North Lane
I have only found the one mention of this establishment at present and
that was in the Dover Telegraph of 1847 and do not have an address for it.
Although this was obviously a place to find lodgings I am not totally
certain whether they had a drinks licence.
Further research suggests it did.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 14 August, 1847. Price 5d.
James Lanes, John Brown, Caroline Johnson, and Margaret Finn, were
charged with assaulting and stealing from Mr. A. Colyer, jun.,
watchmaker, the sum of £145.
Mr. A Colyer deposed: While passing Wellington Bridge on Monday evening,
at half-past nine o'clock, the female prisoner (Johnson) accosted me,
and asked me if I saw the vessel passing through the bridge-way. I
replied, no; nor did I want to see it. The two men then instantly jumped
upon me – Lane in front, and brown behind me – Lane said, “You, rascal,
I have caught you at last; you have been taking liberties with my wife.”
I said, what do you want, you rascal? And cried “murder!” Lane then
said, “Don't hurt him;” and they let me go, and ran away. I immediately
searched my pockets, and I found I had lost my purse, which contained
£145 – one £50, one £30, one £10, and two £5 bank of England notes, and
one £5 note (No. 3038) of the National Provincial bank; the remainder
was in gold. Seeing Birch near, (the man who swung the bridge,) I
communicated to him what had transpired, when he told me that he had
just seen a woman run up the Barley Mow Lane, and saw the men pass over
the bridge directly after me. I can positively swear to the parties.
Both the money and purse were taken from me, by the prisoners, in the
Birch corroborated the foregoing evidence as far as referred to himself.
He could not identify the parties, as he was the length of the bridge
from them; he, however, could see that one man was tall, and the other
short – which corresponded with the height of the prisoners.
Charlotte Andriette, landlady of the “Travellers' Rest,” in Canterbury,
deposed: On Tuesday evening the two male prisoners came to my house,
where they slept that night. Before going to bed, they asked if they
could have beds on the following night for themselves and two females.
They left in the morning about eight o'clock, and returned in about half
an hour with the two female prisoners, and all four had breakfast
together. They then left, and returned in the afternoon, when
Superintendent Clements, and two Policemen, came and took them into
James Timan, landlord of the “Three Tuns,” Dover, deposed: The
prisoners, Lanes and Finn, have been lodging at my house about a
fortnight. I first saw them on Monday night, about 12 o'clock, when they
went to bed. After they left I locked the kitchen door. On my coming
down in the morning, I found they were gone. They must have got out of
the window, as the kitchen door was not unlocked. The prisoner Brown
came in on Tuesday morning, and asked if Lanes was there. I told him he
was gone in a very unhandsome manner. He then asked what I would take,
and I replied a little rum and milk. He then ordered two glasses, which
he paid for, and then left, saying, he was in a hurry, as he was going
to Canterbury.
Longley, landlord of the “Rising Sun,” deposed that prisoner Brown and
Johnson had been lodging at his house for some time, and passed as
brother and sister.
The prisoner brown said he could prove that he was not near the
Wellington Bridge on Monday evening, in proof of which he called James
Haddock, who stated that he lodged opposite the “Rising Sun,” and was
acquainted with Brown. That he met him opposite the “Rising Sun” on
Monday evening, about half-past eight, when they walked together towards
East-cliff jetty. They then returned to the bathing rooms, and sat for
some time on one of the seats, till half-past ten, when they returned to
their lodgings. He was positive they did not go towards the pier that
evening, further than the bathing machines.
Thomas Baker, paper-hanger, was then called, and deposed: I lodge in the
same house with Brown and Johnson. I saw him on Monday evening, about
half-past nine or a quarter to ten o'clock, opposite the house, talking
to Haddock. They said they were going for a walk, and I left them. Brown
did not come home till three and four o'clock in the morning, when I
went down stairs and unlocked the door for him.
Superintendent Clements produced three bundles containing dresses and
various other articles, which he said he could prove had been purchased,
together with other property to the amount of more then £5, in
Canterbury, by the prisoners on Tuesday, and if they were remanded, he
had no doubt of being able to obtain further evidence.
The prisoners (together with the witness Haddock, who from his evidence
appeared to be a party concerned,) were then remanded for further
examination on Monday next.
Mr. Colyer has since ascertained the number of the £50 note to be
32,140, dated May 6, 1847.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 21 August, 1847. Price 5d.
MONDAY: Lanes, Brown, Johnson, and Finn, the parties remanded on
Thursday, for assaulting and robbing Mr. A. Colyer of £145, near the
Wellington Bridge, were this day brought up for further examination,
when the following additional evidence was adduced:-
Superintendent Clements, of the Canterbury Police, deposed : I received
information of the robbery, and a description of the prisoner Johnson,
as being one of the parties suspected, and seeing the two females
together on Wednesday, I followed them to the “Traveller's Rest”
public-house. I went in, and saw Finn alone, and I asked her where her
companion was. She denied having any companion, and I said I meant the
woman she had been walking with. I then saw Johnson come down stairs,
and I took them into custody, together with Lanes and Brown, who denied
all knowledge of the females when I told them they were in custody on a
charge of robbery. On searching prisoners, 1s. 4d. was found on Lanes,
1s. 6d. and some coppers on Brown, a sovereign and some coppers on
Johnson, in a purse, together with a bill for linen-drapery, &c.,
amounting to £3 12s., purchased at Mr. Carter's shop that day by the
female prisoner together, and which was paid for in gold. I also found a
bill on Lanes for cutlery, bought by him that day, amounting to £1 2s.
The prisoners, after being duly cautioned, were called on for their
answer to the charge, when Johnson stated – I met prosecutor on Monday
evening, near Wellington Bridge, and after a few minutes conversation,
we went round Latham's quay. In about five minutes two men came up, one
of whom took hold of prosecutor, saying, “What do you want here, you
_____ I've caught you with my wife at last, and I'll throw you
overboard.” I said, let him go, we're doing no harm. I then ran across
the bridge and went into the town towards the pier. I went into Peake's
and several other public-houses during the night, and in the morning had
breakfast in a coffee house on the Cross-wall. I don't know anything of
the men who came up to us. The other prisoner denied all knowledge of
the robbery, and after a short consultation the Mayor said the decision
of the Bench was that Lanes, Brown, and Johnson, should be committed to
take their trial for the robbery at the ensuing Maidstone Assizes, and
that Finn and Haddock be discharged.
From the Kentish Gazette, 28 March 1848.
Robbery On The Person At Dover.
John Brown and James Lane, were indicted for assaulting and robbing
Allen Colyer, of a £50 and a £30
Bank of England note, and a £5 note of the National Provincial Bank,
Dover, his moneys, at St. James the
Apostle, in the borough of Dover. Caroline Johnson was also charged with
the same offence, and pleaded
Mr. Horn prosecuted, and Mr. Rose and Mr. Addison defended the
Allen Colyer deposed that he was a watchmaker at Dover; in August last
he went to London with some
watches, which he pawned, and received one £50, one £30, and one £10
Bank of England note, and one
£5 London and Provincial Bank, at Dover; the £30 was indorsed with the
name of Kent, of Oxford-street;
arrived from London at Dover on the afternoon of the 9th, and in the
evening, at half-past nine, was near
the Key, at Dover, when he had on his person £145; the prisoner Johnson
came up to him and asked if he
saw a vessel pass though the bridge; he answered "No—nor do I care;" the
other two prisoners then
sprang on him; Lane seized him by the collar, and said "I have caught
you at last, old fellow;" Brown
advised him to throw him (prosecutor) overboard, he being then near the
water. Lane said, "Don't hurt
him." And they continued pushing him about; saw the face of the
prisoners distinctly by the gas lamp, and
had no doubt they were the men. Brown was behind him; he (prosecutor)
cried out "murder," and the men
then released him, but the woman was gone; he then went in pursuit of
the woman, but could not find her,
and gave information to the police; he missed his money in about half a
minute after he was released.
Cross examined:— Brown was behind him; the gas lamp was about fifty feet
from him; was quite sober;
Johnson was the first person he spoke to that evening; had never seen
Lane before; had not said the men
were foreigners.
Edward Birch deposed that he was near the Union bridge, Dover, on the
above night, and saw a woman
run away, and afterwards saw two men, whom he did not know, walk over
the bridge.
