Page Updated:- Sunday, 21 July, 2024.


Earliest 1828-

Red Cross

Latest ????

(Name to)


Keston Mark

Keston Mark postcard, 1903

Above postcard, 1903, kindly sent by James Fribbins.

Red Cross

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Shirley Emery.

Red Cross

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Shirley Emery.

Red Cross

Above painting before 1929, when the name "Red Cross" could not be used for a pub name as it contravened the Geneva convention.


I have just added this pub to that list but your help is definitely needed regarding it's history.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 August 1837.



AT Garraway’s Coffee House, ’Change Alley, Cornhill, LONDON, on THURSDAY, 17th August, 1837, at Twelve o’clock, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract; an excellent FREEHOLD OLD-ESTABLISHED INN, with yard, garden, stabling, and SIX ACRES of excellent MEADOW LAND, well known as the "Red Cross," most desirably situate at KESTON, near BROMLEY, Kent.

The Premises are in good repair, and doing a fair business, which, by attention, may be considerably increased, are situate at the division of four roads, on the high road to Westerham, and command most extensive views of the surrounding country; are distant from Bromley 3 miles, from Croydon 8, and from London 13 miles. In addition to other advantages arising from the purchase of the property, the party will he entitled to a Vote for the Western Division of Kent. The Land Tax is redeemed, and, if required, the sum of £800 may be had on Mortgage of the Property, at 5 per cent.

May be viewed, and particulars had of Messrs. Parkers, Solicitors, Lewisham, Kent; upon the Premises; at Garraway’s; and of the Auctioneer, &c. 7, Union-street, Southwark, London.


Kentish Gazette, 2 January 1844.

Death from Witchcraft.

On Friday an inquest was held before Mr. C. J. Carttar, pursuant to an adjournment, at the "Red Cross Inn," Keston, near Farnborough, Kent, on view of the body of Miss Charlotte Chapman, a very handsome girl, the daughter of Mr. Henry Chapman, schoolmaster, of that place, who was found in one of the ponds at the source of the river Ravensbourne, Keston-common.

The father of the young lady said, that he believed it had been purely her own act during a fit of temporary derangement. She was invariably treated most affectionately by all at home. He could not account for her state of mind. Had often spoken to her, but she was always silent. Since her death he had been told by the family that about 15 months ago she went with a party to Greenwich, and was induced, against her will, to have her fortune told, and that the party told her "she would not die a natural death."

The coroner gave an able summary of the case, and the jury returned a verdict that deceased committed suicide during a fit of temporary insanity.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 21 October 1867.

Robbery from the Person.

Charles Bowen and Henry Bryant, labourers, were indicted for stealing a purse, containing £2. 19d. from the person of George Chapman, at the "Red Cross" public house, at Keston, on the 7th October.

Mr. Wolseley prosecuted and Mr. Dering defended Bryant.

Prosecutor and the two prisoners were drinking together at the public house. Prosecuted went to sleep about 7 o'clock in the evening, having in his pocket a purse, containing £2 19s. Some time afterwards he was awoke, and told that he had been robbed. He then searched his pockets, and found that his purse and some other things were stolen. The purse was afterwards returned to him by Bowen, but it contained only £2. The only evidence against Bryant was that of one witness, who said he looked through the window of the room in which the men were, and saw both prisoners rifling prosecutors pockets.

Bowen said the purse was given to him by Bryant, and he afterwards searched prosecutors pockets for the purpose of taking care of whatever he could find for him. He, however, found no more money, and he afterwards gave back the purse and money to the prosecutor.

The jury found both prisoners guilty, and they were sentenced to 4 months' hard labour each.


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

KESTON CROSS. Bromley, Kent.

The sign was a large red cross on a white ground upon a house situated at Keston hamlet. Seen for a considerable distance it has become a noted landmark for travellers.




YOUNG Samuel 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

HAYNES Edward 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GORDON John 1851-52 dec'd (age 49 in 1851Census)

GORDON Ann (widow) 1852-58 (age 55 in 1851Census)

COOK William 1858+

BENNETT William 1861+ (age 38 in 1861Census)

WOODHAM William Hen 1862+

WELCH Alfred 1874+

HOARE Francis 1881-82+ (age 36 in 1881Census)

CLUTTERBUCK John 1891-95 dec'd (age 53 in 1891Census)

CLUTTERBUCK Ann 1901+ (widow age 51 in 1901Census)

HADDEN Henry 1903-30+ (age 44 in 1911Census) Kelly's 1903


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-