118 High Street
01303 874425
Above postcard date unknown, with kind permission from Eric Hartland. |
Above photo, 1908, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, 28 June 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard date unknown, with kind permission from Eric Hartland. |
Above postcard, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown, showing highlighted the Bowery Hall, used for
dances. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo 2015. |
Above photo 2015. |

Sign left, April 1986, sign right 2015.
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com. |

Above card issued March 1955. Sign series 4 number 37. |
From the book 1948 Whitbread & Co Ltd 'Inns of Kent' showing low beamed
ceilings, and walls with secret stairs and cupboards. |
From the book 1948 Whitbread & Co Ltd 'Inns of Kent' showing a fine
carved and gilded sign of unusual character and in perfect keeping with
the Inn. |
Taken from
The "Ship Inn" has a long history, dating back to the 16th century when it
is generally accepted that it was named because of its long running
connection to the clientele of fishermen and smugglers. 1530 is the date
that the "Ship Inn" first enters the historical record of Dymchurch, this
was a time when smuggling was rife along the south east coast of Kent.
This was in part due to Romney Marsh being given the right to self
governance by King Henry III. Control of the Marsh was given to the
twenty three Lords of the Manors of Romney Marsh (also known as The
Lords of the Levels).
The "Ship Inn" lies across the road from the church of St Peter and Paul
and is the headquarters of author Russell Thorndike's fictional Dr Syn.
The Inn keeps up the smuggling theme there are various framed items of
smuggling interest on the walls.
This Inn has many associations with the Lords of the Level and notorious
smugglers. The low beams, attractive staircase and curious cupboards all
suggest the atmosphere of exciting old times. The proximity of the inn to
the little prison meant thrilling adventures in helping captured
prisoners escape. An example of this was in 1781 when a gang of
smugglers was apprehended exporting a boat load of live sheep to France.
They were tried in the New Hall and remanded in the adjoining jail. They
escaped with the aid of friends at the "Ship Inn." This was almost a
foregone conclusion in this area, where everyone was on the side of the
The smuggling history of the "Ship Inn" through the centuries is literally
engrained into the fabric of the building. There are hidden passageways
and voids that have been found in recent years of renovation.
"There can be no more suitable place [for smuggling] than Dymchurch and its Ship Inn for example ... [and] its smuggling
proclivities are not in doubt. Mr Russell Thorndike in his Dr Syn novels
has laid a great many of his scenes at The Ship ... and, doubtless, many
of the stories are based upon smuggling tales collected locally. The
Ship is just such an inn as one would expect to see within a few yards
of the sea and sheltering under the sea wall - blunt, low and long with
its face to the sea and its back to the road. Over the front door is a
fine carved and gilded sign of an unusual character and in perfect
keeping with the inn. The inside matches the outside - low-beamed
ceilings and walls with secret cupboards and stairways, now no longer
secret but all adding to an indisputable atmosphere of lamp oil, dark
lanterns, masks and three-cornered hats. One is glad to hear that rooms
are still available and food as well as drink (strictly legal drink)
obtainable without the slightest fear of having one's throat cut."
From the Kentish Gazette, Friday 24 April, 1784.
At the "Ship," Dymchurch, respectfully informs his Friends, that on
account of Tenterden Fair, he is under the necessity of postponing the
Stock Market till Tuesday, May the 4th.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal - Friday 3 January 1794.
Yesterday se'nnight (i.e. one week ago yesterday) died, after a long
and painful illness, Mr. George Horn, Master of the "Ship Inn," at Dymchurch.
Kentish Chronicles, 3 January, 1794.
Yesterday, se'nnight died, after a long and painful illness, Mr.
George Horn, Master of the "Ship Inn," at Dymchurch.
Kentish Gazette, Friday 31 October 1794.
Ship Inn, Dymchurch.
William Wraight begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in
general, that he has taken the above inn, and a laid in a good
assortment of wines and other liquors; and, by his constant assiduity
and attention, humbly hopes to merit their favours, which will be
gratefully acknowledged.
N. B. The Stock Market will be on Monday next, 3rd of November. Mr.
Charles Rolfe will attend as salesman, and continue as usual.
Dymchurch, October 31, 1794.
From the Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 7 February, 1837.
At the "Ship Inn," Dymchurch, on Monday, the 20th February, 1837, at
Twelve o'clock precisely, Duty paid,
about 6,000 Deals, Deal Ends, and Battens.
76 Pieces Pine Timber,
90 Pieces Birch Timber,
And a quantity of Lath Wood.
Saved from the Bark "DIXON," of Hull, Samuel Slater, late Master,
wrecked near Dymchurch, on a voyage
from St. John's, new brunswick, to Hull.
The goods lay in separate lots between Dymchurch and Romney, and may be
seen on application to Mr.
George Packman, St. Mary's near Romney; or to Messrs. Humphrey and
Tunbridge, auctioneers, new
Romney, who will deliver catalogues four days prior to the sale.
For further particulars apply to Latham and Co. Agents to Lloyd's Dover.
Kentish Gazette, 8 June 1847.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Holmes, for many years landlord
of the "Ship Inn," Dymchurch. It appears that as he was
returning from Ashford fair, the horse shied at something in the road,
and stopping suddenly, he was jerked out of his cart, the
wheels of which passed over him and fractured his spine. He lingered
until Friday, when death put an end to his sufferings. The
deceased was in his 65th year.
From the Kentish Gazette, 28 November 1848.
An inquest was held on Thursday, the 23d instant, at the "Ship Inn,"
Dymchurch, before James Elliott, Esq., on the body of Thomas Wraight, a
carpenter. Deceased had been seriously burnt by squibs on the 5th of
November. The jury not being able to come to a satisfactory conclusion
as to the precise manner in which the injury had proved fatal, the
further hearing was adjourned for the result of a post mortem
examination. The additional particulars shall be given in our next.
South Eastern Gazette, 14 August, 1860.
MRS. HUNTLY, in relinquishing the above business, offers her most
respectful acknowledgments to those friends who have, during her
lengthened residence, continued their patronage; she has also the
satisfaction to assure them that her successor is in every way
disposed to offer such comfort and accommodation as may induce a
continuance of their favours. Carriages, Coach-houses, Stabling,
&c., are known to the public, and there will be no diminution of
attention and comfort to those who have hitherto expressed their
satisfaction in the arrangement of the hotel.
IN introducing to his Friends and the Public Mr. J. STOKES as his
Successor in the Out-door Department of the above Establishment,
begs to return his grateful thanks for the favours conferred upon
him, and to solicit a continuance of the same on behalf of Mr.
JOHN STOKES, (Late of the "Ship Inn," Dymchurch),
HAVING succeeded to the above business, most respectfully solicits a
continuance of that patronage so liberally awarded to his
predecessors. Every attention and comfort will be offered, and every
exertion used to meet their approbation. Wines and Spirits of the
choicest quality. Flys in constant readiness, and Omnibuses to and
from the Trains.
Dover, 3rd August, 1860.
HORN George 1784-Dec/1793 dec'd

WRAIGHT William 1794+

to 1812
HOLMES William 1832-6/June/47 dec'd age 65 (age 55 in 1841 )

STOKES John to Aug/1860

Kentish Gazette
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34