Sort file:- Canterbury, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 15 December, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Rory Kehoe

Earliest 1768-

Prince of Orange

Latest 1874+

12 Orange Street


Former Prince of Orange

Above image from Google, July 2009, shows number 12, which is either the hairdressers to the left of the picture, or the building on the right of it. The Oddfellows Hall being numbered 15, and the building very left possibly 11.

Canterbury map 1874

Above map 1874 identified by Rory Kehoe.

Former Prince of Orange 2017

Above photo, kindly taken and sent by Rory Kehoe, September 2017.


To date traced for definite from between 1828 and 1874, however, I have information of a Thomas Young as victualler at the above premises, but unfortunately date unknown and also that a Mrs. Eliza Sweetlove was Charwoman for the premises in 1889, so the pub could well have still been serving beer then. Further research has found mention in 1768.

I also have mention of the "Odd fellows Club and Hall" but don't know in what context this is to the pub.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 5 October, to Saturday, 8 October, 1768. Price 2d.


Late Butler to William Deedes, Esqs.

Takes this Opportunity of acquainting the Public, that he has taken the “Prince of Orange” in Prince of Orange Lane, Canterbury (as Successor to Mr. Ruggless) and having his cellar stocked with exceeding good Liquor, hopes by civil Usage to give perfect Satisfaction to all his Customers, whose Favours will be gratefully acknowledged by their very humble Servant.


Kentish Gazette 09 November 1787.


Mr. Goodban respectfully acquaints the Members of the Catch Club, that their Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, the 22nd inst, being the Anniversary of Saint Cecilia, at his House in Orange-Street. Those Gentlemen who will please to favour him with their Company, are requested to give their Names as early as possible.

Dinner on Table at Two O'clock. Canterbury, Nov. 9.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Tuesday 09 November 1802.

Red Lion, Bridge.

R. Hubbard, late of the "Prince of Orange," Canterbury having taken the above house, where he has laid in the best assortment of wines, spirituous and malt liquors.

R. Hubbard takes this opportunity to return his most grateful thanks to his friends for their support during his residence at the "Prince of Orange," and he now solicits his friends and the public in general, for their further favours, at the "Red Lion," and flatters himself that by every accommodation, and strict attention to business, he shall merit their future encouragement, which will be gratefully acknowledged by their obedient and humble servant.


From the Kentish Gazette, 11 July 1837.



TAKES the opportunity to return his grateful thanks to his Friends for the kind support they have afforded him during his occupation of the above house, and earnestly solicits a continuance of their patronage and favors, as it always will be his endeavour to accommodate them in the best possible manner.

A neat PHAETON and GIG for hire; also an excellent SADDLE HORSE.

July 10, 1837.


From the Kentish Gazette 7 August 1838.


Orange Street, Canterbury.

JAMES PAGE having entered info possession of this old-established and well-known house, respectfully thanks his Friends and the Public for the support he has met with to the present time, and begs to assure them that no exertion shall he wanting on his part to supply articles of the most approved first-rate quality.

Wines, Spirits. Cordials, &c. &c. of the best description.


From the Kentish Gazette, 29 September 1840.

Apollonian Club.

Last evening the club opened the season at the "Prince of Orange Tavern." Mr. Farris is chairman, and the meetings are to be hold during the season on Monday evening, instead as heretofore on Friday.


From the Kentish Gazette, 7 November 1843.

On Wednesday evening an inquest was held at the "Prince of Orange" public-house, in this city, on the body of Maria Peal, aged 10 years, residing in the Black Friars, who feeling unwell the previous evening, retired to rest, and about three o’clock in the morning felt much worse, and before medical aid could be procured was a corpse.

A verdict of "Natural Death" was returned.


Kentish Gazette, 12 January 1847.

East Kent £50 Burial Society. "Prince of Orange," Canterbury.

