Page Updated:- Tuesday, 04 February, 2025.


Earliest 1828-

(Ye Old) Crown Hotel

Open 2025+

74-76 High Street


01732 867896

Crown 1900

Crown circa 1900.

Crown 1905

Above postcard, circa 1905, by kind permission of the Eden Valley Museum. Also showing the "Half Moon" (right.)

Crown Hotel 1905

Above photo, date 1905, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Crown 1909

Above postcard, date 1909, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Crown 1913

Above postcard circa 1913, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Crown Hotel 1919

Crown Hotel postcard, postmarked 1919.

Crown Hotel 1920

Crown Hotel 1920. By kind permission Peter Macleod.

Crown Hotel 1930

Above photo, date 1930, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Crown 1935

Above postcard 1935.

Crown 1952

Above photo, 1952.

Crown match box

Above matchbox, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.


Above photo, date unknown.

Ye Olde Crown Inn 1987

Above photo 1987.

Crown Inn 2009

Above photos, 8 August 2009, taken by Eric Hartland.

Ye Olde Crown 2018

Above photo 2018.

Ye Old Crown Inn sign 1993

Sign, March 1993.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Ye Olde Crown Inn 2024

Above photo, 2024.

Ye Olde Crown Inn outside 2024

Above photo 2024.

Ye Olde Crown Inn inside 2024

Above photo 2024.


According to the photos the pub is now called "Ye Olde Crown Inn" but I don't know how far back we have to go before it was upgraded to an "olde" name.

The pub is a unique pub in Kent, as it possesses the only surviving inn sign spanning a main street.

In 1869-70 the pub was part of a consortium who were advertising their goods of selling tea in response to grocers' selling beer and wine. (Click for further details.)


Information below from their web site:-

History of Ye Old Crown & Edenbridge

The village grew up as the crossing point of the river, with the high street being paved by the Romans about 100AD. This provided a route for the wood and iron found in the Ashdown Forest to be taken to London.

The name appears to be from the bridge over the Eden, but after the Romans left a Saxon, Eadhelm became leader of the local people, and he built a bridge over the river which was unnamed at the time. So the village was named EadhelmBridge which was shortened to Edenbridge, from where the river name is derived.

An old legend is that the first stone bridge across the river was built because two old ladies were unable to cross the river in a time of flooding, and a trust was set up to maintain the bridge.

The 1500′s brought wealth to the town with the iron industry. The raw materials came from the surrounding areas. The small town built up, but suffered badly with the relocation of the iron industry to the midlands in the early 1800′s.

The latest bridge was built in 1834, and provides a picturesque crossing of the river.

However in the middle 1800′s the town started to regain its wealth when it became the crossing point for the north south and the east west railway lines, which made it a loading point for the locally produced farm goods, and the first commuters.

"Ye Old Crown" is a remarkably preserved inn which has been serving wayfarers and visitors since the reign of Edward III (1327 -1377). The inn, a distinctive landmark in Edenbridge, is unmissable because of it's unique Kentish bridging sign which spans the High street. It has a known secret passage running from the pub to the church, which was used in the late 17th century by the Ransley Gang for smuggling. The first documented publican was a Mr Robert Fuller (1593), when the pub was known as Fullers House.

When the pub was renovated in 1993, the builders unearthed an old pair of shoes, which are now housed in the museum next to "Ye Old Crown." Legend goes that many of the older buildings had shoes in the walls as the people of past times believed that a pair of shoes in the wall warded off evil.


Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 September 1848.


Sept. 1, Mr. Thomas Parsons, jun., son of Mr. T. Parsons, of the "Crown Inn," Edenbridge, aged 32, deeply and deservedly regretted by by family and friends, and universally and highly respected by all who knew him.


Maidstone Telegraph - Saturday 11 October 1862.

Edenbridge. Rescue from Drowning.

On Friday evening a little boy about 9 years of age, the child of a blacksmith named Ashdown, whilst walking along the banks of the Medway, accidentally fell into the river at a deep part. A son of Mrs. Gascoigne, of the "Crown Inn," jumped in, and succeeded in bringing the little one to the bank, and Dr. Geer's services being quickly secured, the boy is in a fair way of recovery.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 10 July 1874.

Edenbridge. Assaulting An Old Man.

George Hollands, a coachman, was summoned for assaulting Jesse Jeal, at Edenbridge, on the 16th June.

Complainant, who is 73 years of age, said that on the day in question he met the defendant, opposite the "Crown Inn," at Edenbridge, who asked him how he was and also to have a glass of ale. He (witness) said he would not have any ale, but on defendant pressing him to have brandy he said he would, as that would suit him better.

Defendant then pulled him into the public house by the sleeve, and he had a glass of hot gin and water and the defendant had some whiskey. They went into the smoking room and sat down, and defendant paid for the liquor. Defendant asked him if he was not going to pay for the next, but this he refused to do, when defendant hit him three times on the head and pulled his nose, and kept him in the room for about three quarters of an hour.

Defendant, when called on for his defence, said he found the plaintiff a customer for a pony, and on the day in question he asked him what recompense he was going to give him. Complainant took him to the "Crown" to give him a glass of something, but when they got there the old man refused to pay. He denied that he committed any assault.

The Bench fined the defendant 5s. and 7s. costs or in default 14 days' imprisonment.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 10 April 1885.

Tonbridge Petty sessions. Licensing.

Mr. Doubell, of the "Crown Hotel," Edenbridge, applied for an hour's extension on the occasion of a hunt dinner at his house.

The application was granted.



SHOREY John 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PARSONS Thomas 1832-48+ (age 55 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GASGOGNE Isaac 1851-58+ (age 40 in 1851Census)

GASGOGNE Sarah 1861-62+ (age 51 in 1861Census)

DOUBELL Thomas 1869-85+ (age 52 in 1871Census)

ARNOLD Charles 1891+ (age 20 in 1891Census)

BARNES Walter 1901 (age 47 in 1901Census)

HOOKER James Jewell 1913-30+

KILPATRICK William A 1938-39+ (age 32 in 1939)

MABER Henry & Kath 1965-82+

HENNESSY Edward "Eamonn" & Irene June/2020+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-