New Street

Biggin Street
The left shows Lefevre's Temperance Hotel, formally the Saracen's Head
Inn. |
According to Jo Harman this pub used to be called the "Horseshoe"
when Thomas Challis had it in 1613. The name changed to the "Saracen's Head"
by 1730 and from the passage below it seems also had been rebuilt by this
year as well. I am wondering whether the new building caused the change of
name also, but reading between the lines I would guess it changed name
before being demolished and rebuilt.
Sketch of Dover by G.Ledger 1799.
Thomas CHALLICE “Jan 3 1613 left to the poor in bread 10 shillings
yearly, payable from a house called the Saracen’s Head, etc. Dover, St
Mary Charities, Dover.
From the Kentish Post or Canterbury News-Letter,
November 4-7, 1730. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.
The Saracen's Head Inn in Dover, now in the occupation
of Robert Arthur, having been pulled down, is now rebuilt.
From the Kentish Post or Canterbury News-Letter, March
20 to 23, 1751. Kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.
Advert for a Cock Match at Mr. John Gibson's, at the Saracens's Head in
From the Kentish Post, 15 July, 1757. Kindly sent from
Alec Hasenson.
Privateer to be sold at Mr. John Gibson's at the "Saracen's Head" in
Dover, July 15th 1757.
From the Kentish Post, January 2-6, 1762. Kindly sent from
Alec Hasenson.
Sale of a Messuage at Mr. John Gibson's, Sign of the "Saracen's
Head," Dover.
Kentish Gazette, 28 November, 1806.
On Saturday last, W. Howland, private in the 14th regiment, was
committed to Dover gaol, charged on the oath of ----- Coles, a
silversmith, with breaking open a box containing seals, lockets, and
other trinkets to the value £200 and rifling it of its contents. It
appeared that on examination, that Howland had been entrusted with
the charge of the box on Friday evening, to deliver at the
"Saracen’s Head Inn," but on his way thither he committed the
robbery, and after taking the goods out of the box, threw it into
the church yard, where it was found next morning. Several of the
artefacts were found concealed in his apartment.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 23 November, 1833. Price 7d.
A young countryman coming into the town was accosted by a fellow,
who, under the pretence of trafficking about some straw, enticed the
fiat into a public-house; here he was surrounded by a number of
sharps, one of whom said he had lost a dog, at the same time
producing a dog-collar and padlock. After some further
conversation, the fellow unlocked the lock several times, and
challenging the clodhopper to do the same, offering " to lay him"
all the money he had in his pocket that he could not. The latter agreed,
and produced 8s. 6d. which he immediately doubled by the other party.
The sharps then cunningly presented the gull with a lock, manufactured
so as not to open at all, which of course defied all his efforts to
unlock, and he lost his money. The police will do well to look after
these gentry.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 30 November, 1833. Price 7d.
Last week we
gave an account of a simple fellow who had been swindled by a trick with
a lock off a dogs collar, at Maidstone fair, and we now have to record a
similar cheat played off at the "Saracen's Head" in this town.
On Wednesday a poor labourer from Hythe, named Figg entered the above
house accompanied by a stranger. Soon after they were seated two other
fellows entered the room, when the former produced a lock, which he
stated he could not open and gave it to Mr Figg, who opened it three or
four times with ease; the other however pretended that it had not been
opened and that he would bet him any money he could not open it. Figg
being conscious that he had opened it, offered to bet all the money he
had about him, £2. 14s. that he would open it again: the stakes were
deposited in the hands of one of the confederates, and another lock or
the same lock with a spring, was delivered to poor Figg, who not being
able to open it, the stakes were then decided to belong to, and
delivered over accordingly, to the man of the locks, Figg was then
induced to accompany one of the fellows into the fair, who soon gave him
the slip, and the whole party decamped, leaving the poor dupe with
pockets to let.
From the Dover Telegraph, price 7d. 5 July 1834.
William Finn and William Beer, (well known at Dover as
Blucher Beer,) two ill-looking fellows, were indicted for stealing, on
the 3rd June last, two fowls, at Alkham, the property of Elizabeth
Holmes. There were two other counts, charging them with stealing a fowl
belonging to William Horton, and one from Ambrose Cullen, of the
"Saracen's Head Inn," Dover.
