Page Updated:- Thursday, 23 January, 2025.


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Mayor's Arms

Latest ????

63 Ospringe Street


Mayor's Arms 1915

Above postcard 1915. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Mayor's Arms

Above postcard, date unknown.

Mayors Arms 1950

Regulars on a trip to Hastings, photo includes Mrs. Gammon, Mr. & Mrs. Stockwell, Ernie Shepherd, Babs & Joe Chislett, and George & Sylvia Holbrook. Circa 1950.

Mayor's Arms 2015

Above Google image August 2015.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 20 August 1887.


Douglas Hills, a boy about 12 years of age, son of Mr. Hills, landlord at the "Mayor's Arms" Ospringe, met with a serious mishap on Wednesday last. It appears that he left Faversham for Whitstable by the 2.20 train, and shortly afterwards he was found by a ganger named Rains, lying, in an unconscious state, in the sixfoot between the two lines of rails at Graveney. How he came there is not certain, for at the time of writing he was not in a condition to give any account of the accident. That he fell out of the carriage whilst the train was travelling there is no doubt, but whether he opened the door himself, or it had been inadvertently left unfastened, is not known. When found he was bleeding from the head, and had every appearance of having sustained very serious injuries. Raine stopped the 1.15 train from Ramsgate and sent him to Faversham in charge of the guard. On his arrival here Mr. Goymer, the station master, sent for Dr. Gange, but he was not at home. Meanwhile, however, it was, ascertained who the lad was, and Mr. Goymer deemed it expedient to send him to his home without delay. A conveyance was accordingly procured, and he was taken to Ospringe. His parents immediately sent for Dr. Lyddon, who promptly attended, and upon examination it was found that the unfortunate boy was suffering from concussion of the brain, and that his head, face, and hands were badly cut. It is also feared that the fall resulted in spinal injury. Dr. Lyddon visited him a second time later in the day, when he was still insensible. On Thursday, when the doctor paid his third visit, the lad was beginning to show signs of returning consciousness, and he is now going on as favourably as can be expected, though a considerable time must, it is feared, elapse before he recovers from the effects of the injuries. We may add that on the arrival of the train at Whitstable the boy's hat and umbrella were found in an unoccupied compartment of a third class carriage, the door of which was open.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 15 September 1894.


John Shepherd, labourer, of Whiting's Square, Ospringe, and Ann Shepherd, his wife, were summoned for wilfully neglecting four of their children, viz., Walter, aged 10 years; Louisa, 7; John, 5; and George, 4.

Mr. F. Johnson appeared to prosecute on behalf of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Both defendants pleaded not guilty.

Mr. Johnson detailed the facts of the case, which were afterwards brought out in evidence. He said he wished to press the charge very strongly against the woman, so as it might be a lesson to neglecting mothers in the future, but did not think it necessary to press so heavily against the man. He characterised the case as a dreadful one, and he did not believe that people had any idea that such a horrible state of things existed so near their Town Hall.

Inspector John J. Browne, N.S.P.C.C., stationed at Canterbury, stated that on the 28th of August last, he visited the house in which defendants lived, and for which they paid 2s. 6d. a week. The male defendant was employed at the Powder Works, and earned 15s. a week; he had a son, who earned 7s. a week and there had been a step son lodging with the family, paying 10s. a week. Witness found that the house had but little furniture in it, the kitchen contained a table and three chairs. There were three wooden bedsteads and one small cot in the house. On the beds were mattresses, made of sacking, stuffed with chaff, and three were alive with fleas. The only bed covering he could find was a sheet hanging on a line, and an old coat. The stench in the house was disgraceful, and made him vomit. When he came out he was alive with fleas, and the woman asked him if he would like a brush to brush them off. In the whole of his experience he had never seen a house in such as beastly state. He saw the four children, who were fairly well nourished, but their clothing was dilapidated. The girl's head was full of vermin, and when he touched her hair with his stick they dropped on to the floor. The three other children's heads were also full of parasites. He examined the body of the boy Walter, and it had the appearance of not having been washed for months. The bodies of the other children were covered with scratches, as if they had been irritated. He asked the mother if there was any special reason why the children could be in the condition he found them, and she replied that she "did not know." He waited to see the father, and asked him if he knew of the children's state, and he answered "I know the house was dirty, but did not know the children were so bad."

