2 East Street / Bell Lane
Above postcard, circa 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by David Boulding. |
Above photo circa 1913, From
http://www.sittingbourne-museum.co.uk |
Above postcard, 1937, kindly sent by Mark Jennings. Over the road
from the pub the Odeon Cinema is showing the 1936 Katherine Hepburn
historical drama, A Woman Rebels. Sadly, not one of her greatest
successes! |
Above postcard, 1948, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1970, on carnival day. |
One time a tied house within the estate of Isherwood, Foster and Stacey's
Lower Brewery, Maidstone, the pub became a Fremlin's house when they took
over and closed Isherwood Foster and Stacey in 1929.
Kentish Gazette 27 August 1771.
All that good accustom'd Public-house known by the sign of
the "Three Kings" with the malthouse, buildings, Stables, Yard, Garden and
Appurtenances; situate and being at Sittingbourne in the occupation of
Mr Boulden, and held by lease from the Dean and Chapter of Rochester.
Enquire of Curteis and Waterman, at Rye in Sussex.
Kentish Gazette, 30 January, 1779.
To be let, and entered upon immediately.
The well-known and good accustomed Inn, known by the "Three Kings"
in Sittingbourne in Kent, with the
brewhouse and all the utensils and household furniture, with a
garden, Yard, and stables, thereunto belonging,
and now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Bowlding.
For further particulars may be known by applying at the said house.
Kentish Gazette, 19 July, 1779.
The members of the Militia Club, held at the "Three Kings" in
Sittingbourne, are desired to meet on Wednesday
next, 7th of July, at 6 o'clock.
Those members, who do not attend, will be expelled.
Kentish Gazette, 16 February 1780.
To be Let, and entered upon at Old Lady Day next.
All that good custom public house, known by the name of the "Three
Kings," in Sittingbourne, with the Yard, Garden and Stables,
thereunto belonging.
The Stock in Trade, with the Brewing Utensils, to be taken at a fair
For further particulars enquire of Mr. James Austen at the said
From the Kentish Gazette Friday 3 June 1808
LINSALL, Mr., Landlord of Three Kings public house Sittingbourne, died 25 May.
From the Kentish Gazette Tuesday 28 June 1808
LINSELL, Robert, dec'd, Victualler of Sittingbourne. Notice re debts. |
Kentish Gazette, 6 December, 1836.
A few days since, at Otham, Mr. Morphew, aged 28, late of the "Three
Kings," Sittingbourne.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette 10 December 1836.
Sept 4th Mr. Morphew, in his 28th year, late of the "Three Kings,"
Canterbury Weekly, 10 December, 1836.
At Otham, Mr. Morphew, in his 28th year, late of the "Three Kings,"
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 19 December 1864.
Burglary at Sittingbourne.
William King, 30, labourer, was charged with burglary and stealing a
pint of brandy and other articles, the property of Samuel
Knight, at Sittingbourne, on the 19th of November. Mr Russell
prosecuted; prisoner was undefended.
Prosecutor, landlord of the "Three Kings Inn," East End, Sittingbourne,
said that on the 19th November he went to bed at half past
12 o'clock, and when he came down the next morning, at half-past seven,
he found that a panel had been taken out of the bar door,
and the front room window was open. He missed two bottles of brandy, one
bottle of whiskey, a box of cigars, and a quantity of a
different sort of cigar from another box, and about a pound of tobacco,
made up in screws and half ounces, all done up in plain
white paper; also a child's pinafore and a small tumbler. The previous
night the prosecutor had seen the prisoner in his tap room.
The pot boy at the "Three Kings," named Warren, was unable to attend to
illness, and his deposition, taken before J. D. Dyke, Esq.,
was read. He stated that he got up at 6:30, and found the panel by the
side of the door, and the front room window wide open. He
did not see the prisoner in the house the previous evening. He usually
looked round at night, and that night he found all the
windows fastened.
Louisa Lampkin likewise could not attend through illness. Her testimony
was that on 20th November the prisoner came to the
"Ship Inn," at Chatham, and wanted to go into her bedroom, and he gave
her a bundle to take upstairs. After that prisoner called
the girls upstairs, and ask them to have a glass of brandy, and he
poured some into a small glass, and they all drank of it. He slept
at the "Ship" three nights.
Joseph Holloway, pot boy at the "Ship," said he saw the prisoner there
on the 20th of November, with a bundle, which he gave to
Louisa Lambkin to take upstairs. The next day he saw the bottle and
glass, which came out of Louise's room. They were the same
as those produced. On Monday evening he saw a bundle under the bed, only
half the size of that which prisoner had previously
brought in. On examining it by himself he found it contained several
packets of tobacco and a child's pinafore. Witness then
showed the bundle to Superintendent Everist.