At a meeting of the committee, holden at the above house on Thursday evening last, it afforded much satisfaction, on a retrospect of the affairs of the society for the past year, to learn the progressive increase in the number of its members, and the flourishing state of its funds. It has now been established upwards of six years, during which period only eighteen deaths have occurred, being an average of three annually, which fully proves that, on the admission of candidates, a due regard to the state of health and other circumstances has not been lost sight of. There are at present a few vacancies for members under the age of 45 years; and with a little exertion on the part of its present members individually, the society must shortly be completed.


Kentish Gazette, 21 December 1847.


On Tuesday last, an inquest was held on the body of John Gilham, an elderly man, of Sturry, who left the "Prince of Orange," in this city, for home shortly after 6 on the previous evening, and was seem to stagger and fall, in Palace Street, when life was found extinct.

Mr. Andrews, surgeon, who examined the body, stated there were no marks sufficient to cause death, and that he died from apoplexy, or at all events natural causes.

Verdict accordingly.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 July 1857.


(Before the Mayor, Alderman Plummer, Alderman Brent, William Mount, Esq., Edward Holttum, Esq., Thomas Philpott, Esq., and Alderman Cooper.

Louisa Reynolds and Ann Keeler, were charged with receiving stolen property, well knowing it to be stolen.

It appeared from the evidence that a quantity of clothes, including a black frock coat, satin waistcoat, a pair of trousers, and a pair of boots, had that morning been stolen from the bedroom of Stephen Sandars, pot-boy at the "Prince of Orange," Orange-street. About 8 o’clock a sister of Mr. Vincent, the landlord, had seen a man pass hastily down stairs, and out of the house, and immediately afterwards the robbery was discovered. Information was then given to the police and the pawnbrokers. About 9 o'clock the prisoners went to the shop of Mr. Hart, 56, St. Peter’s-street, and offered a pair of boots in pledge for 4s. Keeler said that they belonged to her husband, but that her brother had worn them. Mr. Hart’s suspicions were aroused, and he detained the prisoners while he sent to Mr. Vincent, who came and identified the boots as the property of the boy Sandars. Inspector Spratt vas then called in and took the two women into custody. On their way to the station-house they said that they had received the boots from two young men who were then at the back of the barracks waiting for them. Inspector Spratt went to the barracks us soon as possible, but was unable to find any trace of the men in question.

The boots referred to were produced and also a pair of trousers, which had been sold that morning at Sir Smith’s shop in Westgate. Both were identified by Sandars as his property. The police had not been able to trace the rest of the property stolen.

The prisoners were remanded till Monday.


From the Kentish Gazette, 20 October 1857.


(Before John Deedes, Esq., Recorder.)

These Sessions were held yesterday at the Guildhall.

Louisa Reynolds and Ann Keeler were charged with stealing a pair of boot-shoes, and also with receiving them knowing them to have been stolen, the property of Stephen Saunter.

Mr. Russell stated the case for the prosecution, and called Stephen Saunter, pot boy at the "Prince of Orange," who deposed that he missed a pair of boots from his room on the morning of the 23rd July. They were the same as those produced.

Mr. Hart deposed that the prisoners brought the pair of boots to his shop on the morning of the 23rd July; Keeler said that they were her husband’s. Witness did not recollect that Reynolds said anything. Having received information that a pair of boots had been stolen, he detained the boots and gave the prisoners into custody.

Inspector Spratt deposed to taking the prisoners in charge. On the way to the station house Keeler said that they had the boots from two young men at the back of the barracks.

The Recorder in summing up remarked upon the short time which elapsed from the time the boots were missed to that when they were found in the prisoners' possession, affording, in connection with their false statement as to how they obtained them, strong presumption that they took them. He also pointed out that Keeler was chief spokeswoman, and the jury were at liberty to make a distinction between the two if they thought proper.

The jury found both prisoners guilty of receiving.

The Recorder said that he had received a communication with respect to Reynolds, which would induce him to make a distinction between the two. Ann Keeler had been sentenced to 21 days’ imprisonment in June last, and the sentence now passed upon her would be imprisonment in the City gaol for six weeks with hard labour. Reynolds would be imprisoned for a fortnight without hard labour.


