Sort file:- Canterbury, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 19 July, 2024.


Earliest 1660

Rose Hotel

Latest 1942

15 Parade (16 St. George's Street 1828-32)


Rose Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Roger Woodman. The "Rose" is situated next to "Bakers Temperance Hotel," on the right of it.


Above postcard, date unknown.

Rose Hotel

"Rose Hotel" circa 1935, before the blitz of 1942. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Rose Hotel 1938

Above photo, 1938, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. This may be the same photo as the one above.

Royal Fountain Hotel 1900

Above postcard showing a stagecoach outside the "Rose," 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


Above postcard, postmarked 1935.

Rose Hotel 1917

Above picture shows the Duke of Kent in the RAF uniform with the Mayor, Alderman Charles Lefevre, outside the ruins of the "Rose Hotel." 4th June 1942. (Two months later the Duke was killed in a plane crash in Scotland.)

Fleece date circa 1917                     Fleece date circa 1917

The above pictures are the only one I have managed to find of the Fleece, date unknown. Picture from Historic Canterbury web site


Standing next door to the "Fleece" this has been traced from between 1828 to 1903 to date.

However, the original hotel was established in 1660, the same year as the restoration of the monarchy. It is said Charles II visited pro-royalist Canterbury on his way back to London to take up the throne, but it is not known whether he stayed at the "Rose Hotel."

The main section of the hotel fronting the Parade was rebuilt in the late 18th century.

In 1917, the "Rose Hotel" was advertised as being run by Henry Ritter, Family and Commercial, Garage and Stabling.

Just before the blitz, the "Rose Hotel" closed and was being offered for let. The hotel was gutted in the Baedeker raid, as was most of Rose lane along the section nearest the main street.


Rose Hotel advert

Above picture shows an advert for the "Rose Hotel," pre 1942.



From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.

To be sold to the highest Bidder, on Wednesday next the 26th Day of this Inst. October, between the Hours of Three and Four in the Afternoon, at the “Rose” in St. George's, Canterbury.

The Freehold of Inheritance of all those four Messuages or Tenements (lately re-built) with the Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; situate in the Parish of Saint Mary, Northgate, in the City of Canterbury, in the several Occupations of Michael Hall, John Whatkins, John King, and ------- Morris.

The Premises were late the Property of the Assignees, under a Commission of Bankrupt, and by them absolutely conveyed to the present Owner.

For further Particulars, please to apply to John Cumming, Attorney, at Canterbury.


Kent Gazette, 5 October, 1782.

To be sold to the Best Bidder, on Saturday the 2nd day of November next, between the hours of 12 and 2 in the afternoon, at the "Rose Inn," in Saint George's Street, Canterbury by Richard Staines, Auctioneer.

Lot 1. The "Old Castle" of Canterbury, with a storehouses, Rooms, and Stowages therein, or adjoining thereto, with Appurtenances.

A Messuage, Buildings, Court and Gardens, in the occupation of Mrs. D Leftang, or her Undertenant.

A Messuage, and two large Gardens, in the Occupation of Mr. Saltwell, Gardener.

The "Bell Alehouse," with the Buildings, Stables, Ground and Appurtenances, in the Occupation of Mr. John Jackson, or his Undertenants.

A substantial Brick Messuages, neatly fitted up and and sashed, with the Buildings and Garden behind the same, now in the occupation of Mr. Benjamin Kelly.

A piece of Garden Ground, lying under the Castle Wall, in the occupation of Thomas Engeham, Gardener.

A Piece of Pasture Land (being the Yard of the Old Castle) in the Occupation of Mr. John Perkins.

Another Piece of Pasture Land adjoining (Part Freehold and Part Leasehold) in the occupation of Mr. James Evernden.

All the above Premises (except a Part of the last Piece of Pasture) are Freehold, and within the the Precinct of the "Old Castle," Canterbury, aforesaid, and the Tythe-free.

Lot 2. A Freehold Messauge, Barn, Stables, Hop Oast, and several Pieces of Arable, Pasture, and Hop-ground, containing by estimation 48 Acres, more or less, with the appertenances, in the Parish of Chartham Hatch, in the County of Kent, at or near Chartham Hatch there, and now in the occupation of John Lockyer, Tenant from Year to Year.

Lot 3. A Freehold Messuage, heretofore calls the Penny Pot House, and the Garden, in the Parish of Waltham, in the County of Kent, and now in the occupation of ------- Castle.

Lot 4. A freehold Brick messuage or Tenements, Garden and Orchard at Selsted, in the Parish of Swingfield, in Kent, in the occupation of ------ Constable.

