Guilford Terrace
Four Porter's Street
Townwall Street
36 Liverpool Terrace
In 1823 the address was known as Four Porter's Street. In 1826 the
address read Townwall Street, (Sarah Hopper), and in 1832 it read Liverpool
Its presence in 1845 is confirmed by an inquest held there. That found
that Joseph Richards, a gas worker, was killed by falling chalk whilst
digging a cave in the cliff. An auction of May 1859 confirms its presence
again and shows that it realised £900 freehold.
Jan Pedersen informs me that he has found an article from the Kentish
Gazette of 1808 reporting someone being drowned in a kennel at the back of
the pub.
From the Kentish Gazette, 2 February, 1808. On Monday se'nnight the
body of a woman, a stranger, was found drowned in a kennel, at the back
of the "Four Porters" public house, Dover.
Coroner's verdict. Accidental death.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 5 July, 1845. Price 5d.
On Thursday, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, an inquest was held at the
“Four Porters” public-house, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for
the borough, to enquire into the circumstances attending the death of
Joseph Richards, labourer, employed in excavating at the Gas Works. The
Jury having been sworn, they proceeded to view the body, and on their
return the following evidence was adduced:-
James Nash:- I am a bricklayer, and was employed by the Dover Gas
Company to make a cave in the cliff. I engaged the deceased to do the
work. At the time I engaged him he said he knew how to do it, adding
that he had been employed in the railway tunnels for two or three years.
He commenced work about 10 o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) morning, and
was taken away from it for a short time by Mr. Peake. At about 20
minutes to 12, while deceased was engaged in excavating beneath the
chalk, some 9 or 10 inches in, a large piece fell forward, and struck
him on the side of the head, and remained lying on him. It took five men
to raise the chalk from deceased, and as soon as we moved it the blood
began to flow. We then lifted him up, and found that he was dead. I did
not apprehend any danger from the chalk.
John Dowle:- I am a gas fitter to the Dover Gas Company. I saw the chalk
fall upon the deceased; it was yesterday morning between 11 and 12
o'clock. The deceased was engaged digging a cave; he was digging from
the base, and had got in about 18 inches when the piece of chalk fell
upon him, and crushed him to the earth. There were five of us looking on
at the time, viz.- William Dowle, James Nash, Thomas Star, Thomas
Whiting, and myself. The chalk was shored by a piece of timber, which
was placed above the mass that fell; and it had no other support. I did
not hear Nash give any directions to deceased respecting the cave,
except that in the morning he told him it was to be 8 or 10 feet in
length, and as high as a man might stand upright in. the deceased was a
labourer, and about 26 years of age.
The Coroner having consulted the Jury as to the necessity of calling the
other parties who were present when the accident occurred, the Jury were
of opinion that it was unnecessary, and, after a brief deliberation,
returned a verdict of “Accidental Death,” caused by the falling of a
piece of chalk while the deceased was at work.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 16 May, 1846. Price 5d.
Great excitement was caused on Tuesday afternoon, by a report that the
tiller and part of the gear of the boat belonging to Mr. Bazely had been
picked up in the bay. That gentleman having left the shore about 12 for
a sail, the greatest anxiety was manifested as to his fate. Shortly
after six, two boats were seen approaching the bay, with something in
tow, which proved to be Mr. Bazely's galley, and which had been found
sunk off the South Foreland Lights. Two galleys immediately rowed to the
spot, and at eight o'clock one returned with the body of Mr. Bazley,
which had been discovered on the rocks. The body was then conveyed to
the receiving house of the Royal Humane Society.
