55 East Cliff
Above photograph circa 1960, kindly supplied by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate
Historical Society. Showing the "Prince Alfred" and the "Albion." |
Above photo by Paul Skelton (18 Sept 2010) showing the former "Prince
Alfred." The now "First and Last" and former "Albion" can just be seen
two doors away on the left.
The tell-tail wrought iron bracket and lamps can still be seen on the
side of the building. |
The above map shows the position of the "Prince Alfred" in yellow. Red
is the "Albion" and green is the
"Sir Sidney Smith" circa 1890. |
Owned by Whitbread at the finish but previously utilised by George Beer
and Rigden and Gardner's Ash Brewery. A new licence in 1857 suggests several
different possibilities.
From the Dover Express and East Kent Intelligencer, 8
June, 1866.
John Young, the landlord of the "Prince Alfred" public house at East
Cliff was brought up on a warrant, charged with assaulting his wife.
Mrs. Young said that her husband had been in the habit of
ill-treating and threatening her. On Tuesday he threatened to set the
house on fire, and at the same time he knocked a fish about her head.
Her husband was in the habit of indulging freely in drink, and from his
treatment of her and his threats she went in bodily fear.
Elizabeth Matthews, niece of the complainant, corroborated her aunt's
testimony as to the defendant's ill-treatment of her. She had heard him
threaten her aunt's life, and had seen him take her by the throat and
attempt to choke her.
The defendant had no substantial defence to offer, and the Bench
bound him over to keep the peace for three months - himself in £20 and
two sureties in £10 each, advising him to give up his drinking habits.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday,
28 February, 1868.
George Clerk, landlord of the "Prince Alfred," was charged with
infringing his license by having his house open for the sale of drink on
Sunday morning last.
Fined 10s. and costs.
From the Dover Express and East Kent
Intelligencer, 6 May, 1870.
George Davis, 30, George Askton, and Ellen Francis, 17, who were
stated to have taken up their abode in a cave beyond East Cliff, were
charged with stealing from the "Prince Alfred," East Cliff, one bottle
of whisky, value 4s. 6d. the property of John Young.
Kate Mumford, the niece of John Young, living at the "Prince Alfred,"
East Cliff: Yesterday morning, about twenty minutes past six, the
prisoner came in and asked me to boil his coffee kettle for him. I told
him I had no fire, and he asked me for half a pint of beer. He then left
the house and came back again in about five minutes and said he had got
somebody to boil his kettle a few doors off, up the street. He had
another half pint of beer, for which I had to leave the bar and go into
a cave under the cliff. He came a third time and asked me to give him
some sugar for his coffee, and a few hours afterwards we missed the
bottle of whisky now produced. The value of it is 4s. 6d.
Thomas Mumford, a mariner: I live at the "Prince Alfred," at East
Cliff. Yesterday morning, when I got up, my wife told me about a
suspicious man having been in the house, and I went for a walk along the
cliff and saw the two male prisoners. Ashton asked me for a light,
which I gave him, and Davis said he and his companion had drunk a bottle
of whisky that morning and were drunk. He also showed me the bottle
produced, which I recognised as being ours by the label. I went back to
the "Prince Alfred" and enquired whether they had missed anything, and
they told me they had missed a bottle of whisky. The name of Harrison
and Co., London, was on the bottle, and I believe there is not another
publican in Dover who deals with them beside Mr. Young. I gave
information to the police and saw them take possession of the bottle.
By Mr. Latham: It was the prisoner Davis who offered me the bottle -
the same man who had been in the house. The woman was in the cave, and
the prisoner said he was going to take what was left in the bottle to
Police-sergeant Barton: Yesterday afternoon, about five o'clock, in
consequence of information I received I went to East Cliff, accompanied
by Police-constable Baker. When I got to the jetty I saw the prisoner
Davis in company with the last witness, who said to me. "This is the
man," pointing to Davis. I then told him he was charged with stealing a
bottle of whisky, and he said he knew nothing about it. I noticed he had
something bulky in his coat pocket, and on searching him I found it
contained a bottle of whisky now produced. I afterwards went under the
cliff, and in a cave I found the female prisoner and Ashton lying both
fast asleep. I also saw a coat and kettle there. I woke them up. The
prisoner Ashton was very drunk, and the female prisoner was also the
worse for liquor. I told them they were charged with stealing a bottle
of whisky, and they both said they never stole it, but that Davis did,
and they helped to drink it.
Police-constable George Baker corroborated the evidence.
All three prisoners desired that the case might be dealt with by the
Magistrates; but all pleaded not guilty.
Mr. Coram said the prisoners had been in the town about a week, and
had lived for the most part of the time in the cave. Their conduct at
the station was very bad, and they tore up all their clothes, and had to
