Delf Street
01304 611131
Above photo, date unknown. Central building. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo, 1970. |
Photos taken by Paul Skelton 17 Feb 2008.
Fleur de Lis sign October 1991.
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis
www.innsignsociety.com |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Photo taken 11 September 2010 from
by Jelltex. |
Above photo 2023. |
Above photo 2024. |
The Fleur is located in the heart of Sandwich. It comprises 12-room hotel
accommodation, a bar and a spacious restaurant.
The "Fleur De Lys" is named after the emblem adopted during the reign of
Edward II into the Royal Arms to back up his claim to the thrown of France.
By 1700 this establishment is recorded as being the "Flower of Lewis," and
had served as a recruiting post during the Civil War for the Royalists,
volunteers to the colours being instructed to repair there "where they will
be entertained with drinks and entertainment".
The first recorded mention of the Fleur de Lis was in 1642, when the town
crier proclaimed it as a meeting place for volunteers to fight for Charles
According to information on a board inside the pub today, the current day
establishment was built in 1785 during the reign of George III.
In 1790 it was the coaching office in Sandwich. Coaches could be
booked to go to Canterbury, Ramsgate and Dover. A coach house and stable
yard ran adjacent to the inn and coaches and horses could be hired to take
passengers to the main stops. By the start of the 19th
century a stable lad and coach boy were employed here. The Fleur-de-lis
operated a coach service until the arrival of the motorcar. It was also at
this time that the corn market came to be held at the Fleur. Every Wednesday
farmers would meet here to sell their corn and barter and haggle over
prices. The prices of corn were displayed on the board inside the Inn and still has the wooden screens where
people made their bids and transactions.
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 23 October 1798.
B COLEMAN, late Waiter at the "Bell Inn" begs leave respectfully to
acquaint his friends and the public in general, that he has taken
the above Inn, and having made very considerable improvements to
accommodate gentlemen travellers; &c. by a strict attention
he hopes to merit their favours.
It having been the wish of many gentlemen the Corn-market on Wednesday
should begin early, he begs leave to inform the public,
there will be an Ordinary provided on Wednesdays at one o'clock.
Additional stabling is provided.
Kentish Gazette, 11 September, 1804.
At the "Fleur de Luce Inn," on Monday, the 17th day of September
instant, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon.
The following Freehold Estates, in lots, (Unless in the mean time
disposed of by Private Contract).
Lot 1. All that old-established and commodious Inn and Market House,
known by the name or sign of the "Fleur de Luce," situate in Delph-street,
in Sandwich, and now in the occupation of Benjamin Coleman.
Lot 2. A large and commodious Storehouse, situate in the
Corn-market, in Sandwich aforesaid, adjoining to the sign of the
"Swan," and now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Bundock.
Lot 3. All that Barn and Yard, with the several buildings and sheds
thereunto adjoining and belonging, now used as spinning and weaving
rooms, situate at Mote Sole, in Sandwich aforesaid, and now also in
the occupation of Mr. Bundock.
Also a piece or parcel of Land or Garden Ground adjoining the above
premises, now in the occupation of Benjamin Coleman.
Lot 4. Two Messuages or Tenements, (one whereof hath been converted
into and now used as a sail-cloth manufactory) situate in Harnett
street, and now in the occupation of the said Mr. Thomas Bundock,
and others.
Lot 5. A Messuage and Premises, situate in Delph-street, in the
occupation of ---- Kelly.
Lot 6. Three Messuages and Premises, situate in Delph street
afordsaid, in the several occupations of ---- Jacobs, ---- Lantry,
and ---- Jordan.
Lot 7. A Messuage and Premises, situate in King-street, and now in
the occupation of Mrs. Overton.
For further particulars enquire of Mr. Lee, solicitor, Sandwich.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday, 25 February, 1837.
