Goldsmid Place / 46 Harbour Street
Above photo, before the Royal connection, date unknown. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |

Above photo, date unknown. |
Above painting circa 1810 showing the "Old King's Head" (right) and the "Albion
Hotel" (left.) Kindly sent by Bob Lee. |
Above map, 1849, kindly sent by Bob Lee. |
Above map,1872, kindly supplied and annotated by Bob Lee. |
Also known as the "Royal Albion Hotel" this was built circa 1808, before being demolished to build
Madeira Walk.
The building was demolished to
make easier access to the east cliff area.
From the Kentish Gazette, 9 November 1810.
Kentish Gazette, Friday 16 November 1810.
Albion Hotel and Assembly Rooms Ramsgate.
Henry Bear, begs leave to acknowledge his sincere thanks for the
public in general for the very liberal support
he has hitherto received, and hopes for a continuance of their
future favours, which it shall be his constant
study to deserve.
H.B. also begs leave through this medium of this insertion, to
acquaint them, that he has no connection
whatever with the old "King's Head," or the proprietor but has taken
the above hotel and Assembly Rooms
opposite, which he has fitted up in the most accommodating style,
for the reception of single gentleman and
Wishes at the same time to appraise the public that he imports his
own wines and spirits, and from their being
of the first quality, he trusts will insure him their future
Ramsgate, Nov 8, 1810.
Kentish Gazette, 26 October, 1821.
October 25, by special license, at St. Lawrence, Isle of Thanet, Mr.
Henry Bear, of the "Albion Hotel," Ramsgate, to Miss Chalcraft, of
From the Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury (Stamford, England), Friday, September 16, 1825.
The "Albion Tavern" at Ramsgate has been one continued scene of
festivity during the last few days. Mrs. Coutts and the Duke of St.
Albans, with their vast retinue, have been staying there. These wealthy
and noble persons have made various excursions in the Isle of Thanet.
From the Kentish Gazette, 4 April 1837.
RAMSGATE, April 3.
An awful instance of sudden death occurred here on Thursday last. Mr.
Collins, who keeps the "Albion Tap," was engaged superintending the
painting of a house in Hardres-street, apparently in perfect health and
spirits, when he suddenly fell down, and instantly expired, he was about
45 years of age, and of sober habits.
From the Kentish Gazette, 4 April 1837.
March 28, at Ramsgate, Mr. Collins, aged 30, landlord of the "Albion
Hotel Tap." |
From the Kentish Gazette, 22 January 1839.
Jan. 13, at Ramsgate, Julia, daughter of Mr. J. Nash, of the "Albion
Hotel Tap," aged three years.
From the Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1840.
(The following was in response to Queen Victoria's recent marriage to
Prince Albert on 10 February 1840. Paul Skelton.)
The principal tradesmen suspended business and closed their shops, that
all classes might join in the festive hilarity. About 200 children were
feasted at the National School Rooms; 150 of the Teetotal Society took
tea at Hubbard’s Rooms, and discussed the subject of the joys of
matrimony; and 56 tradesmen sat down to a sumptuous dinner at Corbin's
"Royal Oak Inn," served up in capital style, and worthy of the
auspicious occasion. About 120 of the inhabitants and their daughters
partook of a supper at Hiscock’s "Royal Hotel," after which they joined
in the "graceful dance." Nearly 100 persons of the principal resident
nobility and gentry were similarly engaged at Bear’s "Albion Hotel,"
keeping up the ball till near daylight. The poor at the Union were
regaled with roastbeef, plum pudding, and beer, so that nearly the whole
of the inhabitants did honour to the illustrious bride and bridegroom.
From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1840.
THE COMMISSIONERS under the Fiat will hold PUBLIC MEETINGS, at the
"Albion Hotel," RAMSGATE, on FRIDAY, the 30th of OCTOBER next, at Seven
o'clock in the Afternoon, and on SATURDAY, the 31st day of OCTOBER next,
at two o’clock in the Afternoon precisely.
Debts may be proved at either Meeting, and the Commissioners will make a
Dividend at the latter Meeting.
Persons who have not sent in particulars of their claims, are required
to send them to my office on or before the 29th of October next.
MARTIN L. DANIEL, Solicitor to the Assignees. Ramsgate, 25th September,
From the Kentish Gazette, 25 January 1842.
The Royal Christening of the Prince of Wales will be celebrated by a
ball at the "Albion Hotel," and an evening party, consisting of the
principal gentry and tradesmen will meet at Corbin’s, "Royal Oak Hotel,"
to do honour to the occasion.
From the Kentish Gazette, 5 April 1842.
RAMSGATE, Tuesday.
Churchwardens’ Dinner at the "Albion Hotel."
A very numerous and respectable party of gentlemen and tradesmen dined
at the "Albion." The president, the Rev. R. Harvey, was supported by the
Rev. — Lillingston, Rev. — Davies, Dr. Canham, Snowden, Daniel, Capt.
Hodges, — Sackett. J. A. Warre, Esqrs. The utmost unanimity prevailed
throughout a most delightful evening, the Rev. gent, left the chair at
half-past nine, and the company departed. The dinner was sumptuous and
the wines excellent.
From the Kentish Gazette, 10 November 1846.
