Sort file:- Canterbury, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 18 July, 2024.


Earliest 1741-

Golden Lion

Latest 1873+

(Name to)

3 St. Peter's Street


Former Golden Lion

Above image taken from Google, July 2009, shows the premises of 3 St. Peter's Street as now being the Little Italy restaurant.


Traced as early as 1882, but by 1889 the premises was apparently being used by H Z Davey who operated a dairy business.


From the Kentish Weekly Post, 17 May 1741.

Wednesday May 20.

To the worthy FREEMEN of the City of Canterbury who are Interest if Sir THOMAS HALES.


You are desired to meet the Friends of Sir Thomas, tomorrow Morning, being the Day of Election, at either of the following Houses, viz.

The "King's Head," in High Street,

The "Fountain," St. Margarets,

The "Dolphin," Burgate,

The "Rose," St. Georges,

The "Black Boy," Burgate,

The "Flying Horse," Dover Lane,

The "Three Compasses," St. Peter's,

The "Golden Lyon," St. Peter's,

The "Mitre," High Street,

The "Rising Sun," St. Dunstan's,

The "Black Swan," North Gate,

The "White Swan," North Gate,

The "Tolerated Soldier," North Gate,

The "Fox and Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Saracen's Head," St. Pauls,

The "Maiden Head," Wincheap,

The "Two Brewers," St. Mildred's,

The "Seven Stars," St. Alphage,

The "Three Tuns," St. Margaret's.


Kentish Gazette, 27 October, 1779.

John Eldridge, (late servants to the Rev. Mr. Sandys) having taken the "Golden Lion" alehouse, near King's Bridge, in the parish of Canterbury, informs his friends and the public in general that he has fitted up the said house with good accommodation, and has laid in a fresh assortment of liquors. He therefore hopes for their encouragement, and that their continued support shall be gratefully acknowledged by their most humble servant.


Kentish Gazette, Saturday 3 May 1783.

Henry Pot, begs to inform the public, that he intends setting out from the "Golden Lion," near Kingsbridge, Canterbury on Monday next, for Deal, and returns the same day, and on Thursday and Saturday, with a light caravan fit for passengers and parcels of any kind, and on the most reasonable terms.

Parcels taken in, for the above caravan, at the "Golden Lion," and at the "Fleece," in Canterbury, and at the "Three Compasses" at Deal.

Those who please to favour him with their commands may depend upon the general care and punctuality, and a grateful acknowledgement.

By their humble servant, Henry Pott. The above caravan stops at the "Anchor," Littlebourne; the "Dog," Wingham; and the "Bell," at Sandwich.


From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 29 July 1791.


Takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and customers in general, for their kind support while at the "Golden Lion," Canterbury; begs to inform them, that he has now taken the "Bell Alehouse," near the "Old Castle," which is fitted up in a neat manner for the reception of Company; where, by attention to business, and keeping the best of beer and spirits which was always his study, he hopes to meet with their future favours, which will be gratefully received by their humble servant.

A good Ordinary provided every Quarter Session's day.


Kentish Gazette, 1 April, 1806.


On Monday, March 24, from Broad Oak, in the parish of Sturry.

A red and white, rough-haired SPANIEL BITCH, answers to the name of Judy; long ears, large eyes, white streak down the face, and a short tail.

Whoever brings the said Dog to the "Golden Lion," Broad Oak, shall receive Half-a-Guinea reward.


Kentish Gazette, 11 April 1820.


April 6, in Ivy-lane, Canterbury, Mrs. Upton, widow, formerly of the "Golden Lion," public-house.


Kent Gazette, 16 August 1836.

Inquest taken before Mr. T. T. Delasaux.

On Saturday last, at the "Golden Lion," in this city, on the body of an aged man name Burton, who the same morning fell down on King's Bridge, and almost instantly expired.

The jury returned a verdict of "Died by the visitation of God."


