158-160 High Street
Mile Town
01795 581743
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo kindly taken and sent by Trevor Edwards, 26 December 2006. |
Above photo 2011. |
Above sign, July 1993.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com. |
Above photo, 2005 showing licensee Deborah Piggott, taken by Mike Smith. |
Above Google image, July 2016. |
Above photo 2016. |
Above Google image 2020. |
Above photo 2022, by John Nurden. |
During the Covid 19 crisis of 2020, this pub was able to offer a take
away service in June, possibly earlier.
From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn,
B.Sc. 1926.
OLD HOUSE AT HOME. Westerham, Sheerness, Henley-on-Thames, etc.
The name is simply one borrowed from the old ballad, and is meant to
suggest all possible comforts to contemplative visitors. Good meals,
good beer, good fires, clean sheets and attention.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Megan Carr, 30 January 2020.
Brexit Day celebrations in Kent.
After three long years of Brexit, the UK will finally be leaving the
European Union tomorrow.
While it's not the outcome everyone wanted, for some it is an occasion
worth celebrating. So, whether you rooted leave from the start or are
just happy it's all over, here's where you can mark the historic day.
The Old House at Home, High Street, will have a barbecue and offers
on alcoholic drinks.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By KentOnline reporter, 20 April 2021.
Memories of The Old House at Home pub in Sheerness High Street that could be demolished to make way for flats.
The loss of a pub is often mourned by many, particularly those
that have been around for what seems like forever.
One on the "under threat" list is the Old House at Home in
Sheerness. So before it disappears to make way for flats, Bel Austin
recalls her memories of visiting as a child when she tap danced on
the bar and was served alcohol - it was the 1940s...
People walk by The Old House at Home, which was undergoing
refurbishment, in 2015. Picture: John Westhrop.
There is no denying the old ‘uns dislike change.
They don’t want buildings torn down to create something new and even
dislike items swapped to different shelves in shops.
It must be something to do with keeping all that is familiar and not
destroying memories.
You can hardly blame them when radical change is not always for the
We’re reminded of clinging to the past with a recent proposal to
tear down the Old House at Home pub in Sheerness High Street to make
way for a block of flats.
I must admit I felt a bit of nostalgia myself about the prospect.
As a kid, living across the road in what was Albion Place, it was
often my job to go to fetch a jug of black and tan drawn from the
wood for my dad and a bottle of milk stout for mum.
My reward was a packet of crisps with salt in a twist of blue paper.
Sometimes there was a bottle of pop too, paid for by the regulars in
return for my tap dancing on the bar.
Of course that would most certainly not be allowed today.
Who would serve a child with alcohol and an ounce of Digger shag?
Even worse, who would haul a minor up onto the bar? But this was the
mid 1940s and things were very different then.
The Old House at Home, pictured on 2008 when it was one of three
Sheerness pubs for which brewer Shepherd Neame was seeking new
Aaron Booth, pictured in 2015 when he became the new landlord of The
Old House at Home, shows off the new pub garden, which had undergone
refurbishment. Picture: John Westhrop.
June Luxon, of St George’s Avenue, Sheerness, has memories of the
Old House at Home some years later - of log fires, darts teams,
league matches, tontine clubs, playing crib, cards and dominoes, and
men enjoying an excellent pint straight from the barrel.
“It is so sad to think a pub which always had such a welcoming
atmosphere could be demolished,” she said.
She and husband Ron regarded it as their local when Vic and Rose
Hough were behind the “jump” before moving to the "Ship" (now
"Aviator") at Queenborough Corner.
After that Albert and Doreen Sell became the hosts and it was a very
popular watering hole.
Albert was always impeccably dressed - nothing as casual as a
jumper, always a collar and tie.
Deborah Piggott was the new landlady of the Old House at Home in
2005. Picture: Mike Smith.
From left, Mandy Attree, Lenny Pailthorpe, Ian "Pitbull" Johnson,
Esmond Wyatt from KAA, Lee Reed and Lisa Reed at the Old House at
Home in 2010 - the pub hosted a wrestling show and raised thousands
for the Kent Air Ambulance. Picture: Andy Payton.