On Wednesday afternoon an inquest was held on the body, at the “Four
Porters Inn,” before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough. The
Jury having been appointed Mr. Henry Griggs foreman, proceeded to view
the body, and on their return the following evidence was given:-
Cullen Mash, of the Adelaide Baths, was the first witness called, who
deposed: Deceased had a small galley, called the Alert. Yesterday, about
12 o'clock, he came down to launch the boat. On first launching she
filled, and deceased fell in the water. There was very little sea
running. He went home and changed his clothes. He returned, and then
went off. He carried a lug sail. The weather was fine, with a fresh
easterly breeze. I saw the boat several times afterwards, and at tem
minutes past two, saw her running free before the wind off the Foreland
Lights. He said he should return at three o'clock, but by his not doing
so, I began to get uneasy, and about five a boatman named Spice landed
from the bay, and brought me a tiller, which I recognised as the one
belonging to deceased's boat, and I apprehended an accident had
occurred. I made enquiry of the coast guard and others, if they had seen
the galley, and shortly afterwards saw two stalker punts rowing towards
some object off the cobbler rocks, and on looking through a glass, saw
they were weighing a boat, and they then made for the bay. I waited till
they arrived, and finding they had not seen the body, I went with four
men in a galley, and proceeded towards Langdon Bay. When near the spot
where the boat was found, I saw body of the deceased lying on the rocks.
I hailed some boys who were on the shore, and pointed out to them where
the body lay. We then rowed up a sand gulley, and got the body on board.
We then returned to Dover, and took the body to the Humane Society's
receiving house. As far as I can ascertain, the body was from 30 to 40
yards from where the boat sunk. When I first saw the body, I noticed a
severe wound over the left eye. When the boat was brought on shore, I
found the sheet fast with four or five turns round the cleat on the
larboard quarter. With the wind as it was yesterday, and the course he
was steering, a puff from the top of the cliff would be likely to lay
the sail aback, and upset the boat. On taking his watch from his pocket,
I found it stopped at a quarter past two o'clock. When we got the body
on board, it would not have been prudent to go round the foreland into
St. Margaret's Bay, as the wind was fresh, and a strong ebb tide
James Betts deposed: Yesterday evening I was going stalkering, with four
other men, and just this side of Langdon stairs, I saw the body of a
man; it was about half way between the beach and the sea; we lifted it
up, and carried it a short distance. We were then hailed from a galley,
which rowed into Langdon Bay, and took the body on board.
Stephen Pilcher, fisherman, deposed: Yesterday afternoon about two
o'clock, while hauling up our lobster pots, deceased passed close to us
in his boat, and wished us good day. We were about a quarter of a mile
from the shore off the Foreland lights. He was running before the wind
on the starboard tack. The wind was very puffy from the hollow of the
cliff. About ten minutes after we missed the boat; but seeing another
boat off the shore, we supposed it was his, and that he had stood off.
About five o'clock, on returning home, we saw the top of the mast out of
the water. On going nearer we found a sail was attached. The halyards
were fast, by which we weighed the boat, and towed it to Dover. I then
returned to the rocks, where I found Betts and others. We there found
the body lying on the rocks. Not more than two or three yards from where
we had weighed the boat. The sheet and halyards were fast, and my
impression is, that he was struck by the boat in going down.
Mr. Marsh said, a report being circulated that deceased took off a
bottle of liquor with him, he wished to contradict it. All he took was a
bottle of water, which was filled at the baths, and which was found,
half emptied, under the stern sheets of the boat when brought on shore.
The foreman observed that from the evidence there could be little doubt
that the boat was caught by a sudden puff of wind, and, the sheet being
fast, capsized. From there being a severe wound on deceased's forehead,
he (the foreman) believed that he fell against the gunwale of the boat,
and was stunned; otherwise, being an excellent swimmer, he could have
reached the shore without difficulty.
The Jury then, after a short consultation, returned a verdict, that
deceased was drowned from the accidental capsizing of his boat.
Deceased was the son of the late Captain Henry Bazely, post captain in
the Royal Navy, and nephew to the late Rear-Admiral John Bazely.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 23 May, 1846. Price 5d.
The remains of the late Mr. A. F. Bazely, whose melancholy death,
arising from the upsetting of his boat, we recorded in our last, were on
Wednesday interred in a brick grave adjoining the family vault in St.