Kentish Gazette, 21 May 1844.


On Lease for 21 Years, from the 29th day of September, 1844, ALL that old-established and FREE PUBLIC HOUSE, called or known by the name of the "Golden Lion," with a Messuage or Tenement, Stable, Yard, and Premises thereunto belonging, situated in the several parishes of All Saints and Saint Peter, in CANTERBURY, now in the tenure or occupation of — Brigg and others, belonging to the Warden and Poor of Jesus Hospital, Canterbury.

For further particulars and conditions of letting, apply (if by letter, pre-paid), addressed to the Warden of Jesus Hospital, Northgate, Canterbury, to whom all Tenders are to be delivered by the 24th day of June.

N.B.— The Warden and Poor do not bind themselves to accept the highest Tender, but only such as seems to them most desirable.
May 20, 1844.


Kentish Gazette, 2 October 1849.

Coroner’s Inquest.

An inquest was held on Tuesday last, at the "Golden Lion," Saint Peter’s-street, on the body of Elizabeth Skinner, aged 66, who had died after a few hours’ illness, at her residence in Best-lane, in this city. It was stated that deceased had appeared in her usual health up to Monday, when she was seized with violent pains and vomiting, with other symptoms of the prevailing epidemic. Medical aid was called in, but she sank under the malady during the night. Mr. Rigden, who had been called in to attend her, was examined as to the cause of death; and he stated that the supply of water from a pump used by deceased and others in the neighbourhood was in a very impure state, arising, most probably, from the well lying close to a privy vault. He, Mr. Rigden, had analysed a portion of the water alluded to, and had found it very much impregnated with deleterious matter, and likely to produce the disorder of which deceased had died. The jury returned a verdict of "Natural Death," and the police officer in attendance was directed to apply to the authorities respecting the water in question, in order that the existing dangerous use of it should be prevented, and the evil complained of remedied.


Kentish Gazette, 19 August 1851.

Petty Sessions. Home Division of St Augustine's. Thursday.

(Before G. M. Taswell, Esq.)

On Thursday, Stephen Payn, labourer, age 26; Samuel Brown, sawyer, 34, and a young woman named Chittenden, age 22, were charged with having stolen a quantity of wearing apparel.

From the evidence it appeared that at an early hour on Wednesday morning, the washhouse of Mrs. Young, laundress, at Harbledown, was forcibly entered, and a quantity of wearing apparel, which had been washed, was stolen. Mrs. Young father came downstairs at 1 o'clock in the morning, when the house was safe, but on rising to go to his work, he found the wash house had been entered.

The things were trace, by Inspector Sprat, to the possession of the prisoners, at the "Golden Lion" lodging house, where they had hung out some to dry, and other portions have been pawned or sold by them. The parties to whom the things belonged fully identified them, and the connexion of the prisoners in the disposal of them was also ascertained, and they were fully committed to the assizes for trial.

A second charge was afterwards investigated, in which property that have been stolen a week previous of Mrs. Faulkner, laundress, of the same place, was traced to the possession of Brown and Chittenden. They were committed for trial on this charge.

There can be little doubt that the same parties have been concerned in the various robberies which have lately taken place about here.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 22 February, 1862. Price 1 1/2d.


