Sort file:- Sandwich, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 11 July, 2024.


Earliest 1768-

New Inn

Open 2020+

13 Delf Street (No 2 in 2012)

Harnett Street in 1882


01304 612335

New Inn 1880

Above photo circa 1880.

New Inn pre WW2

Above shows the New Inn pre WW2 when it was damaged and later rebuilt. The name showing J D Daniels suggests the photo was taken circa 1880, and that his probably him with his daughters, Louisa, Emily and Charlotte in the photograph.


From an email received 13 January 2015.


John Dilnot Daniels was born 1843 Married in Lyminge 1862 to Emma Holliday, his Daugter Louisa Daniels married William Howell at Holy Trinity, Dover 1886. J D Daniels is fly proprietor at the "New Inn," at this time his daughter Louisa opened a shop in King Street, which is now a chip shop and they baptised the Howell children in 1889-90 in Sandwich then moved to Dover. There children were born in Dover and baptised in St. James church.  Edward Howell born Dover 1895 is my grandfather to my mums side.

Richard Stevenson, Dover, Kent.

New Inn Sandwich 1905

Above photo taken in 1905 and kindly sent by Terry Wheeler of the Ramsgate Historical Society.

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

New Inn just after WW2

Above photo, just after WW2.

New Inn offical openeing 1957

Above photo showing the Deputy Mayor of Sandwich (Cllr. A. H. Jutson) sampling the first drink where the "New Inn" was officially opened in 1957.

New Inn 1973

Above photo 1973. Kindly sent by Paul Wells.

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

New Inn 1987

Photos taken in December, 1987, from by John Law.

New Inn in Sandwich New Inn 2012

Photos taken by Paul Skelton 14 January 2012.

New Inn signNew Inn sign New Inn sign 1991

New Inn sign March 1991.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis


Dates as a public house from at least 1768 as indicated from the following passage from the Kentish Gazette.

A new build was officially opened in 1957.


From the Kentish Gazette, Wednesday, 13 July to Saturday, 16 July, 1768. Price 2d


To the highest bidder. On Saturday the 13th Day of JULY.

At the “New Inn” in Sandwich. About Four o,Clock in the Afternoon.

The Enigantine or Vessel, called SINCERITY, William Dear, Maker, Burthen One Hundred and Ten Tons or thereabouts, with her Boat and Materials, now lying in Sandwich harbour.

The said BRIG is about Four Years old, was built in Scarborough, and is of an easy Draught of Water, will shift without Ballast, and is very proper for the Coal and Coasting Trade.

The Conditions of Sale and Inventory may be seen by applying to Mr. Matson, Attorney at Sandwich.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 14 September to Saturday, 17 September, 1768. Price 2d.


At the “New Inn,” Sandwich. On Thursday next, the 22nd Instant, will be A Concert Of Vocal and Instrumental Music.

ACT I. Overture Otho, 7th Concert. Corel Song. 3rd Concerto Avison. Song. French Horn Concerto Martini.

ACT II. Overture Occasional. 4th Concert Handel's Hautboy. Song. 5th Concert Avison. Song. 1. Concerto Geminiani.

Tickets, 1s. 6d. To be had at the “New Inn” and at the “Rose Tavern”. To begin precisely at Seven o'clock.

N.B. Musicians will be in readiness in case. Company chuse to engage them for a Ball.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday 10 May to Saturday 13 May, 1769. Price 2½d.

On Wednesday next, the 17th Inst. will be a Card and Dancing Assembly, at the “New Inn,” Sandwich.

To begin at Six o'Clock.


From the Kentish Gazette, Wednesday, December 30, 1772. Price 1½d.

On WEDNESDAY next, the 6th instant, there will be a Dancing and Card Assembly.

At the “NEW INN,” Sandwich. To meet at six o'clock.



In 1762 a barn behind the New Inn was the site of a theatre. This was replaced in 1817 by a purpose built theatre which provided entertainment for many years. The New Inn itself, suffered in the second world war and was later rebuilt.


The Universal British Directory of 1790 stated that the inn was an assembly for dancing and cards once a month, and for cards once a fortnight, during the winter. This is also backed up by the passages in the Kentish Gazette shown below of 1768.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 21 September to Saturday, 24 September, 1768. Price 2d.

On Wednesday next the 18th September there will be a Card and Dancing Assembly at the “New Inn” at Sandwich.

Sept. 11.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 16 October, to Saturday, 22 October, 1768. Price 2d.


On Wednesday Evening the 26th instant, there will be an Assembly for Cards and Dancing at the “New Inn” at Sandwich. October 19, 1768.


