38 Bridge Street
29 Bridge Street
Above photo from the John Gilham collection, circa 1920. |
Photo taken by Barry Smith circa 1988. |
The above 1906 Wills cigarette card actually has nothing to do with the
pub, but does show the Arms or Seal that Dover were using. |
The house now under discussion can be traced to before 1871 when an
unknown licensee apparently died some time before September 1871, and an
application was made to transfer the license to Thomas Downs who had acted
as barman before the licensees death.
Further research has seen the Inn mentioned as early as 1860.
Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 24 November 1860.
Nov. 16, at the "Town Arms Inn," Charlton, Dover, Alfred Clark, the
beloved child of Mr. Alfred Joseph Bushell, aged 8 years.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 September, 1871. Price 1d.
In the case of the “Town Arms,” Bridge Street, Charlton, Mr. Fox said
that the former holder of the license was dead, and he now made
application that it might be granted to his successor, Mr. Thomas Downs,
who for some time previous to the former holder's death had been
assisting in the conduct of the business.
Mr. Downs, who was in Court, said he was part-owner of the property, and
was prepared with the necessary certificates.
It appeared that the estate of the last holder of the license had not
yet been administered; and Mr. Downs was requested to apply again after
the administration had taken place.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 10 November, 1882. Price 1d.
An inquest was held on Saturday afternoon last at the “Falcon Hotel,”
High Street, Charlton, before the Borough Coroner (S. Payn, Esq.) on the
body of William Rose, the landlord of the “Town Arms, Bridge Street, who
had poisoned himself the previous night.
The Jury consisted of the following gentlemen:- Mr. E. Robinson (Foremam),
Messrs. F. J. Philpott, T. Cook, J. Filer, G. Hatch, T. B. Harris, H.
Gurr, J. Reid, J. Pelham, F. Payn, D. Peak, S. Shipley, A. Hicks, and E.
The body having been viewed, the following evidence was taken:-
Alice Weller, housekeeper to the deceased said: The body now lying at
the “Town Arms,” Bridge Street, is that of William Rose, the landlord of
that house. I have been acting as housekeeper to him for the last
fortnight. He was about 50 years of age . Shortly after 11 o'clock after
shutting up the house, I heard the deceased come up stairs and after
kissing the children go into his bedroom. Directly afterwards I heard
him say “Oh dear” but I took no notice, because sometimes he speaks to
himself. He continued to speak and then groan as if he were in pain. I
opened my door and said “what is the matter Mr. Rose,” and I also went
to his door and repeated my question. The deceased was lying on the bed
and saying “Oh dear, I am so stiff I can't move, and I want to turn
over.” I asked him to wait till I put my things on. He said that he
would wait, but continued saying, “I am so stiff, my heart is broken.”
Before I dressed I called Mrs. Curling, who lives in the next house, and
during that time a policeman came in, as the door was left open. Mrs.
Curling came in a short time, and she thought that he had poisoned
himself, and she asked him what he had taken. The deceased at first
would not answer, but on being asked again he said that he had taken
some vermin powder. I immediately sent a policeman for a doctor, but
before he arrived the deceased died. Mrs. Curling had further asked him
where he had purchased the powder, but he said that he did not know the
place. The deceased died within about a quarter of an hour after I went
to him. The deceased had been depressed in spirits lately, because about
3 weeks ago his wife left him, and went away with another man, taking
with her all she could lay her hands upon - £24 in money and several
articles of value. He seemed if any way rather better yesterday than he
has been since his wife left him, and was out in the afternoon.
By the Foreman of the Jury: There were four children left at home with
the deceased, and the one which was born previous to her marriage with
him, she took away with her.
Police-constable John Cook said: At about half past eleven o'clock last
night, I was on duty in bridge Street, when I was called to the “Town
Arms” by a woman called Curling. On going upstairs I found the landlord
lying on the bed and appearing to be in great pain. I asked him what was
the matter, and he said that his wife had disgraced him, and he had
taken vermin powder. I at once went to the door, and blew my whistle for
assistance, and in a few seconds Police-constable Fogg came up, and I
sent him for a doctor, and while he was gone Police-sergeant Johnson
came. I was present when he died, about a quarter of an hour afterwards,
and just before the doctor arrived.
Police-sergeant Johnson said: Last night at about 11.45 I was on duty in
Bridge Street when I saw several persons running out of the “Town Arms”
public-house and go up the street. Finding the door was open and a light
downstairs, I called out and asked who it was. A voice cried out “Who is
that?” and I said “Police,” and then someone said “Come upstairs.” I
went up into a bedroom, and saw the landlord lying in bed, and in strong
convulsions, and with Police-constable Cook at his side trying to lift
him up. I asked him what was the matter, and he said that the landlord
had poisoned himself. Previously a messenger had been sent for a doctor,
and in the meantime I tried to give him some salt and hot water, which I
had some difficulty in obtaining. I asked the landlady what he had
taken, and he said “Vermin powder. My wife has brought all this disgrace
upon me and my family.” The deceased was too far gone to take the salt
and water, and in a minute or two he died. That was about twelve
o'clock, and shortly after that the doctor came.
By the Foreman of the Jury: I did not find any powder in the house at
all. The house has been thoroughly searched.
Mr. A. G. Osborn, surgeon, said: I was called last night by
Police-constable Fogg, at about 11.55, to go to the “Town Arms,” Bridge
Street. I attended immediately, on arriving found the preceding
witnesses all present in a bedroom, and the deceased lying on the bed
dead. I passed the tube of the stomach pump into the deceased, but could
extract nothing, for his stomach seemed quite empty. I examined the
body, but found no marks of violence. The description of the mode of
death given by the two policemen are such as would be caused by a large
dose of vermin powder.
The Jury returned a verdict of suicide while temporarily insane.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 1 December, 1882. Price 1d.
A woman named Rose, wife of the late landlord of the “Town Arms,” Bridge
Street, who committed suicide a short time ago, came in to see the Board
and asked them to allow her to take her children out of the Union, and
the application was granted.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 25 October, 1889. Price 1d.
At the Police Court on Monday, William Marsh, a labourer, was charged
with stealing one coat, two pairs of trousers, three shirts, three
handkerchiefs, one flannel, waistcoat, etc., the property of Andrew
Johnson, a Scandinavian, who said he was discharged in Ostend last
Thursday, and came across to Dover on Saturday. He had some new clothes,
and wanted to sell some of them to raise money to pay his fare to
London. He met a man just after leaving the steamboat and asked him to
help him to get rid of his clothes. Whilst they were trying to sell them
they fell in with the prisoner, who said he knew a place where they
could sell them. The prisoner then got possession of the clothes and
decamped. From the remainder of the evidence it appeared that the first
man the prosecutor met, was William Godden, and he seemed to have gone
with the seaman with the bona fide intent of helping him to sell his
clothes, and he took them to Mr. Farley's in Hawksbury Street, but could
not get as much as they wanted. They then went up the town, and having
“wet” the transaction at one or two public houses, had evidently brought
their mental faculties in a condition to be imposed upon. They met the
prisoner in a public-house, and he, having got possession of the
clothes, took part home, and others he sold at the “Town Arms,” Bridge
Street. Marsh pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to four months'
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 23 August, 1901. Price 1d.
In regard to the licence of the "Town Arms," Bridge Street, the bench refused
the transfer of the licence from Mr. J. H. Elliott to Mr. H. Shaw, of Hampton.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 5 February, 1915.
Objections were heard with regard to the sanitary accommodation at
the following houses:- "Town Arms," "Marquis of
Anglesey," and the
"Marquis of Waterford."
Mr. Mowll said that he appeared on behalf of the "Town Arms," Bridge
Street. he wished to know exactly what the objection was.
The Chief Constable said that last week with a committee of
Magistrates, he visited the "Town Arms," and objection was taken by the
magistrates to the lavatory accommodation. the door of the W.C. opened
into the scullery of the house. that was the principle objection and it
was felt that the door should be outside the living part of the house.
Another question arose as to the customers going through the scullery to
use the lavatory.
The Chairman: can they get to this door without going through the
The Chief Constable: It would be approached from the outside but
there would be some alteration required.
Mr. Mowll asked whether there was anything wrong in customers going
through the scullery in order to use the lavatory.
The Chief Constable: Personally, I should say no.
Mr. Mowll said that that was the difficulty and he expected there was
a great many houses like it in the town. They could not enlarge the
premises. It was possible to have the urinal approached by a side
entrance but he thought there were some objections to it. If the
customers were prevented from going through the scullery and were made
to go outside into the street and back by the side passage there was a
question whether it did not become a public urinal at once.
The Chief Constable said that as soon as the urinal was placed at the
disposal of the public it became a public urinal to all intents and
purposes and as there was not one provided by the town in the
neighbourhood it would be used by practically everybody using the
Mr. Mowll: Having regard as to what the Superintendent has said does
the Bench want me to say any more about this?
Mr. Barnes: Personally, I was one of the Magistrates who visited it
and I don't see any objection to it.
It was decided to consider the question later
The Chairman said that with regard to the "Town Arms" they would
adjourn that matter until the adjourned meeting. He did not think there
would be very much difficulty about it, but the Magistrates took an
interest in those matters and it was just as well that they should do
so. With regard to the "Marquis of Waterford" and the "Marquis of
Anglesey" they did not see how they could go behind the statement made
by their officer and the licences would be renewed.
As an outlet of
George Beer it stood on the corner with Colebran Street. I emphasise that,
because the street has been renumbered at least once and before 1922 this
would be 29.
From the Dover Express, Friday 20 August, 1926.
Special Sessions for the transfer of licences were held at the Dover
Police Court on Friday, before Messrs. W. B. Brett, T. Francis, H. J,
Burton, and S. Lewis, when the following transfers were made:- The "Town Arms," Bridge St., from Mr, George Thomas Tasker,
to Mr. George Frederick Crick, of 1 George St. Maidstone, coal merchant. |
From the Dover Express and East Kent News. 10 June, 1938. Price 1½d.
Application was made for approval to plans for alterations, mostly
internal, to the “Mail Packet,” and the “Town Arms.”
The Magistrates' Clerk said that it would be advisable if the plans were
first approved by the Town Council.
The plans were agreed subject, to the approval of the Town Council.
Dover Express 1st June 1945.
On Monday, an Army motor lorry was being driven down Bridge Street when,
through a steering defect, it crashed over the footpath into the wall of
the “Town Arms”. The driver sustained a cut over the left eye and Mrs.
Stables of 317 London Road, who was passing, had a lucky escape, though
sustaining a bruised shoulder and back. A portion of the main wall was
broken away and a window smashed.
Dover Express 9th August 1946.
The engagement is announced of Doris, only daughter of Mrs. E. Vidler of
the “Town Arms”, Dover, to Ernest W. T. Reeve, only son of Mr. & Mrs. W.
H. Reeve of Romford, Essex. |
Like the house above, this also just faded away. How long Ince stayed
after 1963 is not known. Some of the houses in Colebran Street were
demolished in January 1952 so that an iron foundry could be enlarged. This
house survived that year but it was boarded up and remained empty and
derelict for twenty years before being taken down, with great speed, in less
than twenty four hours, in early December 1988. The small part of the street
remaining had received its closing order in July that year preparatory to
extensive redevelopment in the area. This property would not have been
included in that scheme initially but did become so ultimately. With great
alacrity the boundary fence moved over night and the property disappeared. I
doubt if anybody regretted this eyesore going.
BUSHELL Alfred 1860+
Unknown dec'd to Sept/1871

