Sort file:- Canterbury, July, 2024.

Page Updated Canterbury:- Sunday, 14 July, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1832

(Name from)


Latest 1974

52 Dover Street (Dover Lane till 1870s)


Beehive 1954

Above photo circa 1954, kindly identified and sent by Rory Kehoe.

Canterbury map 1874

Above map kindly identified by Rory Kehoe.

Beehive 1971

Above photo, circa 1971, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Beehive 1974

Above photo, circa 1974, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Nag's Head 1974

Above photo circa 1974, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the sign of the "Nag's Head."

Beehive 1975

Above photo 1975. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the remains of the demolished oast.

Former Beehive 2017

Above photo kindly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe, August 2017.


Previously called the "Brewer's Delight" and suggested was run under that name by Henry Wraight when he opened it in 1837. However he moved to 33 Broad Street by 1847 and had opened another "Brewer's Delight" and this became the Beehive.

However, I have reference to a William Tapley being licensee of the "Beehive" as early as 1832, so something doesn't quite tally here.

The "Beehive" was situated a little way along Dover Street from the "Nag's Head" on the opposite side.

I am informed that after closing as a public house in 1974, the premises became a restaurant.

I have also found reference to another "Beehive" in 1838 the other side of Canterbury in Cross Street.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 September 1845.

We are glad to record that the £10 burial society, held at the "Bee Hive," in Dover Street, Canterbury, having a large surplus capital in hand, have subscribed the sum of 2 guineas annually to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, intending thereby to do good to their members whilst living, as well as to their relatives when dead. The subscription has been paid in the name of the president, Mr. Thomas Hymers.


Kentish Gazette, 21 October 1851.

Stealing Nine Sovereigns.

James Nichols, 26, labourer, charged with stealing from the person of Thomas Bayly, on the 26th day of July, 1851, at the Ville of St. Gregory, in the city and borough of Canterbury, 9 sovereigns and 1 half sovereign, the money, goods, and chattels of the said Thomas Bayly.

Mr. Horn prosecuted, and Mr. Dawson defended the prisoner.

Thomas Bayly, traveller, deposed:- On the 26th of July I was at the "William the Fourth" beershop, Littlebourne; saw the prisoner there; had never seen him before. Treated the men to a gallon of beer. had ten sovereigns and changed one; it was safe when I left there. The prisoner asked for a lift, and I allowed him to get into my chaise. I drove about 2 miles on the road towards Canterbury; all at once I forgot everything that was going on, and remember nothing further till I was going to bed at the "Beehive," Canterbury, between 7 and 8 o'clock, when I took stock, I missed my money - all the gold and some silver. I told the landlord, and he fetched the policeman.

Cross-examined:- Was coming from Wingham, when he first saw the prisoner; there were two other men with him; had taking a glass or or two of ale previously at Wingham; could not recollect how many glasses.

By Mr. Horn:- Gave no directions to the prisoner to go to Fordwhich. He took the reins the moment I could not drive.

Elizabeth Moys deposed:- My husband keeps the "Fordwich Arms" at Fordwich. I remember the prisoner and the prosecutor come into our house in a chaise cart, about 5 on 26th July. Nicholls was driving; they had some brandy and ginger beer. The prosecutor took out some sovereigns and silver together to pay for it; they were alone together for about three quarters of an hour in the parlour. The prosecutor went to sleep for about 10 minutes; the prisoner was then sitting there him. They afterwards left together.

Cross-examined:- The prosecutor did not appear intoxicated when he came in, but could not walk when he left. They had a quartern of brandy and two bottles of ginger beer.

George Drake Baker, living in Canterbury:- On the 26th July saw the prisoner come to his own own home in a gig, and the prosecutor was with him, and appeared very much intoxicated. They went into the house, and stop for about 10 minutes.

Benjamin Argar, landlord of the "Beehive" Dover Lane:- Remembered the prisoner coming to his house with the prosecutor about 7 on the evening in question. He assisted Mr. Bayly to get out of the gig, and the prisoner drove off to Mr. Brown's. The prosecutor was very much intoxicated, and shortly afterwards missed his money, and said he had been robbed.

Jesse Emanuel, police constable, took the prisoner into custody about 9 o'clock in the evening of 26th July in Guildhall Street, Canterbury.

Mr. Dawson addressed the jury for the prisoner.

After a short consultation, the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 7 March, 1863.


On Monday, T. Barton, landlord of the “Brewer’s Delight” was fined 1s. and expenses for having company drinking in his house at a quarter before 12 o'clock a.m. on Sunday. There were five persons in the house, three of whom were from Faversham, and the other two belonging to the city.

