1 Military Road
16 York Street
Above photo, date unknown. |

Above photo, 1961, just showing the "Crown" on the right. |
On the corner with the old York Street, an outlet of George Beer and
Rigden which passed to Fremlin and already well established in 1838. In 1832
John Sinnock was listed as a beer retailer.
Kentish Gazette 18 September 1838.
Sept. 12. After a short illness, Mr. John Sinnock, Publican of
York-Street, Dover.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 4 July, 1835. Price 7d.
A fire, which threatened to be of serious consequence, originated in
a bed-room at the "Crown," public house, on the Military road, early on
Thursday morning. The landlord, on rising, struck a light in the room to
carry down stairs; and it is supposed, that a drop of sulphur ignited
the curtains, as he was soon afterwards alarmed by a cry of fire from
without, the flames having burst through the window. Fortunately it was
at the time when a number of mechanics were passing to their work; and
by their assistance the fire was subdued, but not without injury to the
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 23 August, 1845. Price 5d.
On Tuesday afternoon, at one o'clock, an inquest was held at the “Crown
Inn,” Military Road, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the
borough, to investigate the circumstances attending the death of Daniel
Wright, a labourer, who was killed while engaged in excavating a vault
at the back of premises now being erected in Biggin Street, at the
corner of Worthington's Lane. The Jury being sworn, they proceeded to
view the body, and on their return the examination of witnesses took
place as follows:-
Frederick Finn:- I am a bricklayer, and employed by Mr. John Ayers to
state some houses in Biggin Street, at the back of which are three
vaults. The arches of the vaults were begun on Tuesday week, and
finished on the following Wednesday. The centres were struck yesterday
morning, and two men and two boys were employed to clear out the
rubbish. Wright was one of the men employed. The earth cleared out was
thrown by the two lads on the crown of the arches. One vault was cleared
– the other one nearest to Worthington's Lane. The quantity taken from
it was about three cart loads. A second was being cleared, when the arch
first loaded seemed to incline upon the second, and forced the crown of
it up, and at once the whole fell in. The deceased and another man were
working in the second arch when the fall took place, and both were
buried in the ruins. I was on the roof of the house at the time, but
came down directly and assisted in clearing the bricks from Hopper, who
was extricated in about 15 minutes from the time of the fall, and the
deceased in about 25 minutes, but he was quite dead. The vaults were
built by James Nightingale, as master man. [This witness was
complimented by the Coroner and Mr. Mackenzie (one of the Jury) for his
exertions in extricating the men, and for the clear manner in which he
gave evidence.]
John Nightingale, bricklayer, Buckland, deposed to being employed in
taking the crowns out of the two arches, for the purpose of giving them
more spring. Did not know the thickness of the perpendicular walls, but
the crowns were carried over in nine-inch work. Was not present at the
striking of the arches, which were not struck when witness left them.
James Nightingale, master bricklayer, Buckland: I was engaged by Mr.
John Ayers, builder, to erect some houses in Biggin Street. Three weeks
ago I completed three vaults in the rear of the premises. The
perpendicular walls of the vaults were eighteen inches thick, and
composed of flints and lime mortar; the crowns were nine-inch work, of
brick and mortar, the bricks used being rough stocks and new spandrels.
About six inches below the under side of the crown I filled it with
flints and mortar. The two arches next to Worthington's Lane were of 11
feet span, and the other of 13 feet. Before being altered the spring of
the arches was eighteen inches. They were completed in three days.
Yesterday week I observed (after having eased the centres) that the
arches would not stand, upon which I consulted with Mr. Ayres, and it
was agreed to take the crowns out of the two arches next to
Worthington's Lane, and spring them a foot lower. My brother was
employed to do this job, and I assisted him. The new crowns were
completed on Thursday last, and the centres were eased a little on the
day following. Yesterday (Monday) morning Mr. Ayres told me he should
strike the centres, and on going to the building in about two hours
afterwards I found that they were struck, and the work then stood well.
I gave no orders for loading the arches, nor did I hear till late in the
day that any earth had been placed on them. I consider it to be
dangerous to load one arch completely before the others were loaded at
all, and that it would cause the crowns of those arches not loaded to
spring up. With respect to the three arches in question, I should have
loaded them, but have placed an equal quantity on each before completing
any one of them. The arches were originally built by me at 33s. per rod,
(labour). The alterations were day work, and the materials belonged to
Mr. Ayres.
John Ayres, builder – I am erecting some houses in Biggin Street. Took
the work by contract, that the plans and specifications were furnished
by the proprietor, Mr. Taylor, residing near Hampton Park. The vaults
were not included in the contract. I was to build them as large as I
could, and nothing was named as to the mode of their construction. The
vaults were built by Nightingale, as directed by me. Yesterday I had the
centres struck, and fearing the spandrels might burst the crowns upwards
I ordered the deceased and Hopper to clear out the arches, and the two
boys to throw it on the crowns. I saw them about eleven o'clock, and
they had then got out three or four cart loads of earth. I saw them