The pub too was gleaming, from the old-fashioned brass to the
polished bar.
She recalled that Thursday nights were men’s darts nights and on
Friday she ran a tontine (collected money for a Christmas pay-out).
June, a born organiser, was happy to cheer the men on as they played
darts but thought the ladies too should have the chance to aim the
So Tuesday night saw them in action.
Inevitably they challenged the men in friendly matches both home and
away and the next step had to be the league.
Members of Sheppey Ladies Friendly Darts League, of which the Old
House at Home was a member, enjoy a night out at the Wheatsheaf Hall.
So it was the Sheppey Ladies Friendly Darts League on the Double
Board, with the co-operation of Jean Clifford who was born at the
Old House at Home.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the League.
She retired from it 30 years ago and doubts she’d even hit the board
these days.
But her greatest hour was playing a friendly at the Red Lion, Blue
Town when she put all three darts in a double 19 to win the game.
As for the Old House, its fate is in the hands of the planners at
Swale Council.
An artist's impression of what the building that could replace the
Old House at Home in Sheerness High Street would look like.
If the plans are given the green light, it would see the venue
demolished and replaced with a three and four-storey building with
commercial space on the ground floor.
The development would include five one-bedroom and seven two-bedroom
flats - but all that went before would be gone, apart from fading
memories and newspaper cuttings.
From the
https://www.msn.com by Jack Hardy 8 September 2021. Blundering
council worker approves demolition of pubs while ‘testing’ software.
A junior council worker “testing” new software accidentally
approved the demolition of two pubs and rejected a planning
application by saying: “Your proposal is whack.”
Five applicants who used the planning portal on Swale Borough
Council’s website were stunned when they received decision notices
featuring rude remarks.
As well as the questionable language, the decisions are legally
binding, meaning the council now faces paying thousands of pounds to
reverse the mistakes.
The spectacular blunder came about when staff at the Mid Kent
planning support team, which handles online applications on behalf
of two Kent councils, tried to fix a software glitch.
A junior member of the team was said to have been testing out
solutions to a software problem on August 19 when five decisions,
intended to be dummy templates, were formally published.
The Happy Pants Ranch animal sanctuary in Sittingbourne, Kent had
an application rejected after it sought permission to convert
agricultural land for use in animal rescue.
The official response from the council explained that the charity
had been turned down because “your proposal is whack”, adding, in
the line below, “no mate, proper whack”.
There was potential for more dramatic consequences elsewhere when
proposals for the partial demolition of a pub in Sittingbourne was
inadvertently granted. The formal response said, perplexingly:
“Incy, wincy spider.”
The demolition of the Old House at Home pub in Sheerness, Kent to
make way for flats was also given the green light, with a response
that was more existential than might be expected for routine
planning applications.
It said: “Why am I doing this, am I the chosen one?”
The decisions were quickly removed from the council’s website,
but the authority has since received legal advice saying that the
erroneous decisions are legally binding and it will now have to
quash them through judicial review.
The review is expected to take three months and £8,000 of public
funds to complete.
Amey James, founder of the Happy Pants Ranch, said the survival
of the charity rested on the outcome of the application, as it
fights to stay on its current site.
She said: “Obviously the comments are quite laughable, but if I
had gone on there this morning before I saw the email from Swale
council about the error I think I would have had a heart attack. I
would have been properly panicking; the future of the ranch depends
on this decision.”
She added: “I kept thinking this was going to go to the planning
committee in September. But now because of this, it’s probably going
to be delayed even further.
“At this rate, we are probably not going to know by Christmas.
It’s just awful not knowing.”
Cllr Cameron Beart, who represents Queenborough and Halfway on
Swale Borough Council, said he was “absolutely horrified” that the
demolition of the Old House at Home pub was among the decisions
inadvertently authorised.
“I make no comment about the application in general, but if it
has been approved without any consideration and without any
conditions attached, it is a serious issue,” he added.
