86 High Street
01227 506232
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above magic lantern slide kindly sent by David Wood and taken by his
great great grandfather around about 1900. |
Above photo, 1910. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, 1910. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1910. |
Above photo, 1910, showing close-up. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, 1923, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, circa 1936, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. showing John
Friend's cortege (former licensee of the "Red
Lion" and fireman) turning from Brewery Lane on the High Street en
route to St. Peter's parish church.
Probably safe to believe that the chap in the apron is the licensee.
It might be George Ford, or it could be Philip Mullinger. |
Above photo, 1938, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Pat and Doreen Mullinger and my father Wallace Black was taken at Bridge
in 1944. My father was a surgeon and ship's doctor in the RN during the
war. I suspect this might have been taken near the bridge that crossed a
small stream down the lane by the pub. It was a popular wander for us if
we had a few minutes to spare. Kindly sent by Euan Black. |
Above photo, circa 1945, showing licensee Pat and Doreen Mullinger sat at the
front with a younger woman next to Pat with both hands on her knees. Pat
no longer in the Merchant navy it must be 1945/6/7/8. I wonder if anyone
else can recognise others in the picture? Kindly sent by Euan Black (grand
son). |
Above photo, showing regulars, unknown, circa 1945. Kindly sent by Euan Black. |
Above photo, showing licensee Doreen Mullinger (on right) and regulars, unknown, circa 1945. Kindly sent by Euan Black. |
Above photo, circa 1945, regulars as yet unknown. Kindly sent by Euan Black. |
Above photo, 1946, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.
The licensees from c.1936 to c.1948 were the Mullingers. I
(Rory Kehoe) was at school with their grandsons
and this story comes from them. Apparently, Mrs. Mullinger (I can't recall her
first name) was a very savvy lady and didn't suffer fools gladly. During the
war, on being offered "real" diamond rings in settlement of moneys owed, she'd
test the stones on the pub windows. If they were real diamonds, they'd cut the
glass. The scratches can still be seen to this day! I have no idea where Mrs. Mullinger had been to, in order to get a welcome home party in 1946 and I'm not
in touch with the family anymore, so I can't ask. Judging by the flags, she may
have been called up at some point. |
Above card, circa 1955, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, 1965, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above map 1896. |