The case was fully proved, and the chairman immediately
sentenced the prisoners to seven years' transportation.
It was said to be there, on the corner with New Street in
1613 and mentioned the same address in 1823 (Pigot's directory). The 1824
Pigot's directory mentions it as "Saracen's Head, (& posting Inn) with an
Elizabeth Walter & Sons". It would be more accurate to say the forerunner of
New Street. I have heard this used to be the principle Market-house in the
area around and before 1771.
Phineas Constable, a twenty one year old milkman, died in
1842. Like all of us, his heart must have stopped beating. The inquest at
these premises decided that he must have died by a visitation from god. That
seems to have been a fairly common, and convenient, summing up at that time.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 27 August, 1842. Price 5d.
An inquest was held on Monday, at the "Saracen's Head," before G. T.
Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the borough, on the body of Phineas
Constable, milkman, aged 21 years.
Morris Potter, rope-maker, deposed, that on Sunday afternoon about 5
o'clock, I saw deceased, who appeared very faint, and leaning against a
woman, who asked him to assist her in taking him in doors, which I did.
Deceased said he thought he was dying, and I left him in the room. I
knew the deceased, who has for some years been in the employ of Mr.
Jenkins, milkman, at Charlton.
Mary Pritchard stated, that she saw the deceased stagger against a
wall, near Elsonis's Cottages, and, with the assistance of last witness,
took him in doors, where he died almost immediately.
Mr. Richard Thomas Hunt, surgeon, deposed, that on a post mortem
examination of the body, he found he death had been caused by an
aneurism of the heart, and the Jury returned a verdict of - "Died from
the visitation of God."
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 7 January, 1843. Price 5d.
An inquest was held, at the "Saracen's Head," before G. T. Thompson,
Esq., Coroner for the borough, on the body of a child aged nine weeks,
son of Richard Nicholls, fishmonger. From the evidence of Mr. R. T.
Hunt, surgeon, it appeared that the death of the child was caused by
convulsions, produced by congestion of the brain, and the Jury returned
their Verdict accordingly.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday, 12 December, 1846. Price 5d.
Dec. 5, at Dover, Mr. Prebble, landlord of the "Saracen's Head Inn,"
aged 58.
Kentish Gazette, 5 March 1850.
Dover United Friendly Society.
A meeting of the members of this recently formed Society took place on
Monday, at the "Saracen’s Head," when a code of laws was
submitted for consideration, and unanimously approved of. It appears
that this Society has commenced under favourable auspices,
is already provided with an efficient management, and promises well to
aid in the amelioration of distress, by a provision for sickness
and advanced years. We hear that the future meetings will be held on the
first Wednesday evening in each month, at the above
Kentish Gazette, 13 August 1850.
Coroner's Inquest.
On Thursday afternoon an inquest was held at the "Saracen's Head Inn,"
Biggin Street, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, on
the body of a child named Emma Isabella Reeves, aged 2 years, who died
on Wednesday, from injuries received by the accidentally throwing over
of a saucepan of boiling water, &c., a fortnight previous. The deceased
and her brother, a little boy eight years of age, were on Sunday, the
27th ult., sitting before a fire in the kitchen, on which was placed a
saucepan holding nearly a pail of water, and in which the dinner was
cooking. The mother having occasion to throw some dirty water into the
street, left the kitchen for about two minutes, and during her absence
the boy, in getting up, knocked his arm against the handle of the
saucepan, by which it was overthrown, and the contents fell upon
deceased, who was thereby so severely scalded, that death ultimately
resulted from the injuries sustained.
Verdict:— That the deceased died from a severe scald accidentally
Kentish Gazette, 20 May 1851.
Leigh:— On the 15th inst., age 35, that beloved wife of Mr. James Leigh,
Cannon Street, Dover, much and deservedly respected by a numerous circle
of relatives and friends. The deceased for several years conducted the
"Saracens Head Inn," in that town, where her truly kind and Christian
conduct endeared her to all who became acquainted with her.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 30
October, 1858.
William Thompson, a disbanded Militiaman, and Emma Martin, an
unfortunate, the former lodging at the "Saracen's Head," Biggin Street,
