Sort file:- Rochester, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 21 July, 2024.


Earliest 1820-

Two Brewers

Open 2020+

113 (69) High Street


01634 812448

Two Brewers 2013

Photos taken by Oast House Archive 2013 from

Two Brewers sign 1978Two Brewers sign 2013

Above left, 1978, sign right 2013.


In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click for further details.)


Kentish Gazette, 28 January 1820.


Last week, at Rochester, Mr. Duddy, formerly of the "Two Brewers."


From the Kentish Gazette, 30 April 1839.

ROCHESTER, &c. Coroner’s Inquest.

An inquest was held on Tuesday last, at the "Two Brewers" public house, Chatham, before R. Hinde, esq. touching the death of Charles Newton, a pensioner of the 11th Light Dragoons, who resided on the Brook. From the evidence it appeared that the unfortunate man hung himself in the garret of his house on Monday morning, the 22nd. It is believed that he had of late been much depressed in mind owing to his narrow circumstances, together with the idea of losing his pension of sixpence per day, granted to him for two years, which time was near expiring. This preyed much on his spirits, and he had before threatened to make off with himself. He obtained a living by hawking fish and other things about the town. The jury returned a verdict of "Temporary derangement." The deceased was a married man, and has left a wife and family. He was about forty-four years of age.


Southeastern Gazette, 23 August 1853.


Wednesday. (Before Captain Burton, E. R. Coles, J. L. Levy, and W. Manclark, Esqrs.)

Edward Canter and William Cornes, two stewards of a friendly society, called the "Friendly Society of Tradesmen," were summoned to shew cause why they refused to pay one of the members, named Joseph West, the weekly allowance of 8s., to which he had been entitled for the past eight weeks, in consequence of his being sick and infirm. Mr. W. Wickham appeared for the defendants.

Before proceeding with the case Mr. Wickham said he had an objection to make against the jurisdiction of the court.

This society was originally held at the "Duke of Glo’ster," Strood, the articles being enrolled in the county of Kent, and not in the city of Rochester, and he therefore contended that the magistrates had no jurisdiction. The magistrates, however, decided that they had, and the case proceeded.

Joseph West said he was a member of the club, which was held at the sign of the "Two Brewers," in this city. He had been a member 33 years. On June 14th witness made application to the stewards that he was ill, and entitled to the weekly pay. The pay he was entitled to was 8s. a week. On June 20th one week's allowance was given to complainant. On the 27th of the same month complainant was informed that his pay was stopped, in consequence of his attending at the quarter sessions, on the 20th June, to give evidence in a case of felony. The stewards consequently refused to pay him anything till July 16th, when witness received one week's relief, which was continued till the 30th of that month. The defendant’s paid him because he summoned them before the magistrates on July 9th. Had received no pay since July 30th, and now claimed two week’s pay.

Mr. Wickham said that notice had been repeatedly given to complainant to attend the club, according to the 14th article, but the complainant had refused to appear.

West said he was labouring under a nervous disease of the brain, and handed in a medical certificate to that effect.

Mr. Levy said the only objection appeared to be in a matter of a few shillings, and the society was obstinate and would not pay.

Cross-examination continued:— Attended the quarter sessions to give evidence in a case of felony, which was committed on the 6th April. Could not remember when he received the first summons to attend the club.

Mr. Levy said it was a strange thing to refuse to pay complainant 1s. 4d., the day's pay, for attending the Quarter Sessions.

Mr. Wickham said by the rules complainant was bound to attend the meeting of the club, to settle any dispute by arbitration.

The magistrates said it was an absurd and paltry case throughout, and all arose from refusing to pay 1s. 4d. claimed; they therefore made an order for the payment of the sum sued for, namely £1 17s. 4d., together with 13s. costs.


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

TWO BREWERS. Canterbury, Whitstable, Bromley, Maidstone, Sandwich, Faversham, Dartford, Rochester, etc.

See "Jolly Brewers," which has been the original title and sign.

JOLLY BREWERS. Many towns.

The name has often been changed to the "Two Brewers," the latter title being more in keeping with the sign, which shows two men carrying a barrel slung from a pole, the end of which rests on their shoulders. It is difficult to see why they should be termed "jolly" unless it was anticipation prior to realisation!

Two Brewers sign



DUDDY Mr pre 1820

SELLERS Malcolm 1824-28+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

BULLING John 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

DARBY John 1847+

DARBY John 1858-62+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

BOUCHER George 1874+

LESTER William 1881-82+ (widower age 63 in 1881Census)

DENT John 1891-1903+ Kelly's 1903

SAMMON George 1911-22+

SCOTT Charles Joseph 1930+

TRUSSON William 1938+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-