14 St. James' Street

23 St. James' Street

From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 21 February 1958.
This view is of St. James' Street before the first world war. Prominent
on the left side of the road can be seen the "Bell Inn", St. James' Parish
Hall and Mrs. Coveney's general shop. On the other side of the street,
nearest to Woolcomber Street, were the offices of Stillwell and Harby.
At the end of the street would have been the "Golden Cross"
Above shows a similar shot today (2009). |
Above photo, pre 1900. |
An alehouse prior to 1835 but refused a victualling
licence that year. Certainly operative again by 1847 when mentioned in
police reports, Coroner's inquests and Bagshaw's Directory.
The Dover Chronicles on 7 May 1842, printed a list of "Inns & Innkeepers
of Dover A.D. 1713. Unfortunately no addresses were given.
From the Dover Chronicles, 7 May 1842.
Dover Chronicles 5 June 1847.
June 3, at St. James's, Mr. William Johnson ????, landlord of the
the "????," to Miss Mary Parks, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles Parks, of the "Bell Inn."
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 18 December, 1847. Price 5d.
An inquest was held on Thursday evening, at the “Bell Inn,” St. James's
Street, before G. T. Thompson, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, on the
body of Europa Perry Clark, aged 62, who was on that morning found
lifeless on the floor of her bedroom.
The Jury having been sworn, and Mr. Thiselton appointed foreman,
proceeded to view the body, and on their return the following witnesses
were examined:-
Emanuel Bayley, aged 11 years, deposed: I live with my grandfather, Mr.
Warwick. Deceased slept in the same room with myself last night. I heard
her get out of bed twice during the night, and again in the morning
about daybreak, but thought she had got in again. I got up about seven,
and on going out of the room I kicked against something lying on the
floor, at the bottom of the bed. I thought it was deceased, and called
to her, but as she did not answer, I ran down to the bake-house and
called Mr. Smith, who went up stairs. He returned directly and called my
Charles Warwick, late engineer in Her Majesty's Packet Service, deposed:
I live at the house of my son, who married deceased's daughter. Deceased
also resided in the same house, and lived with the family. This morning,
about seven o'clock, I was called by Mr. Smith, saying, that something
was the matter with Mrs. Clarke, and he thought she was dead. I went up
into the room. And found her lying on the floor at the foot of the bed;
she was lying on her side, with her legs drawn inwards. On examining her
I found she was warm and with the assistance of Mr. Smith, put her on
the bed; but finding she did not breathe, I sent immediately for Mr.
Hunt. She has been for some years in ailing health, and suffering from
asthma. She has frequently complained of a pain in her back, but I do
not know that she had any medical advice. Last night she appeared much
as usual, but, if anything, more cheerful. She finished the beer for
supper about eight o'clock, and went to bed about half-past nine.
Nancy Warwick deposed: this morning I went into the bedroom of deceased
with Mr. Hunt, and found her as described by my husband. She has for a
long time complained of her back, saying it was from an infection of the
kidneys. She also suffered from a cough, and I have advised her to have
medical advice, but she refused, and would not take any medicine. Last
night she appeared as usual when she went to bed.
Richard Thomas Hunt, surgeon, deposed: I was called this morning to see
deceased, and found her quite dead. I attended her about three years
since for an attack of diarrhoea, but have not since prescribed for her.
I cannot state the cause of death, nor form any opinion upon it, from
not having attended her for so long a period.
The Coroner said, under these circumstances, as Mr. Hunt could form no
opinion of the cause of death, it would be necessary to adjourn, for the
purpose of making a post mortem examination.
The investigation was then adjourned till Friday evening, at 7 o'clock.
On resuming the enquiry last night, Mr. Hunt deposed that on making a
post mortem examination of the body, on examining the cavity of the
chest, he found a large quantity of blood, which had escaped from a
large ruptured vessel in the lungs which was the cause of death, and
that the disease had been of long standing.
On this evidence the Jury immediately returned a verdict of “Death from
natural causes.”
In the process of recording the pubs I might use that phrase often, so
before going any further I point out to the reader that no sinister
significance should be conjured up by the remark. It usually meant that the
owner was assisting the constabulary, or more likely, an inquest was being
held on the premises.
By 1852, still thriving, in the no doubt charming hands of
Mrs. Susannah Handsomeboddie, and for the next sixty four years, no licensee