All above photos by Paul Skelton, 22 Aug 2008.. |

Plough and Harrow sign
left October 1991, right September 1993-98.
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com |
 Photo taken 27 April 2013 from
by Jelltex. |
Photo taken 27 April 2013 from
by Jelltex. |
Above photo 2023. |
Above photo 2023. |
This premises was home to the brewer William Williams from 1839, although
he appears to have been bankrupt in the 1841 census, however his son John
probably carried on the business till 1857 when the brewery was offered
to let late in that year. This was probably taken over by Richard Mutton,
also brewer and he is listed in 1859 but he too became bankrupt in 1866. By
1870 related but not brothers, Edward and Edmund Gibbs appear to have taken
over the brewery, and Williams died in early 1871 and the pub and brewery
was put up for auction, stating that the two Gibbs had the premises on lease
for an annual rent of £58 for a term expiring 22nd July, 1878, and
although the premises was bought by a Mr. Henry Stockwell of Dover for £900,
the Gibbs' remained there till the end of their lease. However the
partnership of Edward and Edmund only lasted till 1873 when Edmund appears
to have run the brewery solely himself.
Above sign, 1871, from the John and Mary Ault collection. |
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 2 April 1850.
Tilmanstone. William Sheaff, wagoner to Mr. Sharp, of Tilmanstone,
having been on Saturday se'nnight to Mr. Williams's, at Bridge, for a
load of beer, on returning home in a state of intoxication, when near
Barfrestone church he by some means threw the wagon over, which, falling
on one of his legs, fractured and wounded it in a very dangerous manner.
As soon as he was found, he was conveyed to the Kent and Canterbury
Hospital. It was a first doubtful whether amputation of the limb would
not be necessary, but after consultation of the medical offices, the
limb was set, and he is at present going on favourably.
Kentish Gazette, 28 September 1852.
ST. AUGUSTINE'S PETTY SESSIONS. Saturday September 25th.
Before Edward Foss Esq; (chairman,) and a full bench of magistrates.
This being the adjourned day for granting public houses licences,
many of the publicans of the Home Division were in
There were 6 applications for licences to additional houses, vis.
William Williams, parish of Bridge; George Foreman
and John
Giles, ("Rose") Whitstable; Thomas Holtum, Sturry; William and Frederick
Wood Herne Bay. The bench refused to grant the licences,
as they considered that at present the number of public houses in
the different parishes was quite equal to the requirements
of the inhabitants.
From the Kentish Gazette, 29 September 1857.
Saturday. (Before E. Foss, Esq., W. Hyder, Esq., Capt. Slarke,
and T. H. Mackay, Esq.)
Applications for spirit licenses were also made by Wm. Williams,
of the "Plough and Harrow," Bridge, and William Wilson, "Woodman’s
Arms," Bridge, and were refused on a similar ground to the above,
the Bench bearing testimony to the highly respectable characters of
the applicants.
From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday, 10 September, 1859. Price 1½d.
This was the annual general licensing day. All the old licenses were
renewed, and the chairman said he was pleased to be able to state that
out of the fifty-four licensed houses in the Home division there had
been only one complaint made during the year, which was exceedingly
creditable to the landlords. There were four applications for new
licenses, viz:- Richard Mutton, for the “Plough and Harrow,” Bridge.
The decision of the Bench upon these applications will not be announced
until the adjourned licensing day, the 21st of September.
From the Kentish Chronicle, Saturday, 1 October, 1859. Price 1½d.
This was the adjourned licensing day. In the case of the "Plough,"
Bridge, the application was refused. |
From the Kentish Chronicle, 7 March, 1863.
Richard Mutton, landlord of the “Plough and Harrow” public-house,
Bridge, was charged with having his house open for the sale of liquor,
at half-past 12 o’clock on the morning of Sunday the 10th February. The information was laid by Supt. Walker, and P.C. Lott proved that the
defendant had company drinking in his house between 12 and one o’clock
on the morning of Sunday, the 15th. The Bench fined the defendant 5s. and 10s. costs. |
South Eastern Gazette Tuesday 10 January 1865.
A most agreeable evening was spent at the "Plough and Harrow Inn," on
the occasion of the anniversary of the Odd Fellows society. The members
sat down to a bounteous spread, prepared in capital style by Mr. Burch,
and a most enjoyable evening was spent, the pleasure being increased by
the excellent singing of Messrs. Farrow and Davis, from Canterbury. Most
of the leading tradesman of the place were present.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 30 September 1871.
The "Plough and Harrow" public-house, with small brewery attached,
situate in Bridge, late the property of Mr. Williams, deceased, was sold
on Tuesday last by Mr. Henry Stockwell, of Dover, at the Auction Mart,
Canterbury, and realised -- after a spirited competition, £900.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 07 March 1874.
At the St. Augustine's Petty Sessions, on Saturday, George Jordan, was
charged with refusing to quit licensed premises, he being drunk at the
time, on the 21st inst. P.C. Benjamin Cordery stated that he was
called to the "Plough and Harrow Inn," at Bridge, on the night in
question, and prisoner was there very drunk and making a disturbance.
The landlord (Gibbs) asked him to leave in the constable's presence, but
he refused, and used violent and foul language. The prisoner was