Clarence Sutton Charlton, a native of America, about 30 yours of age, was brought up in custody on a charge of exciting charitable contributions by false pretences. The prisoner was liberated from Sandwich gaol on the 23rd January, having served twenty-one days’ imprisonment for creating a disturbance and using threatening language to the police, he is of very light complexion, has thick lips and deeply sunken eyes. His mode of operation appears to be to sham fits, which he can manage to perfection. On Thursday he was seen on the road to Harbledown, by Mr. Edward Stringer. A carriage containing a gentleman was approaching at the time, and the prisoner fell down in the road apparently in a fit. The gentleman pulled up, and was so moved by the man's seemingly pitiable condition that he gave him two half-crowns. On Thursday night the prisoner was seen drinking and treating the company at the “Golden Lion” public-house, King’s Bridge, Canterbury. On Friday he went to try his fortunes again in the direction of Harbledown. He fell down in a fit beside the houses on Harbledown Hill, and Mr. Neame, among other gentlemen, was attracted to the spot He appeared to be in a pitiable condition, his face being besmeared with gravel. A boy, who happened to be passing at the time, said the man was an impostor, for he had been doing the same near Mr. Flints, at St. Dunstan’s. Mr. Neame, in order to test the man's conduct called out for some one to go for a policeman. The prisoner, however, took no notice of this, and a man who was present said he could soon find out whether he was shamming or not. The man accordingly pinched the prisoner’s ear and his hand, but this appeared to have no effect. They then lifted him up, but he was quite stiff and rigid. After some time be began to come round, and Mr. Neame, Mr Saddleton, and another gentleman gave him a shilling each. Mr. Neame also ordered him to be supplied with some warm coffee at the “Coach and Horses,” and afterwards gave him a handsome light coloured woollen cloth coat. It appears that prior to this adventure, the prisoner had tried what he could do at St. Dunstan’s, where he had two or three fits; but on Mr. Flint threatening to send for a policeman he walked off. He told Mr. Neame that he landed at Ramsgate on Thursday, and that be was going to Loudon. He said he had been to the railway station, but they would not take him as he had not sufficient money to pay his fare. From Harbledown he returned to Canterbury, and, having made himself look as smart as possible in Mr. Neame’s coat, he stuck a cigar in his mouth and went about giving orders to several tradesmen. He represented himself as the son of a cotton planter in the state of Ohio, and tried to bargain with Mr. Trimnell for some jewellery, and with Mr. Nash for some clothes. On Friday he was again plying the profitable calling of falling into fits in the neighbourhood of Sturry. On Saturday morning about ten o’clock he was apprehended, being then going about in a state of intoxication.

The bench sentenced him to two months' imprisonment with hard labour, in St. Augustine's.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 14 February, 1863.



Oh the discovery of the robbery information was given to Supt. Davies, and he communicated with the other police throughout the county, and elsewhere. The result was that on Friday three men were apprehended at Sittingbourne, while attempting to sell eleven of the stolen forks. They were subsequently brought to Canterbury, and lodged in the station-house. It is believed that the actual thief has not yet been captured—that he is either at Woolwich or Chatham. On the night previous to the robbery all four men lodged together at the “Golden Lion,” St. Peter’s Street.

On Monday morning, the three prisoners, Alexander Hood, George Bruce, and Charles Henderson, carpenter, were placed at the bar on the charge of being concerned in the robbery. Mr. Smith, the principal of the academy, said his house was entered on Monday night, but it was not discovered until eight o’clock the next morning, when a portion of the plate required for the breakfast table were missed, and upon searching the premises it was ascertained that they had been entered, and the articles in question abstracted.

Sarah Blackman, housemaid at Mr Smith's, deposed to fastening the kitchen up on Monday night, before eleven unlock, when the stolen articles were in the plate basket in the dresser drawer. The next morning the scullery window was found open, and the Articles of plate gone. There were marks of muddy feet on the window cell. Eleven forks produced, the witness identified as a portion of the property stolen.

Mr. Elwick (pawnbroker, of Milton next Sittingbourne), deposed that on Friday last Bruce and Henderson went to his shop and offered to pledge the six silver forks produced. Bruce said they were their properly—that they were bought at an officer's sale. Having had information of this robbery, witness asked Bruce what he was, and he said a discharged soldier, and handed witness a discharge paper. Upon looking at it, he found it did not correspond, whereupon the prisoner said it was not his discharge, but his son’s, who was outside. Hood was then called in, at the suggestion of Bruce. He said he was not Bruce’s son, and that that he knew nothing of the forks offered in pledge. Witness then detained the pioneers, and sent for the police. After some further evidence the magistrates remanded the prisoners for a week, on the application of the superintendent of police.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 11 June, 1864.


