149 Brook Street (King Street 1828)
I also have reference to a "King's
Head" addressed at New Road. This may well be the same pub. There
is also another "King's Head" I have
referenced in nearby Rochester. They could be the same.
Just to confuse matters even further, I have in the past assumed that
Book Street in Chatham wasn't in Chatham, but was referencing the village of
"Brook" near Ashford, and some
information just refers to the "King's
Head" Brook. I believe there was a pub with that name there, so
hopefully haven't got the information mixed.
The Licensing
Records of 1872 didn't give an address for this establishment but stated
that the premises held a Full License and was owned by the Trustees of Watts
Charity, Rochester.
From the Maidstone Assizes.
11 March 1678.
Before Thomas Twisden, J, and Timothy Littleton, B.
570. Writs, capias, (In the common law legal systems, capias ad
respondendum (Latin: "that you may capture [him] in order for him to
reply") is or was a writ issued by a court to the sheriff of a
particular county to bring the defendant, having failed to appear, to
answer a civil action against him,) for [blank] Cooper of The
Head," Chatham, victualler. Issued by William Ellys, J, at Maidstone 29
July 1679, and returned by Ralph Petley, sheriff.
Dover Chronicles 20 February 1847.
On the 10th instant J. Hinde, Esq., held an inquest at the "King's
Head," on the Brook, Chatham, on the body of Thomas Joseph Reakes,
ropemaker, who, it appeared by the evidence of Mr. Ely, died from
convulsions produced by teething.
Kentish Gazette, 11 June 1850.
On Monday, the 20th ult., the annual festivities of the Hand-in-Hand
and the Sutton and Chart United Brothers benefit societies took place in
this village. The marine band, from Chatham, arrived at the "Swan Inn"
about nine o’clock, where they were joined by the members of the
Hand-in-Hand provident society. The Sutton and Chart Club, having
engaged the band of the Messrs. Hollands, assembled at the "King’s Head
Inn," and after the transaction of the usual annual business, both clubs
proceeded in procession to church. From church the members returned to
their respective booths, and sat down to dinner. The band of the Messrs.
Holland played. An excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. R. Coates,
who took his text from the 19th verses of the 3rd chapter of St. John's
Southeastern Gazette, 15 March 1853.
Passing Counterfeit Coin at Chatham.
George Johnson, 21, was indicted for uttering a counterfeit
half-crown, well knowing the same to be counterfeit, at Chatham.
Also for uttering another half-crown, well knowing the same to be
counterfeit, at Chatham. Mr. M. Dawson and Mr. Deedes appeared for the prosecution.
George Kemp deposed that he was assistant to his brother, a grocer,
at Chatham. On the 1st February the prisoner came into the shop, and
in payment for some bread and butter he tendered a bad half-crown.
Witness detected it, and gave it to prisoner back again, who said he
had taken it in payment for shrimps. Had no doubt of the prisoner
being the person. Susannah Thomas, keeping a beer-house on the Military-road, Chatham,
Brothers") a short distance from Mr. Kent’s, deposed that on the 1st February
the prisoner came into her house between seven and eight o’clock,
and in payment for half a pint of beer he tendered a bad half-crown.
Prisoner drank the beer at the bar. She gave prisoner the change,
and he went away. Directly afterwards she detected the coin as bad
and gave it to George Clissold. George Clissold deposed to receiving the half-crown produced from
the last witness. Thomas Church deposed that the prisoner came into his father’s shop
at Chatham, on the 1st February, and tendered a bad half-crown in
payment for some flour. Witness took it to his father, who detected
it as bad, and questioned prisoner about it. Moody, the constable,
was afterwards called in, when prisoner left the shop. The coin was
given up to Moody. Moody deposed to receiving the half-crown from Mr. Church, which he
produced. Superintending-constable Everist, Rochester division, deposed to
apprehending the prisoner at the "King’s Head" lodging-house,
Chatham. (Hopefully it's this house, Paul
Skelton) On searching him he found in his possession, three
shillings, one sixpence, and 8 3/4d. in coppers, all of which was
good money. Mr. Powell deposed to the coin produced being counterfeit, both of
which were made in the same mould, and of the reign of George III. The prisoner was found guilty, and for the first offence was
sentenced to six months’ hard labour, and nine months’ for the
second. |
Sporting Life, Saturday 5 September 1868.
Mr. J. Terry, of the "Union Flag," Chatham, will give a splendid silver
cup, value 10 guineas, to be run for at the Star Grounds, Rainham-road,
Chatham on Monday, September 20, in a 440 yards handicap, open to
England; the winner to hold the cup for six months, and accept all
challenges on handicap terms for not less than £5 a-side, and to run in
six weeks from signing articles. £1 10s. will be given with the cup for
first prize, £1 second, and 10s. third. Entrance 1s., and 1s. 6d
acceptance. Entries to be made with Mr. T. Cox, "Palace Tavern,"
Palace-road, Bromley; Mr. J. Price, Ashford; Mr. G. Finn, "Sovereign
Inn," Castle-street, Canterbury; Mr. C. Wood, "Victory Tavern," Mile
Town, Sheerness; Mr. R. Styles, "King's
Head," Brook; Mr. J. Terry,
"Union Flag," Chatham.
Entries to close September 16. Any man entering falsely to be
disqualified. Mr. George Finn, of Canterbury, handicapper.
All emails are answered.
COOPER ???? 1678
PALMER Thomas 1793+

PENNY Charles 1828+

SMITH Richard 1828+
(King Street)
PHILIPS Francis 1832-38+

EDGE Amelia 1840+
BUTLER Walter 1858-62+
(age 26 in 1861 )
SINCLAIR James 1872+

NELSON John 1882+
LUCAS Jane 1891+ (widow age 39 in 1891 )
GIFFORD Alexander 1901-03+ (age 40 in 1901 )

British Directory of Trade 1793
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
Topography 1838
Records 1872