Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated Canterbury:- Sunday, 15 December, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1847

Brewers' Delight

Closed 4 Aug 2003

33 Broad Street


Brewer's Delight 1920

Above photo, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Broad Street map 1855

Above map 1855 identified by Rory Kehoe.

Brewer's Delight 1961

Above photo, 1961, from Historic England.

Brewer's Delight 1961

Above photo, 1961, from Historic England.

Brewer's Delight back 1961

Above photo showing the back, 1961. White building behind the telegraph pole, from Historic England.

Brewers Delight 1965

Above photo by Edward Wilmot 1965.

Brewers Delight drawing 1980s

Above drawing from John Berbiers architects, circa 1980, kindly sent by Tim Timpson.

Brewers Delight

Above photo, date unknown.

Brewer's Delight

Picture taken from

Former Brewers Delight 2009

Above showing the former "Brewers Delight" from Google July 2009.

Brewers Delight 2017

Above photo, August 2017, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Brewer's Delight sign 1968Brewers Delight sign

Above sign 1968, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Sign left date unknown from Roger Pester

Brewers Delight sign 1980Brewer's Delight sign 1991

Brewer's Delight sign left, 1980, sign right March 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Brewers Delight cardBrewers Delight card

Awaiting picture of Whitbread sign. If anyone should have an image please email me, address at bottom.

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 5.

Brewers Delight Bat and Trap team

Above bat and trap team, names and date unknown.

Brewers Delight bat and trap 1972

Above photo 1972, showing Mr. and Mrs. J. Olive receiving the mixed doubles bat and trap trophy from R. Beasley.

Brewers Delight beermat

Above beermat circa 1968 advertising their Final Selection at 9.25%. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Brewers Delight matches

Above match box pre 1990. Kindly sent by Mike L.


Henry Wraight in 1837 a beer-seller had a house of the same name in Dover Street, ten years later in 1847 he had moved to this premises and gave it the same name.


After the death of Thomas Ash on 12th March 1875, the licensee of the "Brewers Delight" was listed as Mr Stevens. On 24th October 1878 the freehold of the premises was transferred by Thomas Ash's executors to the ownership of Moxon, Collard & Ash, of the Dane John Brewery, which was later to be renamed Ash & Co.

On 6th June 1913 the licensee, Herbert Rillett, was fined 10/- with 19/6 costs for being drunk on his own licensed premises.

In November 1922 the pub was closed for two months for substantial internal works and re-roofing, all of which cost £483 17s. 8d. which was an enormous sum in the 1920s.

In 1923 Ash & Co was acquired by Jude Hanbury of Wateringbury and the "Brewers Delight" was being let at £6 5s. 0d. per quarter. Jude Hanbury was perhaps the first casualty of the infamous Whitbread "umbrella" when, in 1929, the company bid for Mackeson's of Hythe using Whitbread's money, in return for shares/seats on the board. Jude Hanbury was successful in its bid and a grateful Whitbread promptly closed down the Dane John Brewery and absorbed all Jude's Hanbury/Ash's pubs into an enlarged Mackeson tied estate.

1933 saw the house renovated again.

The pub sadly closed on 4th August 2003.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.


(Before Win. Mount, Esq., E. Holttum, Esq., T. I’hilpott, Esq., and Captain Love).

Sarah Ann Burton was charged with stealing two half-sovereigns, the property of Stephen Philpott, at Bridge. The prosecutor said he was acquainted with the prisoner's sister, who, with the prisoner, met him in Canterbury on Tuesday evening. They all went together to the "Cricketers," where they had some beer, which witness paid for. They then took a walk up St. Stephens’ and afterwards came back into Canterbury and went to a linen-draper’s shop where the prisoner’s sister had some bracelets. Witness took out his purse to pay for them and found that he had then four half-sovereigns. He paid for the bracelets with one of the half-sovereigns but could not remember how much they cost.