A man, named John Solly, who was discharged from his situation as ostler,
at the “Fleur de Lis,” which he had filled for three years, at Christmas
last, has been committed to gaol under the following circumstances:- On Wednesday the 15th inst., a commercial traveller arrived at the
“Fleur de Lis;” his portmanteau, boxes, &c., were placed in the
commercial room; and on the following morning the gentleman found that
his driving box and portmanteau had been broken open, and some wearing
apparel and other articles stolen there-from. A close examination of
every person employed at the Inn, was instituted; but no discovery was
made, it was even supposed that the robbery might have been committed on
some previous stage of the journey. Although every exertion was made,
nothing was elicited till the evening of Friday, when a lad, named
Williams, employed at the stables, heard something among the hay in the
loft above, into which he proceeded with a lanthorn, and to his great
surprise saw the prisoner Solly standing before him with a bundle. The
lad immediately ran down and gave information to Mr. Coleman, his
master; but Solly in the mean time escaped at the back of the premises,
and proceeded over the tops of the houses, descending and ascending with
great ability, pursued by a number of persons. At length he was observed
to enter the yard of D. Hodgson, Esq., where after some search he was
found completely buried in the dung heap. On this being taken to the
“Fleur de Lis,” and there searched, there were found on his person three
five pound notes, eighteen pound eleven shillings in gold and silver,
and upwards of seven shillings in copper, tied up in a napkin belonging
to the Inn; and also several small articles the property of the
traveller. The dung heap being searched next morning the wearing
apparel, &c. were found near to where he had concealed himself. The
prisoner has since confessed that the money was purloined from Mr.
Coleman. At the time of his leaving his situation money and other
articles had been missed; but no suspicion was entertained of his
dishonesty. |
From the Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 21 November 1837.
On the premises, on Wednesday, December 13th, 1837, at One o'clock in
the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and
there produced.
All that desirable and substantial FREEHOLD ESTATE, well known as the
"FLEUR-DE-LIS INN," situate in SANDWICH, Kent, in full trade, and now
for many years in the occupation of the proprietor, Mr. Benjamin
Coleman, who is about to retire from business.
The Property, which will be sold in one lot, comprises the very
excellent Inn, spacious Market Room, where the long established Corn
Market for the district is held weekly. Stabling for 20 horses, and
every other convenience for an extensive trade.
The Premises are most eligibly adapted and situated for business. The
buildings are all in good repair, and the purchaser will have possession
on completion of the purchase.
Further particulars may be known on application to the Auctioneers,
Market Place, Sandwich; or to Mr. William Lee, Solicitor, at his Offices
in Sandwich, at 15, St. George's Place, Canterbury.
From the Kentish Gazette, 22 May 1838.
THOMAS F. CRAMP begs leave most respectfully to acquaint his Friends and
the Public, that he has succeeded Mr. Coleman as proprietor of the above
establishment, and from the experience in the Wine and Spirit Department
and Tavern Business, and having thoroughly studied those essential
qualities of a landlord, "civility and attention," he trusts will be a
deserving recommendation for a continuance of their support and
Commercial Gentlemen, Visitors and Families, will find extensive
alterations and improvements to facilitate business, interest, and the
comfort of guests; entirely new-furnished Sleeping Apartments; superior
Beds; newly arranged commodious Sitting, Coffee, and Reading Rooms; the
general arrangements of the Inn Department are classified with a careful
regard (combined with the introduction of moderate charges and some
taste), to merit their approbation and recommendation.
Agricultural Gentlemen, Corn Factors and Dealers, resorting to the
Market Rooms, he especially pledges the strictest attention to aid the
transaction of business, and afford every accommodation.
On Stock and Corn Market days an Ordinary will be provided.
T. F. C. has selected a Stock of the choicest old Wines, Spirits of the
first quality, London and Dublin Stout, Porter. &c. &c., to which he
particularly invites the attention of the inhabitants of the Town and
neighbourhood, as he shall offer the same at a fair remunerating profit.
From the Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General
Advertiser, Saturday 4 May, 1839. Price 5d
On Tuesday last about 30 gentlemen sat down to an excellent dinner,
provided by the worthy landlord of the "Fleur-de-Lis," Sandwich, Mr.
