Page Updated:- Saturday, 04 January, 2025.


Earliest 1784-


Latest ????

Ospringe Street


Lion Inn 1895

Above photo circa 1895.

Lion 1910

Above photo 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Lion 1910

Above postcard, 1910.

Lion Inn 1915

Above postcard 1915. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Lion 1920s

Above photo, 1920s.

Lion Inn Inn Sign passport 1982

Above card from the Shepherd Neame Inn Signs Passport 1982.

Former Lion Inn 2014

Above photo 2014.


Kentish Gazette, Saturday 19th February 1785.

To be sold by auction, by Henry Mintor, on Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, and Monday 28th of this instant, and Tuesday the 1st of March, in the large commodious room, at Mr. Read's, in West Street, Faversham.

A large assortment of Linen Drapery, Haberdashery, and Hozier, Goods; new and second-hand Mens', Boys', and Womans' Wearing Apparel, Sheets and Sheeting - which will be sold without reserve.

The Sale will begin each day at 10 o'clock in the Forenoon, and 2 in the Afternoon.

All the above will be put up in small lots for the Convenience it's of the Buyers.

Catalogues may be then had at the "George," Boughton; "Lion" at Selling; the "White Hart" at Sheldwich Lees; the "Falcon," at Badlesmere Lees; the "Lion," Ospringe; "George," at Greenstreet; the "Mariners," at Oar; "Three Horseshoes," at Graveney; and at the Auctioneers, West Street, Faversham.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 24 December 1816.


John Jennings, "Lion Inn," Ospringe, returns his sincere thanks to his friends, the Nobility, Gentry, and the public, for the support he has experienced during his residence at Ospringe, and begs leave most respectfully to inform them that he has taken.

The "Rose Inn," Sittingbourne, and will enter upon it at Christmas, which he intends fitting up in the most comfortable manner, and hopes by moderate charges and a strict attention to the comforts of his friends that may honour him with their commands, to merit a continuance of their favours.

Ospringe, Dec. 18, 1816.


Kentish Gazette, 13 October 1820.


ISAAC GREEN, (Late of the "Lion Inn," Ospringe)

BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, that he has taken the Old Established Post-House, the "GEORGE INN," Sittingbourn; where he hopes to be honoured with their patronage and support, assuring them, that nothing shall be wanting on his port, to render the House as comfortable as possible; and that his Horses and Carriages shall not be excelled by those of any other Establishment on the road.

Wines, &c. of the first quality.

Good Stabling and Lock-up Couch-Houses.


Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1820.


GEORGE STARK, (many years Head Waiter at the "Fountain Inn," Canterbury.) very respectfully begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, and especially his friends, to whom from his late situation he is known, that he has entered on the above Inn, and trusts by attention to the convenience and comfort of his visitors, and by forwarding them with able Horses to obtain their patronage, which it will ever be his study and desire to deserve.

Wines of the best quality, good Stabling, and Lock up Coach Horses.


From the Kentish Gazette, 11 February 1840.


The "Lion Inn" and Posting House, with extensive Stabling, Coach-house, Large Gardens, Bowling Green &c., suituated in Ospringe Street, County of Kent.

The above Inn is calculated to carry an extensive whole ale and retail Wine and Spirit trade, together with the Posting and Tavern business.

The reason for the present proprietor's wishing to leave, will be fully explained by application to the Landlord, (if by letter, post-paid.)


From the Kentish Gazette, 22 December 1840.


Dec. 21.— Melancholy Effects or Passion.

We regret to learn that Mr. Henry Hook, of the "Lion Inn," Ospringe, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a pistol, in the bar of his own house, between nine and ten o'clock on Sunday morning. The only person with him at the time, was Mr. Laslett, a surgeon of Ospringe.

A Coroner's Inquest will be held at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 July 1842.


Ospringe, Faversham, Canterbury, Blean, Harbledown, Whitstable, Kingston, Bishopsbourne, Hardres, Chartham, and Snave, in Romney Marsh.

MR. JOHN POUT Begs to announce that he has received instructions to offer by PUBLIC AUCTION, AT the "Royal Fountain Hotel," CANTERBURY, on MONDAY, the 29th, and TUESDAY the 30th days of AUGUST next, at Eleven o'clock each day (unless the same, or any part thereof, shall be previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), the following lots of very desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, viz:—

Lot 13.—The LION HOTEL, and POSTING HOUSE, with stabling, coach-houses, yards, bowling-green, Pasture Field, and walled garden, containing three acres, little more or less, in OSPRINGE, and now in the occupation of Mr. Rogers.