and the latter in New Street, were charged with assaulting Patrick
Mulroney, a corporal of the Donegal Militia. The witnesses on both sides
were ordered out of court.
From a very conflicting and contradictory mass of evidence, it
appeared that on the preceding Thursday night, Mulroney was the corporal
of the picquet of the Donegul, who in the course of their duty were
called upon to visit the house in which the female defendant resides. On
the door being opened, in answer to their summons, they found two
soldiers of their regiment drinking and playing cards in company with
the two defendants and another unfortunate girl. It became the duty of
the corporal, therefore, to make the men prisoners and convey them, by
means of the escort, to barracks; but on doing so the cap of one of them
was not to be found. After the lapse of some time it was discovered
concealed in the female defendant's dress; but after it was placed upon
the head of the man to whom it belonged, she again snatched it off, and
by this means endeavoured to impede the picquet in the discharge of
their duty. She also menaced the complainant with a stone which she
picked up in the street, and with which she ran after him. The cap, it
appeared, was passed to the male defendant, and upon some angry words
taking place between him and the complainant he struck complainant
across the shoulder with a poker. In support of his testimony the
complainant called privates Gallagher and Kirk, who were both in the
escort that visited New Street on the night in question. Their united
evidence, however, did not amount to much concerning the facts of the
case, as they had charge of the two men who were made prisoners, and
were therefore unable to give their attention to what was passing
around. One of them, however, observed a dirty mark on the collar of
Mulroney's coat as from a stick or something of that sort.
The defendants gave a simple denial to the facts deposed by the
complainant, who admitted, upon the cross-examination of Thompson, that
after he entered the house to look after the missing men another pot of
beer was sent for and that he partook of it. In reply to one of the
Magistrates who questioned him as to whether he was permitted to take
intoxicating drink while engaged on duty, he said, with the naiveté of a
true Hibernian, that "Sure, he could drink the beer first and perform
his duty afterwards."
The witness called by the defendants scarcely confirmed the
statements as to their complete innocence of the charge brought against
them by the complainant, and after a very patient investigation, the
Magistrates fined each of the defendants 5s. and the costs, or 14 days
The girl sent for the money; but Thompson said he must go to prison,
and he was accordingly removed.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 17
September, 1859.
William Reid was charged with stealing from the till o the "Saracen's
Head," in Biggin Street, three shillings in silver, the property of the
landlord, Mr. John Taylor.
Harriet Pearce, barmaid at the "Saracen's Head," said - The prisoner
came into the bar yesterday morning about 12 o'clock and asked for half
a pint of beer, which I served him; and being called to the kitchen I
left him standing at the bar. While in the kitchen I heard the sound of
money rattling, as if in the till, and on returning to the bar I found
the prisoner with his hand in the drawer. I asked him what he wanted,
and he answered, "A pipe." I then asked him why he had put his hand in
the till, and why, if he wanted a pipe, he had not waited till I came
back? He replied that he had seen me get pipes out of the drawers, and
that he thought this was the one in which they were kept. On examining
the money in the till I discovered that 3s. were missing. He then went
down the passage leading to the back door was in New Street, and was
absent for about a quarter of an hour, at the expiration of which he
came back in company with another man. My uncle, the landlord, was there
when the prisoner returned, having come in at the front door as the
prisoner returned by the back. I told my uncle of what had occurred, and
he then sent for a policeman and had the prisoner taken into custody.
By the prisoner - I did not see any money in your hand when I
returned to the bar. I put a pipe into one of your hands, but your other
hand was closed, and I saw you pout it into your pocket.
Police-sergeant Back - Yesterday between 12 and 1 o'clock I went to
the "Saracen's Head." I saw John Taylor, the landlord, and the prisoner,
standing in the passage in front of the bar door. Taylor said to me I
give this man in custody for putting his hand into my till. I took him
into custody and conveyed him to the police-station, accompanied by
Taylor. The last witness subsequently came and charged the prisoner with
putting his hand into the money-till and stealing there-from three
shillings in silver. On the charge being read over to the prisoner by
the superintendent, who cautioned him in the usual manner, the prisoner
said "My hand was not in the money drawer; it was in the pipe drawer; I
went to get a pipe." I searched the prisoner. I found no money on him,
but eleven duplicates, which he said related to articles he had pledged
when out of work. The prisoner was then locked up.
The prisoner was then remanded till the following day for the
attendance of Mr. Taylor, who, it appeared was unavoidably prevented
from being present at the examination.
William Reid, the man remanded on the previous day, on a charge of
stealing three shillings in silver from the till of the "Saracen's Head
Inn," Biggin Street, the property of the landlord, John Taylor, was
again brought up.
Taylor was now in attendance, but it appearing that he was unable to
offer evidence of any facts beyond those already deposed to, the
Magistrates did not think it necessary to examine him.
The evidence taken at the first examination was then read over, after
The barmaid, Marriet Pearce, was recalled, and in answer to questions
put by the Magistrates she said - The distance between the bar and the
kitchen is
To be continued once I find the original files.
Paul Skelton.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 21 January, 1860.
Chas Orlie, a powerful looking "navvy," was brought up in custody of
the police charged with assaulting Mr. Taylor, landlord of the
"Saracen's Head Inn," Biggin Street, on the preceding evening.
The occurrence, at appeared, arose out of a quarrel which had taken
place at the complainant's house on the previous evening, and
complainant now said he had no desires to press the charge. The assault
it seemed had been one of some violence; but as the defendant had been
locked up for the night in one of the station-house cells, the
complainant thought he had been sufficiently punished, and declined
proceeding further.
The Magistrates said that the charge of assault was certainly one of
which the complainant might proceed or not, but in their opinion, by the
appearance of the defendant, he seemed hardly deserving of the
complainant's clemency. The presiding magistrate further intimated, for
the behoof of such persons as the defendant, that although the number of
rough men might be very much increased in this neighbourhood by the
progress of the works that were shortly to be carried forward in Dover,
the authorities would take care that a proper respect for the law was
The defendant was ordered to pay costs, 2s. but he said in a dogged
and indifferent manner that he had neither money nor friends and could
not pay anything.
The complainant then said he would pay the money if the defendant
would promise to refund it. To this the defendant, who seemed to have
little idea of gratitude, made no reply; but on a fellow-workman of
defendant's, who was in the body of the court, offered to become
responsible for the repayment of the amount, the complainant paid the
money and defendant was discharged, the Bench being of opinion that the
complainant had acted too leniently.
8th September 1864 saw this public house auctioned at the "Royal
Oak" as Lot 4 of 27 lots owned by the "Jeken,
Coleman & Rutley" Brewery of Custom House Quay. The advert stated:-
"All that long-established and well-frequented Public-house, known as
the "SARACEN'S HEAD," situated in Biggin Street, together with the extensive
yard and stabling in the rear, now in the occupation of Mr. J Taylor."
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
17 December, 1864.
John Taylor, landlord of the "Saracen's Head," Biggin Street, was
charged with serving on Sunday morning last, at ten minutes past eleven.
Police-sergeant Barton, in company with police-constable Corrie,
entered defendant's house at the time mentioned. A man was sitting in
the taproom with a pint of beer in front of him, and another pint pot
with some liquor in it was standing on one of the tables in the same
For the defence it was proved to the satisfaction of the Magistrates
that the man found in the taproom was a brother-in-law of the landlord,
and had come to the house with some provisions, and also that the
landlady had given him a pint of beer.
The Bench therefore dismissed the case.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
10 June, 1865. Price 1d.
William Danson, was charged with assaulting Sarah Jane Doyle.
Mr. Minter was for complainant.
Complainant said: I am the housekeeper of Mr. Taylor, landlord of the
"Saracen's Head Inn." About three months ago I trusted the defendant for
three pints of beer. The defendant came to my house on Saturday last,
and in consequence of what Mr. Taylor said to me I spoke to the
defendant. I said "I beg your pardon, sir, but did you tell Mr. Taylor
you had paid me for the three pints of beer?" He said yes. I went to the
bar, but returned again, and laying my hand on his breast I said, "Now,
as a man, did you pay me for those pints of beer?" He took hold of my
hand and was going to put it in his mouth. I attempted to draw it away,
but he caught my little finger, and nearly bit it off. Mr. Taylor came
into the room and said, "I'll not allow you to insult that woman," when
defendant said, "I'll serve you the same," and struck him, knocking him
down. He fell with him and bit his throat.
John Taylor, landlord of the "Saracen's Head," corroborated the
evidence of complainant.
Defendant denied striking the complainant. He said that himself and
Taylor had words and were scuffling, when the complainant interfered and
scratched him down the face. She also attempted to "rip" his mouth, and
that was perhaps how her finger got injured.
The Magistrates considered the assault proved, and committed him to
prison for one month with hard labour, without the option of a fine.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
30 August, 1867. Price 1d.
A man named George Holloway was charged with wilfully breaking a pane
of plate glass, value 50s., at the "Saracen's" Head Inn," Biggin Street,
on the previous evening.
It appeared that about six o'clock the proceeding evening there was
some singing and dancing going forward in front of the bar at the
"Saracen's Head," and the doors being shut, a crowd of boys was
collected, and some of them were endeavouring to peep through the window
to see what was going on. While they were so engaged, the defendant came
up, and it was alleged, wantonly pushed a boy's head through the pane of
glass in question.
The defendant pleaded that the damage was accidentally done, he
having no intention of pushing the boy's head through the glass. He also
urged that the "Saracen's head" was not well conducted, if its front
doors were closed in broad daylight, in order that singing and dancing
might be indulged in.
The Magistrates dismissed the charge of wilful damage, but found the
defendant guilty of an unprovoked attack upon the boy, for which they
fined him 10s. and costs; in default seven days' imprisonment.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
17 July, 1868. Price 1d.
James Brett, a workman having the appearance of a bricklayer, was
charged with attempting to break open the door of the "Saracen's" Head
Inn," Biggin Street.
It appeared from the evidence of Mr. Tyler, the landlord of the
"Saracen's Head," that after the house was closed on Saturday night a
party of disorderlies surrounded the door and declared they would have
admittance. He did not offer to open the door, and after a little time
it was subjected to a kicking and a sudden pressure almost sufficient to
burst it open. On the door opening he found the defendant close to it,
and he collared him, and held him till the police appeared. There was a
good deal of scuffling, and in the course of it his (Mr. Tyler's)
clothing got damaged to the extent of 10s. He believed, however, that
the affair was a drunken spree, and if the defendant was willing to
recompense him the loss he had been put to, he was not desirous of
pressing the charge further.
The defendant protested that he was not one of those who had been
creating the alleged disturbance. According to his account he was
unluckily passing the door at the moment it opened, and Mr. Tyler, much
to his surprise, darted out and caught hold of him by the collar. The
defendant, however, although putting forward his statement, did not seem
to have much faith in its recommending itself to the Bench, for on being
asked whether he would pay the amount at which Mr. Tyler estimated his
damage, or have the case proceeded with, he elected to pay the 10s.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
3 April, 1874. Price 1d.
Before S. M. Latham, and J. G. Smith, Esqrs.
Charles Dodd, an artilleryman, was charged with breaking a quantity
of glass in the "Saracen's Head" public-house, the value of £3 12s., in
November last.
Mr. Worsfold Mowll appeared for the complainant. He stated that the
delay had occurred on account of the defendant admitting doing the
damage and promising to pay the costs. He had since refused payment.
The case was proved, and the defendant fined 1s. together with £3
12s. damage and 10s. 6d. costs. Being unable to pay, he went to prison