Swale Borough Council said it had started an investigation into
the debacle and confirmed that a junior officer at the Mid Kent
service believed the comments would not be published.
A statement released on behalf of the council’s leadership team,
Cllr Roger Truelove and Cllr Mike Baldock, said: “These errors will
have to be rectified but this will cause totally unnecessary concern
to applicants.
“This is not the first serious problem following the transfer of
our planning administration to Mid Kent shared services. We will
wait for the outcome of a proper investigation and then consider our
appropriate response as a council.”
The council has said applicants affected have been notified.
It later emerged that an incorrect planning decision was also
issued by Maidstone Borough Council, which has its online planning
system managed by Mid Kent.
It related to a farm in Marden applying to convert an outbuilding
into a holiday let, which was rejected with the comment: “Don't even
bother re-applying lol”, then followed by a second remark: “Not even
joking lmao.”
Maidstone Borough Council apologised for the mistake. |
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Jordan Ifield, 14 May 2022.
Plans for micropub and flats at site of historic high street inn Old
House at Home in Sheerness slammed.
A decision on the future of a “key corner” pub on the Isle of
Sheppey has been delayed as councillors slammed the new design for
The Old House at Home on the end of Sheerness High Street has been
serving pints since the 1860s.
But after a turbulent period, which saw five landlords over 10
years, the pub closed its doors for the final time in 2020.
It has sat dormant since and plans to redevelop the site were
submitted last year by Mr M McAllister.
Plans included demolishing the pub and replacing it with a three-
and four-storey residential building, including seven flats and a
micropub on the ground floor.
Any concerns of anti-social behaviour from the micropub were
downplayed by planning officers who said they “tend to have less
noise and impact” than regular pubs.
Despite its Victorian history and location on Sheerness High Street,
the pub is not historically listed or in any conservation area.
But when debating the new flats on Thursday, Swale councillors were
concerned about the design of the replacement flats.
Cllr Oliver Eakin (Swale) said: “It’s at the entrance of the high
street so the design is quite important.
“The design is completely different from what is there currently.
The original building is of good design and on its own has a
historical importance.
“However, over time some of the more modern parts aren't great, and
if I’m being honest I’m not sure which historical parts are likely
to be saved.
“The design is slightly boring, it’s not going to win any awards is
Meanwhile Cllr Monique Bonnie (Independent) went further and
suggested delaying proceedings until a better design was on the
table: “I know this end of the high street quite well.
“I really don’t like the design and I’m going to be radical, I’m
going to go as far as proposing a deferral.
“The principle of development here I don’t have a problem with, nor
having a micropub or residential flats. I do have a problem with
that design.
“This is a fundamental key corner of our high street to me, and if
we don’t get that design right then we undermine the rest of the
high street.
“I think it looks a bit cheap quite honestly, it’s very bland. There
is some repetition along the high street with its historic
buildings, I think something more imaginative could be done.”
Eventually councillors voted to defer the plans with 13 in favour
and one against.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Alex Langridge, 3 September 2022.
The Old House at Home in Sheerness plans for micropub and flats approved.
A prominent pub dating back to the 1860s is set to be knocked down
and turned into flats and a micropub.
The original designs for The Old House at Home, on the Isle of
Sheppey, were slammed by councillors in May who described them as
"boring" and "cheap" but they have since been reworked.
The pub, previously owned by Shepherd Neame, occupies a prominent
position at the junction of High Street and Trinity Way and has been
serving pints for at least 150 years.
However, it closed its doors for the final time in 2020.
It had repeatedly come to the attention of the authorities due to
“anti-social behaviour, substance abuse and numerous other
infringements of the licensing regulations”.
It has sat empty ever since and plans to redevelop the site were
submitted last year by Mr M McAllister.
A statement backing the plans said: “There has been a gradual
decline in the number of pubs in Sheerness partly due to a shift in
culture, the introduction of national chains such as Wetherspoon and
a move away from Sheerness’s association as a naval town.”