Mary's churchyard. Himself a sailor ardently attached to his profession,
and a member of a family distinguished in the naval service, his
oft-expressed wish, while living, was carried out at his funeral. The
coffin contained the body, covered with the Union Jack, was borne to the
grave of six Dover boatmen, and the pall supported by men of the Pier
Coast Guard station, who, with the commander, Lieutenant Pearson, R.N.
volunteered their services. The funeral was also attended by the Rev. T.
Bazely and the members of the family, Lewis Stride, Esq., John Jeken,
Esq., Messrs. Morris and Darwell, and many other friends of the
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 23 October, 1858.
On Monday evening last, at seven o'clock, a jury was empannelled at
the "Four Porters Inn," before G. T. Thompson Esq., Coroner of the
Borough, to investigate the circumstances attending the death of Israel
Arnold, a labourer, who was killed by the fall of a block of chalk in a
cave belonging to the Dover Gas Company. Mr. Robert Norman was chosen
foreman of the jury, and the following evidence was elicited:-
Henry Stokes, labourer, Buckland - About a fortnight ago, I and
Joseph Knott were engaged by Mr. Jones to enlarge a cave at the Dover
Gas Works. From that time up to the present I have worked in the cave,
and on Friday afternoon last we reached to a part in which there was a
block of chalk in danger of falling. I accordingly shored it, and by
since working have reached about ten feet beyond it. On Saturday evening
last we struck the shores, with the intent that if it should fall it
might do so on Sunday. On resuming my work on Monday morning I examined
the block, and found that its position was not altered, and I then
looked upon it as being quite safe. I continued my work till, I believe,
about nine o'clock, when the deceased and his brother (Michael Arnold)
came into the cave, and in conversation said that they were engaged to
trim a cargo of coals for the Gas Works. They stopped in the cave for a
short time, during which the deceased took my pick, and used it for a
few moments. On returning it he went and stood by close by my mate,
Joseph Knott. I continued on with my work until I heard a cry of "Look
up," when I ran farther in the cave, but the deceased, in endeavouring
to get out of the cave, was caught beneath the heavy block of chalk, as
in a sitting position, with his head between his knees. I and Knott ran
to his assistance, and released him, possibly in about five minutes. He
was not then dead, in insensible, and with but little motion. A surgeon
was sent for, and in a short time one came, and pronounced him dead. He
was then laid on a stretcher, and removed to the room in which he now
lies. I estimate the weight of the chalk to be about three tons.
Only one other witness was sworn, viz., Joseph Knott, the companion
of Stokes in the enlargement of the cave. his evidence was principally
confirmatory, and as follows:- While at work on Friday, I noticed a
block of chalk that looked dangerous, and placed timber under it as a
shore. The timber was removed on Saturday night, but on Monday the block
had neither fallen nor sunk, and then considering it safe I trimmed it
across, it being about seven feet long. During the morning deceased and
his brother came in, and after they had been there a short time my
attention was attracted by some loose chalk running from the block, and
I directly cried out "Look up," when Stokes and the deceased's brother
stepped farther into the cave, and the deceased, in endeavouring to get
out of the cave, was buried beneath the heavy mass of chalk. The
deceased was about three feet from me when the alarm was given. We
immediately rendered assistance, and released him, I think in less than
ten minutes, when a surgeon was sent for, and on his arrival, which was
in twenty minutes from the time the sad occurrence took place, he
pronounced deceased to be dead. The age of deceased was forty-one years.
By the Foreman:- Mr. Jones had often cautioned us to be careful, and
we are allowed whatever timber is necessary for shoring.
By a Juror:- Mr. Jones was in the cave shortly before the occurrence,
about nine o'clock, when he said that the block of chalk, in his
opinion, was dangerous; but I told him that I had tried it, and saw no
Mr. H. R. Jones was called before the jury, but not sworn. From the
statement made by him, it was shown that all the precaution necessary
had been taken in giving instructions to the parties who were employed
to enlarge the cave.
The jury, after a moment's consultation, recorded that deceased was
accidentally killed by the falling of a block of chalk.
The deceased, who was a hard-working man, was a granger of the
excavators engaged in the Dover Drainage Works, and we believe he has
left a widow and large family without any means of support.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 26
May, 1860.