described as a good workman, but given to drink. He was sentenced to pay
a fine of 10s and 8s costs, or in default seven days' imprisonment.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 23 September 1882.
Bridge. Disorderly Behaviour.
Henry Stokes was summoned for having been guilty while drunk of
disorderly behaviour at Bridge on the
previous Tuesday night.
Sergeant Chaney deposed that there was a row in Bridge Street on
Tuesday night, and on going up to the spot
he found the defendant, who was drunk and creating a great
disturbance. There had been quarrelling and
fighting in the street on four nights in succession.
Superintendent Walker informed the Bench that the defendant had been
convicted at least four times. There
were a certain number of young men in Bridge and Bekesbourne who
were a perfect nuisance and the
defendant was among them. He was last convicted in July, when he was
fined £3 and costs. On the previous
occasion he was fined £1. The Bench now imposed the penalty of 30s.,
including costs, with a choice as an
alternative of undergoing 14 days' in prison.
John Brooks was similarly charged, and pleaded guilty. Sergeant
Chaney said that at 9 o'clock on Tuesday
evening he saw defendant turned out of the "Plough and Harrow"
public house, where he had been creating a
disturbance. At 10 o'clock he was outside the "Lion" public house,
still drunk and noisy. The Bridge butcher
came out of his shop and the defendant, thinking it was Stokes, the
man previously convicted with whom he
had been fighting, rushed at him and knocked him down. The defendant
and Stokes afterwards fought in the
Defendant denied that he was drunk.
The Clerk:- But you have pleaded guilty.
Defendant:- Yes, but I wasn't drunk, because when Sergeant Cheney
told me to go home - when.
Sergeant Cheney:- You did not; you stayed in the street an hour and
a half.
The Sergeant added that the defendant lived at Bishopsbourne and
frequently came up to Bridge and created a
disturbance with his cousins, the Brookses.
Find 5s. and 8s. costs.
Henry Cox, whose mother appeared for him was also charged with being
drunk and disorderly at Bridge on the
same night.
P.C. Davis stated the facts, which were similar to those in the
other cases. He added that sometime after he had
got the defendant's out of the street he came across him lying in a
gutter, singing. He then picked him up and
led him a part of the way home.
The Chairman told the defendant's mother that her son ought to have
attended in answer to the summons, and
has he had not done so he would have to pay a larger fine, which
would be 10s. and 10s. costs.
From the Whitstable Times, 11 January, 1902.
The East Kent Coroner (Mr. R. M. Mercer) held an inquest at the “Plough
and Harrow,” Bridge, on Friday afternoon, touching the death of Albert
Edward Ovenden, labourer, of Brewery Lane, Bridge. Thomas William Ovenden, labourer, Bridge, stated deceased was his son,
aged 32. He was a single man. William Swan, labourer of Bridge, stated that at 8.55 a.m. on the 3rd
January he was working with deceased in the Stone Hole in the field
attached to Forge House, Mr. Gilbert’s, at Bridge. They were both at the
bottom of a hole about ten feet deep when suddenly the earth slipped in,
burying the deceased. He obtained assistance and deceased was got out
about 9 a.m., but was then apparently dead. Deceased was caught by his
feet and then the fall of granite bent him forward and covered him. Four
other men were there—they got quickly to the deceased but they could
not, owing to weight of earth on his body, move him to clear his
mouth—they were ten minutes before they could do that—they all worked
for all they knew how. The fall of earth was very sudden. He was working
about a yard away and only just had time to jump aside. They had three
boards supplied—they moved them to put them up farther along the trench. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. |
Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 06 October 1934.
The death occurred on Sunday of Mrs. Hannah Lydia Brice. wife of the
late Mr. William Brice, at the age of 73. A native of Elham, Mrs. Brice
came to live at the "Harrow Inn," Bridge, cabala 34 years ago, Her husband
died in 1914 and she had been hostess of the Inn until four years ago,
when she retired. She came of a family nearly all of whom have been in
the licensing trade. Her parents were tenants of the "Sportsman Inn," Barham, 70 years ago and previous to that, 100 years ago, the Inn was
managed by a member of the same family. All children have been in the
licensing trade, her son, Mr. Harry Brice, being the popular host of the
"Prince Albert Inn," Canterbury, and her daughter, Mrs. R. Routley is at
the "Cottage Inn," Keenthorne, Somerset. Her youngest daughter, Mrs. J.
Friend, was the hostess of the "Red Lion," Bridge, for several years. The
funeral took place at St. Peter's Church, Bridge, on Thursday afternoon. |
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 28 November 1936.
Mr. G. F. Ford, formerly Police Superintendent in charge of the St.
Augustine's Division, met with a serious accident while out with a
shooting party at Bifrons, Patrixbourne, on Monday afternoon. He was
accidentally shot in the left eye, and after receiving medical attention
he was taken to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, where an operation was
performed. It is feared that he will lose the sight of the eye.
Mr. Ford was Superintendent of the St. Augustine's Division for a
considerable period, coming to Canterbury from Broadstairs. Upon his
retirement he became licensee of the "Plough and Harrow," Bridge, and
later took a house at Broadstairs. He returned to Bridge some months