From the Kentish Gazette, November 17-20, 1773. Article kindly sent from Alec Hasenson.

Sale advertised of the New Inn at Sandwich, now in the occupation of Samuel Ferrier.


Kentish Gazette 10th June 1791.


Your company is requested to hold the Annual Pink Feasts as under, at Mr. John Tipper's, at the "Jolly Gardener," Finglesham, Mr. James Powel's, "Anchor" at Wingham, and at Mr. John Williams's at the "New Inn," Sandwich.

Signed by John Tipper.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 30 November, 1833. Price 7d.

The last meeting for the Catch Club for this year, was held at the New Inn Assembly Room, on Tuesday evening, when a most numerous and respectable party were delighted with a series of the best modern compositions, of the most celebrated masters, by the scientific and effective orchestra, under the direction of their talented leader, Mr J Harrison. The performances this season have been so much superior, both in respect to the style as well as the execution of the music as to draw forth universal plaudits from the subscribers and visitors.

The chairman, Lieutenant Hooper, who greatly enhances the enjoyment of the company by his judicious and spirited conduct, announced that the meetings would be resumed on Tuesday, 7th of January next, and continued every alternate Tuesday, for the season.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 October 1836.


That old-established, much frequented , and well-known as the "New Inn,"' COMMERCIAL HOUSE, and ASSEMBLY ROOMS, desirably situate, contiguous to the Markets and Town Hall, Sandwich; has a Liquor Shop attached, and a Theatre erected on a part of the Premises, with good Stabling, Yard, and Coach-houses adjoining, doing a good business, and for many years successfully conducted by the late Mr. Appleton.

This will be found a most advantageous offer to any person requiring such a business. Rent moderate, and coming in easy.

For further particulars apply to Mr. R. S. Cramp, Cannon Brewhouse, High-street, Ramsgate.

Immediate possession may be had.


From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 13 April, 1844. Price 5d.


A most distressing accident happened, on Wednesday, to a little boy about 11 years of age, the son of Geo. Hawkes, drayman to Mr. R. S. Cramp, brewer, of Ramsgate, who had been sent to Sandwich with a load of beer. On returning, the boy had obtained permission of his father to carry the whip and walk along with the horses. In attempting to jump on the rods of the wagon (as he had seen his father do) he slipped off, and the wheels passing over his knees crushed them dreadfully; and, shocking to relate, he bled so profusely as to cause his death in a few hours. He was taken to the "New Inn," and had surgical assistance immediately, but without avail. An inquest was held the following day at the above Inn, before R. J. Emmerson, Esq., coroner for the borough, when the evidence of the above facts was adduced, and a verdict of Accidental Death was recorded.


Dover Chronicles 23 October 1847.


Lately, at Sandwich, Elizabeth Maria, wife of Mr. Charles Osbourne, of the "New Inn," age 39 years.


Kentish Gazette, 26 October 1847.


Osborne:— At Sandwich, Elizabeth Maria, wife of Mr. Charles Osborne, of the "New Inn," aged 39.


Kentish Gazette, 8 March 1853.




AT the "New Inn," in the Town and Port of SANDWICH, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of April, 1853, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon precisely (by direction of the Trustee of the late of Mr. Thomas Appleton, deceased), in Two Lots.

Lot 1. All that valuable FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the yard and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate lying and being in Delf-street, in the parish of Saint Peter the Apostle, in the Town and Port of SANDWICH, in the county of Kent, now and for many years past in the tenure or occupation of James White, Esq.

Lot 2. All that ONE undivided THIRD PART or SHARE, the whole into three equal parts or shares to be divided, of and in all that valuable FREEHOLD HOUSE called the "New Inn," with the yard, stables, outbuildings, and premises to the same belonging, situate lying and being in Harnett-street, adjoining lot 1, in the parish of St. Peter the Apostle, in Sandwich aforesaid, and now in the tenure or occupation of Mr. Charles Osborn.

The respective lots may be viewed on application to the Tenants, and further particulars had by applying to the Auctioneer, Market-street, of Mr, Charles L. Gibbs, Strand Street, Sandwich, and of Mr. J. S. Solly, solicitor, Sandwich.

Printed particulars and conditions of Sale may be had three days prior to the day of sale by applying as above.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 30 January 1869. 1d.


Henry East, landlord of the "New Inn" was charged with keeping his house open during Divine Service on the 17th inst.

E. Buss, Chief Constable, said he visited defendant's house about eleven o'clock on the 17th inst., and found Bowes Grey, a porter at the Railway Station, drinking beer. No other person was in the house. Saw defendant's wife, who was coming down stairs, and told her he should report the case. She said that during the time she was upstairs with her husband, who was ill, her little girl drew the beer, and on asking the child, she confirmed it.