Kentish Independent, Saturday 6 February 1858.


Lately, in Scotland, Mr. William Triepland, late of the "Prince of Orange," Canterbury, aged 36 years.

(N.B. Scotland deaths spell his surname THREIPLAND.

1841 Census shows TRIPLAND and he was a Patient in the District Ordinance Hospital, Gillingham, occupation a Soldier.)

1851 CENSUS shows THRIEPLAND, and he was a Linen Draper in St. Margaret's, Canterbury.

Chelmsford Chronicle 14 October 1859.

Petition of an Insolvent Debtor, to be heard before Charles Harwood, Esq., Judge of the County Court of Kent, holden at Canterbury, on Wednesday, the 26th day of October, 1859, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

Robert Webb, formerly of Grays, Essex, Lighterman and Barge-owner, Dealer in Hay, Straw, & Manure; then of the "Chequers Inn," Hoo, near Rochester, Kent, Licensed Victualler, Lighterman and Barge-owner, Dealer in Hay, Straw, and Manure; then of the same place, Licensed Victualler; then of Hoo aforesaid, out of business or employ; and then late of the "Prince of Orange Inn," Orange-street, Canterbury, out of business or employ.


South Eastern Gazette, 21 February, 1860.

Accident through Intemperance.

On Tuesday evening last, between 9 and 10 o’clock, an old man named John Russell, 67 years of age, fractured his right leg. He was returning from the "Prince of Orange," in Orange-street, in a state of intoxication, and had reached his own door, when he tripped up and fell to the ground, sustaining the injury above stated. He was taken at once to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, and promptly attended to.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 31 May, 1862.


John Goodwin Fedarb, a shoemaker, was charged with threatening to destroy his wife.

Mrs. Fedarb said:- I do not think that he is in his right mind, or that he has been so since Christmas. About two o’clock this morning he threatened to break my bedroom door down and murder me. I gave him into custody.

P.C. Holloway deposed:- Last night, about nine o’clock, I saw the prisoner in his yard with a stick, and as he threatened to knock his wife's brains out with it I took it away from him.

Mr. Cooper:- He was here about a fortnight ago?

The Superintendent:- He was brought to me by Saunders, the removing-officer, who asked me to keep him till the morning, when he would come and state his case, but on the following day he did not attend, and the prisoner was discharged with a reprimand.

Defendant said that he was going to take the stick to the "Prince of Orange" public house, when his wife shut the door and prevented him. She was of a hasty temper and so was he.

The Bench bound him over to keep the pence for one month, himself and one surety in £10 each.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 10 October, 1863.


A meeting of the Liberul Burgesses of this ward was held on Tuesday evening in the concert room at the “Prince of Orange Inn,” Canterbury, under the presidency of Mr. Arthur Cannon. It was unanimously resolved that Mr. Masters, who was deprived of his position as an Alderman last November, should be elected as a Town Councillor at the ensuing election, and that his election should be accomplished without calling upon him to canvass the ward, but that he should be requested to represent the Burgesses in the Town Council, where he had so many years honourably held the offices of Town Councillor and Alderman, to the evident satisfaction of a very large majority of the constituency It was also resolved that Mr. W. J. Cooper should be the colleague of Mr. Masters. Mr. W. j. Cooper expressed his gratification at being the colleague of the ex-Alderman Masters and his determination to exert himself in the canvass as well for his colleague as himself. Mr. J. W. Pilcher, the Hon. Sec., of the Westgate Ward Liberal Association, gave a concise statement of the position of the register and concise statement of the position of the register and demonstrated that with the cooperation of all sections of the Literal interest, the election of these two gentlemen named was sure, and said that as he believed the return of the two retiring Liberal Councillors for the Wan) of Northgate was also a sure thing, it only wanted a little of the same spirit to be exhibited in the Dane John Ward, and the return of a Liberal Councillor there would restore the balance of power in the Council. Thu health of the Chairman was afterwards drunk with thanks for his excellent services that evening, and a request that he would continue to act as Chairman of the Committee for securing the return of Messrs.