Lot 5. A Freehold Brick Messuage, with two Cockle Oasts, and the Stowage, Stable, Buildings, Gardens and Appurtenances, in the Borough of Longport, in the Parish of St. Paul, near and without the Walls of the City of Canterbury, and now and the occupation of Alexander Steddy, senior.

Lot 6. A freehold messuage, formerly called the "Plough," late the "Gun" (now divided into two Dwellings) and the Yard and Garden thereunto adjoining, with the Appurtenances, in the Borough of Longport aforesaid; and the Moiety of a Water-well between the last mentioned Premises, and the Messauge next to joining, formerly called the "Black Horse;" which Dwellings are now, or late, in the several occupations of George Ansell and Thomas Newton.

And also a Freehold Messuage, with the Buildings, Garden and Appurtenances, in the borough of Longport aforesiad, now in the Occupation of John Rogers.

Lot 7. A Brick Messuage, Stable, Buildings, Garden, Orchard, and several Pieces of Land, Arable and Pasture thereunto belonging, containing by Estimation 120 Acres, more or less, in the Parish of Swingfield, in Kent, at or near Selstead there and now in the Occupation of John Rogers. These Premises are held for the Remainder of a term of 1,000 Years, whereof 873 years are now unexpired.

Lot 8. Four Messuages or Tenaments (three whereof are built with bricks) and the Smith's Forge, Buildings, Ground and Appurtenances, in the Parish of St. Margarets, in Canterbury, in or near Beer-cart Lane there, and now in the several occupations of Edward Hambrook, Richard Allen, Robert Cunningham, and ------ Cook, Widow, held by Lease from Maynard's Spittal for 30 years, whereof 26 are now unexpired.

Lot 9. A Messuage lately called the "Half Moon," with the Appurtenances, in the Parish of St. Alphege, in Canterbury, and now in the Occupation of John Powell, held by Lease for 30 years from the Dean and Chapter of Christchurch, Canterbury, whereof 25 years are now unexpired.

Apply for further particulars to Mr. Nairn, at Milkhouse near Cranbrook; Mr. Balderton, in Mercery Lane, or Messrs. Long and Sandys, in the White Friars, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, 27 March, 1792.

To be Sold to the Best Bidder, at the "Rose Inn," in the City of Canterbury, on Monday the 2nd day of April next, between the hours of 11 in the forenoon, and 3 in the afternoon, by Richard Staines, Auctioneer, the following Freehold Estates.

Lot 3. Three several Messuages or Tenements, near or adjoining together (one of them formerly the "White Horse") and the buildings, yards, gardens, ground and appurtenances thereunto respectively belonging, situate and being in the parish of Hernehill, in the said county (at or near a place called Staple Street) and now in the several occupations of William Fox, George Wightwick, and John Carr.


Kentish Chronicles, 28 January, 1794.

Saturday morning the "Rose Inn," belong to Mr. Heard, in this city, was broke open and robbed of the following articles; a silver punch strainer, 2 teaspoons, two great coats, and a jockey whip silver mounted. The family were not in bed till past 3 o'clock, and the waiter arose by 5, so that it is evident the opportunity was carefully watched.


Kentish Gazette 7 January 1800.

Friday last John Rivers, a servant to Mrs. Heard, of the "Rose Inn," in this city, was found hanging in the tool-house of the garden in which he worked. The Coroners Inquest sat on the body and brought in their verdict.



Kentish Gazette 21 September 1802.

Saturday evening last, two men dressed as sailors went into the "White Horse," in High Street, where they took such unwarrantable liberties in opening cupboards, that the Landlord found it necessary to turn them out of his house; they afterwards called at the "Rose Inn," and pretended they will waiting for the night coach, where they made free with the waiter's hat; after this one of them had the audacity to take a great coat from a shop of Mr. Wraith, clothier, in St George's Street, whilst Mr. Wraith was behind the counter, but an immediate alarm being given he dropped the coat in the street, and on being secured also dropped a japanned octagon waiter from under his jacket. He was immediately taken before one of the Magistrates and committed for further examination to Westgate gaol by the name of John Murtay.

His companion decamped on the alarm being made.


Kentish Gazette, 23 October, 1804.


J. J. Barnes, Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has taken the above old established Inn, and assures them that he will use every exertion to render them the best accommodation; and hopes, by moderate charges, to receive their patronages and support.

Wines, Spirits, London Porter, Burton, Dorchester, Welch and Scotch Ales, of the best high quality.

Neat Post Chaise - Coaches and Dilegences every day to the "Spread Eagle" and "Cross Keys" Gracechurch Street, and "Golden Cross," Charing Cross, London.


Kent Gazette Reports 8 March 1805.