The original plans for the flats and micropub, which were turned
The proposals include demolishing the pub and replacing it with a
three and four-storey residential building – slightly higher than
the original plan – including eight flats and a micropub on the
ground floor.
But when debating the plans earlier this year, Swale councillors
were concerned about the design of the flats and voted to defer the
At a Swale council planning committee meeting earlier this month,
new designs were considered that had a more traditional appearance
in the use of wholly brick elevations, traditional window detailing
and a mansard roof, which has four sloping sides.
The application report adds: “The proposal is considered to be of
good design and more reflective of the traditional form of
development within the high street that members were keen to be
adopted for the scheme.”
The original scheme featured seven flats but the redesign saw the
addition of an extra one, as the remodelled roof meant there was
more floorspace.
The amended design has been approved by councillors.
Despite its Victorian history, the pub is not historically listed or
in any conservation area but planning officers stated: “Its
long-standing contribution to the local community through the
provision of a public house has resulted in the building having some
historic value.
“However, the creation of a micropub on the ground floor of the new
proposed building will help to ensure that the site retains a public
house on the site, which will be of continued benefit to the wider
Committee member Cllr Cameron Beart, who represents Queenborough and
Halfway, said he was not convinced a micropub would ever open,
predicting it was more likely to be used as a shop or something
His suggestion to add a condition that anything of historical
interest found during the demolition work should not only be
examined and recorded, but also retained rather than end up in a
skip, was accepted.
The amended plan was approved unanimously by councillors, who met at
Swale House on August 18.
There was no comment from Sheerness Town Council.
Previously, its chairman, Matthew Brown, who is no longer a town
councillor, said he was completely against the scheme.
He said: “I would be strongly opposed to the destruction of this
landmark building as it goes against the town’s character and long
term aims.
“It’s become a bit of an eyesore in this area but there needs to be
a very strong argument put forward before any consideration is given
to demolishing a building with so much character.”
If a micropub does open, it would be the third in Sheerness, joining
the "Flying Sheep" and
"A Y’s Man" Free House.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Megan Carr, 8 November 2023.
The Old House at Home in Sheerness for sale with micropub planning permission.
A vacant high street pub set to become flats and a micropub is up for sale.
The Old House at Home in Sheerness is on the market for £350,000 and
has been labelled a “rare opportunity” by sellers.
Last year Swale council granted permission for the watering hole,
which dates back to the 1860s, to be demolished and replaced with a
mixed-use building featuring a micropub and eight homes.
The pub, previously owned by Shepherd Neame, is in a prominent
position at the junction of the High Street and Trinity Way and has
been serving pints for at least 150 years. However, it closed its
doors for the final time in 2020.
In September 2022 it was reported that the premises had repeatedly
come to the attention of the authorities due to “anti-social
behaviour, substance abuse and numerous other infringements of the
licensing regulations”.
It has sat empty ever since and plans to redevelop the site were
submitted in 2021 by a Mr M McAllister.
A statement backing the plans said: “There has been a gradual
decline in the number of pubs in Sheerness partly due to a shift in
culture, the introduction of national chains such as Wetherspoon,
and a move away from Sheerness’s association as a naval town.”
The former public house and its planning permission is being
advertised as having a “strong re-sale” value and being within
walking distance of the railway station.
Being sold by Family Homes, a statement under its listing on
Rightmove says: “A rare opportunity to acquire a prominent building
in Sheerness town centre.
“The planning comprises the demolition of the existing public house
and for a mixed-use development over three storeys, the ground floor
will house the commercial space along with associated parking for
each apartment, the eight apartments are spread over the first and
second floor.
“Situated in a prime Sheerness town centre location you will have a
strong rental demand as well as future capital growth.”
In early 2022, when debating the planning application, Swale
councillors were concerned about the design of the flats and voted
to defer the application.
Following this, new designs were considered that had a more
traditional appearance.
The original scheme featured seven flats but the redesign saw the
addition of an extra one, as the remodelled roof meant there was
more floor space.
