Ashford Road
Badlesmere Lees
Above photo, 1990s, kindly sent by Pete Rogers. |
Above photo, 1990s, kindly sent by Pete Rogers. |
I have only found the one instance of this pub at present.
There is still a Falcon Farm in Baddlesmere Lees, and a Falcon Cottage,
which may or not have been the location of the pub.
Kentish Gazette, Saturday 13 March 1782.
To cover this season, at the sign of the "Faulcon," at Badlesmere Lees,
the noted horse, Wormwood, the property of John Collington.
At one Guinea and Half-a-Crown a Mare; the money to be paid at the time
of covering.
Wormwood's qualifications are well known to most sportsman, and will
bear the strictest enquiry into.
Wormwood is 16 hands high, free from all natural blemish, Master of any
Weight in the Field, and has carried Sir John Dyke's Huntsman five
seasons past, with a great reputation as any Horse in the Country.
Good Grass for Mares at 2s. a week, and proper care taken of them.
Kentish Gazette 23 October 1784.
To be Sold by Auction, by Henry Minter, on Monday, the 25th of October, 1784.
At Mr. Waterman's, the Sign of the "Falcon," in
Badlesmere Lees. About Eleven Thousands very good Hop-Poles, which will be put up in
small lots for the convenience of the buyers. The sale will begin at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. |
Kentish Gazette, Saturday 19th February 1785.
To be sold by auction, by Henry Mintor, on Friday 25th, Saturday
26th, and Monday 28th of this instant, and Tuesday the 1st of March,
in the large commodious room, at Mr. Read's, in West Street,
A large assortment of Linen Drapery, Haberdashery, and Hozier,
Goods; new and second-hand Mens', Boys', and Womans' Wearing
Apparel, Sheets and Sheeting - which will be sold without reserve.
The Sale will begin each day at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon, and 2 in
the Afternoon.
All the above will be put up in small lots for the Convenience it's
of the Buyers.
Catalogues may be then had at the "George," Boughton; "Lion" at
Selling; the "White Hart" at Sheldwich Lees; the
"Falcon," at Badlesmere Lees; the "Lion," Ospringe; "George," at Greenstreet; the
"Mariners," at Oar; "Three Horseshoes," at Graveney; and at the
Auctioneers, West Street, Faversham.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 14 January 1794.
Notice. Chilham, Moldash and Sheldwich.
Many persons having expressed a wish that the road should be opened, and
made good for carriages of every description from Chilham to a place
called Bound Gate upon the Charting Turnpike; such Gentleman, Farmers
and others, as are interested in the benefits, are requested to meet at
the sign of the "Falcon," upon Badlesmere Lees, on Wednesday the 15th
day of January, at the hour of 12 at noon, to consider of the propriety
of the design and the best means of putting it into execution.
Jan 9, 1794.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 31 March 1812.
Household furniture, Horses, Capital Carts, &c, to be sold by auction,
by Jordan and Son, on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1812, on the
premises of Mr. Daniel Wise, at the sign of the "Falcon Inn," Badlesmere
Comprising four-post bedsteads with hangings, feather beds and bedding,
mahogany chest of drawers, ditto base and stand, dressing glasses, linen
chest, wainscott dining and tea tables, very good flower bolter, two
leaf screen, painted buffet, forest front fire range, lifting foot
screen, roasting jack compleat, fender and fire-irons, cherry tree and
other chairs, and many other articles of useful furniture.
Also a black mare in foal, pony, store hog, good dung cart, capital
tilted cart build for a carrier, to light carts, one small ditto, 150
good plough reests, 25 in a lot, four pair of sashes and frames, two
bitts, two chain waggon harness, and pair of tugs and coilers.
The sale to begin at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.
ROGERS Peter 1696 dec'd
ROGERS Mrs 1696-1712
WATERMAN Mr Oct/1784+
WISE Daniel 1812+

Kentish Gazette