Key Hotel." There was
a large attendance of members, and the usual business was transacted. On
the same day the annual meeting of the Whitstable Star Insurance
Association was held at the "Duke of Cumberland Inn," at which there was
a full attendance of members. All the retiring officers were re-elected,
and the ordinary business was disposed of. We understand this club has
been very fortunate daring the past year, the averages amounting to only
£3 5s. 0d. per cent, in the first class, and £3 18s. per cent, in the
second class. Only one total loss was sustained during the whole year.
This state of affairs is exceedingly favourable as compared with other
clubs of a kindred nature. |
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 23 April 1870.
The annual parish dinner took place at the "Bear and Key Hotel" on
Easter Monday. The Vicar of Whitstable occupied the chair, and was
supported by most of the parish officers, and several of the leading
inhabitants of the town. After dinner — which was admirably served up by
Mr. George Bourne — various toasts were drunk, and a variety of topics
concerning the parish were discussed. The utmost harmony and unanimity
prevailed, and a pleasant evening was spent.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 16 July 1870.
During the night of Wednesday last two gardens—one belonging to Mr.
Bourne, "Bear and Key Hotel," and the other to a man named Attwood—were
entered, and about a sack of potatoes stolen there from. Unfortunately
there is no clue to the perpetrator of this depredation.
Kentish Gazette, 29 February, 1876.
At the St. Augustine's Petty Sessions, on Saturday last, before
Captain Hilton (chairman), and R. E. Thomson, T. G. Peckham,
P. Marten, and J. B. White, Esqrs., Alfred Butcher, a boy, was
charged with stealing, on the 12th inst., a pipe, value 1s., the
property of John Thomas Reeves.
The lad was employed in the billiard room at the "Bear and Key"
Hotel, Whitstable, and on the pipe, which had been left in that room
by the prosecutor, being missed, inquiry was made and it was found
in the prisoner's possession. He was given into custody on the
charge, when he said, I did take it, from off a book.
Mr. Bourne, the prisoner's employer, said he had no reason to suspect
the prisoner of robbing him before, although he had been robbed a
good deal. He wished the Bench to deal leniently with the case and
was willing to take the boy back into his service if he would be a
good lad.
The Bench therefore fined the lad 10s. and discharged him with a
From the Farmer's Gazette, Saturday 24 June 1893.
Strawberry tea.
About 50 members and friends of the Congregational Church had a most
successful outing on Thursday in last week. They drove in three brakes
and a wagonette, supplied by Mr. Brannan, of the "Bear and Key Hotel,"
to Preston near Wingham, where they were entertained to a sumptuous
strawberry tea. The occasion of the visit was a services in connection
with the anniversary of the Wingham Congregational Chapel. The weather
was delightfully fine, and it is needless to say the drive was much
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 10 September 1898.
Delicate Ground To Move Upon.
Before the meeting terminated, Mr. J. R. Daniels said it had come to his
knowledge that Mr. James Fielding, of the "Bear and Key Hotel," was
about to apply for a licence to erect a hotel at Tankerton which would
cost £10,000. Such a hotel, to his mind, seemed highly desirable for the
development of the place, and he did not know whether he dared to move a
resolution for the council to support the application at the licensing
Mr. Solly:- You have 40 or 50 drinking shops in the town now, are they
not sufficient?
Mr. Daniel said he knew he was moving on a delicate ground, and he
should always be ready to support or any action wich would set machinery
into motion to do away with houses in the town where the tenants could
not possibly be getting a living. There was no doubt there were too many
public houses in the town, but they had not reached the millennium when
they could do away with such places.
Mr. Camburn said he considered Mr. Daniels was out of order in bringing
this subject before the meeting.
Mr. Daniels pointed out that by supporting the application they would be
supporting something which was for the benefit of the visitors to the
Mr. Kemp said that he had seen the plans and there was not a bar shown
in the whole place. The hotel would excel the County at Canterbury. It
would be the means of getting more houses built on the estate, while the
rateable value of the town would be increased.
No definite decision had come to on the matter as the Chairman hurriedly
left the meeting in order to keep an appointment, and the proceedings
abruptly terminated.
From Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 3 August 1912.
Mr. W. Trueman, who for some time past has been the landlord of the "Bear
and Key Hotel," Whitstable, has taken the old "Falstaff Hotel," Westgate,
Canterbury. His many friends will wish him all success in his new
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 23 July 1949.
"Bear and Key Hotel, Whitstable, Kent.
Mr. Cecil. C. Cadle, F.N.A.A. has been favoured with instructions to
sell by public auction the surplus hotel equipment and effects, on the
premises on Thursday, 4th August, 1949, at 11 a.m. precisely.
Including in the sale are:- Mahogany Sideboards, Chairs, Tables,
Electric Gramophone, Loud Speaker, All Mains Amplifier, Pianos, Carpets,
Stair Carpet, Coco Matting, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Gas Cooker and
numerous other items.
Goods on view between 2 and 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 3rd August, and morning
of sale.
Catalogues (price 3d.) may be obtained from the Auctioneers Offices,
"Moorgate House," 134-136 Tankerton Road, Tankerton-on-Sea. (Phone
Whitstable 2277.)
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 18 March 1950.
Plans for structural alterations at the "Bear and Key,"
Whitstable, were
Above photo taken and sent by Steve Glover, August 2017. Who tells me
the building is now operating as a Prezzo Restaurant. |
OUGHAM Ozias 1828+
![Pigot's Directory 1828-29](../Icons/Pigots1828-29.gif)
WETHERLY John 1832-39+
![Pigot's Directory 1832-34](../Icons/Pigots1832-34.gif)
KEMP William jun. 1840-47+
![Pigot's Directory 1840](../Icons/Pigots1940.gif)
BRANNAN Charles 1851-62+ (age 43 in 1861 )
BOURNE George July/1863-82+ (age 65 in 1881 )
![Whitstable Times](../Icons/Whitstable-Times.gif)
BRANNAN William 1889-94+ (age 40 in 1891 )
FIELDING James 1898+
BROWN John Bellamy 1901+ (age 49 in 1901 )
HAMMOND Leslie 1911+ (age 50 in 1911 )
to Aug/1912
ROBERTS Fanny Mrs 1918+
ROBERTS Fanny to Mar/1920
![Next pub licensee had](../Icons/Next.gif)
APPLETON Fred 1934+
KEMP William 1940+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald