Page Updated:- Monday, 22 July, 2024.


Earliest  1579-

Ship Hotel

Open 2020+

High Street

New Romney

01797 362776

Ship Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Ship Hotel regulars

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Ship Hotel 1940

Above photo, 1940.

Ship 1940

Above photo 1940, taken from accessed March 2021. Close up copy.

Ship Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel outing

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Ship Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Ship Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Ship Hotel 2010

Above photo 2009 by Oast House Archives Creative Commons Licence.

Ship Hotel sign 1991Ship Hotel sign 2010

Above sign, March 1991, sign left, 2010.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Ship card 1955Ship card 1955

Above card issued April 1955. Sign series 5 number 39.

Ship Inn card

Above card, date unknown.


The original "Ship" was built of mainly ship timber brought from the old port of New Romney. The first recorded keeper is one Thomas Banne, who is described as an "ostler" of the parish of Romney. The inn is mentioned in the will of Samuel Dunstare in 1579.

In 1662 it is recorded that the inn underwent extensive alteration, the thatch, wattle and daub was removed in part and replaced with tiles and bricks. The present facade was erected in 1728. At the height of the coaching era of the mid to late eighteenth century, The "Ship" was an established coach halt being situated on the main Rye to Dover route, and is mentioned as a compulsory stop in the timetable of 1802. More recently In the 20th century the cellar was also used as a public air-raid shelter in World War II.


From the Kentish Gazette, 3 February, 1773. Price 1½d.

On Saturday the 6th of February to be SOLD by AUCTION. At Two o'clock in the Afternoon, at the “SHIP INN,” at ROMNEY.

About 12 or 13 Hundred of Deals and Battens, 24 Oars, and 2 Spars; Being Part of the Cargo saved out of the Sloop, Double Trocq, P. E. Pizia, Master, stranded at Romney the 12th of November, 1771.

Enquire of Messrs. Minet and Fector, at Dover, or of Mr. John Shoosmith, at Lydd.


Kentish Gazette 31 December 1802.

On Thursday last William Atkins, who was apprehended for breaking upon the storehouse, at the "Ship Inn" at Romney, as mentioned in a former paper, was fully committed to take his trial at the next sessions at that place.


Kentish Gazette 4 February 1803.

Monday at the Sessions holden at the Town and Port of New Romney, William Atkins for a burglary at the "Ship Inn," and stealing thereout four watches, the properly of Nathan Abrahams, and sundry other articles, was sentenced to death.


Kentish Gazette 22 February 1803.

We hear from New Romney Gaol, that William Atkins, under sentence of death for burglary, has received his Majesty’s pardon, upon condition of his being transported for life to New South Wales.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 April 1839.


TO the, "Ship Inn," New Romney, on the 20th March last, a handsome POINTER BITCH, white with brown spots one larger ditto on the back, the head and ears brown, with the exception of a slip of white down the face.

Application, post paid, to the Ostler, will be attended to; and if owned, all expenses to be paid; if not owned within a month, she will be sold to defray expenses.

New Romney, 13th April. 1839.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 5 June 1847.

New Romney.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Holmes, for many years landlord of the "Ship Inn," Dymchurch, which was occasioned by the accident reported in our last. It appears that he was returning from Ashford fair, the horse shied at something in the road, and stopping suddenly he was jerked out of his cart, the wheels of which passed over him and fractured his spine. He lingered until Friday last, when death put an end to his sufferings. The deceased was in his 65th year.


Kentish Gazette, 31 December 1850.

Caution to Servants.

A short time since, three boxes of wearing apparel were left at the "Ship Inn," New Romney, by the Tenterden carrier, to be forwarded by another conveyance as directed; but when the boxes were wanted, they could not be found, and from certain circumstances suspicion fell upon the female servant. The policeman was sent for, and the boxes were found in her bedroom, the contents of which she had partly abstracted and applied to her own use. On being taken into custody, she contrived to make her escape, without bonnet or shawl, and in this this state waded through the mud to the house of her parents about seven miles distance, in the dead of the night. In the morning, Williamson, the policeman, was sent after her, and found her at their house, with more of the stolen property. The girl with the goods, was then taken back to Romney, and put undercharge of the gaoler, to await her examination. During this interval it was discovered that the landlord of the house had also been robbed; again the policeman went to the parents’ house, and there found sundry missing articles; the father of the girl was then conveyed to Romney, on suspicion of knowingly receiving this portion of the stolen property. On Saturday they both underwent a long examination and were ultimately committed for trial. Let this prove a warning to all servants. What trouble this silly girl has brought on herself and aged parents by her misconduct!


Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald, Saturday 6 October 1928.

Romney Marsh Punch Bowl.

Romney Marsh Punch Bowl

The ownership of the punch bowl formerly used by the jurats of the Romney Marsh is the subject of a difference of opinion between the licensee of the "Ship Inn," where the bowl has been kept for many years, and the Romney Marsh Corporation.

From the Dover Express, Thursday 8 August 2019. FRANKIE JULIAN

Ship 2019

Ship relaunched after £100k refurbishment.

AN historic 15th century pub and hotel has reopened following a £100,000 refurbishment.

Work on the Ship Hotel, in New Romney High Street, took five weeks to complete and involved a full refurbishment of the bar area and redecoration of the patio.

A new snug area was created where the cellar was formerly located, with the cellar itself being repositioned in an outbuilding.

Pub licensees Katrina and Toby Strickett also oversaw a refurbishment of the hotel's accommodation, which comprises ten en suite rooms.

Nigel Bunting, director of retail and tenanted operations, said: “We are delighted that this wonderful venue has been given a new lease of life. It has been an historic part of New Romney life for hundreds of years and we feel sure that it will continue to be so for many to come.

The Ship, which has been Grade II Listed since 1951, has traded at its High Street site since the 15th century and the original structure was built largely from recovered ship timbers.

It underwent extensive rebuilding in the mid-17th century, much of which survives today, and during the 18th century was an important coaching stop on the Rye to Dover route.



POCOCK Mr 1785+ Kentish Gazette

PREBBLE John 1828-41+ (age 60 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HOLMES Mr to June/1847 dec'd

PREBBLE John 1851+ (age 70 in 1851Census)

RAYNER Henry 1861+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

HUTCHINSON James 1871-81+ (age 53 in 1881Census)

JEGGO F J ????


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-