for one month.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 31 March, 1876. Price 1d.
Thomas Graham was charged with stealing two brooches, and a shawl, from
the “Saracen's Head” public house, the property of Mr. Ball.
Mr. J. Ball, landlord of the “Saracen's Head,” said: The prisoner came
to my house yesterday about half-past one. He had a pint of beer.
Shortly after I saw him coming down stairs. I asked him what he was
doing up there and he made excuse and said he had known the house well
for a long time and also that he had been up to look at the piano. I
noticed a lump on his left shoulder when he went out. I had suspicion
that he had taken something and I told my wife and we both went up
stairs and found the drawers open and things pulled about and I missed
the three articles produced. I then went to the Police-station, and the
Superintendent sent the Sergeant with me in search for the prisoner. We
found him on the Commercial Quay. The landlady of the “Commercial Inn”
gave me the shawl in the presence of the prisoner and said another man
had just bought it for 2s. prisoner did not say anything. At the station
he was searched and the two brooches were taken out of his pocket. The
value of the articles is £2 10s.
William Swain, labourer, said: I was in the “Commercial Inn” at
half-past two, when the prisoner came in and offered the shawl for sale
at 6s. he could not sell it for that so he asked 4s., and afterwards
came down to 2s. He said he was a dealer and had bought the shawl in Snargate Street. The Sergeant came in and it was given up directly.
Police-sergeant Johnson said Mr. Ball went to the station about
half-past two, and in consequence of what he said he went with him in
search of the prisoner. They found him on the Commercial Quay and
charged him with stealing the things. The landlady gave him (Sergeant
Johnson) the shawl and said the prisoner had sold it for 2s. When
prisoner was taken into custody he was sober but had been drinking. When
searched at the station the two brooches were found upon him.
The Magistrates sent the prisoner to gaol for six weeks with hard
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 13 April, 1877.
William West and Mary West, holding hawkers certificates, were charged
with being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language in Biggin
Police-constable Pilcher said: Last night about 10 o'clock I was on duty
in Biggin Street and the landlord of the “Saracen's Head” called me. I
went to the house and saw West outside. He said he would go into the
house he wanted his basket of tools. The landlord brought the tools out
and the man would not take them up. I tried to persuade him to go away
but it was no use. He was drunk. His wife interfered and I had to get a
picquet to take the man to the station. The woman was very disorderly
and I had to get assistance to take her to the station.
Mr. Superintendent Sanders said the woman took off her shoes and banged
at the door of the cell, and he did not know whether to charge her with
damaging the cell.
The Bench thought the woman seemed to be the worse of the two and
sentenced her to seven days' imprisonment with hard labour. The man was
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 19
December, 1879. Price 1d.
The license of the "Saracen's Head" public-house, Biggin Street, was
transferred from Mr. Randall to Mrs. Mary Ann Howes, widow.
(The above information doesn't seem to tally with the information
I have already found. Further research needed. Paul Skelton.)
It was converted into a coffee tavern in 1880 and was then
referred to as a temperance hotel. Cheap buns and tea were offered workmen
to keep them out of the pubs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 14
January, 1881. Price 1d.
A meeting was held at the "Granville Hotel," yesterday afternoon, to
consider a proposal to form a coffee palace company for Dover. It was
resolved to form a company, and it is proposed to open a "palace" in
Biggin Street
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 6 January, 1882. Price 1d.
During the past three months the Coffee Palace, Biggin Street, has sold
882 gallons of coffee, and about half that quantity each of cocoa and
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 22 June, 1886.
It is stated that the band of the East Kent Volunteers will practice at
the “Saracen's Head” Temperance Hotel, Biggin Street, every Wednesday
and Thursday evening, until further notice.
In 1893, Biggin Street at that point was eighteen feet wide which meant
that this house and its neighbours had to be removed to widen the
thoroughfare, and so the building was again demolished, but never to return
