Military Road
Only reference to this so far is from Greens
Canterbury Directory of 1868 and the Annual Licening Meeting of 1871.
Kentish Gazette, 4 January, 1870.
Public-house Offence.
Thursday. (Before The Mayor and W. J. Courier, Esq.)
Mrs. Russell, landlady of the "Lord Clyde" public-house, appeared in
answer to a summons charging her with having on Sunday the 26th ult.
opened her house for the sale of liquor at an illegal hour.
The case was dismissed owing to an informality in the summons,
though the Bench expressed an opinion that the police had done quite
right in bringing the case before them.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 16 September 1871.
Annual Licensing Meeting.
The Superintendent of Police reported to the Magistrates the following
houses where prostitutes were kept, viz., the "Roebuck," "True Briton,"
"Lord Clyde," "Princess Royal," "Crown and Anchor," "Brewers' Delight,"
"Clarence Inn," and "Kentish Arms," and on the applicants applying they
were each cautioned in severe terms by the Mayor, and on their promising
to behave better in future the licences were renewed. The business was
transacted rapidly. The adjourned sessions are fixed for the 21st
instant. |
RUSSELL Emma 1868-70+

KENNETT Henry G 1871 (age 24 in 1871 )
Canterbury Directory 1868