be supplied with more.
Police-sergeant Barton said the female prisoner had told him that she
had been up before at the Westminster police-court for stealing a £5
note, for which she got three months; and that she was also brought up
for disorderly conduct in the gaol. Ashton had been sent to gaol before
for two years.
The Magistrates sent Davis to gaol for two months, with hard labour,
and Ashton and Francis for one month, with hard labour.
The first licensee was John Young who passed the premises over to his
nephew Thomas Bartlett Mumford in 1873. Incidentally, I am informed by Wendy
Bunn (email 16 September 2010) who is related to the above that she is also
related to a Thomas Bartlett of the "Liverpool
Arms." At present I am unsure of the connection between the similarity
of names.
Thomas Bartlett Mumford was charged and committed fro Murder at the 11th
January Assizes in 1879 and received the death penalty for his crimes.
From the Illustrated Police News, 25 January 1879.
At Maidstone, Thomas Bartlett Mumford, mariner, thirty-two, was put
on his trial, before Lord Justice Cotton, for the murder of his wife
and child at Dover on the 5th of November.
The prisoner and his wife
retired to rest on that night, and an hour or two later the woman
was heard screaming. Prisoner was met on the stairs saying “I have
done it!” On the bedroom being entered the woman was found on the
floor in a pool of blood, having three wounds on her body and the
same number on her arms.
The accused admitted his guilt, and stated his wife had aggravated him and taunted him with not being the
father of the child which she was about to have.
No evidence was
given for the defence.
Mr. Kingsford then addressed the jury for the
Crown, after which Mr. Ribton followed on behalf of the prisoner.
Lord Justice Cotton having summed up, the jury found the prisoner
guilty, but unanimously recommended him to mercy on account of the
extraordinary provocation he received.
Sentence of death was then
passed on the prisoner, who said be asked for no mercy. |
When five a.m. opening was permitted here in 1898, it meant that twenty
houses were then doing so. Another eighteen were opening at three thirty
a.m. That concession with regard to this one was withdrawn the following
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 2 February, 1900.
Henry Klinch and Elizabeth Klinch were charged with being disorderly and
fighting at East Cliff.
Police Constable Hughes said on Saturday evening he was on duty at East
Cliff near Athol Terrace. He heard a noise near the “Prince Alfred”
public house. Witness ran down and found the male prisoner and another
man fighting in the middle of the street. He separated them and found
they were both drunk. The woman was there drunk also, and screaming.
From enquiries witness found they had quarrelled in the public house. He
asked for the male prisoner's name, and the woman told him not to tell.
The male prisoner made use of bad language. They refused to give their
address, and as they were very disorderly and using obscene language,
witness took them to the Police Station.
The Magistrates fined defendants each 10/- or 7 days' hard labour.
Hull Daily Mail 05 October 1910.
Hearing the jingling of coin, Rose North, a servant at the "Prince
Alfred Inn," Dover, yesterday went into the bar and found a man leaning
over the counter with his hand in the till. The man bolted and the girl
gave chase.
He hid in a large tool-chest on the Cliff-road Works, and the girl sat
on the lid until a constable arrived. Later the man was sentenced to
three weeks' hard labour.
Whilst George Savage held the tenure in July 1970, the name was changed
to "First and Last". However, this was not the same "First and Last"
that can be found today. Apparently, that one was the "Albion,"
and changed some time after this one closed. Reasons for the same name, to
date unknown.
Although a past outlet of Gardner which joined the Whitbread group the
pub was
sold as a private residence in 1976.
From the Dover Express and east Kent News, Friday 9
December, 1938.
At the Dover Licensing Sessions on Friday the Magistrates approved
plans for alterations of the "Prince Alfred," East Cliff, were approved.
From an email received 10 November 2021. Hello,
Between 1952 and 1967 I lived at 54 East Cliff next door to the then
"Prince Alfred" which was a Tomson & Wootton/Gardner pub, the first
landlord I recall was Len Tull, before Gerry & Millie French took over
(they became family friends), then George & Nina Savage took the pub and
changed the name to the "First & Last,"
I still used to visit the pub often as I knew George & Nina's two sons.
I also recall Pop (John) Burwill from Athol Terrace (a previous
landlord) as he lived there with his daughter and her husband and I was
friendly with their youngest son.
The other side of the "Prince Alfred" was a small shop, then next to
that was the "Albion" which was
run by George Hill, and where I occasionally helped with the 'bottling
up'. My recollection of the pub sign was a picture of the white cliffs
(possibly the origin of the name Albion), but it later changed to the
ships badge. As I understand it when the old "Prince Alfred" (then the
"First & Last") closed the "Albion" changed its name to the "First &
Michael Woodland. |
YOUNG John 1858-68 end