again at two, when the arches were all safe, and half an hour afterwards
I heard that they had fallen in. I did not apprehend any danger from the
quantity of earth placed on the first arch. It would have been more
prudent to have placed less on that arch, and an equal quantity on the
whole. The materials were my property.
Hammond Divers, the party who struck the centres of the arches, and
William Austen, one of the lads employed in loading the arches, were
then examined, but nothing further of material importance was elicited.
The Coroner having summed up, the Jury, after a brief deliberation,
returned a verdict of Accidental Death, with a demand of five shillings
on the materials.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 3 October, 1846. Price 5d.
October 1st, at Dover, Mrs. Pay, wife of Mr. Pay, landlord of the
Kentish Gazette 24 November 1857.
Nov. 15, at Hougham Church, near Dover, Mr. P. Middleton, to Mrs.
Elizabeth Johnson, widow of the late Mr. Stephen Johnson, of the "Crown
Inn," Dover.
From the Dover Express and East Kent
News, Friday, 15 April, 1870
Thomas Ashenden, landlord of the "Crown Inn," Military Road, charged
with infringing his license by having his house open on Sunday last, was
fined 5s. and 9s. 6d. costs, which he paid.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday,
26 March, 1875.
An inquest was held at the "Red Cow Inn,"
Priory Place, Folkestone Road, on Tuesday evening, before W. H. Payn,
Esq., coroner. and a jury of which Mr. George Spain was the foreman, on
the body of Mary Ann Ashenden who died suddenly.
Thomas Ashended, the landlord of the "Crown" at the foot of Military
Hill said: The deceased, was my wife. She had been drooping for the last
two or three days. She did not think it necessary to have a medical man.
She used to have what she liked. She had a medical man two years ago.
This morning about half-past four o'clock, she asked me to get up and
call the girl. She said hshe was short of breath, and I heard a noise. I
went for Dr. Osborne and on my return I found her apparently quite dead.
Dr. Osborne came immediately, but he pronounced her life to be extinct.
Deceased was 72 years of age.
Mr. Ashby G. Osborne said: This morning about five o'clock, the last
witness summoned me to see his wife at the "Crown Inn." I went
immediately and found her in bed dead, but the body was warm. I had
attended her in May and June, 1873, for bronchitis and thinning of the
air cells of the lungs, and there was commencing dropsy. I have heard
from her husband that she was still suffering from the bronchitis and
shortness of breath, and from this evidence I concluded that death
occurred as is frequent in such cases. The jury returned a verdict of
"Death by natural causes."
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 17 November, 1911.
David Surrage, gunner R.G.A. was charged with wilfully breaking five
pint glasses, one ale glass, one glass globe and one mantle in the bar
of the "Crown," Military Road, doing damage to the amount of 6s. He was
further charged with assaulting G. A. Pointer, landlord of the "Crown"
public house, and Edward Wells, of 15, York Street, groom; Mr. Mowll
appeared to prosecute.
Augustus georg Pointer, landlord of the "Crown" public house,
Military Hill, said on Sunday evening, about ten minutes to 10, the
prisoner and another R.G.A. soldier came into the house. The barman
called attention to the condition of the prisoner and his friend. The
prisoner called for rum, but witness declined to serve him, as he was
under the influence of drink. He next saw Wells wiping his trousers and
the prisoner then hits Wells in the face. He picked up several glasses
and threw them across the bar. One hit the gas globe breaking it. Six
glasses were smashed. The barman went into the public side of the
counter, and witness jumped over. They got the prisoner outside. He then
took his belt, tunic and cap off, and started fighting, going for the
barman. Witness blew a police whistle, and the prisoner ran away.
Witness caught him up at the top of the passage leading to the
sixty-four steps. The prisoner then struck witness in the mouth,
damaging his teeth. Witness got him to Market Street, and handed him
over to P.C. Dunford.
William John Barden, barman, said that the prisoner and the man with
him had had sufficient when they came into the house. After the prisoner
had been advised to go home he picked up another customer's refreshment
and drank it. He was immediately sick over Well's trousers. Wells said
that the prisoner aught to apologise and said it was a dirty trick. The
prisoner struck Wells in the eye and then started throwing the glasses
about. They got him out, and the prisoner struck at witness several
times. Witness dodged most of them, but the prisoner got the best in,
and the blow hit witness on the chin, knocking him down. Wells came to
witness's assistance, and whilst on the ground prisoner kicked Wells in
the eye.
Edward Wells, whose face was very much swollen and eye black, said
that after the prisoner was refused drink he was sick over him. He said
to the prisoner "You might wipe it off." He pulled out his handkerchief,
but instead of using it, he punched witness in the jaw. Afterward he
knocked witness down and kicked him in the left eye.
P.C. Dunford said that he went towards York Street, where he heard a
police whistle blowing, and saw the prisoner being detained by Mr.
Pointer, who gave him into custody for assault and wilful damage. He was
under the influence of drink.
The Magistrates, without asking the prisoner whether he had any
defence, fined him 26s. including costs, for wilful damage, and £1 for
assault, and 6s. costs, or in default 14 days for each offence. The
prisoner elected to go to prison.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 5 July, 1912.
At the Dover Police Court on Monday, before Messrs. G. C. Rubie (in
the chair) and Edward Chitty.
Alice Blythe was summoned by Annie Everett, of 4, The Terrace, Union
