Sort file:- Sandwich, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 23 December, 2024.


Earliest 1874

Market Inn

Open 2019+

7-9 Cattle Market


01304 448410

Mermaid and Market Inn

Above photo, 1880's, kindly sent by Michael Mirams. Showing the "Mermaid" in the background and also the "Market Inn" on the right.

Market Inn in Sandwich circa 1914

The Market Inn in Sandwich circa 1914.

Market Inn 1920

Above photo 1920, showing members of the Confederation processing from the Guildhall to St. Clements following the sitting of the Court of Brotherhood and Guestling. Led by the Speaker, Mayor G. C. Solley of Sandwich.

Market Inn

Above photo, date unknown. Possible 1920.

Market Inn 1924

Above postcard, circa 1924, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Market Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

Market Inn 1960

Above photo taken in 1960 and kindly sent by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate Historical Society.

Market Inn 1970s inside

Above photo 1970s, Charles Talbot, to left with cap.

Market Inn 1976

Above photo, circa 1976, showing councillor Jeff Sneller under the EA of Whitbread, Gordon Busby, (town sergeant/crier) Lord Lieutenant of Kent, Lord Aster and his wife, and Mary Laslett (Lady Mayor).

Marquis of Granby perhaps

The above photo, kindly sent by Olwen Fenton, date unknown.

Market Inn in Sandwich

Above photo shows the Market Inn in Sandwich. Photo taken by Patricia Streater, 28 April, 2010.

Market Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

Market Inn at Sandwich Market Inn in Sandwich Market Inn sign 1987

Above sign 1987.

Market Inn sign at SandwichMarket Inn Sign 2010

Above photos of pub and sign left by Paul Skelton 17 Feb 2008. Sign, right, by Pat Streater 28 April, 2010.

Market Inn sign 1991M<arket Inn sign 1993

Market Inn sign left October 1991, sign right August 1993.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Market Inn sign 2020

Above sign, 2020, kindly taken and sent by Roger Pester.

Market Inn, Sandwich

Above photo by Paul Skelton, June 2009.


16 November 1912 - Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Whitstable.


The death occurred on Wednesday after a brief illness of Councillor Walter J. Allen, landlord of the "Market Inn," Sandwich. Mr. Allen was elected to the Council in November of last year.


From the Dover Express and East Kent News, 24 June, 1927. Price 1½d.


The death occurred on Tuesday of Mr. Thomas Wight Smith, licensee for seven years of the “Market Inn,” Sandwich, at the age of 63 years. Mr. Smith was on a visit to Mr. H. Chapman, the licensee of the “Royal Standard,” Dover, and was just boarding a tram to get back to the Market Square for his ‘bus home when he fell backward. He was taken on an ambulance to Dover Hospital, but died within half an hour. Mr. Smith had a severe illness 2½ years ago, and his health had since been indifferent, his death being attributed to heart failure. Mr. Smith served for 22 years in the Navy, and a further five years on the outbreak of war, and was for some time Chief Engine Room Artificer on the “Marshal Nay,” stationed at Ramsgate. Mr. Smith leaves a wife and one young daughter. The funeral takes place on Saturday morning, at Charlton Cemetery, Dover.

It is understood that the Dover Coroner was not informed of the circumstances of the death.


Market Inn darts 1960s

Above photo shows the cup-winning darts team from the Market Inn. Photo via Mr and Mrs Castle via the Mercury, circa 1960.


From the East Kent Mercury 24 October, 2002

Market Inn reopening 2002

RAISE A GLASS: The Mayor of Sandwich, Cllr Joe Trussler, pulls the first pint and receives a cheque at the re-opening of the Market Inn with licensees Terry and Jayne O'Brien and Shepherd Neame chairman Robert Neame.



PULLING a pint was all in an evening's work for the Mayor of Sandwich, Cllr Joe Trussler.

He was invited to do the honours at the re-opening of the Market Inn, which has had a £100,000 refurbishment.

Cllr Trussler also received a £200 cheque for the National Heart Research Fund from Shepherd Neame chairman Robert Neame.

The refurbishment is part of a £20 million investment by the Faversham brewery over the next three years.

Shepherd Neame managing, director Jonathan Neame said: "East Kent is a key focus for us right now.

"As well as our transformation of the Market Inn, we are delighted to announce our acquisition of the Royal Hotel in Deal, which we are planning to refurbish."

The "Market Inn" is now more than twice its original size and has a first floor restaurant and an expanded bar area.

Licensee Terry O'Brien said: "The refurbishment looks fantastic and we're excited to be able to offer our customers such top class facilities."



Dates from 1874.

Closed in November 2011, the "Market Inn" is now open again as of January 2012.


PRESS RELEASE May 2012 Issued on behalf of Shepherd Neame


A Sandwich pub has won the town's first Sandwich of Sandwich competition in five years, held as part of the snack's 250th anniversary.

Market Sandwich

New licensees Jeanette Todd and Bob Taylor at the Market Inn in the Cattle Market took first place, despite deciding to enter the competition on the spur of the moment.

Jeanette Todd

Jeanette said: “We've only been at the pub for a month and have been so busy that I didn't think we'd have time to enter. But then one of our local competitors egged us on, so we thought: why not have a go?”

