Sort file:- Ashford, August, 2024.

Page Updated Ashford:- Tuesday, 06 August, 2024.


Earliest 1862-

Coach and Horses

Demolished 1975

26 Hamstead Street / Drum Lane


Coach and Horses

Above photo, date unknown.

Coach and Horses

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Ashford Museum.

Edward & Lily Cager

Above photo showing licensees Edward & Lily Cager, date unknown.

Coach and Horses location 2015

Above Google image, July 2015. I believe to be the closest I can get to the same location the pub used to stand.

Coach and Horses location 2015

Above Google image, July 2015. Similar shot to above.


South Eastern Gazette 02 September 1862.


During Wednesday night the "Coach and Horses," Drum-lane, was burglariously entered. An entrance was effected by breaking a pane in the window of a back room which looked into the stable yard, and so undoing the fastening. The thieves appear, on entering to have taken some boxes of matches from a cupboard, in order to provide themselves with a light, and they then went and opened a desk, which stood in the room; but Mrs. Oakenfull, the landlady, had fortunately taken all the cash out before going to bed. The thieves, however, very coolly rallied themselves with the provisions in the cupboard, leaving the bones of some meat picked very clean, in a chair. There were also traces of their having helped themselves very plentifully to the beer. The only property missing, in addition to the provisions, was about a pound of tobacco and cigars, 4s. of copper from the till, and some under clothing; the thieves not attempting to force their way from the bar to the other parts of the house. The police believe the robbery was committed by some person who knew the premises.


Kentish Gazette 07 March 1865.


On Thursday evening Mrs. Oakenfull, landlady of the "Coach and Horses," expired in a very sudden manner. She had been bustling about during the day, and appeared in her usual health; but when sitting in her chair at tea she fell back and died. Mrs. Oakenfull was subject to disease of the heart, and it was anticipated that her end would be a sudden one.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 6 July 1867. Price 1d.


Fred Humptone, John Hills and Alfred Head, were charged with stealing a purse containing £12, from the person of Albert Hollands, at Ashford, on the 28th of April.

Mr. Biron appeared for the prosecutor, and Mr. Barrow for the prisoner Head.

The prosecutor deposed:- I am a butcher residing at Lydd. On Tuesday, the 23rd of April, I was at Ashford, and went to the “Coach and Horses.” I had a bag with me containing about £13. I saw prisoners there and gave them some beer. That was about 12 o'clock.

Cross-examined:- I arrived at Ashford about 8 o'clock in the morning. After going into a coffee house I went into the “Elephant and Castle,” where I had something to drink. I was there about an hour. I went from the “Elephant and Castle” to the “Coach and Horses.” There was £13 in the bag when I left Hastings. I went to the market but did not spend any money there.

Cross-examined:- I did not go to the “Market Inn” that morning. Prisoner Hills wanted to come to work for me, but I made no arrangements with him.

John Fowler, a builder, of Ashford, said he looked in his yard on the morning of the 23rd April, and found a blue bag (produced) which he gave to a policeman.

John Foord deposed that he was at the “Coach and Horses” on the 23rd of April, and saw Hills and Head there. Humpstone came afterwards. The other two were in there drinking. Witness saw prosecutor take out a 2s. piece or 2s. 6d. from his purse. He gave it to Head to get some beer. When Head came back he took his shoe off, and some money came out of his boots. Prosecutor took out his purse again, and Hills knocked it, and 1s. and a 2s. piece fell out of it. Hills then took the purse from the prosecutor, and went out of the house.

Cross-examined:- There was a good deal of money inside the bag. I did not see the contents of the bag. The bag was not torn in two pieces. The Prosecutor hit Humpstone after he had taken the purse. There was some fighting going on in the room; and I want for a policeman, after I had seen them take the money.

Another witness was called named Cramp, who said he was in the “Coach and Horses” on the 23rd of April, and saw the prisoners knock the prosecutor down and take a purse from him. After that one of the prisoners (Head) said “sling your hook;” and Hills and Head went out of the public house.

Cross-examined:- Humpstone took the bag from prosecutor, and 2s. or a 2s. 6d. fell out. My master did not come and say that if I could not stop in his yard I was to go home.

Frederick Maxted was called, and said he was at the “Coach and Horses” on the 23rd of April, and saw Head and Hills there. Head took off his boot, and said he thought he had got something in it that pricked him.

A police man was sworn, and said he apprehended Hills at the Ashford Corn Exchange, when he found on him 12s, and when he was taken to the station-house 10s. was found in his possession.

Mr. Barrow having addressed the jury for the defence, the jury retired; and, after some deliberation, the foreman said they had found all three of the prisoners guilty. The Magistrates sentenced the prisoners to twelve calendar months, with hard labour.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 22 September 1894.


Bates. On the 11th September, at the "Coach and Horses," Ashford, Susannah Bates, widow of the last John.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, 2 May 1896.

A discharged soldier named Mills was charged with stealing a watch belonging to Henry Brooks Bates, of the "Coach and Horses" beerhouse, Ashford. The prosecutor stated that prisoner had lodged at his house and that the watch was missed from its accustomed place on a chest of drawers in his (Bates') bedroom. Edward Waterman stated that he pawned the watch at prisoners’ request, and Mills, who said he had been drinking heavily for two months and did not know anything about the matter was sent to gaol for a month.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 17 January 1941.


Donations were previously received to the amount totalling £29,060 0s. 4d.

Amounts included the following:-

14s. 11d. The "Coach and Horses," Ashford, per Mr. C. N. Yelverton.

TOTAL £29,284 15s. 10d


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 18 July 1914.

East Kent Compensation Authority.

Two more licences offered to compensation.

In the case of four licences opposition was offered to the houses being referred to compensation.

"Coach and Horses," Hempstead Street, Ashford (tenant, Henry James Allen; owners, Messrs. Flint and Co., Canterbury.

Mr. J. G. Joseph applied for the renewal and Mr. Fletcher appeared for the justices.

After hearing evidence the committee decided to grants the renewal of the license.


The building was demolished for the construction of the Tufton Shopping Centre in 1975.



OAKENFOLD/OAKENFULL Richard 1858-62+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

OAKENFOLD/OAKENFULL Mrs 1862-Mar/1865 Kentish Gazette

MACKLIN William 1874+

COOK John 1881+ (listed as brass moulder age 33 in 1881Census)

BATES Henry Brooks 1894-96+ Next pub licensee had

HOLDEN William 1901+ (also beer-maker age 36 in 1901Census)

ALLEN henry James 1911+

YELVERTON Cyril N 1938-41+

CAGER Edward & Lily ????


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-