Kentish Gazette, 20 August 1844.


JOHN ROGERS begs to return his grateful thanks to the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of OSPRINGE and neighbourhood for the kind support he has received, and to inform them that, from the 22nd instant, he intends removing his Horses to the "Ship Hotel," FAVERSHAM, where he will carry on the Post Chaise and Fly business as heretofore, and will feel thankful for a continuance of their favours.

August 19th, 1844.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 07 October 1862.

Mr. Packer, "Lion Inn," Ospringe, was summoned for having his house open at an unlawful hour on a Sunday. Mr. Johnson. who appeared for the defendant, asked for a remand until next Petty Sessions, which was granted.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 11 September 1897.


Four youths named Robert Hodges, Albert Chapman, Frederick Sheppard, and Georgt Hayes, horse boys, in the employ of Mr. W. Clark, were summoned at the instance of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for cruelty to a game cock, at Faversham, on Sunday, August 8th. Chapman pleaded guilty, but the others denied the offence. Mr. Colam, barrister, secretary of the Society, appeared to prosecute. In stating the facts of the case Mr. Colam said that the employer of the defendants kept his carts and stabled his horses at the "Lion Inn," Ospring Street. There was a game cock which belonged to the occupant of "Lion Inn., and at 6.30 on the morning in question the defendants came to feed their horses. Sarah Goldfinch, a domestic servant, heard a screeching noise and on looking out of her bedroom window she saw the defendants take the fowl, dip it into a tank of water, and then pelt it with stones. She called out and told the defendants to desist, but they replied with a coarse expression. She then went back to bed. Twenty minutes later the screeching was again heard and the servant again told them to desist. Later in the morning the bird was found in the yard, bereft of its feathers on the breast, whilst the tail feathers had also been pulled out. The only excuse that the defendants could give for their conduct was that the fowl had been "nicking" the corn of the horses. Mr. Colam added that, by two decisions of the High Court a fowl was designated a "domestic animal," and he suggested that that was a case which ought to deserve severe punishment. Evidence in support of the prosecution was given by Sarah Goldfinch, the young woman who witnessed the cruelty; Thomas Spencer, the landlord of the "Lion Inn," the owner of the fowl, who said there were raw places on the breast and legs where the feathers were missing; Police-constable Lambkin, and Inspector Fair, R.S.P.C.A., who each testified to the condition of the bird. The Chairman observed that it was the owner’s duty to see that the bird was kept under proper control. Mr. Spencer said that he had had fowls running about there ever since he had the house—fourteen years. Hodges said he was cleaning his horse and did not see the cruelty, and Sheppard and Hayes said they were not there. There was a previous conviction for driving a horse whilst in an unfit state against Hayes. The Chairman said the Bench considered that Chapman had ill-treated the bird, and they thought that all the defendants were equally guilty. It was a cowardly thing to do. It was something more than committing an offence against the law. The bird was one of God's creatures as much as they were, therefore it was an offence against God. It was an act of horrid brutally, and their friends and neighbours - if they had a spay of feeling amongst them - would think all the worse of them for having treated a poor dumb animal in the way they had. It meant a want of civilisation; it meant brutality. He hoped it would be a serious warning to then to keep their tempers, and to treat poor beasts kindly. If the magistrates could have flogged them they would have done so. The Bench, however, would treat them leniently as far as imprisonment was concerned. The Chairman then informed the defendants that they would be imprisoned for one day. The costs in the case were remitted.



JENNINGS John to Dec/1816 Next pub licensee had

GREEN Isaac to Oct/1820 Next pub licensee had

STARR/STARK Oct/1828-Apr/29 Pigot's Directory 1828-29 (Moved to "Cross Keys Tavern," Cheapside, London)

HOOK Henry to Dec/1840 dec'd

ROGERS John 1842-44 Next pub licensee had

AKHURST George 1851+ (age 33 in 1851Census)

PACKER Edward 1858-62+ (licensed to let post horses & baker)

CLARK William 1871 (also farmer & carrier age 36 in 1871Census)

FINCH John & Mary 1881+ (age 44 & 48 in 1881Census)

COAST Walter 1882+

SPENCER Edward Arthur 1901-03+ (age 39 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

MACEY Henry Frank 1913-Aug/1928 (age 35 in 1911Census) Whitstable Times

GROOMBRIDGE Albert Zebulon Aug/1928-30+ Whitstable Times

BULTON Alfred E 1938+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-