Masters and Cooper. Mr. Cannon returned thanks, and said his best services would most freely be accorded to assist in every way that he could the object they had in view. Shortly after which the meeting broke up.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 13 July 1867. Price 1d.

Transfer of License.

At the City Police Court on Monday, the magistrates transferred the license of the “Prince of Orange” from Mr. Charles Lepine to Mr. Thomas Paul Webster.


Kentish Gazette, 8 March, 1870.


Thursday.— (Before the Mayor, and R. Y. Fill, Esq.)

This was a special session for the transfer of ale-house licences. The following transfers were authorised:—“Angelo Castle” James Dodd to George Dodd;

George and Hoy” George Smith to Henry Spencer Cloke;

Victoria” Daniel Mills to James Chariot Lamberton;

and “True Briton” William Taylor to Edward Waghorne;

and an authority to Emma Mills, of the “Prince of Orange,” to sell until next transfer day.


From the Historic Canterbury web site

The Apollonian Catch club is of a similar character to the last (the Catch and Glee Club), and holds its meetings at the "Prince of Orange," every Friday evening during the winter season. The admission is one shilling to non-subscribers: It is worthy of remark, that the combination of amateur musical talent exhibited at both these societies is rarely to be surpassed by any similar associations in the country. (Date unknown.)


"Friendly Socities - The United Kentish Britons, held at the "Prince of Orange," Orange street, was established 1807, for raising a fund to afford relief to its members in case of sickness or infirmity. The subscription of members is six shillings and sixpence per quarter, to be paid two shillings monthly, and sixpence extra every third month. During sickness a member receives fifteen shillings per week; £15. is allowed for the burial of a member, and £5. for a member's wife."


"The St. Alphage Amicable Society - Was instituted in 1832, and meets on the first Thursday in every month, for social and convivial enjoyment, alternately at the "Prince of Orange," the "Sun Inn," the "Seven Stars," and the "Prince of Wales." The members consist of those who pay rates to the parish of St. Alphage."


1889 Mrs. Eliza Sweetlove, Charwoman.



RUGGLESS Mr to Oct/1768 Kentish Gazette

BISHOP John Oct/1768+ Kentish Gazette

GOODBAN Mr 1787+

HUBBARD Richard to Nov/1802 Next pub licensee had

SMALL John 1824-28+ Pigot's Directory 1824Pigot's Directory 1828-29

ROBERTS James 1832-May/34 Next pub licensee had Pigot's Directory 1832-34

FIELD J 1837+ Kentish Gazette

PAGE James 1838+ Stapletons GuideHistoric Canterbury web site

RABBETH Charles 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

LADD Gibson 1847+ Bagshaw's Directory 1847

TRIPLAND/TRIEPLAND/THRIEPLAND William (between this slot)

Last pub licensee had WEBB Robert 1858

VINCENT John 1858+ Melville's 1858Kentish Gazette

STONE George to Mar/1860 Next pub licensee had Kentish Gazette

YOUNG Thomas Mar/1860-61+ (age 43 in 1861Census)

SANTER C 1862+ Post Office Directory 1862

LEPINE Charles to July/1867 Kentish Gazette

WEBSTER Thomas Paul July/1867+ Kentish Gazette

PETTMAN H 1868+ Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

MILLS Emma Mar/1870+ Whitstable Times

TAPSELL James 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

YOUNG Thomas date unknown Historic Canterbury web site


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette

Pigot's Directory 1824From the Pigot's Directory 1824

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Stapletons GuideStapleton's Guide 1838

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Post Office Directory 1862From the Post Office Directory 1862

Greens Canterbury Directory 1868Greens Canterbury Directory 1868

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Historic Canterbury web siteHistoric Canterbury web site

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-