Cramp; - Thomas Gillow Esq., in the chair. As soon as the cloth was
removed the Flowers we shewn and highly commended by the judges;
especially the Auricula shewn by Mr. Doorne. The following gentlemen
obtained prizes:-
Polyanthus - First Prize. Thomas Gillow Esq. Second ditto, Mr. B.
Coleman. Third ditto, Mr. Davis. Fourth ditto, Mr. Cramp.
Auricula - First Prize, Mr. Doorne. Second ditto, V. Hoile Esq. Third
ditto. T. Gillow Esq.
From the Kentish Gazette, 15 March 1842.
Fleur de Lis Inn, Commercial House, and Corn Market, SANDWICH, TO BE
A Person devoted to the Agricultural and Commercial Interests, will find
this an eligible opportunity of entering into a well established
Business. The Corn Market is held at the House every week, and the
Cattle Market every alternate week. The Proprietor leaving to join
another business.
Immediate Possession may be had.
Apply to R. S. Cramp, Cannon Brewery, Ramsgate.
From the Kentish Gazette, 15 April 1845.
Peake:— April 9, at Sandwich, Mr. Stephen Peake, landlord of the
"Fleur-de Lis Inn," aged 49.
Kentish Gazette, 22 June 1847.
AT the "Fleur-de-Lis Inn," Sandwich, on MONDAY, the 19th day of July
next at Two o’clock in the afternoon (unless previously
disposed of by Private Contract),
Lot 1:— All that FREEHOLD BREWERY and excellent PLANT, with recent
additions and improvements, force-pump, and every convenience for carrying on a profitable trade, situate in SANDWICH, and
late the property of Mr. Thomas Deverson, deceased.
The Casks and other Utensils in use with this Lot, and also the Stock of
Beer, may be taken at a valuation.
Lot 2:— All that substantial DWELLING HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in
Market-street, SANDWICH, late in the occupation of the
said Thomas Deverson, by whom it was partially rebuilt, and is therefore
now in good repair.
Immediate possession may be had of Lot 1.
For further particulars, and to treat for the sale by Private Contract,
apply to the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. Lee and Tapley, Solicitors,
Kentish Gazette, 6 July 1847.
THE BREWERY and HOUSE advertised to be Sold by Public Auction on the
19th instant, have been DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CONTRACT.
LEE and TAPLEY, Solicitors. Sandwich, 2nd July, 1847.
The Arrival of the Railway at sandwich in 1847 increased the trade to
such an extent the licensing hours were extended on a Wednesday and the inn
would open at 5.30am. In the latter 18th century a corn market was held
there on Wednesdays and for most of the 19th century a sign displayed outside
the Inn read 'Commercial Tavern, Corn Market and general Coach Office.
Today a sign inside the pub adds, "We no longer accept haggling and
bartering." But still maintains its wooden screens where traders made their
From the Kentish Gazette, 12 May 1857.
(By Private Contract.)
ALL that well-known and Old-established INN, COMMERCIAL HOTEL and
CORN MARKET, called the "FLEUR-DE-LIS," situate near the Cattle
For Particulars apply to Mr. Hicks, Auctioneer, Market Street.
Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 31 October 1857.
Fleur de Lis Inn, Sandwich.
Robert Wanstall begs respectfully to inform the Farmers, Factors, and
Others, that the New Market Room will be opened on
Wednesday, November the 11th.
A DINNER Will be provided to celebrate the occasion, when the company of
any Gentlemen will much oblige.
Dinner on table at half-past Four o’clock.Tickets 4s. each, including Dessert and Waiters.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 19 May, 1860.
The annual hunt dinner took place a few days since at the "Fleur de Lis
Inn," and was well attended by the patrons of the sport in this
locality, whose thanks were offered to the esteemed owner of the pack,
Mr. M. Nethersole. The Major presided, and the evening was spent most
South Eastern Gazette, 14 August, 1860.
