Sort file:- Sandwich, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 09 February, 2025.


Earliest 1677


Latest 1909

Cattle Market



Above photo, date unknown.


Above photo, date unknown. Kindly sent by Nick Smith.

Mermaid and Market Inn

Above photo, 1880,s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams. Showing the "Mermaid" in the background and also the "Market Inn" on the right.


Above postcard, date unknown. Showing Guildhall, central.

Mermaid 1900

Above postcard, circa 1900. Showing Guildhall, central.


Above photo shows a Sunday School outing in 1890 where the pupils were boarding the carts just outside the Mermaid, shown right.

Sandwich map 1872

Above map 1872, showing the "Star" and "Mermaid."

Mermaid 1907

Above photo, 1907. Kindly sent by Bob Audley. Shown as building in the centre behind the Town Hall.


Above photo, 6 May 1910, by kind permission Roy Moore, Proclamation of King George V.

Mermaid 1910

Above photo, 6 May 1910. Proclamation of King George V.

Mermaid 1910

Above photo, 1910, kindly sent by Bob Audley.

Mermaid 1912

Above photo showing the Rev Arthur Manners Funeral Courtèg in 1912, the "Mermaid" is the building on the left. Kindly sent by Bob Audley.

Mermaid building 1950

Above photo circa 1950. Mermaid is building to right of car in distance.


Trading in 1677, this is now the HSBC Bank in Sandwich.

Thomas Inge as mentioned in the 1840 Pigot's directory was the same as Inges celebrated Littlenbourne Ale, and the directory gave the Sandwich address as Corn Market at the time.

The building is now owned by the HSBC and was till just after 2014, by 2016 that too had closed its doors.


Former Mermaid, Sandwich

Photo by Patricia Streater, 20 March 2010.

Former Mermaid 2016

Above photo 2016. Showing building in distance.

Former mermaid 2019

Above Google image, June 2019.


The "Mermaid Inn," as it was, is largely unaltered externally from the time it was leased by St John's Hospital to Mr Bradley, a brewer, for £4 per annum in the late eighteenth century.


Kentish Gazette, 12 June, 1821.


TO BE LET BY PUBLIC AUCTION, To the highest Bidder,

AT the GUILDHALL, Sandwich, on THURSDAY, the Fifth day of July, 1821, between the hours of Twelve and One.

The following ESTATES: for the terms of fourteen years, from the 10th day of October next, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced.

Lot 1. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, called the "Mermaid," situate in the Corn-market, in the parish of Saint Peter the Apostle, in Sandwich aforesaid.

Lot 2. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, called the "Grey Hound" situate in New-street, in the said parish of St. Peter the A penile, in Sandwich aforesaid.

For farther particulars apply at the office of GEORGE GARRTTT, Solicitor.


Kentish Gazette, 14 August 1849.


PUBLIC HOUSES, ROPE WALK TOLLS, AND LANDS, TO BE LET BY AUCTION, At the Guildhall, on THURSDAY, the 23rd day of August, 1849, at Twelve o'clock at noon:—

Lot 2:— All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or PUBLIC HOUSE, commonly known by the sign of the "Mermaid," with the stables near thereto, and the premises thereunto belonging, situate in the Corn Market, in SANDWICH, as the same are now in the occupation of Mr. John Sackett.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 30 May 1891.

Suicide of Mr. N. A. Bradley.

Mr. Nelson Adama Bradley, of the "Mermaid," Sandwich, committed suicide on Tuesday under the following circumstances. He was arranging for what is commonly known as a "sing-song" at the house on Wednesday evening, and to effect the arrangements he went by the 1.45 train to Deal. He was, then, apparently in his usual health and spirits. He went to the house of Mr. Cattermole, where he was a frequent visitor, and in the course of a conversation with Mrs. Cattermole, he is stated to have said, "I shall want you to attend my funeral. I am heart-broken; I have been robbed. That ----- robbed me of £27," referring to a person in Deal. "I can’t get it, and I am ruined. You will come to my funeral, for I shall never go home. I'll shoot myself," or words to this effect. He produced a revolver and left the house, and was followed a short distance, his friends not knowing quite how to take his remarks. He soon turned, however, and came back to the house again, and joked the matter off. He afterwards left at about half-past five, and so far as can be ascertained, nothing further was known of him until his body was found by one of the coastguard at four o'clock on Wednesday morning in the Sandhills. A shot had passed into his temple, and he was holding in his right hand a five-chambered revolver, and an old black pipe in his left hand. He was dead, and his body was quite cold. The sad occurrence caused much sensation in Sandwich and Deal, where he is well known as a former resident.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 6 June 1891.

Shocking Suicide of the Ex-Tax Collector.

We regret to record the suicide of Mr. N. A. Bradley, who was formerly proprietor of a scholastic establishment in this town, and afterwards the income tax collector for the parish of St. Johns. It appeared that about 5 a.m. on Wednesday, whilst Samuel Abbot, a coastguardsman, was patrolling from No. 2 battery to Deal, he saw the body of a respectably dressed middle-age man lying dead; a revolver was still in his right hand and a pipe in his left. He immediately gave notice to the police at Sandwich, and police constable Woodgate accompanied him to the body, which he at once recognised as that of Norris Adams Bradley, of the "Mermaid Inn," Sandwich. The revolver was a five-chambered one, and was found to contain 4 ball cartridges, the other chamber having been fired off. He removed the body to the "Chequers," in the Sandhills, and they found a wound as from a revolver shot through the head.

R. M. Mercer, Esq., County Coroner, held an inquest on the body on Thursday, and evidence was given by a daughter of deceased to the effects that he had been upset for 3 or 4 weeks, and that he had appeared strange at times.

Mary Cattermole stated that deceased called upon her at Deal, on Wednesday, about 5 p.m., and partook of tea with her and her husband. He cried, and said he should make off with himself. She advised him not to entertain any such thoughts. He left, and returned sometime after and told her that he had altered his mind and would return home. He did not, however, return home, nor was he seen again alive.

The jury found that deceased committed suicide whilst temporarily insane.

Deceased was 47 years of age, and was well known at Deal in Margate.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 16 October, 1909.


A meeting of the East Kent Compensation Authority was held at the Guildhall, Canterbury, on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Lord Harris, the other members of the Committee present being:- The Earl of Guilford, Lieut.-Col. S. Newton Dickenson, and Messrs. H. Fitzwalter Plumptre, H. S. Chapman. F. H. Wilbee, F. E. Burke, and H. H. Green.

Compensation in respect of a number of houses was allocated.

"Mermaid," Cattle Market, Sandwich, alehouse, tenant, Mr. Thomas Jones, owners, trustees of St. John's Hospital, Sandwich.

Amount agreed upon £722, freeholder to receive £515, the brewers £112, and the licensee £95.




BEAL Brockman 1823-24+ Next pub licensee had Pigot's Directory 1823

FRIEND John 1828-29+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

DAVIS John 1832-41+ (age 50 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

INGE Thomas 1840 Pigot's Directory 1840 (Inges celebrated Littlebourne ale)

SACKETT John 1841-49+ (age 25 in 1841Census) Bagshaw's Directory 1847

SMITH Joseph 1861-62+ (age 56 in 1861Census)

SMITH Mary A 1871+ (widow age 44 in 1871Census)

LUFF Mrs Mary Ann 1874-82 Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882

HADDEN Henry George 1899+ Kelly's 1899

COLCHIN Henry 1901+ (age 52 in 1901Census)

CHEESEMAN William 1903+ Kelly's 1903


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-