The Marina
185½ Beach Street

Registered by the Deal Licensing Register on 8 September 1870 as a beerhouse but
tried for a full licence in 1877 but was refused. In 1903 it held a beer only
licence and was under charge of W. H. Marsh in 1908. After that date I haven't
seen it mentioned at all.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
11 September, 1869. 1d.
Mr. J. N. Mourilyan appeared to support the application for a new
certificate for a new house at the North-end, proposed to be called the
"Lifeboat," and said he appeared on behalf both of the proprietors of
the house, Messrs Thompson and Son, and the tenant, Mr. James Robert
Nicholas. Mr. E Drew opposed the application.
The due service of the notice having been proved by a young man
named Hill, Mr. Mourilyan proceeded to address the Bench on his clients'
behalf. He was aware that in making an application for a new spirit
license, it was very difficult to make out a case of public necessity,
which was the main ground on which all such applications were granted,
and which in ordinary cases would be one of the reasons for granting a
beer license. It would be somewhat difficult, he admitted, to make out
any want of accommodation of beer houses at the North-end, but as this
was the first year of the new Act had come into operation, he thought
their worships would take a somewhat enlarged view in granting
beer-house licenses. They must take into consideration that there might
be instances where persons had expended a large amount of money in
preparing a house before this Act came into operation - and of course
they were aware that under the old system any person could do so and
then go to the Excise and obtain a license as a matter of course. In
this very case the house was built and constructed for the purpose of a
beer-house before the new Act came into operation, and was altogether
unfit for any other purpose. There would therefore be a great
destruction of property if the license were not granted. The character
of his client, Nicholas, was unimpeachable, and he held in his hand a
memorial signed by several of his (Nicholas's) neighbours, testifying to
his good character.
Mr. Drew said perhaps Mr. Mourilyan would prove
that Nicholas was in occupation of the house.
Mr. Mourilyan said it was not necessary to do so; but Mr. Drew
contended that it was, and that it must be proved that Nicholas was the
real resident occupier. The new Act, he said, was drawn up into two
schedules, one of which showed the clauses of the old Act that were
repealed, and the other the Act as it now was. According to section 1 of
the old Act, which was not repealed, "no license to sell beer or cider
under the said recited Acts or this Act shall be granted to any person
who shall not be the real resident holder or occupier of the
dwelling-house in which he shall apply to be licensed; nor shall any
license be granted in respect of any dwelling-house which shall not,
with the premises occupied therewith, be rated in one sum to the rate
for the relief of the poor of the parish." The house in question was not
rated, and was still in a very unfinished state. The applicant was not
the real resident occupier, but a sham one, as he had never ate a meal
in the house and had only slept there the previous night.
Mr. Mourilyan said he was quite prepared to admit that the house was
unfinished; but if the application were not now made it could not be
done till next year, which would be a great hardship for his client.
Mr. Drew said it would be a much greater hardship upon his client Mr.
Hatton, who had recently purchased the "North Star," as also to the
other public-houses, for the owners of which also appeared.
The court was then cleared, and on the re-admission of the public the
Mayor said the Bench considered the objection taken by Mr. Drew a valid
one, and indeed fatal. They did not think it would be legal to grant the
license as the house had not yet been assessed to the relief of the
poor, and it would therefore be refused.
Mr. E. F. Redsull applied for a spirit license for the "New Plough,"
Middle Deal, and informed the Bench of several instances in which he had
been applied to in cases on emergency for spirits. He also stated that
this was the only house in the neighbourhood, and several of the
ratepayers and residents of Middle Deal had wished him to apply for
permission to sell spirits.
After a short consultation, the Mayor informed Mr. Redsull that the
Bench were disposed to grant the application, but they would first like
to satisfy themselves that the house possessed the proper accommodation,
and the application would therefore be adjourned till next Thursday, and
in the meantime some of the Magistrates would drop in and examine the
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 1st April 1871.
CHARLES PHILIP BOWBYES, landlord of the 'Lifeboat' at the
North-End, was charged by Inspector PARKER with keeping his house open
after 11 o'clock at night. P.C. PAIN said he had seen several persons
there when he entered the house at 10 minutes past 12 o'clock - men and
women singing and a man playing a banjo. BOWBYES pleaded the usual
excuse, that he could not get them out of the house. This being the
first offence, the Magistrates fined BOWBYES 10/-.
From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury,
4 April, 1871. 1d.
At these sessions of Thursday (before the Mayor, E. Brown, and J.
Iggulden, Esqrs.), Charles P. Bowbyes, beer house keeper, was summoned
for having his house (the "Lifeboat", at Northend), open at ten minutes
past twelve on the night of the 24th ult. Defendant owned that the house
was open as described, but excused himself by saying that some people
from the theatre went in about half-past ten and would not leave when he
told them to. There were also three smacksmen, and they likewise refused
to go. He asked then twenty times to leave, and used his best endeavours
to induce them to go but they would not, and he had no one on the
premises that he could send for the police. He left his door open,
however, on purpose that the police might see it, and as soon as P.C.
Pain entered he told him there were people in, and wished him to clear
the house. P.C. Pain, in answer to the Magistrates said that in addition
to the persons mentioned by the defendant a banjo player was present,
and the whole of the company were singing. In consideration of this
being his first offence, the Magistrates mitigated the fine of 10s.,
including the costs. The Clerk informed the defendant that persons
remaining in any public house after hours were liable to a penalty of
40s., so that he need have no trouble to clear his house in future, as
he could easily lay an information against them.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 16 February 1907.
The annual licensing meeting for the Borough of Deal was held on
Thursday, the justices present being the Mayor (Alderman H. S.
Chapman), Councillor Bayly (ex-Mayor), Alderman Edgar, and Messrs. W. H.
Barnett and C. J. Burgess.
The Mayor said the Magistrates were very pleased that the
report was so satisfactory. They had decided to renew the whole of the
licences with the exception of six—the "Crown,"
"Druids Arms," "Crispin,"
"Friendly Port," "Lifeboat," and
"Fountain." In these cases notice of
objection would be served, and the cases would be heard at the adjourned
meeting on the 7th March.
FITALL Samuel William 1851+ (age 42 in 1851 )
(185 Beach Street)
BOWLYER Sarah H 1870+

BOWBYES Charles Philip 1871+ (age 32 in 1871 )
CHILDS R G 1881+ (listed as 185 Beach Street, next door to "Star,"
publican age 45 in 1881 )
NICHOLAS William Thomsett 1881-82+ (age 44 in 1881 )

PAINE Edmund Joshua 1891-99? (age 44 in 1891 )
MARSH W H 1908+
From the Kelly's Directory 1878
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From Pikes 1908
Deal Licensing Register