A First class BILLIARD TABLE, by "Thurston," with cues, balls,
butts, rests, marking board, framed rules, &c., complete.
Enquire of T. F. Cramp, Fleur-de-Lis, Sandwich.
From the Dover Express and East Kent News, Friday, 4 August, 1871. Price 1d.
Three Freehold Dwelling-Houses and shop in Beach Street, Deal.
To be sold by Auction, by Mr. Geo. Ralph.
At the “Fleur-de-Lis Hotel,” Sandwich, on Wednesday, the 9th of August,
1871, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon.
All that Well-Known Old-Established, Market and Commercial Hotel, known
by the sign of the “Fleur-de-Lis,” in a central position in the town of
Sandwhich, close to the Cattle Market, which is held on alternate
Mondays, and also the Spacious and Newly-built Market Room, adjoining
the communication with the Hotel, and in which the Corn Market is held
The Hotel contains on ground floor, Large Entrance Hall, Glass-Fronted
Bar, Larder, Two Store Cupboards, Porters' Room, Large Billiard Room,
Coffee Room, Kitchen, Washhouse, and Scullery, with Large Wine, Beer,
and Spirit Cellars. On the first floor, Seven Bedrooms, Commercial Room,
Sitting Room, W.C., and Lumber Room. And together with the Coach-house,
and Eight-stall Stable, adjoining the Hotel.
Immediate possession may be had, and a portion of the Purchase Money can
remain on Mortgage.
Kelly's Directory of 1899 stated that a corn market was held at the
premises every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and an extensive cattle market
every alternate Monday from 8 to 12 p.m. and was also known as a "Family and
Commercial Hotel."
From the Whitstable Times, 16 June, 1900.
Messrs. Baker and Giles held a very successful sale at the "Fleur-de-Lis"
on Wednesday, each of the lots offered being disposed of. A freehold
cottage in the Butchery, Sandwich, was purchased by Mrs. Hurst for £90;
a freehold dwelling-house with bakehouse, in Harnet Street, by Sir.
Charles Lee for £205; The King’s Wharf, with dwelling-house and shop
adjoining, by the East Kent Brewery Company for £240; and The "Old Drum"
by Mrs. Hurst for £100.
From the book "Inns of Kent", Whitbread & Co. Ltd.,
published 1948.
In the centre of Sandwich will be found The Fleur de
Lis, an inn having rooms to let and catering for lunches and dinners.
The Fleur de Lis is a straggling building or buildings of rose-coloured
brick with associations from the Continental weavers some centuries ago.
Dover Express 15th July 1949.
Thomas Edward Quested of the "Fleur de Lis Hotel," Sandwich pleaded guilty
at Sandwich Magistrates’ Court to obtaining 90lbs of pork in
contravention of the Food Rationing Order 1948 and to contravention of
the Live Stock Restriction on Slaughtering Order by causing the slaughter
of a pig without a licence.
Mr. C. H. Lewes (Treasury Solicitor’s Department) prosecuted and
Mr. J. Albert Davies appeared for Quested.
Outlining the case, Mr. Lewes said the story opened on December 21st
1948, when Ministry inspectors visited the "Fleur de Lis Hotel," where
defendant, who incidentally was a butcher, was a resident. They spoke to
Quested, who was behind the bar, asked to see Mrs. Shewell, who was the
licensee, and then went to the kitchen. In “a lower region” they found a
meat safe which contained a side of pork in two pieces. The safe was
locked, Quested said he had lost the key, but invited them to break it
open. He told the inspectors he had slaughtered the pig under licence
for Mr. Hulme of Pedding, but it was found Mr. Hulme had had the whole of
his pig. Quested said it was for Mr. Ted Hulme of Adisham, but the
complete carcase was found at Adisham.
