138 Ordnance Street (134 Front Row 1891 )(65
in 1861 )
The pub has also been referred to in the census of 1891 as the "New Fox and Hounds" which would
indicate another pub predating this one, the "Old
Fox and Hounds" being addressed at 3 Perry Street. However, Perry Street
and Ordnance Street join each other where the "Fox"
is now.
The Licensing Directory of 1872 says the premises was operating under a
Full License and was owned by Mary Elizabeth Lock Beveridge of Ramsgate.
On the census of 1851 the entry for this was just under an entry for what
looked like Upper Whittaker Place, if that makes any sense to any locals of
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 13 June 1854.
Public house and beer house information.
The following publicans and beer sellers, at Chatham, were charged, at
the instances of Superintendent Everist, with keeping their houses open
for the sale of beer after the legal hour of 11 o'clock at night.
Thomas Pound
of the "New Fox and Hounds," Ordnance Place, each fined 20s. and 12s.
...... |
South Eastern Gazette, 12 March, 1860.
Conviction of Publicans.
The following licensed victuallers of Chatham were summoned before
the magistrates at Rochester, on Friday last, on the information of
Police-sergeant Fisher, and convicted in various penalties, for
having their houses open for the sale of liquors at prohibited hours
on Sunday.
Thomas Pound, "Fox and Hounds," Ordnance-place, fined £2 and costs.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 17 January 1865.
To be Let, with immediate possession, the "Queens Arms Inn," situated on
the Esplanade, near the bridge, Rochester.
The upstairs rooms commands a fine view of the River Medway and the
surrounding Country. Rent low; coming in about £180.
For further particulars apply to Mr. John Terry, "New Fox and Hounds
Inn," Ordnance Place, Chatham.
Chatham News, Saturday 27 August 1870.
Ill Treating A Goat.
Edward Jackman pleaded guilty, on the information of Mr. Murphy,
inspector to the Branch Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, to ill-treating a goat at Chatham, on the 19th of July.
Fined 5s., and 8s. costs.
John Bennett, son of the landlord of the "New Fox and Hounds," Ordnance
Place, Chatham, was also charged by Mr. Murphy with ill-treating a goat
on the 10th of August.
The defendant pleaded not guilty.
Mr. Murphy explained the nature of the cruelty used towards the animal,
which was caused by a certain operation being performed by which it was
stated, the goat suffered great agony. The goat was the same for which
last defendant has been fined, and purchased by the present defendant.
The case was adjourned for the evidence of a veterinary surgeon.
Chatham News, Saturday 22 August 1891.
On Saturday last Mr. George Pound's annual outing was celebrated, the
start being made at 7:45 a.m. from the "New Fox and Hounds," Ordnance
place, in a four horse break belong to Mr. James Kent, which was engaged
to convey the party numbering about 25 to Tonbridge; the route being by
way of Snodland, making a short stay for refreshments at the "Bull."
Town Malling was next reached, and another halt was made at the "George
Inn." Starting again for Hadlow, a stoppage was made at the "Greyhound,"
and the party reached the place of destination, the "Foresters Arms,"
Tonbridge, at 12 o'clock. The hostess, Mrs. Marsh catered for the party
in her usual style, the spread being simply "up-to-date." Mr. Gilkes, of
Chatham, accompanied the party, and gave selection on his cornet. During
a little conviviality, songs were given by Messrs Redman,, J. Wooley,
George Horsham, H. Medhurst, and G. Wraith. The return journey was by
way of Wateringbury and Maidstone arriving at the "New Fox and Hounds,"
Ordnance place, at 10:30, all being fully satisfied with the days
excursion. Too much praise cannot be given to "whip" George Smith for
the masterly manner in which the "handled" the four fiery steeds.
BOAKES Thomas 1851+ (Greenwich pensioner age 52 in 1851 )
POUND Thomas 1854-60+ "New Fox & Hounds", Front Row, Ordnance Place)

SUTTON Robert 1861+ (age 39 in 1861 )
BENNETT George 1870-72+
(New Fox and Hounds)
POUND John Thomas 1872+

COPPIN Joseph 1874+
POUND George 1881-91+ (age 31 in 1881 )
POUND Sarah A 1903-38+

NISBIT Thomas & Co 1988+
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
Records 1872