John Broadley, an eccentric and well know individual, was brought up
by the police, charged by Mr. William Pentecost, landlord of the "Four
Porters," with assaulting him, breaking twenty-three panes of glass upon
his premises, and doing other damage, on the previous day, while in a
state of drunkenness.
It appeared from the remarks of Mr. Pentecost that he was frequently
annoyed by the visits of the defendant, who came to his house when under
the influence of drink and did all that he could to torment disturbance.
The complainant, sworn, said - I am landlord of the "Four Porters,"
opposite St. James's Terrace. Yesterday afternoon about three o'clock
the defendant came to my house and asked for "something to drink." I
said "You will have nothing here," my reason for declining to serve him
being that he had previously made disturbance in the house. Defendant,
however, walked into the back room, the door of which he shut, and then
commenced turning the tables one over the other. I thereupon went into
the room and said, "Don't do that, Broadley, don't make a disturbance
here; and the sooner you leave the house the better, as I will not serve
you with anything." As I was leaving the room I said to him, "Mind, if
you break anything, you will have to pay for it." He followed me out,
and making use of very foul language threatened to smash me or any
soldier I might have in the house. Upon that I ordered him out, telling
him I would have no disturbance. I walked towards him; but did not touch
him. Defendant, however, squared up to me, and threatened again to smash
me, at the same time hitting me a blow in the eye. I returned the
blow with my left hand and knocked him down, and jumping over him
dragged him out of the house into the garden and locked him out. He then
commenced smashing the windows. I saw him break five, when I left to
fetch a policeman. On my return home I found the whole of the windows
within his reach smashed, and two perforated wire blinds also broken.
Defendant also tore up the flowers in the garden, and, threw them at the
upper windows. He was throwing things in this manner when I got back
from the police-station. The damage done to glass is £2 16s.,
carpenter's work 30s.; painting 10s.; total, £4 16s.
No person was in attendance to prove that the whole of the windows
had really been broken by the defendant; but the Magistrates thought the
fact of defendant being engaged in breaking the windows when Mr.
Pentecost left for the policeman, and still employed in the work of
demolition on his return, pretty satisfactory evidence that he alone was
liable for the £4 16s.
Police-sergeant Geddes, who had taken the defendant into custody,
described the condition of defendant's hand in consequence of his
assault upon the windows of complainant. His wrist, the constable said,
was quite cut to pieces, as were also the knuckles of his hand.
According also to the policeman, the defendant had left upon the scene
of his exploits, "three or four quarts of blood from the lacerations in
question. On getting him to the station-house a doctor had to be sent
The defendant, who certainly appeared to be suffering from loss of
blood, if not the extent imagined by Sergeant Geddes, was allowed to
have a chair. He had nothing to say in answer to either of the charged
preferred against him.
The Magistrates then fined him for the wilful damage the amount of
the loss, as sworn to by the complainant, and the costs, in all £5 2s.
6d., which, they thought, together with the pain and injury he was
suffering from his frolic, would be the means of preventing a recurrence
of similar annoyance to Mr. Pentecost. If, however, defendant persisted
in this course, he would have to be bound over to keep the peace.
The defendant promised he would not go near the "Four Porters" again
- except it changed proprietors.
Mr. Pentecost then withdrew the charge of assault, on the defendant
paying the expenses which had been incurred; but stated that if he was
subjected to any further annoyance from the defendant he should
certainly be obliged to ask their worships to bind him over to keep the
In June 1860 it became the "Guilford Inn".
Whether that had anything to do with the above case remains unknown.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 16
June, 1860.
On the application of Mr. Pentecost, the landlord of the "Four
Porters," opposite St. James's Terrace, was altered to the "Guilford
MOON Robert to 1814

MOON Robert 1819-23

HOPPER Sarah 1826-28+
(Townwall St)
BURGESS William 1832-1847 (age 45 in 1841 )
PENTECOST William 1856-59

Change name to "Guilford Inn".
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-9
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847