Instructing Constable Barnard, who visited the house with Inspector Browne, gave corroborative evidence.

Elizabeth Fuller, house-keeper to Mr. Hills, of the "Mayor's Arms," gave evidence that the defendant's spent at her master's house, on an average, 3s. 7 1/2d. per week for beer.

Mr. Henry Etherington, agent for the house in which Shepherd and his wife live, stated that he had had occasion to speak to the defendant as to the dirty condition of the outside of their house.

Dr. C. J. Evars, Faversham, stated that on the 20th August, at the request of Inspector Browne, he examined the four children. He found them fairly well nourished but very dirty. Their hair was full of parasites, more especially the girl's. Their bodies were covered with marks of bites of vermin, and of irritation and scratching. The clothing was old, but not insufficient. The room in which the children slept was certainly not fit for human habitation. The bedding was torn and unfit to lie upon. Constantly sleeping in the room would be likely to injure the health of the children. Living under such conditions, he should not be surprised to hear that another of defendant’s children was in Canterbury Hospital suffering from consumption.

The male defendant had nothing to say in defence, while his wife admitted that she knew the children were dirty, but asked not to be dealt with severely.

The magistrates retired to consider their decision, and on returning into Court the Chairman, who was greatly moved, and spoke at times with difficulty, said the case was an important one, as it was the first of the kind that had been brought before this Bench. They had considered their decision in private, as they felt certain that now the movement had been started it would be to a great extent be carried out. He would, however, suggest to the Society in future to use extreme caution, ad not follow cases too strictly or too closely, or no doubt there would arise a certain amount of feeling against the officers, and make the Society less beneficial than it otherwise would be. In the punishment they had decided to inflict, persons must not think that the magistrates had gone to the full extent of their power in such cases. Before mentioning what the punishment was, he wished to express his deep regret that such a sad state of things should exist in an English household, where it was supposed that whatever failings a mother might have she would attend to the health of her children. It did seem a very sad thing that these children should not have had the attention which even the idlest of mothers might be expected to bestow. Looking at the fact that, in the present case, there was not the actual element of cruelty, the woman would be sentenced to three weeks' imprisonment. With regard to the man, he would be fined 10s., or seven days' imprisonment, and in order not to press too much upon his wages the costs would be remitted.


Dover Express, Friday 09 February 1906.


The Faversham County Bench of Magistrates gave notice at their meeting on Thursday that they should object to the renewal of the following licenses:- The "Dolphin", "Three Squirrels," the "Ship" ale houses at Boughton; the "Swan" ale house at Lynsted; the "Crown" ale house and the "Mayor's Arms" beer-houses at Ospringe; the "Rose" beer-house at Teynham; the "Scots Greys" beer house at Throwley; and the beer off-license held by Mr. Philpott at Davington.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 22 April 1933.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carey, of the "Mayor's Arms," Ospringe, celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday in last week. Mr. Carey, who is 71, is a native of Iden, Rye, and Mrs. Carey, who is 73 belongs to Whitcombe, Dorset, where they were married in 1883 by the Rev. W. L. Barnes, who was known as the Dorset poet. For twelve years they carried on a general business at Gillingham, and in 1913 they came to Ospringe and took the "Mayor's Arms," which during their tenancy was entirely rebuilt. In 1928 Mr. Carey retired and his eldest son, Mr. Ernest Carey, took over the house. Their second son, Sidney, is a draftsman at the Admiralty, and they also have two daughters. Their grandchildren number seven and there are two great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Carey celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of their marriage by a wedding breakfast to which sixteen sat down.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 11 February 1949.

Alfred Worster, "Bottle House," Penshurst who asked for a full licence, had his application refused pending arrangements for re-building.




HILLS Horace 1887-Sept/97+ (also carpenter and wheelwright aged 52 in 1891Census)

HILLS Alice Sept/1897+ Whitstable Times

HILLS Edwin 1901+ (age 63 in 1901Census)

HILLS Alice 1911-13+ (widow age 62 in 1911Census)

CAREY Herbert 1913-Aug/28 Whitstable Times

CAREY Ernest Herbert (son) Aug/1928-33+ Whitstable Times

WALKER C H 1938+

SIMMONS Ernest 1939+ (age 49 in 1939)

WORSTER Alfred 1949+


Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-