Mr. Hogwood, landlord of the “Old City of Canterbury” public house was also fined 1s. and costs for having two people drinking in his house at five minutes before 12 o'clock on Sunday morning. Both offences were proved by Superintendent Davies; who also reported that, during his tour of inspection, on Sunday morning, he found people drinking in three other houses—the “Bridge Inn”, the “Beehive” and the “Nag's Head,” but as the landlords of those houses were not present the cases were not gone into.

The Mayor remarked that if the Superintendent had warned some of the offending landlords to attend, he ought to have warned all, as those who had not been warned would be put to the expense of summonses.


South Eastern Gazette 19 September 1865.


BENJAMIN ARGUR, on his retirement from the above Inn, desires to return his thanks for the patronage bestowed on him during his 29 years' residence, and to inform his numerous customers that be has let the house to Mr. BENJAMIN MUTTON, for whom he solicits a continuance of support.


East Kent Gazette 12 March 1887.

For four days a man of enormous stature stayed at the "Beehive Inn," in Dover Street, Canterbury, kept by Mr. Parker. The giant is 7ft 3in high, and is very stoutly made. According to his own account, he is a native of Ireland, and had several brothers and sisters of abnormal height. He stated that he had been exhibited on the Continent, and that at one time he travelled with the celebrated Chang. There was, he added, no difference between his own height and that of the Chinese giant. During his stay at the "Beehive Inn" the Irishman was very abstemious, perhaps because he was short of funds. He went away without paying for his lodgings, and is believed to have walked to Faversham via Boughton. He is about 46 years of age.


Kentish Gazette April 1888.


Morris Knott, was charged with stealing, on the 18th April, a watch and chain, and other articles the property of William James Parker, landlord at the "Beehive Inn," Dover-street, Canterbury.

William James Parker, deposed that the goods produced (brush, watch, pipes and other articles), were his and of the value of £1. The previous afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock be went into the skittle alley and a man drew his attention to a ring lying on the ground, saying he thought witness had dropped it, but he knew he had it in his coat pocket. On going to the coat, which, was hanging up, he found a watch and chain, a ring, two pipes, tobacco pouch, a 2 foot rule, and four watch keys had been taken from it. As the prisoner was the only one who had been out where the coat was, witness went into the streets to look for him. He asked him to deliver up the things he had taken. Prisoner refused to do so, and afterwards said "I know what you want. If I had known they were yours I should not have taken them." Witness said "give me the others," and prisoner took his oath he hadn't anything else. Sergeant Tomlin came along and witness gave him into custody.

Sergeant Tomlin deposed that from information received he followed the prisoner down St. Peter's lane. He overtook prisoner and charged him. He had looked for the chain everywhere but could not find it. The prisoner had the other things in his pockets.

Prisoner pleaded guilty and said he was drunk at the time. He did not know he had the things in his pocket till Sergeant Tomlin took them out.

The Bench, however, sentenced the prisoner to one month's hard labour.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 05 June 1897.



Benjamin John Brenchley, landlord of the "Bee Hive," Dover Street, v. Henty Dance, Optician, High Street, Canterbury.

This was a claim for 12s 6d. for lodgings, refreshments, and cigars.

Mrs. Brenchley, stated that defendant had paid 8s. 6d. into Court. The remainder of the claim was for drinks, cigars, etc., which defendant had in their house on the 9th and 10th October. He ordered drinks all round for some travellers.

Defendant said he went to the house to see a man of his who was lodging there. The next morning a bill was sent in for drinks.

His Honour ordered defendant to pay 2s. more.


Dover Express 14th August 1942.


Charged at Canterbury Police Court on Friday with being drunk while in charge of a child apparently under the age of seven years, Phyllis Berry of 3, Cook’s Cottages, Charlton Green, Dover was fined 10s.

When the case was called, defendant was not in court and Inspector Wren stated that she was released on bail in the sum of £2 and a surety, Evelyn G. Webb, 22 Union Road, Dover for a similar amount at 8.10 p.m. on Monday, two hours and forty minutes after her arrest. By that time, defendant had sobered up.

P.S. Cooper stated that, at about 5.30 p.m. on Monday, he saw defendant leaning against a shop window in St. George’s Place. She had a boy of 6 and a girl of 7 years with her. There was also a man with her, but he said he was not in charge of the children. Witness formed the opinion that she was drunk and, when a police patrol car arrived, he put her under arrest. She was unable to stand without support; her speech was slurred and her breath smelled of whiskey.

Defendant said she visited Canterbury on Monday to buy some chicken at the market and she had a drink or two. The first was about 12.40 p.m. and the last at 2.30 p.m. She had the children with her all day and left them just outside the public house, which she thought was the “Beehive”.