Clara Scott wits charged with being drunk and incapable, in All Saint’s-lane, at a quarter before 1 o’clock at noon, on Sunday.

P.C. Holloway deposed that, in consequence of information received, he went into All Saints'-lane, where he found the prisoner lying on her hands and knees in a state of helpless intoxication. She was naked from the waist upwards. He took her to the police-station. He was informed that just before he saw her the prisoner was thrown out of the back door of the “Golden Lion.”

In reply to the charge the prisoner said she went into the “Golden Lion” quite sober, at 10 o'clock in the morning.

The magistrates discharged the prisoner, the Mayor remarking that probably, if she had been sensible, she would not have exposed herself in the way she did.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 20 May 1865.

Charges of Swindling.

Obtaining money under false pretences.

At the Canterbury Police Court on Saturday, and man named Sydney Hammon, a general dealer, was charged with obtaining £1 from William Lummis under false pretences. The prosecutor is a gun maker, of King Street, and it appeared that on the Saturday after Easter day both men were drinking in the "Golden Lion" public house, St. Peter's, when the prisoner offered to sell a watch to prosecutor for a gun that he had with him, and for 30s., representing the watch was silver and worth £3. The prosecutor had not the money with him, and the prisoners accepted to his bringing it on the following Monday, and in the interim the watch was left in the care of the landlady. On the Monday the prosecutor offered to take it from the landlady on condition that the money be returned to him if a watchmaker said it was not worth the amount. The landlady refused and the prisoner came forward, but would not accompany prosecutor to a watchmaker to see the value of the watch, stating that he had no licence for hawking goods. He offered to take £1 from the prosecutor, and await his return from the watchmaker with the watch for the remaining 10s. The prosecutor then gave him £1 and took it to a watchmaker, who said it was only worth 9s. 6d. He informed the prisoner of the value of the watch, and applied to him three times for the return of his money. The prisoner refused to give him the money, and said he might do what he liked in the case. The prisoner called several witnesses in defence, one of them stated that the prosecutor first offered to buy the watch, and asked the prisoner what he wanted for it. Nothing was said of the value of the watch, or that it was made of silver. The Bench thought there was doubt in the case, and dismissed the prisoner.


Kentish Gazette 30 July 1867.


To be Let with immediate possession, coming in about £40.

Apply to Mr. Marsh, Brewery Agent, Whitstable.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 15 January 1870.

James Johnson was charged with assaulting a man named Watson, the landlord of the "Golden Lion," St. Peter's, and the injuries Watson had thereby received prevented him from attending the Court.

Mary Ann Watson, complainant's wife, said defendant had been lodging at the house kept by her husband and on the previous night defendant came home and commenced swearing and pushed complainant down and stamped on his face.

Mr. Alfred Andrews, surgeon, gave evidence as to the extent of the injuries. The bones of the complainant's nose were broken, and he was unable to appear before the Bench. The injuries must be the result of great violence.

The Mayor said this was a very serious offence indeed the defendant's conduct was barbarous.

Defendant, who said he had been very weak and was astonished to find he had so much strength to enable him to push the complainant down, was remanded for the recovery of Watson. He also stated that he was drunk at the time.


Kentish Gazette, 18 January, 1870.

Savage Assault.

A little, half-famished, elderly man named James Johnson. was charged with violently assaulting a man named Watson, landlord of the "Golden Lion," St. Peter's.

Complainant did not personally appear, his injuries being so serious as to render him incapable of leaving home.

