Written By: Edward James Gilbert-Thunder Bay, Ontario, 25 December, 2016.
There have been two public houses in Southborough called The Bell Inn.
The oldest one, referred to in the Southborough Newsletter Winter 1998
as The ‘Old Bell Inn’ stood just west of the London Road, near the
present Fountain from before 1737 to about 1800. ‘The New Bell Inn’
which is the subject of this article, was located on the east side of
London Road (No. 139) just south of the Town Council Offices. This
public house dated from about 1851 and continued as a pub until its
closure in March 1997.
This pub had had a number of licensed victuallers over the years namely
Mrs M. A. Latter in he 1860’s; L. J. Breeze in the 1880’s, and from about
1889 to 1903 William John Douch. Frederick Tanner ran the pub in the
period of 1918-1922 and after him up to at least 1938 was H. Lawrence.
The pub has had a number of owners also, including Leney’s in the early
20th century; in the Fremlins 1950’s and Whitbread’s in the 1960’s and
at the time of its closure it was owned by Shepherd Neame Ltd.
After the pub closed it’s windows had been boarded up for some ten years
and was a blight on the landscape. In 1998 Shepherd Neame made
application to put a new shop front on the building and provide parking.
Permission was not granted due to traffic concerns created by what they
believe would be a convenience store. Shepherd Neame then sold the site
to Tesco. Tesco, who ran an ‘Express Store’ in Southborough, bought the
old pub site with the intention of demolishing it and construction a
superstore, but when their application for approval came before Council
in, March 2012, there was strong opposition to it. As a result Tesco
sold the site to Kent County Council. The Bell Inn was demolished and
the site cleared ready for development as part of the Southborough Hub
redevelopment of the area which was to consist of a large building in
which would be housed a library, Council offices, a theatre, and various
other uses. To date the redevelopment proposal has not gone ahead and
has been met with some local opposition.
Shown above is the oldest known image of the pub and below it is a 20th
century photograph of London Road on which it can also be seen.

The Bell Inn was located on the east side of London Road at No. 139. The
location of the pub is labelled on the 1998 plan shown below. The map
shows it next door to the Council Offices on the south and next to the
Council Offices is the landmark building, the Royal Victoria Hall.
 London Road was and is a busy commercial district in Southborough and no
doubt the pub did a good trade. One person who lived across the road
from the pub and frequented it said “It became a rough place and often
there were fights there”.
The pub has had a number of owners, including Leney’s in the early 20th
century; Fremlins in the 1950’s and Whitbread’s in the 1960’s and at the
time of its closure in March 1997 it was owned by Sheperd Neame Ltd.
Some examples of their pub signs are given below.

Above sign
left, 1967, sign right, date 1980s.
Above sign, date 2000s.
The Southborough Society Newsletter of Winter 1998 stated “'The New
Bell Inn', was located on the east side of London Road (No. 139) just
south of the Town Council Offices. This public house dated from about
1851 and continued as a pub until its closure in March 1997. An earlier
pub of the same name is described in the ‘Overview’ above, which
description is from the same source.
Shown below are some other images of the pub when boarded up and one
showing its demolition.
 A review of Planning Applications shows that in 1977 an application was
approved for the installation of an Illuminated sign on the pub. In
1998 Shepard Neame Ltd, who owned the building submitted an application
requesting approval for a new shop front with parking for twelve
vehicles. This application was met with resistance and as a result it
was not initially approved over concerns that the pub was to be
converted into a convenience store. However approval was given January
8,1999 although it appears that the work did not go ahead. A letter in
the files pertaining to this application dated January 29,1999 stated “The Bell Inn has for the past few years been a derelict eyesore in Southborough attracting vandalism and creating a health hazard. Although
some work had been carried out to try to secure the building and remove
the tiles from the roof the entire site is still very unattractive and a
health hazard” signed Paul Russsell, Town Clerk.
Shown below is a set of architects plans relating to this application
which shows existing the proposed elevations of the building.
 Shepherd Neame Ltd sold the building to Tesco, who had a building in
Southborough already. Tesco proposed to construct a superstore in the
former Bell Inn site. In 2002 an application was made to gain approval
for the ‘erection of a local convenience food store with associated
parking but permission was refused.
Tesco, seeing that they would have to make other plans for their
operations in Southborough sold the Bell Inn Site to Kent County
Council. An article dated July 6, 2016 entitled ‘Southborough Hub Moves
Forward’ stated ‘The Tesco site that has been boarded up for over a
decade has been bought by the Kent County Council, in the latest step
towards delivering the Southborough Hub project. The supermarket giant
previously wanted to build a new store on the site, formerly the home of
the Bell Inn, but have now sold it to Council”. The Southborough Hub
project (image below) referred to was described in other articles as
a facility that would house the Council Offices, a library, theatre,
meeting rooms, storage and also the St Andrew’s Medical Clinic.
Some opposition to this project has presented it from going ahead at this
time and all that remains on the site of the Bell Inn is a patch of
barren ground. The sticking point in proceeding with this development is
that the old council offices and more significantly the Royal Victoria
Hall need to be demolished and since the latter building has historical
importance, there is great opposition to it being demolished.
However, since the above was written, Ian Kinghorn, Vice Chairman of
the Southborough Society tells me the following:- Planning
approval to build the Southborough Hub was granted by Tunbridge Wells
Borough Council Planning Committee in February 2019 and work on the
building of the Southborough Hub will start in June 2019 with completion
due in late summer 2020.
He kindly also sent me a CGI of what the Southborough Hub will look
like when built in 2020. The design shown above was from a previous
design that was superseded some two years ago.