George Brooks, keeper of the "Royal Standard," Chatham, said that
prisoner called upon him on the 22nd, and asked him to buy a
box of cigars, which were to be sold a bargain. Witness told prisoner
that only the day previously he had brought a box, but
prisoner told him that he should have the box for 3s. and a pot of
porter. He paid the money and received the box.
Superintendent Green, stationed at Sittingbourne, stated that on the
24th November he received from the previous witness a box
of cigars of two kinds.
At the deposition of Superintendent Everist, which was read, was to the
effect that he saw the prisoner at the "Ship," with a bundle
in his possession. He told him that he was charged with having committed
a robbery at Sittingbourne, and he said "You can't
prove that I was at Sittingbourne. I only came out on Saturday morning,
and I could not do it."
Samuel Knight recalled, said that the brandy bottles, cigars, and small
glass produced, corresponded with those he had lost.
The jury found the prisoner guilty; and the learned Judge said he
entirely concurred with the verdict; although the prosecutor,
speaking carefully, said he could not swear to the things. But, looking
at the number, it would have been marvellous that the
prisoner should have been found in possession of just so many articles.
According to the last Act of Parliament, he must inflict
upon the prisoner a sentence of penal servitude; and after a previous
conviction, it must be for 7 years.
This was a very bad case.
Taking the time of the previous sentence for which prisoner was
imprisoned, it would not have expired till Sunday, but by the
leniency of the law he was let out the day before; and that very
Saturday night he committed the felony with which he was now
charged. The sentence of the Court must be 7 years' penal servitude.
Faversham Times and Mercury and North-East Kent Journal, Saturday 20
September 1879.
Sittingbourne Petty Sessions.
The Bench then proceeded to the consideration of the licence in the
cases in which there were complaints about the manner in which the
houses were conducted, or in which the holders of the licences had
been convicted during the last 12 months of offence against the
Licensing Act.
These were John Hughes, "Cricketers Arms," Sheerness (convicted for
permitting gambling on February 28th); Peter Newton Barlow
"Shipwrights Arms," Sheerness, (convicted of a similar offence);
John Bircham, "Highlanders Arms," Minster; Samuel Jarrett,
"Cricketers," Rainham; Thomas Grewcock, "Green Lion," Rainham;
Elizabeth Sayer, "White Horse," Rainham; Richard Charles Wallace,
"Three King's," Sittingbourne; James Millington, beer house keeper,
Borden, William Kitchenham, "Rose," Rainham; John Jordan, "Billet
beer house", Milton.
The publicans having been cautioned, the Bench renewed each licence,
with the exception of those of Bircham and Jarrett, Superintendent
Mayne objected to the renewal of the licence to Bircham because of
the manner in which it was conducted, owing to the drunkenness, &c.,
of his wife and frequent quarrels between them. Jarrett's house had
also been conducted in a very unsatisfactory way. The bench refused
to renew the licence to Bircham and Jarrett, but adjourned the
question of renewal until September 29th, notice of which will be
given to the owners of the houses.
East Kent Gazette, Saturday, February 11, 1928.
An Occasional Licence.
Mr. S. A. W. Noakes, of the "Three Kings," Sittingbourne, was granting a
seasonal licence to sell in the Town Hall, Sittingbourne from 7 to 11 p.m.
on the 21st instant, on the occasion of the annual smoking concert of the
Sittingbourne fire brigade.
Situated opposite Swale House and on the corner of Bell Lane and East
Street, the pub is closed, date unknown and I am informed has subsequently
been demolished.
From an email received 28 March 2016.
In 1753 it was run by Thomas Cowland who died in 1756 and it was taken over as tenant
by his widow Ann until she married Thomas Boulding in 1758. After Thomas
died in 1787 she married a third time to Thomas Swift in 1791.
Thomas Boulding was born in 1723 at Crundale, Kent. He's buried with
Ann with a headstone at Sittingbourne church. You would have been able
to see the headstone across the road from the pub.
As far as I can see they tried to sell in 1779
no mention after 1780 to 1835
David Boulding. |
COWLAND Thomas 1753-56 dec'd
COWLAND Ann 1756-58
BOULDING Thomas 1759-79+
AUSTEN James 1780+
SWIFT Thomas 1791+
LINSALL to 25/May/1808
RICHARDSON John 1828-39+
DAVIS Oliver Saxby 1840+
JACKSON Sarah 1847+
WATTS Robert 1855-58+
WHITE John Thomas 1861+ (age 24 in 1861 )
KNIGHT Samuel 1862+
CLINCH Charles 1870-71+ (age 51 in 1871 )
BURR Edward to Nov/1871

WALLIS Charles Nov/1871+

WALLIS Richard Charles 1874-81+ (age 48 in 1871 )
PALMER William 1891-1903+ (widower age 57 in 1901 )

NOKES Sidney 1913+
NOKES Bertram 1918+
NOKES Sidney A W 1922-28+
NOKES Laura Lilian Mrs 1930-38+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
East Kent Gazette
From the Kelly's Directory 1903