Row, for assault on the 26th June.
Charles Burrows, of Glenfield Road, was summonsed by Alice Blythe
(the defendant in the previous case) for assault on the same day.
Burrows pleaded not guilty.
Annie Everett, late of 4, Union Terrace, Union Row, said: On the 26th
June I was in the "Crown Inn," Military Hill, with my mother and young
man the defendant Burrows. The defendant Blythe had some words with my
mother, and came from where she was to the private bar to strike my
mother. I stood in front of my mother, and Blythe struck me in the face,
making my nose bleed. I punched her in the eye, and she got hold of my
throat and tried to get me on the floor, then she tried to hit me with a
jug and glasses, and the landlord locked her away from us. We went home,
and she followed, and threw some stones through the window. The police
were sent for. The defendant Burrows pushed Blythe when she got hold of
my throat in the "Crown." Blythe goes with Burrows into custody, but he
was not detained at the Police Station.
Susan Everett, Union Terrace, Union Row, said: On June 26th the
defendant Blythe came into the "Crown" to strike me, but my daughter got
between us, the defendant struck her, and then tried to get her on the
floor. Burrows went to my daughter's assistance, and Blythe later came
and threw some stones through my window. Witness also showed marks on
her face, which she said were caused by Blythe, who had also ill-treated
another of witness's daughters.
Defendant said it was a lie.
Defendant Blythe said: On the previous occasion in another
public-house, Mrs. Everett asked me to have drink, but as I at first
refused, she said I was nasty, and so to be civil I had a glass of
stout, but directly I sipped it she said I had been intimate with her
husband. I told her that I had never spoken to him, and she shoved me
and nearly put me through a glass door; and the landlord asked her to
leave. She would not, but kept shoving me. The landlord put her out, and
she started banging the window. On the day in question, Mrs. Everett
called me immoral names in the "Crown," and I got up and said, "All you
got on Saturday you deserved, and had you been a young woman you would
have ........ (unreadable text) .......
pushed me, and I struck the daughter, but Burrows got up and siad,
"Don't you strike my girl"; and this is what he did to me (pointing to a
black eye), and I had been to the hospital every day. The other people
in the place told me not to get excited, and closed the door on me from
the others. The daughter also scratched me.
Gordon Grant, the potman at the "Crown" sad, I heard these peple
having words, and saw Mrs. Everett push Blythe out, and, in defence,
Blythe struck her. Burrows got up to defend Everett and struck Blythe.
The landlord separated them. Blythe left the house after the others.
In reply to Burrows, witness said he could not say where defendant
struck Blythe. Defendant pushed and struck her.
Augustus George Pointer, landlord of the "Crown Inn," said he saw
Burrows strike Blythe, and had to prevent him from doing it again. The
handle of the jug and a glass were broken, but he did not know how.
The Chief Constable said Burrows was brought to the Police Station to
be given in charge by Blythe for assault. She talked very quickly, and
was very excited, and it was difficult to get to the bottom of the
affair. Burrows denied the assault, and in questioning, Blythe admitted
she had been assaulted by other persons, and had broken the window of
the house. Under all the circumstances, witness let Burrows go, and said
it would be best to decide the trouble by a summons.
The Chairman said the evidence was not very creditable to any of the
parties. Each defendant would pay the costs, 10s. 6d., and would be
bound over to keep the peace. The complainant Everett would also be
bound over.
Mrs. Everett was also called over and warned.
From the Dover Express, 13 October, 1916.
At the Dover Police Court on Monday, before Captain R. B. Cay, R.N. (in
tie chair), Messrs. J. W. Bussey, H. Hobday and Kdward Chitty.
The licence of “The Crown” Inn, Military Road, from Mr. Hilton to Mr.
Townsend, of Sevenoaks, where he had been a jobbing bricklayer.
The Chief Constable said that this was a house which required to be
dealt with with a firm hand. It had improved a good deal under the late
holder of the licence, but would soon deteriorate if it was not dealt
with firmly.
Dover Express, Friday 22 September 1939.
Breaches of Blackout Rules.
Richard George Husk, the "Crown Inn," Military Road, pleaded not
guilty to a similar offence at 10:15 p.m. on September 3rd.
Mr. Aldington appeared for defendant. P.C. Huddart said he was in
Worthington Street, when he saw a blaze of light coming from the
direction of the "Crown Inn." He found the lights were coming from the
cellar window. He saw the light for about 10 minutes, but defendant told
him it was only on about 2 minutes while he was in the cellar.
Defendant said he had two boards against the window. He was only in
the cellar a minute.
The Chairman:- Have you had it obscured now?
Yes, sir.
Find 10s.
Reinstatement of war damage, provisionally expected to cost £341, was
refused in August 1946 the site being needed for redevelopment. A compulsory
purchase order was made some years later. Concerning its acquisition a
compensation figure of £5,700 was mentioned in March 1962. Perhaps it was
accepted. The pub did close on 16 April 1962.
On 6 October 1967 the area was described as the site of the former, and
recently demolished "Crown" and in June 1972, the entrance from Worthington
Street to Military Road was closed for good to all traffic. An interesting
analogy there perhaps because the erection of the pub had ousted a pair of
gates which led to the pastures above.
The licence was transferred in 1962 from Walter Nadin, the last licensee,
to Thomas Rogers on behalf of Fremlin. Later it passed to Fremlin manager
John Coomber.
SINNOCK John 1832-Sept/38 dec'd