Bear:— Nov. 4, at Ramsgate, after a few hours’ illness, Mrs. June Bear,
of the "Royal Albion Hotel," in her 49th year. The noble and affluent
found in her, not merely the paid hostess, but generous minister to
their wants, and anxious nurse by the couch of sickness—and the children
of poverty never appealed to her in vain. Many years must elapse ere the
recollections of her kindnesses can be effaced from the memory, and
greatly indeed will her loss be felt in the circle of her sorrowing
relatives and friends.
Southeastern Gazette, 13 September 1853.
Nicholls v. Merryweather
Proprietor of the "Royal Albion Hotel,"
for selling wines. The same witnesses proved the case. The defence
in this case was that the party who was supplied with the wine went
into a private room, and the waiter supplied the wine thinking they
were guests of the occupants of the rooms.
Fined 15s. and 14s. costs.
At this stage of the proceedings Mr. Child suggested that as they
did not press for penalties, they were willing to withdraw the
informations upon the several defendants paying the costs incurred.
The following persons were then mulcted in 5s. 6d. each:—
Wm. Hudson, "Bull and George Hotel;" James Corben, "Royal Oak;"
Thomas Parnell, "Admiral Harvey;" Charles Brittain, the "Mitre;"
Charles Page, the "Woodman;" George Holmes, "Trafalgar Hotel;" Henry
Simmons, "Lord Nelson;" George Mussared, "Spread Eagle;" Richard Butler, "Cinque Ports Arms."
Southeastern Gazette, 13 September 1853.
Nicholls v. Baker.
The Chairman said that this case ought to be gone into, as the Bench
at Wingham on Thursday last had postponed the application for a
renewal of license until the result of this was known, as there had
been a former conviction. Mr. Child said he was instructed to say
that there was nothing peculiar in this case, and that this was the
only house at which they found the door locked. The magistrates
therefore allowed the matter to drop.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 6 December 1853.
November 24, at Sudbury, near Harrow-on-the-Hill, Mr. William Bear,
formerly of the "Royal Albion Hotel," Ramsgate, age 40 years.
From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 27 July, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.
During the week the telegraphic wires in connection with the railway
station have been brought over the tops of the houses in Chatham-street,
High-street, Harbour-street, to the “Albion Hotel” on the ground floor
of which will be the office. This arrangement will doubtless prove very
convenient, especially to those connected with the shipping.
From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 3 August, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.
Deane John Hoare, a visitor staying at the “Royal Albion Hotel,” was
charged with assaulting John Watson, a driver of donkeys. Defendant
pleaded not guilty.
Complainant deposed:— Last Friday morning, about half-past nine o'clock,
I was coming off the Sands with two donkeys. I was between them, when
near the Refectory, the flap of the saddle of the off-side one caught
the defendant's coat, when he made no more to do than up with his
umbrella and hit me on the face, the mark of which is now to be seen.
The force of the blow knocked me against the other donkey. I could
hardly speak for several minutes, and my face swelled up very much. I
had never seen the gentleman before. The donkeys were going little more
than a walking pane.
Mr. Crofton said that the defendant had pleaded guilty to the charge,
and having considered the circumstances attending it, the Bench were of
opinion that a fine of 1s., and costs 13s. 6d., would meet the justice
of the case. Money paid.
From the Thanet Advertiser, Ramsgate and Margate Newspaper, 17 February, 1894.
Sale of a quantity of BUILDING MATERIALS, the Hotel now being demolished
for Town Improvements.
MR. GEO. J. DUNN has been favoured with instructions
On the premises as above,
ON FRIDAY, FEB. 23rd, 1894, at Twelve o'clock noon, the MATERIALS.
Comprising—Quantity scantling, joists, floor and lining boards, panel
doors, several half-glazed ditto, pitch pine panelling, match boarding,
old bricks, slates, tiles, cupboards, fittings of drawers, gas fittings,
firewood, stone paving, TWO GOOD BATHS and fittings complete, pitch pine
counter with mahogany top (16ft. 6in.), pair of large glazed doors,
marble and slate mantel pieces, stoves, sashes and frames, three
galvanised tanks, SIX-PULL BEER ENGINE, quantity of bells, antique
plaster medallions and effects.
Goods may be Viewed on Thursday, from One till Five o’clock. Catalogues
of the Auctioneer, Cliff Street, Ramsgate.
Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 15 October 1927.
50 years ago cuttings from our columns.
The Horse Slipped.
On Monday afternoon, as Mr. Allright's pair-horse omnibus was being
driven down Harbour Street, Ramsgate, to meet one of the London, Chatham
and Dover trains, and when opposite the "Albion Hotel," one of the
horses slipped down. There being a considerable incline at this spot,
the four wheels were quickly upon the poor creature, which was in
imminent peril from the other horse kicking. By the help of willing
hands the horses were quickly unharnessed, and the animal encouraged to
its feet, when it appeared little the worse for its fall.
[The pair-horse omnibus, like the "Albion Hotel," is now a thing of the
BEAR Henry 1810-21+
BEAR Jane 1823-41+

COLLINGS My to 28/Apr/1937 dec'd ("Albion Tap")
BEAR Richard 1840-47+
BEAR John 1851+ (age 40 in 1851 )
ALTHEIA Adelaide E Mrs 1858+
WRIGHT Edward R H 1861-67+ (age 57 in 1861 )
KING Edward James 1871+ (age 37 in 1871 )
TOMKINS Mr 1875+
COLLEY John George Creed 1881-91+ (age 35 in 1881 )
COLLINS Mr to 28/Mar/1837 dec'd
BUTLER Frederick 1867+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29