In reply to the Bench, witness said he charged the prisoner with taking two half-sovereigns, because she said she had only taken two.

The prisoner went on to say, that after leaving the shop they went to the "Brewers Delight," where they stayed together about two hours. They had some supper there, which prisoner paid for. While there prosecutor felt the prisoner put her hand in his pocket, but he did not look to see whether his money was safe. He stayed at the "Brewers Delight" all night, and next morning missed his money, he then went to look for the prisoner and found her at her house at Tyler Hill. She denied any knowledge of the money, and he then gave her into custody.

Stephen Bates, K. C. C., deposed that he apprehended the prisoner at Tyler Hill. On telling her the charge she said she did not do it, it was her sister. He took her to the station-house. This morning he took her down to the County Police Office, and while there she volunteered a statement that she did rob the prosecutor in North Line, but she took two sovereigns and not four (as the charge had been entered in the police sheet).

Superintendent Walker said he know nothing to the disadvantage of the prisoner, and other evidence was given to the effect that she had hitherto home a good character.

The prisoner pleaded guilty, and the Bench committed her to the House of Correction for two months with hard labour.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 7 March, 1863.


On Monday, T. Barton, landlord of the “Brewer’s Delight” was fined 1s. and expenses for having company drinking in his house at a quarter before 12 o'clock a.m. on Sunday. There were five persons in the house, three of whom were from Faversham, and the other two belonging to the city.

Mr. Hogwood, landlord of the “Old City of Canterbury” public house was also fined 1s. and costs for having two people drinking in his house at five minutes before 12 o'clock on Sunday morning. Both offences were proved by Superintendent Davies; who also reported that, during his tour of inspection, on Sunday morning, he found people drinking in three other houses—the “Bridge Inn”, the “Beehive” and the “Nag's Head,” but as the landlords of those houses were not present the cases were not gone into.

The Mayor remarked that if the Superintendent had warned some of the offending landlords to attend, he ought to have warned all, as those who had not been warned would be put to the expense of summonses.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 16 September 1871.

Annual Licensing Meeting.

The Superintendent of Police reported to the Magistrates the following houses where prostitutes were kept, viz., the "Roebuck," "True Briton," "Lord Clyde," "Princess Royal," "Crown and Anchor," "Brewers' Delight," "Clarence Inn," and "Kentish Arms," and on the applicants applying they were each cautioned in severe terms by the Mayor, and on their promising to behave better in future the licences were renewed. The business was transacted rapidly. The adjourned sessions are fixed for the 21st instant.


Brewers Delight Bat and Trap team 1950

Above photo, 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing the all-conquering Bat & Trap team, which became the first to win the Treble: the Henry Court Charity Cup, the Charles Skam Cup and the League Division 1 Champion's Cup. Players' names unknown.



Last pub licensee had WRAIGHT Henry 1847-51+ (age 49 in 1851Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847Edward Wilmot Canterbury

THROWER Francis 1858+ Melville's 1858

HALKE John 1861+ (listed as grocer age 63 in 1861Census)

WHARTON T 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

BARTON T 1863-67+

TAPPENDEN W 1868+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

PINCHES Henry 1871+ (age 46 in 1871Census)

STEVENS William 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

ASH Thomas to 12/Mar/1875 dec'd

STEPHENS Mr Mar/1875+

DRAYSON Thomas 1881+ (also carpenter age 35 in 1881Census)

DRAYSON Thomas jun 1882+ Post Office Directory 1882

DRAYSON Annie 1891-1903+ (widow age 54 in 1901Census) Post Office Directory 1891Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

RILLETT Herbert 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913Edward Wilmot Canterbury

KEMP Edward Henry 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

YATES Joseph 1930-39+ (age 50 in 1939) Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938

HOGBEN Mick & Vera Next pub licensee had pre 1968

RIDING Jack 1973+ Edward Wilmot Canterbury


Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Edward Wilmot CanterburyInns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot's,1988


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-