The defence was that the child drew the beer in the absence of the mother.

The Justices considered the case proved, but under the circumstances only fined defendant 1s. and 12s. costs.



Around 1887-88 licensee and fly proprietor, John Dilnot Daniels was declared bankrupt. By 1911 a J D Daniels has been shown as running the "Compasses Inn" in Crundale. Further information tells me to moved to the "Stour" and perhaps the J D Daniels at the "Compasses Inn" in a different person.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 10 March, 1900.


William Booth, of Moat Sole, was charged with stealing a bottle of Bass' ale, worth 4d., at the "New Inn" on the 5th inst.

Edward J. Fry, the prosecutor, said that the defendant was at the "New Inn" on Monday afternoon with another man. The latter left by the back-way, and he then missed a bottle of Bass' ale. he at first suspected the other man, but afterwards accused the defendant and on feeling his pockets discovered the missing bottle in his jacket pocket. The cork had been broken when he found it, but had not been drawn. Witness sent for a constable, and in the meantime defendant removed the bottle from his pocket and placed it down near the counter.

P.C. Phillips said he was on duty in the Cattle Market and received information of the theft. he had previously seen a man come from the direction of the "New Inn" and run across to Mr. Pittock's stable in Moat Sole, and on going there he found defendant lying on some straw, and told him he should apprehend him on suspicion of stealing the bottle of ale. He at first denied the charge but afterwards acknowledged stealing the ale. Witness first brought him to the house and then removed him in custody.

Remanded to the Petty Sessions.


From the Deal, Walmer, and Sandwich Mercury, 25 August, 1900. 1d


Thomas case was sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment, for stealing a pair of boots, value 6s., from the tap-room of the "New Inn," on January 17th. The boots were left on a cupboard by the prosecutor, Chas E. Bolton, in the tap-room of the "New Inn," and during his absence they were removed by the prisoner, who took them to his lodgings at the "Alma" public-house, on the 17th January last. case decamped the next morning, leaving the boots behind, and did not return to Sandwich until Saturday last, when he was arrested on a warrant by Serge. Palmer.


Dover Express 11th July 1941.


Sandwich Fire Brigade had a busy afternoon and evening on Sunday when fire destroyed the upper portion of Nos. 16 (used as a Salvation Army Canteen) and 18 (the “New” Inn), Delf Street, Sandwich. The ground floor rooms of the premises, with brick walls, were not greatly affected, but the upper rooms, the walls of which were mostly of the lath-and-plaster and matchboarding type, enabled the flames to travel fast, and it was about two and a half hours before they were extinguished. The roof of the Assembly Hall in Harnet Street became involved but the firemen succeeded in getting the flames under control.


I also have listed an "Old and New Inn" at 18 Delf Street. This may be a different pub, but the number could be a misprint or the street numbers could have changed and the two pubs are one and the same. Further research or information should tell in time.



FERRIER Samuel, November 1773+

WILLIAMS John 1791+ Kentish Gazette

CLARKE Amy 1823-29+ Pigot's Directory 1823Pigot's Directory 1828-29

APPLETON Edward 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1839

OSBORN Charles 1840-47 (age 30 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1840Bagshaw's Directory 1847

OSBORN George 1858+ Melville's 1858

EAST Henry 1862-74+ Kelly's 1862Kelly's 1874Post Office Directory 1874

DANIELS John Dilnot 1878-85 Next pub licensee had Post Office Directory 1878CensusPost Office Directory 1882

Last pub licensee had FAWCETT Joe 1891+ (age 38 in 1891Census)

MURRAY John to Mar/1900 Deal Mercury

FRY Edward Linford S Mar/1900-01+ (age 38 in 1901Census) Deal Mercury

TREADWELL Alfred 1911-18+ (age 56 in 1911Census) Post Office Directory 1913Post Office Directory 1918

HOLMAN Harry G 1974+ Library archives 1974 Russell's Gravesend Brewery

BROWN Tim 2009-Jan/11

MORRIS Mr 15/Jan/2012+

REYNOLDS Vicky May/2014+


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1839From the Pigot's Directory 1839

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Bagshaw's Directory 1847From Bagshaw Directory 1847

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1862From the Kelly's Directory 1862

Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Kelly's 1874From the Kelly's Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1878From the Post Office Directory 1878

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1913From the Post Office Directory 1913

Post Office Directory 1918From the Post Office Directory 1918

Library archives 1974Library archives 1974

Deal MercuryFrom the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-