The defendant, with his wife, had been lodging at the "Golden Lion," and had been given to quarrelling with his wife and otherwise creating disturbances. On Wednesday night he returned to his lodgings, and, on beginning his usual violent conduct, he was told by complainant that unless be behaved himself better he would have to leave the house. Upon this he became more abusive than ever, knocked complainant down, and while lying stunned upon the floor, kicked him so violently in the face that he fractured his nose in several places, completely pushing it to the right side of his face, and otherwise severely injuring him.

Mr. Alfred Andrews, surgeon, gave evidence as to the nature of complainant’s injuries, and certified the inability of complainant to attend the Court at present owing to the severe maltreatment to which he had been subjected. He did not apprehend any serious result from complainant's injuries as they at present appeared, but of course there was no saying with certainty that dangerous symptoms might not intervene.

The Mayor strongly condemned defendant's offence as barbarous and brutal.

Defendant expressed his own astonishment that a man so weak and ill as he himself was should have been able to knock down a man like the complainant; he couldn't understand it.

The Mayor said, whether he could understand it or not, it was evident on his own admission, that he had done so.

Defendant was then remanded to await the recovery of the complainant, and for the completion of the evidence.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 22 January 1870.


Monday. (Before the Mayor, Alderman Brock, and W. J. Cooper Esq.)


James Johnson was charged on remand with a violent assault on a man named Watson, landlord of the "Golden Lion."

Complainant, who was unable to appear in Court on Tuesday, now attended with his nose bandaged, and gave evidence to the effect that defendant, who had with his wife been lodging at his house some weeks went in late on Wednesday evening and as he behaved in a disorderly manner, complainant said he must find fresh lodgings, whereupon defendant rushed at him, forced him down on the ground, stunned him, and smashed his nose by stamping on it with his foot. Defendant was sober, as he afterwards told a person in the house that he had stamped his (complainants) nose in, and he would do the same to his eye. Defendants general conduct towards him was quiet. He had never interfered with him before.

Defendant denied that he was sober; if he had been, it was clear he would have made his escape from the house when he saw what he had done.

The Magistrates found the defendant guilty of a violent and brutal assault, and convicted him in the penalty of £3; or in default of payment two months' hard labour in St. Augustine's Gaol.

Prisoner was removed in custody.


From an email received 17 July 2024.

Charlotte Maria Willcocks married a William Biggs and his father was Edward Biggs (1790-1879) who ran the "Golden Lion Inn" and 'lodging house' over 1832-1867 although he lived/lodged there from 1818. This is in the census for 1841, 1851 and 1861. The pub freehold was held by Jesus Hospital of Northgate and its almhouses at 148 Northgate St provided accommodation for Edward Biggs & wife in their later years.

1871 - Edward Bigg (81) and wife Charlotte (83) living at Jesus Hospital, the charity that owned 3 St Peters Street, with Warden John Wood. Charity established in 1596 to provide Almhouses - and still doing so!The earliest reference to the pub that I can find is a notice seeking to let a tenement owned by Jesus Hospital "next Door to the Golden Lion, in All Saints Parish, Canterbury [Kentish Weekly Post 18 Jun 1748]. There are also similar reports for the 'Golden Lion, Kings Bridge' which is v probably the same. One is an ad for a 'caravan' departing from the Golden Lion to Deal on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, travelling back on the same day [Kentish Gazette 3 May 1783]

The pub, also known at one time as the Red Lion, was part of the famous 15th century Huguenot Weavers building

Death - John W King, licensed victualler of the Golden Lion, Kings Bridge in the parish of All Saints Mar 13, aged 55 [Canterbury Journal 14 Mar 1826].


Alistair Parker.



ELDRIDGE John 1779+

BLUNDEN John to July/1791 Next pub licensee had

UPTON John 1792+

CROUCH William 1806+

KING John 1824-28+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29

BIGG Edward 1832-61 (also wheelwright age 71 in 1861Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Melville's 1858 (lodging house)

GOULDEN G 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

WATSON William 1868-Oct/73 Next pub licensee had (age 61 in 1871Census) Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Whitstable TimesDover Express


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-