Inspector Port said the “Beehive” in Dover Street had no accommodation for children. It was the exception rather than the rule for Canterbury public houses to have any room where children could be admitted.


Dover Express 18th August 1944.


At the Canterbury Police Court on Friday last, a miner, Edgar Meakin (24) of 108 King’s Road Aylesham, who was stated to have molested an ATS girl and to have knocked down another girl, pleaded guilty to having been drunk and disorderly in Dover Street, Canterbury on the night of August 5th.

P S Petts stated that, at 10 p.m. on August 5th, he was on duty with P C Smith in Dover Street, when he saw defendant standing and swaying and helped by another man. Witness requested him to go away, but he said he wanted to go back to the “Beehive” to get his pint of beer. Witness learned that he had been ejected from the house. He eventually went up the street, along which came an ATS girl and another girl. Defendant put his arm round the shoulders of the former and, when her friend went to her side, pushed her away and the third time struck her a violent blow and knocked her to the ground. Some soldiers then rushed at defendant and knocked him down. Witness and P C Smith then took him into custody. When charged he replied “I’m not quite drunk”.

Defendant said that he could not remember saying that. He added that he did not intend to hurt the girl. He pushed her and she fell down.

Inspector Wren said that defendant was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment in 1941 for club breaking and larceny.

The Mayor said that the Bench would not take into account what happened three years ago, but the defendant had behaved very badly and they did not want him coming to Canterbury and interfering with people. Defendant would be fined £2.


I also have reference to a "Beehive" new nightclub, in Dover Street, being opened in 1965, and believe the two are connected. Perhaps the club was opened in the pub itself.

Mark Collier informs me that pub used to be a music club and is where a whole new music genre "the Canterbury scene/sound" was created. The former Soft Machine bassist Hugh Hopper, lived in Whitstable, near Canterbury. Hopper's family, lived in the city and the Wilde Flowers did play many of their early gigs in Canterbury, notably at the "Beehive Club," in Dover Street, and the city's various colleges.


Kentish Express 26 March 1965.

Pub into club.

One of Canterbury’s most picturesque pubs, the 400-year-old Beehive, in Dover-st., is to be opened again after two and a half years of being unused. But when its freshly-painted red door is unlocked at Easter, it will not be for thirst-quenchers but for dancers and coffee drinkers.

The quaint old pub is to become the city's first non-organisation club for young people. The original bar will still be there. And apart from its new colour scheme the building will look the same — it is under a preservation order.

And to keep its link with the past it is still being called the "Beehive." But its biggest connection has gone — the club will have no liquor licence.

The "Beehive" is being rejuvenated by 26-year-old Italian. Mr. Franco Bevan.

Mr. Bevan, who has lived in Canterbury for twelve years, and went to the Simon Langton grammar school, has been saving for five years to start the club.

Where the beer pumps used to be now stands the £400 coffee machine, and the floor of the bar behind is being cleared to make room for dancing.


Opening of Beehive nightclub 1965

May 1965: Italian-born Franco Bevan - helped by Marlow actress Lynne Ashcroft - opens Canterbury's new nightclub, the "Beehive" in Dover Street. There were three rooms where members could dance, talk or drink coffee. The club was one of the venues used by the Wilde Flowers. (The Wilde Flowers were in existence between 1964 and 1967, they never released an album but the members later formed Soft Machine and Caravan.)


From an email received 20 January 2022.

I found my Beehive card and am sending it to you.

Beehive membership card Beehive membership card

I was 18 and studying English in Kent.

At the Beehive I listened to Wilde Flowers's music and sometimes cooked spaghetti and made sandwiches for everyone in the club.

Since I was an Italian girl, I was supposed to be a good cook...

Anyway,I had a lot of fun. Those were good times!

Greetings, Marisa Marchino

P.S. Can I renew my card? LOL



TAPLEY William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GOODBAN George 1836+ Kentish Gazette

BOYLE William 1838+ Stapletons Guide

ARGAR Benjamin William 1838-Sept/65 (age 41 in 1851Census) Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847Post Office Directory 1855Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

MUTTON Benjamin Sept/1865-71+ (age 65 in 1871Census) Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

ELVE Robert 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

ROBERTS Henry 1881+ Census

KENWARD Edwin to Oct/1882+ Post Office Directory 1882

PARKER William James Oct/1884-Nov/88 Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

HOOPER Henry Augustus 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

FOWLER Henry 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903Kelly's 1903

LEMAR Emily Mrs 1911-38+ (age 43 in 1911Census) Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1855From the Post Office Directory 1855

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1888

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874


Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-