Mr. Lewes said that Quested refused to say anything further about it,
but, in some way, the pork was obtained illicitly. On the same day the
inspectors went into the hotel yard and found the complete carcase of a
pig, except the head, in a trailer. Quested said he had slaughtered if
for his cook ----- Mrs. Davidson ---- under licence. Subsequent
investigations revealed that Mrs. Davidson’s pig was slaughtered on
December 13th and that raised the question of why the pig was being
driven about in the car eight days later, instead of being in a
refrigerator or in Mrs. Davidson’s possession. Quested continued to
insist the pig in the car was Davidson’s, so there was still a doubt as
to its ownership.
Mr. Davies said Quested had very foolishly promised a number of people
pork at Christmas time. Having done it, he tried to make explanations.
The meat was taken from him, so he had derived no benefit from it at
all. “He has simply been a good-natured fool.”
Defendant was fined £30 and £100 respectively and ordered to pay £10
costs and an order was made for the disposal of the side of pork in
possession of the Ministry.
Information received November 2011 tells me the pub is currently for sale
with the leasehold asking price of £150,000. The pub is currently closed as
of the end of 2011.
The pub opened again in July 2013 and was doing well in 2014 till it
closed its doors yet again in early September 2014.
Latest news, 17 October 2014:- To reopen - Opening date is unknown but
there are posters in the window indicating it is expected to open soon and
staff are being recruited.
Opened again August 2015.
From the
http://www.kentonline.co.uk 19 August 2015 by Emily Stotte.
The Fleur de Lis in Sandwich is re-opening after a year.
The Fleur de Lis in Sandwich has opened under new management after a
year of standing empty.
Jan Fisher and general manager Matt Cross have taken on the venture in
turning the Fleur in Delf Street into a lively pub and restaurant with
live music, a function room and hotel.
It will open tomorrow (Thursday) at 5pm after weeks of preparation.
Mrs Fisher explained that more than £10,000 has been spent on the
refurbishment and it has created eight to 10 jobs for the town,
including opportunities for young people.
She said: “I'm really excited. Even though we haven't opened yet
everyone is really friendly and welcoming. I've been encouraged by the
enthusiasm people are showing for the opening.”
Mrs Fisher has worked in hotels and restaurants all her life, starting
out as a chambermaid and later running a hotel at the Princess Grace
Hospital in London.
She said: “We want to offer a warm welcome, traditional locally sourced
food cooked on site and in a really friendly environment.”
Mr Cross ran the "Valiant Sailor" pub in Folkestone and this was where the
pair first met and struck up a friendship and a business partnership
with the dream of transforming an empty pub.
He will now live on the premises and deal with its day to day running.
He said: “We've got the experience and we know how important customer
service is. It's just something that started out very small and it's
grown bigger very quickly.”
They initially had their eyes on the Market Inn in Sandwich but this
wasn't to be. However, chef Paula Johnson, formerly of the Market Inn is
now part of their team.
The bar will be serving snacks from today and the restaurant will open
in early September.
The hotel, with 11 en-suite bedrooms are available from £80 a night,
including breakfast.
From the
https://www.kentonline.co.uk By Sam Lennon, 27 September 2024.>p>
Bob Dylan lyric quoted as bosses announce Fleur De Lis pub in Sandwich is closing.
A pub landlord has called time at the bar quoting music legend Bob Dylan
to announce the closure of the town centre boozer.
The Fleur De Lis in Sandwich is set to close its doors next month
following a shock statement to punters about the 382-year-old venue this
Manager Richard Harris, who has run the Delf Street business for the
last six years, told customers in a Facebook post: “As everyone knows,
and just as Bob Dylan once said, ‘the times they are a-changing’ and
I’ve taken the decision to close the doors on The Fleur De Lis.
“As many of you have known for a while now, I’ve been debating on this
decision and decided to move on and spend more time on my passion for
music and events.
“Thank you to all the wonderful regulars we’ve had, the list is way too
big to try name-checking you all but thank you for your support and all
the wonderful memories we share together.
“It’s business as usual for the next two weeks and I hope to see many of
you for a drink and of course, we are going to be going out with a bang
on our last weekend.”