PAY Edward 1840-47+
(age 35 in 1841 )
MARSH Charlotte 1850-51+ (age 32 in 1851 )

JOHNSON Stephen pre 1857
JOHNSON Mrs Elizabeth 1857-58

1861+ (age 40 in 1861 )
FRIEND John 1869-71
DURAND David 1871+ (aged 68 in 1871 )
ASHENDON Thomas 1871-Apr/75 (age 72 in 1871 )
GRIGG George William Apr/1875-81 (age 34 in 1881 )
GRIGG Mary Ann 1881+ (age 34 in 1881 )
WARDEN William Charles 1891-95
(age 33 in 1891 )
CAMBAGE James 1898-1907 (age 60 in 1901 )
CLARK William 1907-11 end

POINTER Augustus George 1911-Aug/12 (age 26 in 1911 )

SKINNER John William Aug/1912-Feb/14
HILTON Thomas Feb/1914-Oct/16
(previously 29 years as signalman at Sevenoaks)
TOWNSEND Leonard Oct/1916-Apr/1921

CLARK Harry Apr/1921-Jan/24 dec'd
CLARK Mrs Ellen (widow) Jan/1924-Aug/25
LING Henry Samuel Aug/1925-Aug/31

(Pig breeder, St. Mary Cray, Kent)
GILLMAN Richard Aug/1931-Dec/37
(Dover Dock Porter)
KINGSMAN Charles Smith Dec/1937-39 end
HUSK Richard George 13/Jan/1939-Dec/39

HARRISON Frederick Ronald John Dec/1939+

RUFF Ernest Charles 1947 end
WALSH John 1947-48 end

McPHERSON John Robertson 1948-50+
NADIN Walter 1953-62 end
The Dover Express reported James Skinner as being from Canterbury.
Frederick Ronald John Harrison, late of 17, Lower Bridge St., Canterbury.
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1923
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49
From the Kelly's Directory 1950
From the Kelly's Directory 1953
From the Kelly's Directory 1956
From the Dover Express
From the Dover Telegraph