Jeanette's concoction was a hit with judge John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, at the weekend's Sandwich Celebration. The ‘Market Sandwich' contained pastrami, pulsed black beans with cumin, feta, red onion, fresh coriander and tomato, dressed with chilli and lime mayonnaise and served on wholegrain bread.

Jeanette and Bob only recently returned from living in Portugal for seven years. They arrived back in the UK with a desire to run a pub, specifically, one in the Cinque Port town. They have set about returning the 16th century pub to its former glory, restoring the tearoom, opening up the backroom and offering lunches.

Jeanette continued: “This pub is going to look after both the people of Sandwich and the town's visitors – we've ditched the pool table and jukebox and gone back to traditional pub pastimes, like bar billiards. We hope to bring evening meals back soon, but in the meantime, we hope people will enjoy our lunches, especially the Market Sandwich which is going straight onto our menu.”


From the Dover Mercury, 14 February, 2013. 80p.


A SANDWICH in Sandwich has set taste buds tingling and could win a pub in the historic town centre a top national food challenge title.

Licensee of The "Market Inn" Jeanette Todd is behind the concoction between the two slices of wholegrain bread, which includes a combination of pastrami, pulsed black beans with cumin, feta, red onion, fresh coriander and tomato, with a special dressing.

It won the Shepherd and Neame pub, opposite the Guildhall, the Sandwich of Sandwich crown last year and is now in with a chance of becoming the nation's Best Pub Sandwich, having been announced as one of three finalists in the National Pub Food Challenge Awards.

The licensee said: “Since we won Sandwich of Sandwich, The "Market Inn" sandwich is a popular choice on the menu and it has been photographed by the media and tourists on numerous occasions.

“It is very exciting and we are delighted and a little daunted to be in the running for another award!”

When The "Market Inn" won the 2012 competition the quirky sandwich in Sandwich topic attracted a host of international media attention, with a television crew coming from as far away as Israel.

The licensee, who runs the pub with partner Bob Taylor, will this month receive a visit from National Pub Food Challenge award judges, when she will be interviewed, asked to prepare two sandwiches from the pub's menu and a main course dish using mystery ingredients. The winner will be announced at a presentation event at the end of March.


From the Dover Mercury 21 June 2017. By Natalie Tipping.

A bus made an unscheduled stop when it hit a pub.

The "Market Inn" in Sandwich was hit by the number 14 Stagecoach bus en route to Canterbury at around 4.30pm last Wednesday.

New Inn sign damage

Jamie Cavell, whose parents Stephen and Tracey run the Cattle Market pub, was there when it happened.

He described the damage that had been done: “Two buses hit it actually. The first came along and scraped it but there was no damage done so it drove off, but the second hit it hard.

“My mum went downstairs when the first bus hit and had just gone back upstairs when it happened. She said there was a loud bang and the whole building shook.”

The bus ripped the sign for the pub from the wall, and there are also cracks in interior walls and the ceiling.

The damage forced the Cavells, who have been running the pub since July 2015, to close the restaurant area.

The incident also closed the Cattle Market between Moat Sole and Whitefriars Meadow for much of the evening, with the bus being removed around 7.30pm.

Jamie added: “The road isn’t that narrow. Two cars can get through easily. But I think the bus was trying to squeeze past another one at the stop on the other side of the road.

Sign damage

“We don’t have a lot of accidents down this street, but the buses do have issues. It’s a shame we don’t have CCTV on the outside of the building otherwise we could see what happened properly.”

The Shepherd Neame pub was attended by staff from the brewery within half an hour of the accident happening.

Sign damage and licensees

A spokesman for Stagecoach said: “A number 14 bus clipped the pub sign, which resulted in it coming away from the building.

“The bus was in service following its normal route. No one was hurt and there was no damage to the bus. However, we have launched a full investigation into what happened.”

The bus was removed from the scene at 7.30pm and the road reopened around 8pm.



OSBORN Charles 1862+

PRIOR Ephraim 1874-82 (also wheelwright age 61 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1878Post Office Directory 1882

WATERS John 1891-1900+ (age 54 in 1891Census) Kelly's 1899

ALLEN Walter James 1901-Nov/12 dec'd (age 36 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903

ALLEN Annie Elizabeth Mrs Nov/1912-18+ Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1918

SMITH William Thomas Wight 1920-June/1927 Post Office Directory 1922Dover Express

CASTLE Thomas James 1930-38+ Post Office Directory 1930Kelly's 1934Post Office Directory 1938

WELLS Stanley 1961-74+ Library archives 1974 Tomson & Wotton

Last pub licensee had GUILFOYLE Tony & Carol after 1995

O'BRIEN Terry Oct/2002+

BLOWN Jason 2009+ (also "Admiral Owen")

BROWN Mr Tim Next pub licensee had 2010-Nov 2011

MORRIS Mr D Jan 2012-Apr/2012

TAYLOR Bob & TODD Jeanette Apr/2012+

CAVELL Stephen, Tracey & Jamie July/2015+


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Kelly's 1934From the Kelly's Directory 1934

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Dover ExpressFrom the Dover Express



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-