Despite its Victorian history, the pub is not historically listed or
in a conservation area but planning officers stated: “Its
long-standing contribution to the local community through the
provision of a public house has resulted in the building having some
historic value.
“However, the creation of a micropub on the ground floor of the new
proposed building will help to ensure that the site retains a public
house on the site, which will be of continued benefit to the wider
However, at the time the late Cllr Cameron Beart, who represented
Queenborough and Halfway, said he was not convinced a micropub would
ever open, predicting it was more likely to be used as a shop or
something else.
How the flats and micropub might look on the site of the former Old
House at Home pub in Sheerness. Picture: SBC.
His suggestion to add a condition that anything of historical
interest found during the demolition work should not only be
examined and recorded, but also retained rather than end up in a
skip, was accepted.
The amended plan was approved unanimously by councillors in August
From the
https://www.msn.com By Joe Crossley 13 April 2025.
The Old House at Home in Sheerness High Street up for auction for more than £200k.
A vacant town centre pub that is set to become flats and a
micropub is going up for auction. The Old House at Home in Sheerness will go under the hammer with a
guide price of between £240,000 and £260,000.
The Old House at Home in Sheerness High Street. Picture: Clive Emson. The boozer has planning permission to be demolished and replaced
with a micropub and eight homes.
Land and property auctioneer Clive Emson is selling the property
over three days from Monday, April 29 to Wednesday, May 1.
It says: “The site occupies a good location close to the seafront,
Sheerness-on-Sea mainline railway station, local amenities and
The watering hole had gone up for auction in September 2022 but was
not sold but returned to the market in November.
Previously owned by Shepherd Neame, the building is in a prominent
position at the junction of the High Street and Trinity Way.
It served pints for at least 150 years with the building dating back
to the 1860s.
However, it closed its doors for the final time in 2020 and has sat
empty since.
It had repeatedly come to the attention of the authorities due to
“anti-social behaviour, substance abuse and numerous other
infringements of the licensing regulations”.
Plans to redevelop the site were submitted in 2021 by Mr M
A statement backing the proposals said: “There has been a gradual
decline in the number of pubs in Sheerness partly due to a shift in
culture, the introduction of national chains such as Wetherspoon,
and a move away from Sheerness’s association as a naval town.”
However, councillors had described the initial designs as "boring"
and "cheap" in May 2022.
Following this, new designs were considered that had a more
traditional appearance.
The original scheme featured seven flats but the redesign saw the
addition of an extra one, as the remodelled roof meant there was
more floor space.
The amended plan was approved unanimously by councillors in August
of that year.
However, at the time the late Cllr Cameron Beart, who represented
Queenborough and Halfway, said he was not convinced a micropub would
ever open.
He predicted it was more likely to be used as a shop or something
His suggestion to add a condition that anything of historical
interest found during the demolition work should not only be
examined and recorded but also retained, rather than end up in a
skip, was accepted.
Despite its Victorian history, the pub is not historically listed or
in a conservation area.
Planning officers have stated, however, that “its long-standing
contribution to the local community through the provision of a
public house has resulted in the building having some historic
“However, the creation of a micropub on the ground floor of the new
proposed building will help to ensure that the site retains a public
house on the site, which will be of continued benefit to the wider
locality.” |
TUNSLEY Charlotte Miss 1862+
TUNSLEY Thomas 1871-74+ (age 64 in 1871 )
TUNSLEY Harriet 1881+ (widow age 72 in 1881 )
TUNSLEY Ellen 1891-1901+ (age 48 in 1901 )
TUNSLEY Miss 1902+
TUNSLEY Thomas 1918+
POWELL Bert 1934+
GOVIER Tom James to 24/June/1958 dec'd age 67
PIGGOTT Debi 2005-Jan/2008
REED Lee & Lisa 2010+
BOOTH Aaron 2015+
HOUGH Vic & Rose ????

SELL Albert & Doreen ????
BOOTH Aaron & STRELLEY Marian pre Apr/2020