Thos. Baker saw Brown between nine and ten o’clock in St.
James’s-street, Dover, on the evening in
question. Caroline Johnson and Brown lodged in the same house with him;
on the 10th Brown came home
between three and four o’clock in the morning, and at six he told
witness he was going away.
By the Judge:— He lived nearly half a mile from the Union-bridge.
Charlotte Andrette deposed that her husband kept the "Traveller’s Rest"
public house, at Canterbury, and
on the night of the 10th August, the male prisoner slept at her house;
he went out next morning, and
brought back two females, one of whom was Johnson; soon after breakfast,
the females went out, followed
by the man; the females and Brown came back again about half-past one.
Wm. Clements, superintendent of police at Canterbury, stated that on the
10th he went to the house of the
last witness, and found there the prisoners, and a female named Finn.
Susanna Ravenhill, a female turnkey at Maidstone gaol, stated that on
the 29th of September a prisoner
named Ann Caley was brought to gaol; on searching her, she found in her
shoe one £50, one £30, and one
£5 Bank of England notes, which she gave to Mr. Bone, the governor.
Mr. Bone produced the notes which he received from the last witness; the
prisoner Caley made a statement
to him; Johnson was brought into the Matron's room and shown the notes,
in the presence of Caley.
The prisoner Johnson stated that she complained to Mr. Bone of having
lost some notes; the £50, £30, and
£5 notes produced, she believed were the same she lost.
Cross-examined:— Brown was not present when she stole the notes.
By Mr. Horn:— Did not remember saying that she should plead guilty to
clear her brother Brown; she might
have said so—she said that she stole the notes, and that the innocent
should not suffer for the guilty.
At the conclusion of the evidence for the prosecution, his lordship said
that there was not sufficient evidence
as to Brown’s identity, and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Mr. Addison then addressed the jury for Lane, and contended that the
evidence of identity with respect to
him was equally inconclusive.
His lordship having summed up, the jury immediately found Lane guilty.
Johnson and Lane were sentenced to be transported for seven years.
Ann Caley was tried upon a similar indictment.
Colyer identified the £30 note.
Guilty:— Nine months’ hard labour.
Kentish Gazette, 24 July 1849.
Coroner's Inquest.
On Wednesday an inquest was held by T. T. DeLasaux, Esq., coroner, on
the body of John Dixon, a working tailor, aged 46 years,
who had died the previous evening at the "Traveller's Rest'' beer shop
and lodging house, in North Lane, in this city, and whose
death was reported to have been caused by an attack of Asiatic cholera.
Deceased, as appeared by the evidence of some of his
fellow lodgers, was taken ill on Sunday with diarrhoea and severe cramps
in his limbs; other symptoms of cholera appearing medical
aid was procured, but deceased sank under the attack in about 48 hours.
Mr. T. S. Cooper, surgeon, was examined before the jury,
from whose evidence, and that of those who were with deceased during his
illness, a verdict of "natural death through an attack of
cholera" was returned. Deceased, a lame man, has resided about
Canterbury for some time past, obtaining a somewhat precarious
livelihood by selling cloth caps. The jury on viewing the body was much
gratified in observing the airiness and cleanliness of the
apartment in which the body lay, as also the general appearance of the
whole premises, which are well drained, and nothing about
them calculated to engender disease.
Kentish Gazette, 12 February 1850.
Lazarus Manuel, an Italian traveller, lodging at the "Traveller's Rest,"
in North-lane on Wednesday evening just returned from the Isle of
Thanet, and being very cold was standing with his back to the fire to
warm himself when a quantity of hot water was discharged from a boiler,
which, running down his back, scalded him very severely. He was taken to
the Kent and Canterbury Hospital and is doing well.
From the Kentish Express, 16 February, 1856.
Sudden Death.
An inquest was held on Monday evening by Mr. Delasaux, at the "Gun," in
this city, on the body of Elias Lockyer, the child of tramping parents,
who, while lodging at the “Travellers' Rest," found her dead on Monday
morning. It was thought that neglect, and perhaps some degree of want,
accelerated death: but the examination by a medical man failed to
aacertain this, and a verdict was returned of "Died from inflammation of
the chest" |
ANDRIETTE Charlotte 1847-48+

From the Dover Telegraph