as a drinking establishment; alcoholic or not.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 17 January, 1890. Price 5d.
Last evening the Rev S. F. Green, rector of Charlton, entertained the
members of the choir and other friends, to supper at the “Saracen's
Head” coffee Tavern, when a very liberal repast was provided by the
host, Mr. Lefevre, and a very pleasant evening was spent.
Dover Express, 25 Aug 1893.
Dr. Robinson read the following report on the property in New-street:—
"Gentlemen,—In pursuance of your instructions to report as to the
condition of certain houses in New-street. I beg to state that I have
examined the houses which, from information received from the Surveyor,
I presume to be the houses referred to. viz.
"(A) A block of four houses known as Belsey-court, owned by Mr.
Claringbould, and occupied respectively by George Reeves, Thomas Graham,
Sam Hall, and Fred Richards.
"(B) Two houses in New-street abutting on Queen’s-court, occupied
respectively by James Doughty and Alfred Burton.
"(C) Two houses, Nos. 5 and 6, New-street, occupied by Arthur Wakefield
and John Knott.
"(D) One house, No. 17, New-street, occupied by William King.
"(A) Belsey-court. This block consists of four cottages, each containing
a cellar in the basement, a general living room on the ground floor, a
bedroom on the first floor, and another bedroom on the second flour.
"None of these houses possess means of obtaining through ventilation,
being built against the "Saracen’s Head" premises, and none have any
yard space exclusively belonging to them.
"In consequence of this curtailed area closets and drains are placed
within the dwellings, namely, in the cellars.
"The cubic space of the rooms is small and adapted for only about two
persons in each room, and the walls of the dwellings are, from age, in a
more or less dilapidated condition.
"A slaughter house and stables are in the immediate vicinity of these
dwellings; the width of the court between the houses and these stables
being only nine feet.
"These houses, then, may be said to possess inherent faults of structure
owing to insufficient ground space, absence of means for obtaining
through ventilation, and their liability to drain effluvia from the
character and position of the water closets and drains; and I am of
opinion that these conditions constitute such an unsanitary state as to
render them unfit for human habitation.
"(B) The homes occupied by George Doughty and Alfred Burton each contain
a cellar, living room, and two bedrooms. They possess no means of
obtaining through ventilation, and their water closets and drains are
situated in the cellar. These dwellings possess inherent faults of
structure similar to those in Belsey-court, and are, in my opinion,
unfit for human habitation.
"(C) No. 5 and 6, New-street, occupied by Arthur Wakefield and John
Knott respectively, are similar in arrangement to those dwellings on the
opposite side of the street already described, and they are, in my
opinion, unfit for human habitation.
"(D) No. 17, New-street, occupied by William King, possesses cellars in
the basement, two rooms on the ground floor, and two bedrooms on the
first floor. This house possesses no means of obtaining through
ventilation, and has no yard space belonging to it, the water closet and
drainage being placed in the cellar which is gained by a flight of
broken-down stairs. The floor of the living room is in a decayed and
dilapidated condition, and the whole house is in a state of bad repair.
I am of opinion therefore that this dwelling is unfit for human
"There are other houses in New-street which I have not yet had time,
since receiving the resolution, to examine. These therefore will form
the subject for future report.
I am, Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant,
M. K. Robinson, M.D., Medical Officer of Health. August 22nd, 1893."
After some discussion the matter was referred to the Surveyor for a
report as to what would be necessary to render them habitable in
accordance with the existing sanitary laws.
Dover Express 20th June 1947.
A token marked “Good for one pennyworth of refreshment at the Saracen’s
Head Coffee Tavern, Dover” has been found on his allotment, north of the
Deal railway at the top of Astley Avenue, by Mr. E. F. Bartholomew of 62
Stanhope Road. The Saracen’s Head Coffee Tavern was at the Biggin Street
corner of New Street before the street improvements of 1893. It was
originally an inn, but, in Victorian days, the licence was acquired and
surrendered by temperance advocates and a coffee tavern established in
its stead. The token was one of series issued for the use of the
benevolent who did not wish gifts to be spent on beer.
From an email received, 6 February, 2012