CLARK G 1868
YOUNG John 1870-Mar/73 (age 63 in 1871 )
MUMFORD Thomas Bartlett Mar/1873-Sept/74
PACKHAM George Sept/1874-82+ (age 62 in 1881 )

(Lodging-house keeper from Athol Terrace)
LONGLEY John Newman 1891-July/1901 dec'd (age 57 in 1891 )
LONGLEY Percival (son of above) July/1901+ (age 29 in 1901 )

BOURNER William John Mar/1902-03
(Late assistant at the "Rose Inn.")
BOURNER Mrs Christina D 1903-07

BROWN John James 1906-10 end
COLES William Henry 1910-Aug/14
(age 38 in 1911 )

DAVIES William Aug/1914-15 end
of Wales, recently returned from New York as a carpenter.)
DOWSEY Horace W 1915-Apr/22
BUTCHER William Henry Apr/1922-24+

(Late manager of cycle works, Cheriton)
CASTLE or CASWELL Edward 1928-Feb/29

JOHNSON Frank 1929-33 end (Late of Preston, Kent. farmer)
GRAHAM Truman George 1933-Apr/36

BURVILLE John Thomas Apr/1936-Aug/41 end ( BURWILL)
(Further information)
CLINCH Mr (Secretary to brewers) Aug/1941+

SMITH 1945 end
SMITH Mrs Jane Margaret 1945-47 end
COLEMAN Thomas 1947-53
PORTER A J Aug/1953 end

CULLEY Jack Aug/1953-56+
TULL Leonard Godfrey 1961
FRENCH Gerry S & Millie 1964+
1970 Name changed to "First and Last"
SAVAGE Major George H & Nina 1970-76 end
Gardner & Co
The Dover Express recorded that W David/Davies had been employed at New
York as a carpenter.
According to the Dover Express, 1936, John Thomas Burwill was from 6,
Athol Terrace and a motor boat proprietor.
William Davies was a native of Wales who had just returned from New York.
From an email received 1 December 2009.
My great-great granddad was John Thomas Burwill (Born 1890 in Dover) who
was listed as the landlord of the Prince Alfred Pub between 1939-1941.
He was as you have stated, a motor boat proprietor owning around 7
boats including piloting for the cross channel swims which he did around
the time he was landlord of the pub.
His wife Rose Burwill (nee Whiting) was landlady and John's father
was John James Burvill(e) (born 1864 Dover) but later in censuses
written as Burwill which is how the name was spelt on my side until it
died out with my great-Nan in 1998.
Many thanks,
Terry Cleaver. |
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1895
From the Post Office Directory 1901
From the Post Office Directory 1903
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1909
From the Post Office Directory 1913
From the Post Office Directory 1922
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1924
From the Post Office Directory 1930
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1932-33
From the Post Office Directory 1938
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1938-39
From Pikes Dover Blue Book 1948-49
From the Kelly's Directory 1950
From the Kelly's Directory 1953
From the Kelly's Directory 1956
Library archives 1974
From the Dover Express