49 (102) Black Griffin Lane
01227 456271
Above postcard, circa 1935, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.
I believe this image is taken from a series of photographs,
commissioned by Whitbread in the early-1930s, which showcased their
newly-acquired East Kent tied estate. The pub had been an Ash's Dane
John Brewery house (as can be seen in the etched windows) then,
following the 1923 takeover, a Jude, Hanbury house. Whitbread secretly
funded and used Jude Hanbury to buy Mackeson's Hythe Brewery from
Simond's of Reading. Then, more or less as soon as the ink had dried,
re-branded all their East Kent pubs as Mackeson houses. This pubs Ash's
Ales & Stout windows were blown out during a WW2 air raid. |
Above photo showing the Carpenter's Arms in 2008. |
Above photograph taken by Edward Wilmot in 1965. |
Above card from the Whitbread Inn Signs 1951. |
Whitbread sign.

Above card issued March 1955. Sign series 5 number 11. |
Above beermat circa 1968 advertising their Final Selection at 9.25%.
Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
This premises was built around the 1900s but there was a "Carpenter's
Arms" here listed back as far as 1838.
A police report of 1851 states that the premises was open out of hours
and the licensee was John Murphy.
The Inns of Canterbury by Edward Wilmot's,1988, mentions a document, date
circa 1945 that gives the description of clientele at the pub as being "Labouring,
some East Kent busmen."
Originally in my help pages for unknown pubs, the following shows the
paper chase to the identification.
Just received an email from Terrence Thomas, who would like to know
the location of this pub. I'd like to know that and the name of it as
well. He says the picture was taken in 1966 and is somewhere between
Dover and London, but he believes it's in the Dover to Canterbury area.
One clue is the derelict area to the left that could be a bomb clearance
I would say the pub was built at the turn of the 1900s as both the "Crown
and Sceptre" and "Diamond"
in Dover look similar.
From an Email received on 30 July, 2011.
Hello Paul,
What a fantastic site!! You really must get a life lol. I have spent
the last 2 hours reliving my life in long forgotten pubs (mostly
I looked at the unknown building 9 and was hit with a huge bout of
deja vu.
I have never been to this pub, or indeed down the road where it is
but have driven past the top of the road hundreds of times and glanced
down the road and always felt it was one of those places you must go to
some time.
It is the "Carpenters Arms" in Black Griffin Lane in Canterbury -
just round the corner from the Westgate towers.#
Keep up the good work!!
Clive Phelan, Folkestone.
Above pictures from Google Maps 2011.
Looks like a lot of changes in the area today from the top photo. The
house on the right of the original picture has another built next to it
now, the road has moved to the left and now continues through the house
on the left of the pub on the top photo.
Kentish Gazette, 6 January 1852.
Three beer sellers, Walter Charles, St. Margaret's-street;
("Divan") Mrs, Forbes,
of the "Odd Fellow's Arms," St. Peter's-place; and John
Murphy, of the "Carpenters Arms," Black Griffin-lane, were summoned for
infringement of the law, the first for having his
house open beyond the prescribed hour at night, and the other two for
having company in their house on the Sunday
morning. The first mentioned was fined £1, and 10s. costs; and what
added to the gravity of his offence was, though it
appeared no part of the charge, that some of the magistrates, whose duty
it is to preserve and see to the observance of the
law, were breakers of it. Murphy was fined 10s. and costs, and Mrs.
Forbes' case dismissed as not being complete, the
company having only just entered her house, and not had time to obtain
liquor; beside which, the plausible excuse was
devised that they had merely come in to warm themselves.
Kentish Gazette, 21 September 1852.
Thursday. Licensing.
This being the adjourned licensing day, those parties, whose licences
had been suspended, again attended, and after
receiving animadversion for their irregularity of conduct, had their
licences granted, but with a decided caution that if again
complaints were made against them they would not have their licences in
These parties were:- John Stairs, of the "Eight Bells," King Street;
John Noble, "Kentish Arms;"
George Kilner, "City of London;"
John Jordan, "White Heart;"
John Gillis, "Bricklayers' Arms;"
Elizabeth Forbes, "Oddfellows Arms;"
John Murphy, "Carpenter's Arms;"
Richard Wellard, "George and Dragon," Westgate;
Joseph Pentecost, "Royal George;"
and George Crow, "Rose and Crown."
Applications for New Licences.
Thomas Rodgers, of the "Sir Robert Peel" beer shop;
David Tuthwell, "True
and Edward Gordon, "Pine Apple,"
for spirit licences, but which were refused.
From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.
Yesterday week an inquest was held by Mr. T. T. Delasaux, on the
body of Wm. Butler, aged 54, who had put a period to his existence
by banging himself in an outhouse of the "Carpenter’s Arms," Black
Griffin-lane, in this city. Satisfactory evidence was given of
deceased having been for some time past in a melancholy state of
mind, and a verdict of "Temporary Insanity" was unanimously recorded
by the jury. Deceased was well known in Canterbury, and in early
life from his penurious habits had saved a sum of money which he
employed in way of loan to the needy on large interest; but
eventually made so bad a selection of his clients, that both
principal and interest became absorbed, and himself reduced to
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 12 January 1901. Price 1d.
Harry Post, landlord of the "Carpenter's Arms," Black Griffin Lane, was
summoned for keeping his licensed premises open during prohibited hours. Sergeant Swain stated that at five minutes after mid-night on the 23rd
ult. he was with P.C. Jury in St. Peter's Street. He saw two soldiers
try two public houses, and accordingly followed them into Black Griffin
Lane. They knocked at defendants house, and were admitted at once. A few
minutes later witness knocked at the door, and was admitted by the
defendant. On being asked if anyone was there, he said some friends.
Witness saw the two soldiers in a room. Defendant at first said they had
been there all the evening, but afterwards said they had been out and
come in again half an hour before. One of the soldiers said they had
been to a party close by, and as they ran short of wine they had
volunteered to go out and get some more. Witness had noticed that the
soldiers had no caps or whips, and they looked as if they had come out
of a house. They were sitting down at a table on which was a bottle of
port. Defendant said he had not served the soldiers. They knocked at the door
and asked for a bottle of port, but he told them he had not got any, and
they pushed their way in and said they would have something else, but he
did not serve them. The bottle of port was sent to defendant as a
Christmas present and it was standing on the table at which the soldiers
sat down. The Bench considered the case proved, and inflicted a fine of 40s., and
13s. costs. The licence was not endorsed. |
PARNELL John Ratcliff 1836+
WILLIS Charles 1838-40+
MURPHY John 1847-58+
(age 47 in 1851 )
MURPHY Mrs Sarah 1962-74+
(age 64 in 1871 )
PARKER James 1881-82 (also bricklayer and lodging house keeper age 33 in
1881 ) 
JORDAN Matthew 1891+

POST Henry 1901+

SOUTH Daniel 1903+
before Feb/1908
CALLAWAY Robert 1913+

SHILLING G 1922-38+
Guide 1838
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Post Office Directory 1891
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From the Post Office Directory 1938
Inns of Canterbury
by Edward Wilmot, 1988
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald