Cannon Street (Cannon Hill 1828)
(Ordnance Place 1876)
The pub was operating under a Full License by 1872 and was owned by James
Hulkes of Frindsbury.
There is a "Cannon" listed in nearby
Brompton addressed as 16 (3) Garden Street. At present I am unsure whether
this is the same pub as that.
From the Kentish Gazette, 23 July 1839.
ROCHESTER. Awful Instance of Sudden Death.
On Wednesday morning last, about seven o’clock, a pensioner named
Parkinson, who lodged at the "Cannon" public house, went out to take a
walk, and had not proceeded more than two hundred yards where he fell
down, in High Street, Chatham, in a fit, and in a few moments life was
extinct. Medical assistance was promptly called in, but it was of no
avail. The poor man was about fifty years of age, and had only been
pensioned off a fortnight. The body was conveyed on a shutter to the "Royal
Oak," to await a coroner's inquest, which, on the following day, was
held before R. Hinde esq., coroner, when the jury returned a verdict of
"Died by the visitation of God."
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 18 February 1851.
The Recent Burglaries in Kent.
The Rochester County magistrates were engaged from Wednesday until Friday, in the
investigation of the seven burglaries committed in this County, and as will be found from
the report, will clearly proved against the three prisoners who had been apprehended by
superintendent Everist, Dundee, and Hilton, and likewise against Wilson and his wife,
keepers of the "Cannon" public house, Chatham, and Summers, the servant,
as receivers of a large proportion of the stolen property.
The three prisoners, James Clark, George Weaton, and James Thomas, was
brought up in
custody of Superintendent Everist, and being placed in the dock, were
charged with
having, on the 22nd of December last, feloniously broken open and
entered the
dwelling-house of Mr. John Byham, and stolen several articles there from.
Prosecutor, who occupies a house in the Citadel called the Towns' End,
in Chatham
Garrison, said, that on Sunday morning, 22nd of December, he discovered
that his house
has been broken into in the night. The window shutter of the scullery
was broken open,
and by that means the thieves obtained an entrance into the scullery and
kitchen. There
was some matches and a piece of candle found outside, but beyond that,
no traces of any
person. Amongst the articles stolen were two cases of mathematical
instruments value
20s., six spoons, value £2., twelve knives and 12 table forks, value
20s., a pair of boots,
value 10s., a pair of Indian rubber over-shoes, value 5s., five pairs of
lady's shoes, value
20s., five pots of jam, and the pudding which had been prepared for
Emma Stokes, widow, lodging house keeper, and dealer in clothes, living
in Union Street,
Maidstone, said she had known the prisoners Western and Clark, since the
latter end of
October last, and having occasionally, for short periods, lodged at her
house, generally
being in company together. They were there about Christmas day, at which
time they had
been absent about a fortnight, and then returned together; another man,
whom they
called "Bob" was with them at that time. Weston had on the pair of
over-shoes now
produced, and asked her to lend him a shilling on them, saying he was
very bad off. She
did so, and he told her to be sure and not part with them. About the
same time "Bob" gave
her a parcel, containing knives and forks, to take care of, and the two
cases of
mathematical instruments. They had never since asked for the things back
again. The last
time they returned to her house was on the 3rd of February, when Western
and Clark were
taken into custody, and she then gave up the knives and other things to
Superintendent Constables who searched her house.
Superintendent Everist said he knew the man alluded to buy the last
witness, and who
usually went by the name of "Black Bob." He knew him to be a companion
of the
prisoners; his name is George Turner, and he apprehended him at the
"Cannon" public
house, Chatham, on the Wednesday preceding the day on which he
apprehended the
prisoners, and who were in company with him at the time. Turner is now
in gaol awaiting
his trial for a burglary at Halling, and having lodged him in gaol in
consequence of
information he received, witness went to Stokes's lodging house on
Monday, 3rd of
February, where he found Clark and Weston, whom he took into custody.
Weston was
washing his feet at the time. He then proceeded to search the house, and
received from
the last witness several articles spoken of by her.
John Dunne, superintendent constable for the Bearsted divisions, stated
that he was
present when the two prisoners were apprehended, and in the course of
the search
afterwards, Mrs. Stokes produced the pair of over-shoes, and gave them
to him. Constable
Hills remained in position of the house during the night, the next day
discovered the two
cases of mathematical instruments, which he handed over to him. This
morning, on their
way from Maidstone to Rochester, the prisoner Clark said, if they
transported him for it,
he hoped they would send him to the Cape of Good Hope.
Thomas Fancett, Inspector of Maidstone police, produced a carving knife
and fork, which
he received from Mrs. Stokes, and which she took from a cupboard during
the search on
the 3rd of February.
Mr. Byham identified the cases of mathematical instruments and the
carving knives and
forks, and also the other knives and forks, and the over-shoes.
The prisoners, being asked in the usual form, if they wish to say
anything in answer the
charge, replied "not guilty."
Committed for trial at the assizes.
Burglary at Graveney.
The prisoners were then charged with a burglary at the "Horseshoe"
public house, at Graveney, on the 2nd instant.
Robert Gibbs, the landlord, stated that on Sunday morning, 2nd of
February, he got up
about a quarter before 6 to call the servant, and then went to bed
again; shortly
afterwards she came up to his bedroom door, and in consequence of what
she told him he
immediately got up and went downstairs. He found two squares of glass
have been taken
out of the washhouse window, and by that means the fastening to the
casement had been
undone and the party entered the house. A pair of boots, value 10s., a
sock-bottle used for
feeding lambs, value 10d., 3 metal candlesticks, valued 1s. 6., six
metal spoons, 2s., a
round frock, and other articles, were stolen. A quantity of eatables,
belonging to two of
his lodges, was also taken away. The parties left to pair of shoes
behind them.
Emma Stokes proved that the three prisoners were in company together at
her house on
Monday, 3rd instant. Thomas came there about a fortnight or three weeks
previous, and
Watson and Clark came in together on the 30th of January. Clark and
Thomas left
together on Saturday morning. Watson remind in doors all that day. About
12 o'clock on
Sunday the other two returned to her house and asked her for a dish to
put some broken
victuals into. Thomas was wearing a pair of boot shoes and a flag
basket, containing
candlesticks, sock-bottle, and other articles.
Everist produce the frock which was worn by the prisoner Thomas at the
time of his
apprehension, and which, with the boots, sock-bottle, and other
articles, found at Mrs.
Stokes's, were identified by the prosecutor at his property.
Hills produced a great coat and a pair of leggings, the former given to
him by Mrs. Stokes,
and the latter found under the counter, this morning. Both the coat and
leggings, he
stated, were quite wet.
William Eaves, a waggoner, residing with the prospector at the time of
the burglary,
identified the coat as his property, and the prisoners were committed
for trial.
Burglary at Newington.
Thomas and Harriet Wilson were next charged with receiving a quantity of
goods, which had
been stolen from Mr. Thomas Manger's house.
Prosecutor, a grocer, carrying on business at Newington, said that on
the night of the
23rd of January, his shop was entered, and the following article
stolen:- 2 sheets, value
3s., four table cloths, value 5s., 15 aprons, value 30s., three spoons
value 6s., and a
quantity of other articles were also stolen therefrom.
Everest said the prisoners kept the "Cannon" public house, in Ordnance
place, Chatham,
which is a resort for thieves. It is a general lodging house for the
lowest discrimination of
lodges. On Wednesday, 29th of January, accompanied by Carey, he went to
that house,
apprehended a man named Turner, on a charge of felony; there were then
present the two
other prisoners, and he had frequently seen reputed thieves there. On
Tuesday, 3rd of
February, witness obtained a search warrant, and with assistance
searched Wilson's
house, and in consequence of what he found apprehended both Wilson and
his wife. In a
bag in the back parlour he found 3 silver spoons, 2 towels, and apron,
and a flannel
petticoats. In a drawer in the bedroom he found a sheet, two table
cloths, and two
aprons, which Mrs. Wilson assured him were her own goods. Witness also
found two
towels in the bedroom, the door of which was locked. Whilst they were
searching, Wilson
said he would sooner give the gentleman £50 then have any bother about
it. Mr.
Hammond, of Linton, was then present, and identified many of the
articles which the
constables found. Whilst there, Mrs. Wilson asked if she was to go
before dark, and being
told that she must go as soon as possible, she said "Fetch a stretcher,"
"hang me," "leg
me," "I am guilty of all and the old man knows nothing about it," and
told them to "hang
her in chains with old Carey.
"Superintendent Hilton, of the Malling
District, who assisted
in the search, produced a pair of boots which he found in a basket in
the wash house, and
which were owned by the prisoner Wilson. Wilson was taken away before
his wife, and on
his returning to the house again, witness found Mrs. Wilson in the back
parlour behind the
bar. There was a quantity of clothes on the fire, and she had got the
poker in her hands
stirring the fire; he took the poker from her and knocked the clothes
off, and Carey
stamped the fire out with his feet.
Superintendent Boyd, of the Faversham district, who went to the "Cannon"
on the 8th
instant, with the last witness, said he took from a chest of drawers one
sheet and two
table cloths.
Police constable Carey produced several fragments of a corded petticoat,
partly burnt,
taken from the fire as described by Hilton. There was also part of an
oilskin cap, and
prosecutor stated that they were both and oilskin cap and corded
petticoat amongst the
articles stolen from his house. He told Mrs. Wilson she would burn the
house down, to
which she replied she did not care what became of her. He then went into
the tap-room
and found some ashes of burning clothes there, and in the bar an apron
which he now
Everest produced the towels, apron, petticoat, and other articles, which
was sworn to by
the prosecutor, and the prisoners were committed for trial at the
Burglary at Aylesford.
They were then charged with receiving a spoon and various articles of
wearing apparel,
knowing the same to have been stolen.
Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Green, grocer, at Aylesford, said that on
the 24th of November
last, the house was broken into and a quantity of household linen,
wearing apparel, and
other articles stolen therefrom.
Everest and Hilton produced a pair of stays, socks, and other articles
found in the
prisoners' rooms, and which were identified by Mrs. Green.
Dunne stated that on going to the "Cannon" on the 4th instant he found
Elizabeth Hudson,
the servant there, wearing an apron which proved to belong to Mrs.
Elizabeth Hudson said she had been living as servants at the "Cannon"
public house for
the last 9 months, and she brought the apron off her mistress for
sixpence. She had
likewise brought a shawl, a dress, and a pair of boots of Hannah
Summers, a female who
had been lodging in the house for a long period.
Mrs. Green identified the boots found at Wilson's, as her husband's
property, as also a
silver caddy spoon, several baby's shirts, aprons, and other articles.
The prisoners were committed for trial on this charge.
Burglary at Maidstone.
The next case was against the Wilson's, for receiving a quantity of
goods which had been
stolen from the shop of Mrs. Charles Frederick Goodenough, tobacconist,
at Maidstone.
Blanche Goodenough, wife of the prosecutor, stated that on the night of
the 18th of
January the house was burgloursely entered and a quantity of cigars,
tobacco, and other
articles were taken away, to the value of about £10 or £12. She thought
she had seen the
three prisoners who were examined yesterday, loitering about the house.
The constables produced of pipe, a dress, and a box containing about 100
cigars, together
with a small quantity of tobacco, all of which were found at the
"Canon;" the tobacco was
discovered in a coal hole wrapped up in a cloth.
Prosecutor identified the property produced, and the prisoners were
committed on this
Burglary at Rainham.
They were then charged with receiving stolen property belonging to Mr.
William Richard
Moss, of Rainham, who stated that on the morning of the 5th of January,
his house was
broken into, and several waistcoats, two coats, postage stamps, tobacco,
copper money,
together with several other articles, stolen therefrom.
Superintendent Everist produced a waistcoat which he had found at the
prisoners house, a
small jemmy and a number of keys, one bunch of which Mrs. Wilson told
him belong to
"Toothless Ned." In a box in Wilson's room he found six waistcoats
belonging to the
Superintendent Dunne produced a piece of coburg cloth, and a coat and
shawl, all of
which he found at the "Cannon," and which were identified by Mr. Moss.
They were committed on this charge.
Robbery at Sittingbourne.
The next case was that of Thomas Whibley, a linen-draper, at
Sittingbourne, who stated
that on the 6th of December last, he had about 40 yards of cotton cloth
stolen from his
shop door. He had a slight knowledge of the prisoner from there having
about 5 years ago
kept of public house at Milton.
Everest produced a portion of the cloth, which is found secreted in a
bag in the back
parlour at the "Cannon," and which was identified by the prosecutor, and
the prisoners
were committed on this charge.
The magistrates assembled this morning at 10 o'clock, when the first
case gone into was
against the Wilsons, as receivers of stolen goods, in the following.
Burglary at New Brompton.
Sarah, wife of William Edward Taylor, a smith in Chatham Dockyard,
residing at New
Brompton, stated that on the night of the first of January, their house
was entered, and
goods to the value of about £3 stolen therefrom.
Everest and Carey gave evidence as in the former cases, and produced a
tea pot, sheet,
shirt, and towel, which were identified by the prosecutor and his wife,
and the prisoners
were committed on this charge.
Burglary at Linton.
Hannah Summers, who has for several months past been lodging at the
"Cannon," was
then placed in the dock with the Wilson's, and with them charged as
receiving stolen
goods, which had, to a considerable amount, been taken from a dwelling
house of Mr.
Charles Hammond, grocer and Draper, at Linton, and many of which were
found in the
search at Wilson's.
Prosecutor proved that his house was burglurously entered on the morning
of the 27th of
December last, and goods, consisting of tea, tobacco, shawls, cigars,
dresses, clothes,
shoes, ribbons, &c, to the value of £30 or £40 taken away.
Everist stated that when he searched the house the prisoner Summers was
present, but
also Mr. Hammond, who identified many of the articles found by the
constables, and a hat
which Wilson was wearing at the time, proved to be the property of the
Dunne produced several plaid shawls which were discovered in the back
parlour, which
Wilson stated to be his own property, and that he had had them ever
since he had been
living at Milton. These, however, were identified by Mr. Hammond, and a
neck tie, which
Elizabeth Hudson, the servant, was wearing, proved to be part of the
stolen property.
Hilton produced two neck ties, which he found in Mrs. Wilson's box,
which she stated
were part of a stock she had taken some time ago, and that she would
show him the bill if
he liked. In an adjoining bedroom, on looking into a box belonging to
Hudson, witness
found two more neck ties and some cuttings of plaid, and in a jar in the
in the back
cupboard, about 3lbs. of mixed tea. He then asked Mrs. Wilson what tea
she had got,
when she showed him a small canister containing about a quarter of a
pound, which she
said was all she had got. He then showed her the jar, and she said she
had forgotten that.
Carey produced a dress which was given to him by Elizabeth Hudson during
the search,
and a pair of boots which she was wearing at the time, and which she
stated she had
Elizabeth Hudson stated that the necktie produced by Dunne was given to
her by a young
man who was lodging at the house about the 29th of December. His name
was Charles; he
came from Maidstone, and she had seen him drinking with Thomas Weston
and Clark. He
came to the house about a week before Christmas. The other neck tie was
given to her by
her mistress. Charles was there when Everist apprehended Turner, and
then went away,
but returned the next morning, when the lodgers told him the Constable
was looking for
him, and he then left and she had not seen him since. The cuttings of
plaid taken from her
dress were part of the dress she had given to Carey, and which he
brought of the prisoner
Summers for 4s., and which sum she also gave her for the shoes. She
never asked her any
questions as to where she have got them from, nor did she think that
they were stolen.
Summers denied having sold any of the articles to Hudson, and said that
she had sworn
Mr. Hammond identified several of the shawls and other property found at
the "Cannon,"
and said that when he found the hat, Wilson said he had brought it of
them for sixpence.
The three prisoners, Wilson, his wife, and Summers, were committed on
this charge.
Burglary at Teston.
On Friday morning the case gone into was against all six of the
prisoners; Clark, Thomas,
and Weston, charged with having broken into the dwelling house of Mr.
Henry Luck, at
Teston, and stolen a quantity of goods; and Wilson and his wife, and
Summers, their
servant, with receiving the same, knowing them to have been stolen.
Henry Luck, of Yalding, grocer and draper, said that on the night of
Tuesday, 10th of
December last, he slept at the house of his grandfather, Henry Luck, at
Teston, carrying on
a similar business to that of witness. During the night the tiles were
removed from the
roof, and then by the trap door an entrance was obtained into the shop,
over a part of
which he was sleeping at the time. He did not, however, hear any noise
during the night,
and between 7 and 8 o'clock the next morning it was discovered that the
premises had
been visited by thieves, and several waistcoat pieces, ribbons, gloves,
shawls, tea, and
other articles stolen.
Emma Stokes stated that the three prisoners, Weston, Thomas, and Clark,
were lodging at
her house about the time of the burglary, and that Clark gave her a pair
of gloves to take
care of for him, which proved to form part of the stock stolen from
Superintendent Everist and Hilton produced several of the waistcoat
pieces, two pieces of
ribbon, and a shawl, found amongst the goods at the "Cannon," which were
identified by
the prosecutor, and the prisoners were committed on the several charges.
In the next case the Wilson's were charged with feloniously stealing a
tablecloth, and
articles of wearing apparel from a clothes line, on the premises of
Rebecca Morgan, a
launderess, in Ordnance place, Chatham, and which had been entrusted to
her care for
washing by families on the neighbourhood, and found by the constables at
the "Cannon."
The prisoners were committed for trial on this additional case, which
completed the
Mr. Prall, on behalf of the Wilson's, applied to have that portion of
the property restored
to them for which no owners have been found, but the magistrates
declined to make any
order in the matter.
The prisoners Stokes and White, who had been taken into custody of
suspicion of being
implicated in recent felonies, were brought up and discharged.
Kentish Gazette, 11 February 1851.
MAIDSTONE. Apprehension of a Gang of Burglars.
On Monday evening, the 3rd at ten o'clock, in consequence of some
information, Superintendent Dunne, of the Bearstead
division, Superintendent Everest, of the Gravesend division, with
Inspector Faucett and P.C. Hills, of the Maidstone police,
proceeded to a lodging house in Union-Street, Maidstone, kept by a Mrs.
Stokes, upon searching which they found a great
deal of property, which it was evident, from the miscellaneous nature of
it, must have been stolen. There were three men in
the house, who gave their names as George Weston, James Clarke, and John
Thomas. They were immediately apprehended
and conveyed to the station house, and the next morning taken before our
borough magistrates, by whom they were
After their apprehension on Monday night, Superintendents Everest and
Dunne proceeded to Chatham, where they were
joined by Superintendent Milton, of the Malling division. These three,
accompanied by P.C. Carry, of the Rochester force,
continued their search and in the "Cannon" public house, Cannon-Street,
Chatham, found an immense quantity of stolen
property, evidently the proceeds of several burglaries. The landlord and
his wife, Thomas and Harriett Wilson, were
immediately taken into custody, together with a woman named Hannah
Summers, who had been acting as agent for the disposal of the stolen property. Whilst the officers were searching the
house, the landlady lighted the fires in two rooms, and
when found was in the art of burning some of the stolen property. These
three persons were taken to the station-house at
Rochester, and on Tuesday night Dunne and Everest returned to Maidstone,
and from the station-house there conveyed the
three prisoners, who had been remanded, to Chatham, where they were
locked up for the night.
On Wednesday as the prisoners, Clarke, Thomas, Heaton, Wilson and his
wife, and Hannah Summers, were placed at the bar
before the county magistrates at Rochester. The magistrates present were
the Rev George Davies, Thomas Baker, James
Smith, H Boys, and T. H. Day, Esqs.
There were 10 distinct charges of burglary against the prisoners; and
others, the burglary which took place at Mr.
Hammond's, grocer, of Linton, some short-term sense.
Evidence having been given on most of the charges the superintendents
applied for a remand, on the grounds that they
expected there would be several more charges against them.
They were accordingly reminded till Wednesday next.
When Wilson was apprehended, he was wearing one of the hats stolen from
Mr. Hammond's and some of the property found
was the proceeds of a burglary committed as recently as Saturday night
last at Graveney, near Faversham. There was a large
cart load of stolen goods removed from the "Cannon" at Chatham, beside
some found in other places; any information
respecting which from parties who have been robbed, may be obtained by
application to either of the officers above-mentioned, or at the Maidstone Police Station House.
It is considered that the prisoners already in custody are not quite
half in number of the whole gang, whose nightly
depredations for some months passed have created great alarm to
Maidstone and it's vicinity. From information, however, we
have every reason to believe that before the next examination, there
will be more, if not the whole of them in custody. The
well-known activity and vigilance of all the officers employed, is a
sufficient guarantees to the public that whatever can be done
in affecting their capture will be done.
Kentish Gazette, 18 February 1851.
MAIDSTONE. The Gang of Burglars.
Since our last report the officer, joined by Superintendent Boyd, of
Faversham division, have been indefatigably engaged in
tracing and investigating every circumstance in connection with this
daring and formidable gang of midnight burglars and
robbers, of whom another has been apprehended.
It is now very satisfactorily known that they are the parties who have
so cleverly planned and carried out the atrocious and
desperate burglaries in the dwelling houses of the following persons,
viz:- Mr. Hammond, of Linton; Mr. Luck, of Teston; Mr.
Green, of Aylesford; Mr. Goodenough, of Maidstone; Mr. Byhams, of
Gillingham; Mr. Vennell, of Chatham; Miss Wooler, of
Chatham; Mr. Gray, of Chatham; Mr. Taylor, of Gillingham; Mr. Wibly, of
Sittingbourne; Mr. Manger, of Newington; Mr. Moss,
of Rainham; Mr. Gibbs, of Graveney; Mr. Walter, of Sutton Valence, and a
burglary at Malling, besides the highway robbery
with violence committed on Mr. Hookes, of Maidstone. Some of the
property stolen in each of those cases has been found,
and is identified by the owners. Amongst the property found, and now in
the possession of the officers, is a large quantity of
drapery of every description, baby linen, table cloths, shirts, towels,
&c,. jewellery, rings, old coins, silver spoons, and in fact
something or other of every sort of domestic property.
The burglars appear not to have been at all deficient in there
profession, for they have organised themselves in such a way as
the lend one to suppose that their captain was no "inexperience
cracksman." It is a great public satisfaction to know that he
and his gang of depredators are now so safely lodged as to insure
protection for some time to come, at all events, from their
infamous attacks. The two receptacles for the proceeds of the robberies
were, the lodging-house in Maidstone, and the
"Cannon" public house at Chatham. A regular system was established of
interchanging the property stolen in the
neighbourhood of Maidstone with that of Chatham, and vice-versa. Had it
gone on much longer, in all probability our county
would have been disgraced by a repetition of the Frimley tragedy. At one
of the houses broken open, one of them stationed
himself at the foot of the stairs with a double barrel gun, resolved to
shoot anyone who appeared.
Examinations of the several prisoners have taken place before the county
magistrates, at the Clerk's office in Rochester.
After the prisoners have been remanded on the 5th instant., Henry
Stokes, the son of the keeper of the lodging house at
Maidstone, where the three prisoners were apprehended on Monday evening,
was charged with stealing a large quantity of
wearing apparel, &c., from his mother's house, which he was found
disposing of in Chatham.
William White, late of Pluckley, was remanded for further evidence.
Emma Stokes, of Maidstone, mother of the prisoner, stated that she had
last lost between £20 and £30 of goods, but she did
not charge her son with stealing them.
William White was brought up on suspicion of being concerned in the
burglary of Mr. Tropbit's at Chatham, and was
George Weston and James Clark, were charged with felony.
John Byhum, Clark to the Board of Ordnance, Chatham, occupying a house
called Town's-end, in the garrison of Chatham
and parish of Gillingham, said, I missed 6 spoons, value £2; 12 knives
and 12 forks; one pair of boots, and other articles.
Emma Stokes, examined:- I live in Union Street, Maidstone, and deal in
clothes. I let lodgings. The two prisoners have lodged
at my house on various occasions. Weston gave me the shoes produce, and
said he was very bad off, and asked me to lend
him a shilling on them. A man called Bob Turner gave me a parcel of
knives and forks the take care of for him, and also two
cases of mathematical instruments. They have neither asked me for the
things back again.
Superintendent Everest, Gravesend district:- I know a man called "Black
Bob," and know him to be a companion of the two
prisoners. he is now in gaol for trial under the name of George Turner.
He had been apprehended at the "Cannon,"
Chatham. The two prisoners were in his company at the time. In
consequence of information I received after placing Turner
in gaol, I went to Mrs. Stokes lodging house in Maidstone, with
Superintendent Dunns and other assistance. Clarke was there
whom I told I should take into custody on charges of burglary. He told
me there was some one in the back room whom I
wanted. I went into the washhouse and found Weston there washing his
feet. I apprehended him, I received the knives and
forks produced from last witness. I assisted in a search, and found
several other articles.
The police officers having testify to their apprehending the prisoners,
they were committed for trial at the assizes.
James Thomas, James Clarke, and George Weston were charged with a
burglary at Graveney, on the 2nd February.
Robert Gibbs:- I keep the "Horseshoe" at Graveney; had his house broken
into on the morning of Sunday, 2nd of February,
missed a pair of boots, 3 candlesticks, 6 spoons, and other property. I
did not find any tracks of the parties who broke into my
house, with the exception of two pairs of shoes which they left behind.
Emma Stokes:- I remember the three prisoners being in my home on Monday,
3rd of February. Clarke and Weston came
there on Thursday previous together. Thomas had been lodging there for
about a fortnite or three weeks. Clarke and Thomas
went away on Saturday morning. Weston stayed all that day. The other two
came back about 12 on Sunday morning. They
joined Weston, they ask for a dish to put some broken victuals in, also
for some boiling water. The prisoners Lodge together
that night, and were there all day on Monday. In the evening Thomas
brought a coat, two pairs of bootsshoes, a flag basket
with some things to it, which I heard rattle, which he asked me to take
care of till the morning. The constables came in about
20-minutes after, and took the prisoners into custody, when I gave up
the various articles to them.
William Eve identified some of the articles belonging to him. Committed
for trial at Assizes.
Thomas and Harriet Wilson were charged with having in their possession
two sheets and other articles, knowing them to have
been stolen.
Thomas Manger, a grocer, living at Newington, stated:- On the night of
23rd January, my house was broken into, and 2
sheets, 4 table-cloths, 13 aprons, and other articles, were stolen.
Superintendent Everest:- The prisoners keep the "Cannon" public house,
Chatham. I apprehended the prisoners; found the
spoons produced, in a bag in Mrs. Wilson's back parlour; also two spoons
and other things in the same room. There was a
quantity of linen in a drawer in a bedroom, which I did not bring away
with me then. Mrs. Wilson assured me they were all
her own; Mr. Wilson said the things which I found down stairs were his
property. Found two towels in the prisoners bedroom,
the door of which was locked. While we were searching on the 4th of
February Mr. Hammond, of Linton, was there owning
some of the property. Told Mrs. Wilson she must go with us, and she
said. "Must I go before dark?" I said as soon as possible.
She then said, "Fetch a stretcher. Hang me, lag me, I'm guilty of all,
and the old man knows nothing about it," and told us to
hang her in her chains with old Cary. I have been two or three times
since to search the house in consequence of further
Police Constable Vurry, Rochester force:- I produce several fragments of
partly burnt petticoats and other articles. I took them
off the fireplace all in a blaze. Mrs. Wilson was burning them during
the search on the 4th February. Committed for trial.
They were then charged with receiving a spoon and various articles of
wearing apparel, knowing the same to have been
Elizabeth Green, wife of John Green, grocer, at Aylesford:- On the 24th
November, my house was broken into late and several
articles of wearing apparel stolen.
Superintendent Bilton, and P.C. Carey having found some of the articles
during the search.
Mrs. Green identify the whole of the articles produced as being her
property:- Committed for trial on this charge also.
Thomas and Harriet Wilson were charged with receiving goods to the value
of £3, which had been stolen from the house of
Edward Taylor, at New Brompton in the parish of Gillingham, on the 1st
of Jan., they well knowing the same to have been
stolen:- Committed for trial.
The prisoners were then charged, together with Hannar Summers, with
receiving various articles, knowing them to have been
Charles Hammond, a grocer at Linton, examined:- On the morning of the
27th December last, my house was broken into, and
goods consisting of tea, cigars, dresses, shawls, cloaks, and other
articles, to the value of £30 or £40 were taken away.
Found some of the property at the "Cannon" in Chatham.
They were committed for trial.
Thomas and Harriet Wilson were then charged with having received goods
which had been stolen from Mr. Goodenough's, at
Maidstone:- Committed for trial.
They were then charged with Having receive stolen property, which was
stolen from Rainham, and were also committed on
this charge.
They will then charged with receiving stolen property from
Thomas Whebley:- I am a draper at Sittingbourne. About 40 yards of
cotton cloth was stolen from my shop door on 5th
December. I do not know by whom it was stolen. I have a slight knowledge
of the two prisoners, who kept a public house of
Milton five or six years ago.
Superintendent Everest:- I found the cloth produced in the back parlour
of the "Cannon," in a bag. It was owned by Mr.
Wilson:- Committed for trial.
It is said that there are already 22 distinct charges of burglary
against the prisoners - besides 2 for highway robbery.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 25 March 1851.
The Rochester and Maidstone Gang of Burglars.
James Clark, 34, was indicted for housebreaking, and stealing 6 gloves,
30 yards of ribbon, 12 waistcoat pieces, 3 yards of Jean, and 15 shawls,
value £5 1s., the property of Henry Luck, at Teston.
Thomas Wilson, 55, victualler, Harriet Wilson, 50, and Hannah Summers,
34, for receiving the same, knowing it to be stolen.
The Hon. G. Denman conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Horn defended the
The house of prosecutor was broken open on the 10th December, and the
above property stolen. The prosecution was principally supported or the
evidence of an accomplice named Turner, who went with Clarke
(corroborated by other evidence,) and two other men from the house of
Mrs. Stokes, in Union Street, Maidstone, where they had been lodging, to
Teston, very early in the morning of the robbery, after which they went
to the house of Wilson, who keeps the "Cannon" public house in Chatham,
and disposed of the property to Harriet Wilson. Clarke was apprehended
by Everest, the superintending-constable, at Mrs. Stokes's, and on
searching the house of Wilson, part of the property was found.
Clarke and Harriet Wilson were found guilty; Thomas Wilson was
acquitted. Clarke been previously convicted of felony.
Thomas and Harriet Wilson were also convicted of receiving 7 waistcoats
and one coat, value £1 15s., the property of William Richard Moss, at
James Thomas, 31 was convicted of burglary, and stealing two shoes, one
metal bottle, three candlesticks and other articles, value 13s. 8d., the
property of Robert Gibbs, and one coat, two other shoes, one knife, and
one basket, value 10s. 10d., the property of William Eve at Graveney.
James Clark, James Thomas, Thomas Wilson, Harriet Wilson, and George
Turner, for accomplice, who have pleaded guilty to an indignant for
burglary at Halling, were them placed at the bar, and sentenced as
follows:- Clarke and Thomas, transported for life; Thomas and Harriet
Wilson, transported for 14 years; Turner, six months' hard labour.
There were several other indictments against the Wilson's, which were
not proceeded with. We shall give a full report of the trial in our
From the Kentish Gazette, 28 July 1857.
County Bench — July 20.
Edward Mott, landlord of the "Cannon," Ordnance-place, was
charged with assaulting George Baldock, at Chatham, on the 16th
Fined £2 and 17s. costs.
Kent Times, 25 January 1862.
Petty Sessions. Town Hall, Wednesday. Before Arthur Pott, Esq.
(chairman), H. T. Moore and Charles Powell, Esqrs., and Major
Harriett Wilson was fined 5s. and 9s. costs, for suffering gaming
in her beerhouse on the 11th inst.
From the Rochester and Chatham Journal and Mid-Kent Advertiser,
Saturday, September 2, 1876.
The "Cannon."
Mr. Prall asked for a licence for the "Cannon," Ordnance place. The
house had formerly had a licence, but through the misconduct of the
tenant it was forfeited. He never applied in behalf of the owner.
There was no opposition, and the magistrates granted the licence subject
to confirmation.
HADNANT John 1828+

TASSELL Charles 1832+

WITHY Ann 1840+
WILSON Thomas to Feb/1851
BUTLER Edward 1851+ (age 50 in 1851 )

MOTT Edwin 1857-58+
WILSON Harriet 1862+
DITCHBURN William 1872+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Records 1872