J. I. BARNES, "ROSE INN," CANTERBURY, TAKES this opportunity of informing his Friends and the Public, that he has laid in a large stock of Fine Bottled Ale and Porter, which may be had in any quantity, either in casks or bottles; consisting of Windsor, Welch, Burton, and Bell's Edinburgh Ales, and London Brown Stout Porter; also Cyder and Perry; the whole of which he trusts will be found of such a superior quality as to obtain their favours, which will be thankfully received, and punctually executed.

Canterbury March 8, 1805.


Kent Gazette Reports 4 June 1805.


J. J. BARNES returns his most grateful thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the very liberal support he has hitherto been honoured with, and begs leave to acquaint them, that he has lately fitted up his apartments, and has spared no expense to render them in every respect commodious. His stock of wines and liquors is genuine and extensive; his beds are neat and comfortable, and with a desire to merit a continuance of public favour, he assures them, that he will he proud to shew a due sense of it by every means in his power.

He also takes the liberty to acquaint them, that he has laid in a large stock of Fine Ales and London Porter, which may be had in any quantity, either in casks or bottles, consisting of Windsor, Welch, Burton, and Bell’s Edinburgh Ales, and London Brown Stout Porter; also Cyder and Perry; the whole of which, he flatters himself, will he found of a superior quality, and such as to obtain their favours, which will be thankfully received, and punctually executed.


Kentish Gazette, 6 June, 1806.

"NEW INN," GRAVESEND, Directly in Front of the London Road.

MARY HEARD and SON, MANY YEARS OF THE "ROSE INN," CANTERBURY, HAVING taken and entered upon that spacious and pleasantly situated House and Premises, respectfully inform the Gentlemen Travellers, their Friends and the Public, they are making such alterations and improvements as they hope will render their accommodations agreeable and commodious; and trust, by an unremitting attention and moderate charges, to receive and merit a continuance of their support and patronage.

Good and well aired Beds.

An extensive pleasure garden and bowling-green adjoin the house. Large yard convenient stabling, &c.

June 6, 1806.


Kentish Gazette, 13 June, 1806.


J. J. BARNES acknowledges with the deepest sense of gratitude, his thanks to his Friends, the Gentry, Inhabitants of this city, and the public in general, for the liberal and encouraging support he has been honoured with, since his commencement on the above premises; and solicits a continuance of their patronage, to endeavour to merit which, as unremitting attention will at all times be given to accommodate them, not only with very excellent beds, but he trusts in every respect (from the improvements he has lately made) to their entire satisfaction. He has also fitted up a comfortable room for the sole use of Gentlemen Travellers, assuring them that no exertion shall be wanting to obtain their approbation.

Neat Post Chaises, &c. &c.

He also takes this opportunity of acquainting his Friends, that he has laid in a large quantity of Wines, Liquors, Cordial, and Compounds of every sort, which he is enabled to sell on the same terms as in London; also Fine Bottled Ale, and Porter, which may be had in any quantity either in casks or bottles, consisting of Windsor, Welch, Burton, and Bell's Edinburgh Ales, and London Brown Stout, Porter, also Cyder and Perry of the best quality; any orders for which will be thankfully received, and executed with the greatest punctuality.


Kentish Gazette, 24 October, 1806.


"ROSE INN," CANTERBURY. J. J. BARNES, GRATEFUL for the liberal support which he continues to receive from his Friends and the Public, respectfully avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks, and to inform them that he has provided a large stock of excellent Old Wines, together with all sorts of Liquors, Cordials and Compounds, which he trusts will be found of the best quality, and give entire satisfaction to those who honour him with their favours.

He also has a quantity of Fine Bottled Ale and Porter, which may be had in any quantity, either in casks or bottles, consisting of Windsor, Welch, Burton, and Bell’s Edinburgh Ales, and London Brown Stout Porter; also Cyder and Perry of the belt quality.

He cannot omit to acknowledge with gratitude, his obligations to the inhabitants of Canterbury, and the Public, for the encouragement he has received at the above Inn; and assures them that it will be his anxious study to merit their future patronage, by unremitting attention to the comfort and convenience of his visitors.

He has also fitted up a comfortable room for the sole use of gentlemen travellers, who will find the utmost attention to their accommodation.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 January, 1810.

ROSE INN, St. George's, Canterbury.

JOHN SHELLEY MOST respectfully begs leave to inform his friends, that his HOUSE-WARMING DINNER, is fixed for Tuesday the 23rd instant, when the honour of any Gentleman's company will much oblige their most obedient humble servant.

Dinner on table precisely at three o'clock.


Kentish Gazette, 5 September 1820.