Above photo 2017, showing licensee Chris McClean, kindly sent by Rory
Always a deeply spiritual man, Chris felt a calling to the ministry
and in the summer of 2017, he left the licensed trade to become a Clerk
in Holy Orders. After his curacy in Walmer, the now Reverend Chris
Maclean took over a cluster of parishes on the Romney Marsh, where (as
of Feb 2021) he remains.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Max Chesson, 25 September 2023.
‘No thanks, our village near Canterbury doesn’t need a kebab shop’
Divisive plans to overhaul an old Grade-II listed village pub into a
takeaway have been unveiled.
The Plough and Harrow in Bridge, near Canterbury, could be set for a new
lease of life as kebab shop bosses eye up the former Shepherd Neame inn.
Fresh blueprints detailing how the 18th-century building in High Street
could be transformed – including the removal of walls - have triggered a
mixed reaction.
In a bid to the city council, architect Hollaway Studio says: “The
proposals seek to re-configure the existing bar space within the front
of the ground floor of the building into a takeaway shop. This would
include [the] removal of walls and the introduction of a kitchen/food
“Proposals would also include commercial extraction; but this would be
taken horizontally beneath the ceiling of the ground floor, in order to
not affect the existing fabric of the building.
“This would result in minimal impact to the listed building.”
If successful, it is proposed the new takeaway would operate from midday
to 10pm seven days a week whilst employing three full-time staff
alongside a couple of part-time roles.
The proposals come from Rustem Aykac who owns Kebab Fish Knight in
Marden, Tonbridge.
The former Shepherd Neame establishment, which closed last December,
dates back to as early as 1839.
Reaction to the news has been mixed so far, with residents of the area
taking to Facebook to air their views about the scheme.
“The Plough hasn’t worked for landlords over the last 14 years, so let’s
hope it works for another business,” remarked Tara Pidcock who was more
sympathetic to the plans.
Another hoping to see change in the area, Michelle Hollingsbee, said:
“Yes please. It would be nice to have a takeaway in the village.”
However, those more critical of the scheme have cited potential issues
with smell, anti-social behaviour and the alterations required to a
listed building to get the project off the ground.
David Wales said: “No thank you. The building is a listed building. The
village does not need a kebab takeaway.”
Both the parish council leader Alan Atkinson and city councillor Mike
Sole took issue with the plans with the latter telling KentOnline he had
“significant concerns”.
“Firstly the additional traffic it would cause – I don’t believe Bridge
is a large enough community to support a takeaway on its own,” began
Cllr Sole.
“There would be a significant amount of traffic coming into the village,
the village always had difficult parking issues, there will be
additional noise from the fan and traffic and potential for additional
“This is a listed, historic building and the application is asking for
walls to be removed inside.
“I’m not really sure this is an appropriate building for such an
establishment to be in.”
Alan Atkinson, Bridge parish council’s head said: “The members of the
public present, and the councillors present on the planning committee in
Bridge on Thursday night were quite concerned about a number of matters
regarding the Plough and Harrow building.
“They mentioned the loss of a community space, and in exchange for yet
another good outlet, it was not thought a beneficial exchange.
“Added to this were the concerns regarding litter, the lack of parking
at what is already a problematic junction and the potential for noise
and smell - the planning committee probably had no good option but to
object to the proposal.”
At the time of its unexpected closure last year the pub enjoyed a 4.5/5
TripAdvisor and Google review rating – it appeared on the market up for
sale alongside three other Kent taverns in June.
Hollaway Studios was contacted for a comment but did not respond. |
WILLIAMS William 1839-58+ (also brewer age 40 in 1841 )

MUTTON Richard 1863+

BURCH Mr 1865+
GIBBS Edmund 1871-78
(also porter brewer age 35 in 1871 )
WHIDDETT George 1881-82+ (age 29 in 1881 )

MILES Frederick 1891+ (also farmer age 39 in 1891 )
SISLEY Robert 1899+

BRICE William 1901-31/July/14 dec'd
(age 58 in 1911 )

WILSON John C ???? (ex-chemist)
BRICE Hannah Lydia (widow) 1918-30
FORD George F 1930-34+
MULLINGER Patrick Ralph 1936-48

WELLER Arthur Sidney & Freda 1955-72+
BACHELOR Bernard "Mick" 1974-86

McCLEAN Chris 2001-06

WILSON Gill 2007-10+
NEAME Ranulph 2010-12
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the
Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1918
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From the
Kelly's Directory 1934
From the Post Office Directory 1938