DOWNS Thomas Sept/1871+
(also cooper age 35 in 1871 )

DOWNS Mrs Sarah 1874

GOSS Francis 1882

ROSE William to Nov/1882 dec'd

NEWING George Nov/1882-May/83

CLAYSON Mr J S May/1883+ (late of Broadstairs)

APPS M A 1883-84+
PRATT Benjamin to (1888+) Jan/1889

LANE William Thomas Jan/1889-92
LANE Hannah Mrs 1891+
(age 37 in 1891 )
CHAPMAN John 1892-95

FOX George 1895
INWOOD John 1899

NORRIS F J May/1901
ELLIOT John R H May/1901-Mar/02

BOOTH Thomas William Mar/1902-03 end
(Carrier of Buckland)
FRY Edward Swinford 1903
HOLMAN Benjamin 1905 end
WRIGHT Alfred Leonard 1905-18 dec'd (age 35 in 1911 )

HOWE Charles 1919 dec'd
HOWE Mrs 1919 end
PHILLIPS Edward Arthur 1920-Oct/23
TASKER George Thomas Oct/1923-July/26
CRICK George Frederick July/1926-Dec/26
HEYMAN William Edward Dec/1926-Aug/35 end
(Former fishmonger of 123, London Road, Dover)
SIRETT John Aug/1935

ROSSER Herbert 1938-39 end
MOLES Mrs Nellie 1939-61 dec'd
VIDLER E Mrs 1960
INCE Sidney 1961-63
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49
From the Kelly's Directory 1950
From the Kelly's Directory 1953
From the Kelly's Directory 1956
From the Dover Express