The tokens for the Saracen's Head Coffee Tavern are pretty rare. I
have never seen one for sale. Stranger things do turn up on e-Bay,
I don't think that pubs would have closed to allow the coffee taverns
(actually they were called Cocoa Rooms in Liverpool) they were intended
as an alternative. Some, as you can see, for Manchester, stayed open for
a long time. There were others, that didn't issue tokens, that closed
after their first year. I think that the purpose of the tokens was for
people to be given them in the streets that were asking for money
for a cup of tea - and of course, if you did give them money they would
straight away go and spend it on drink - but in a coffee tavern you knew
that they couldn't spend it on alcohol.
The temperance movement was very strong, and not just for alcohol,
people could even take the pledge to forswear tobacco as well as drink.
Back in Ebbw Vale I can remember there being a Band of Hope well into
the 1950s.
We live in the
middle of Wales these days. You can find our website at
Paul Withers.
From an email received 29 December 2018. My grandfather Sydney Lefevre
was born in the Saracens Head Coffee House Biggin Street (previously
pub) in 1885, son of Thomas and Ellen Lefevre. His birth certificate
lists it. I lived with him briefly 1960 - 62 before he died. It was
marvellous to read the history of the pub and to see Lefevres Temperance
on the wall in the photo. I'm afraid that I have no photos as Grandad
would have moved out when only a boy (he was the youngest of 10
children) and went on to manage shoe shops in Ealing and Ilford being
bombed 4 times in the war. So I guess any family photos were lost.
Rosi Yule. |
WEST William 1713+
ARTHUR Robert 1730+
GIBSON John 1751-62+
GIBSON Mary 1771 Apr

SHARP William 1771 Apr+
MARSH Henry 1792-1811 (Dover & Deal History Guide 1792)
HART Edward 1823-28+
AUSTEN Edward 1832-39
PREBBLE Richard 1839-41+ (age 50 in 1841 )

PREBBLE P T 1839-Dec/46 dec'd
BOWLES William N 1858

TAYLOR John 1859-65+ (age 42 in 1861 )
WEST Edward to Jan/1867

BURROWS Robert Jan/1867-Jan/68 end

COVENEY D Jan/1868

TYLER George Townsend July/1868-Jan/75
(age 52 in 1871 )

PAIN E 1874?
BALL John 1875
REYNOLDS Thomas 1877
NUTLEY Henry May/1877+

COUNSELL John to Nov/1879

RANDALL Mr to Dec/1879

HOWES Mrs Mary Ann (Widow) Dec/1879

BOWDEN William Roger Nov/1879-Jul/80

BROOME Samuel Jul/1880+
(late of
Holloway, hotel manager)
TORR James S 1881 (age 30 in 1881 )
To Temperance Hotel
LEFEVRE Thomas 1891-95
(age 48 in 1891
listed as a coffee house)

From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-9
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Dover Express
From the Dover Telegraph