The pub’s final trading day will be Monday, October 7.
Over the years it has hosted shows by household name bands and singers
such as The Real Thing and Toyah Wilcox, who is in the current series of
the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing.
Richard Harris, manager of the Fleur De Lis in Sandwich has stunned
customers by announcing the closure of the pub.
It has held regular live music nights on Friday and Saturday nights.
The band User Friendly plays at 9pm on Friday, October 4, and The Fix!
appear at the same time the next evening in the pub’s final weekend.
The first recorded mention of the Fleur de Lis was in 1642, when the
town crier proclaimed it as a meeting place for volunteers to fight for
Charles I and the royalists during the English Civil War.
The existing building dates back to 1785 and built during the reign of
George III before serving as the coaching office in Sandwich from where
transport could be booked to Canterbury, Ramsgate and Dover.
A coach house and stables were located within the property and
throughout the 19th century, coaches could be taken from the pub until
the arrival of motor vehicles saw the demand die out.
The Fleur De Lis is also a hotel and restaurant and the announcement of
the shutdown brought in messages of dismay from customers with best
wishes to staff and management.
There were more than 200 messages in reaction to the post which was
published on Tuesday.
Dan Friend, a district council ward member for Sandwich, wrote: “Gutted,
many great times and events here. Best of luck to you and the team for
the future.”
Sharron Russell said: “Seeing it in writing makes me so sad. Without
doubt you have been the best landlord of the Fleur ever and we've been
using it a very long time. Sandwich will miss you without a doubt.”
A group called The Someday Band wrote: “Thanks so much for giving us, as
a new band on the circuit, an opportunity to play your fantastic venue
and allowing us some much appreciated exposure.”
Harry Sampson said: “Saddened to hear this, many of us in Sandwich and
beyond will miss great times at The Fleur. Best wishes and good luck for
the next amazing journey you guys embark on.”
Bob Dylan is considered one of the greatest singer-songwriters. He has
been highly influential since the 1960s, often making political and
social comment in his lyrics.
The American’s other famous songs include Blowin’ in the Wind and A Hard
Rain’s A-Gonna Fall.
KentOnline has contacted the Fleur De Lis management for further detail
and comment about the closure. |
Closed again 4th Octover 2024.
CLAIREBUT Daniel 1790 (Universal British Directory)
COLEMAN Benjamin 1798-May/38
CRAMP Thomas F May/1838-40+
PEAKE Stephen to 9/Apr/1845 dec'd age 49
PEAKE Eliz 1847+
WANSTALL Robert Aug/1857-May/58
CRAMP Thomas Fisher May/1858-61+ (age 55 in 1861)
CRAMP Elizabeth Stevens Mrs 1862+
EWELL William Henry 1871-Apr/72 (age 39 in 1871)
WILLIAMS Joseph Apr/1872+
PAIN Mark Clayson 1874+
PAIN Mrs Mary Jane 1878+
SPENCER James 1881-82 (also Bill Poster age 38 in 1881)
TAYLOR Richard 1891+ (age 63 in 1891)
CHAPMAN Albert William 1899+
TAMSITT William 1901+ (age 54 in 1901)
TAMSITT R A Mrs 1918+
BAKER Alfred Edward (Proprietor) 1934+
TAYLOR G 1961+
ARNOLD Stephen H 1974+
TILLINGS Randolph & Elizabeth 1977-82+
O'LEARY Aileen July/2013-Sept/2014
CROSS Matt & FISHER Jan Aug/2015+
HARRIS Richard 1/June/2018-Oct/24
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Pigot's Directory 1839
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Kelly's Directory 1862
From the Post Office Directory 1874
From the Kelly's Directory 1874
From the Post Office Directory 1878
From the Post Office Directory 1882
From the Kelly's Directory 1899
From the Kelly's Directory 1934
Library archives 1974
From the Dover Telegraph
From the Deal Walmer & Sandwich Mercury