hurried from this one.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer,
31 August, 1866.
William Johnson, was charged with defrauding Louisa Brewer, of the
"Bell" public house, St. James's Street, of one shilling, by false
At appeared that this was one of a number of cases in which the
prisoner had obtained small sums of money by going into places and
asking for change and then making off without giving up the coin he
professed to want to have exchanged.
Louisa Brewer, daughter of Samuel Brewer, said the prisoner came into
the "Bell" on Sunday night and asked her to give him change for a
shilling. He then asked for some cigars and a sort she had not got, and
on her taking up two sixpences which she placed on the counter he told
her that she had already taken up his shilling. She knew she had not,
but he was so importunate that she ultimately gave him a shilling upon
the strength of his representations.
The prisoner was remanded till Friday (this day).
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 23
December, 1870. Price 1d.
Application for permission to sell till the next transfer-day at the
"Bell Inn," St James's Street was made by William Wilson, and was
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 26 May, 1871. Price 1d.
Samuel D'Orsay, a labourer, was charged with stealing from the till of
the bar of the “Bell” public-house, St. James's Street, one penny, the
property of William Wilson.
Sarah Wilson, wife of William Wilson, said she was the landlady of the
“Bell.” On Saturday afternoon the prisoner came to the bar and ordered a
glass of beer. Whilst he was there her servant went into the bar, and
from what she told her, she said to him, “You good-for-nothing man, what
have you taken from the till?” he made no reply; and as she saw he had
something in his hand she caught hold of it and found a penny in it. She
asked him whether he had any more; but he made no reply. Her husband
subsequently sent for a policeman, and had the prisoner taken into
Jane Whitnall, servant at the “Bell,” said that as she passed the bar
she saw the prisoner's hand in the till. She told her mistress.
Police-constable Hemmings deposed to taking the prisoner into custody.
On the charge being read over at the police-station, he admitted the
The prisoner, who pleaded guilty to the charge, was sent to the House of
Correction for fourteen days. With hard labour, the Magistrates
informing him that the smallness of the amount he had succeeded in
abstracting from the till was no mitigation of his offence, as it was
not his fault that the sum was not larger.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8 September, 1871. Price 1d.
The Magistrates expressed their satisfaction at finding that a new
tenant had been obtained for this house. The old tenant had made an
application for a renewal of the license, it would have been the duty of
the Bench to make some observations as to the manner in which the house
had been conducted.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 2 February 1901. Price 1d.
Messrs. Worsfold and Hayward had an important property sale at the
“Metropolis Hotel,” Dover, on Thursday, and notwithstanding the stagnant
condition of business. they realised large prices. The “Bell Inn,” St.
James' Street, Dover, sold for £1,275, and the adjoining house, 25, St.
James' Street, realised £275. Ten £10 shares in the Dover Artisans'
Dwellings Company fetched £6 10s. per share. At the same time a piece of
market garden and meadow ground containing 13 acres at East Studdale,
with a dwelling house, was sold for £270. |
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday 30 March, 1906.
Mr. R. Mowll applied for the transfer of the license of the “Bell Inn,”
St. James's Street, from Mrs. Ashford to Mr. Little. He stated that Mrs.
Ashford had not been in the house the nine months, but on March 1st the
ownership of the house passed into the hands of Messrs. G. Beer and they
wished to put in a tenant of their own.
In reply to the Magistrates it was stated that the previous tenant died
after holding the license for a considerable period.
The application was granted.
It was closed finally by the Licensing (Consolidation) Act
of 1910, on 30 December 1916. Compensation of £1,035 meant that George Beer
and Company, of the Star Brewery, Canterbury received £880. William Mays,
the tenant received £155. Fully licensed at the closure.
KNOTT Lawrence 1713+
PARKS Charles 1840-47
(age 50 in 1841 )
HANDSOMEBODDIE Mrs Susanna 1852+
AUSTEN George Jan/1856+

BURGESS William 1858-61+ (age 67 in 1861 )

BREWER Samuel 1866
WILSON William Dec/1870-71 (age 46 in 1871 )

GRUNDY George Eastwood July/1871-Nov/72

FRASER John W Nov/1872-Nov/79

FRASER Albert Nov/1879-1895
(age 38 in 1891 )
DOBSON William 1895


HORGAN Edwin Mar/1897+

PHARRO Alfred 1899-Jan/1903
FULLAGAR H Jan/1903+

ASHFORD Mrs to Mar/1906

LITTLE Charles Mar/1906-07

FRASER Arthur 1907-Jan/09
MAYS William Jan/1909-16 end
(Army Pensioner age 42 in 1911 )
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Kelly's Directory 1913
From the Dover Express