On Wednesday evening, a gentleman of the name of Brown, a visitor at Margate, arrived in this City from that place, and immediately commenced an enquiry for his wife who it appeared had travelled from London that day, and being met at the "Rose Inn," by a gentleman who had previously arrived from Margate, the parties retired to bed as man and wife. The husband after a diligent search found the lovers when they had been in bed some hours, and in the company of a professional gentleman, and of Mr. Clements, the landlord of the Inn, the door of the bed-chamber was burst open; the guilty persons were covered with confusion at the discovery, and we understand the respective parties immediately left the City by different routes. The paramour is said to be a Mr. Curzon, against whom the injured husband expressed a determination to commence immediate proceedings for the injury his honour has sustained.


Canterbury Weekly, 31 December, 1836.

The following extraordinary feat was performed by a man of the name of Baker, in the employee of Messrs. Clements, of the "Rose Inn."

It was particularly wished that the a letter should be conveyed to London, so as to reach its destination by Wednesday morning. Baker undertook to convey it. He left the "Rose Inn," on horseback at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon; reached London by 7 o'clock the next morning; returned with his answer; and arrived at the "Rose Inn" between 7 and 8 on Wednesday night; having ridden, walked, and scrambled through the snow, at least 130 miles in little more than 4 and 20 hours. This would be considered a good stiff journey at anytime, and under the most favourable circumstances; but performed as it was, the greater part of it in darkness, and along a road utterly impassable in many places, for either beast or man, rendering it necessary to strike across fields and unfrequented footpaths, it is an exploit of unjustifiable intrepidity and activity.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 September 1845.

The Sack Protection Society will hold a meeting at the "Rose Hotel," on Saturday next. We understand that the Farmers, Millers, and Corn Factors, of the Eastern division of the County, and determined to use every means to carry out the object successfully.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 19 September 1848.

The "Rose Hotel," opposite the Corn Market, Canterbury, and separate premises in the rear.

Messrs. Hoggart, Norton, and Oakley have received instructions to offer for sale, at the Mart, London, on Friday, October 6th, at 12, the "Rose Hotel," a capital and old established house, for many years in the occupation of the present respectable proprietor, situated in the most commanding position in Canterbury, being immediately opposite the Corn Market, and carrying on a very extensive and profitable trade. The accommodation consists of 17 bedrooms, making up 20 beds, exclusive of servants rooms, several private sitting rooms, commercial room, coffee room, capital farmers' room, bar, bar parlour, kitchen, and offices, with spacious wine, spirits, beer, and coal cellars, and a range of vaults capable of receiving many types of wine, and adapted for the carrying on a large wine and spirit trade, independent of the business of the hotel. In the yard are inclosed standing for 6 carriages, a large covered shed for coaches, carriages, flies, omnibuses, and other conveniences; stabling for 23 horses, hostelry, granary, and excellent lofts over; the whole well and conveniently arranged.

Also, connected with the house, is the "Rose Tap," which is doing a good trade in beer and spirits, and producing a separate income.

The extensive premises in the rear, and to which there is a distinct access, will form a separate lot, they consist of stabling for 24 horses, with lofts, granary, and warehouses.

The purchaser of the hotel will have the option of taking the furniture and any portion of the capital cellar of wines, at a fair valuation, but such valuations will not be made compulsory.

May be viewed by application on the premises, and particulars had at the Inns in the neighbourhood, of Messrs. Hoggart, Norton, and Oakley, Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange, London, and Rochester, and of Mr. Robert Walker, Solicitor, Canterbury.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 15 January 1927.

Death of Mrs. Coppin.

The funeral took place on Friday, at St. Martin’s church, Canterbury, of Mrs. Susannah Coppin, widow of Mr. James Coppin, who died at her residence, Staveley, Nunnery Road, within a few days of completing her 93rd year. Mrs. Coppin, who was well-known and highly respected in the city, leaves three daughters — Miss Coppin, Mrs. Charles Bing, and Mrs. H. Broughton.

The late Mr. Coppin, who was owner and proprietor of the "Rose Hotel" for many years, took a prominent part in the public life of Canterbury and was twice Mayor of the city. Mrs. Coppin was very well known to former visitors to the "Rose Hotel," but had been living in retirement for many years. She evinced a keen interest in the Nurses’ Institute and other charitable objects.



HEARD Mr 1794+

HEARD Mrs 1800+ Next pub licensee had

BARNES J J 1804-06+

MOST John Shelley 1810+

CLEMENTS John 1824-28+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29

CLEMENTS Elizabeth Mrs 1832-47+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Stapletons GuidePigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847

BRETON Francis 1858-62+ Melville's 1858Post Office Directory 1862

COPPIN James 1874-89+ (also Mayor age 64 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882Historic Canterbury web site

CROTCH W 1891+ Post Office Directory 1891

WILKINS Mrs A 1903+ Historic Canterbury web site

RITTER Henry 1917+ Historic Canterbury web site

REDMAN Miss & JEANS Miss pre 1942


Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-