46 Broad Street
Above picture taken from Google July 2009. |
Above map 1855 identified by Rory Kehoe. |
Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley was the first Duke of Wellington, also
known as the Iron Duke and whose boot is named after him was born on the 1st
of May 1769 and died on the 14th September 1852 at the age of 83. The pub is
obviously named in his honour.
It can be traced from between 1828 to 1862 at present, but by 1874 he had
obviously dropped out of favour for another Duke, this one the Duke of
Cambridge of whom the pub name changed to his honour for some reason. This
Duke of Cambridge probably being Prince George, and grandson of King George
III, born 26th March 1819 and died 17th March 1904.
Kentish Gazette, 27 January 1857.
A foreigner named Antonio Polaski, formerly a bugler in the British
Swiss Legion, was examined on Monday by the borough magistrates, on
a charge of having stolen a great coat, three silver table spoons,
and other articles, the property of Richard Bromley, of the "Swan
Inn." (Dover) The prosecutor related that the premises were forcibly entered
on the 2nd inst. — the till emptied, four great coats, two bottles
of gin, a box of cigars, three spoons, and other things stolen.
Thomas Denne, landlord of the "Wellington," Canterbury, deposed that
the prisoner came to his house on the 14th inst., and requested him
to advance half-a-crown on two table spoons, as the pawnbrokers’
shops were closed, and he wanted to go to Dover. On Inspector Spratt
making inquiry about a coat, witness gave up the spoons, and told
him of what had occurred.
Inspector Spratt confirmed this, and detailed the particulars of his
apprehension of the prisoner, and finding in his room a silver spoon
and the duplicate of a coat which he had pledged.
Mary Ann Carpenter stated the particulars of the prisoner's pledging
with her a coat and a handkerchief — which were sworn to by the
prosecutor, and prisoner was committed for trial.
On Wednesday the prisoner underwent examination on other charges —
among them for breaking into the house of a person named Scott, from
which he stole a Dutch clock and other articles; and sundry dresses
from the residence of Mr. Waterman. He was committed for trial on
the first charge, and on the second with a female named Mary Heath,
with whom he had been living in Canterbury, to the Dover sessions.
From the Kentish Gazette, 13 October 1857.
FRIDAY. (Before the Mayor and D. Matthews, Esq.)
James Baker, a private in the 7th Dragoon Guards, was charged with
stealing a pair of boots and a pair of spurs, the property of
corporal W. Chambers, of the 3rd Dragoons. Frederick Medhurst was
also brought up on a charge of unlawfully receiving the same.
Corporal Chambers identified the boots and spurs as his property,
and described the circumstances under which he lost them.
P.C. Holloway said that from information he received he went to the
"Wellington" public house and saw Medhurst who took him to his house
in Cotton Mill Lane, and then gave him the boots produced. He said
he had bought them from a man in nine pin alley.
Robert Mouteith, a private in the 7th Dragoons, examined:— Last week
the prisoner had 2 pair of boots in his possession. Prisoner told me
that he had sold a pair of boots at the "Wellington" for 12s. and if
he had a dozen pair he could sell them at the same place. I can
swear the boots produced are those I saw in the prisoners
possession. , Yesterday I took one of the spurs produced from the
prisoners boot and gave it to Chambers.
The prisoner pleaded "not guilty," and having been cautioned, made a
statement to the effect that nine days before a young man in
civilian’s dress, but with regimental overalls on, came to the
barracks and offered the spurs produced for sale, and he, prisoner,
bought them for 1s., in the presence of a soldier named Harper, of
the C troop. The man then offered to sell him a pair of boots,
saying he had no use for them, as he was going to "step it"
(desert.) At the evening stables the man brought the boots, and he
(prisoner) bought them for 7s. 6d., in the presence of a soldier
named Martin Kelpy. Prisoner took them to the barracks, and a week
afterwards he told his comrades that he would go and sell them to
get money for a "spree," and so he went to the "Wellington" and sold
them to Medhurst. The prisoner said he could identify the man he
bought them of if he saw him.
The Bench directed the men Harper and Kelpy to be sent for, and
Captain Turton, of the 3rd, who was present, sent the prisoner in
charge of a Serjeant-Major of the 3rd to the barracks, with orders
for the whole troop to be turned out, that the prisoner might point
out the man who he said had sold him the boots.
After some delay the Sergeant-Major returned and said the prisoner
had fixed upon a most respectable young man named Dowle, who had
lately joined the regiment.
The prisoner having been again placed at the bar, Henry Harper,
private of the 7th, was examined, and deposed that eight or nine
days ago he saw the prisoner buy a pair of spurs similar to those
produced from a man in plain clothes, with regimental overalls on.
He heard them converse about buying a pair of boots. He should not
know the man again.
In reply to Captain Turton, witness said he slept in the Guard Room
last night. Prisoner was also there, but in another part of the
room. They had no conversation together.
It was stated that the other man, Kelpy, referred to by the
prisoner, was in Hospital and could not attend.
George Dowle, private in the 3rd, deposed that he had never sold the
prisoner any boots, and did not know him.
The prisoner could not swear to Dowle as the man he bought the boots
from; but he was like the man. Harper said he did not recognise
Private Monteith and Corporal Chambers being re-examined, both
deposed that the prisoner had stated to them that he brought the
second pair of boots with him from the 6th Enniskillens, from which
regiment prisoner had volunteered to the 7th.
The prisoner was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions.
The case against Frederick Medhurst was found to be under the
jurisdiction of the County Magistrates, the house in which the goods
were found being just outside the Borough bounds.
From a report to the Mayor and Magistrates in Guildhall
on 17th April 1859.
"Sergeant Ells reports that he found the following number of
Prostitutes at the following public houses and beer-shops yesterday
"Wellington," Broad Street, 1.
South Eastern Gazette, 26 June, 1860.
Alleged Case of Watch Stealing.
At the city petty sessions on Thursday last, Thomas Denne (landlord
of the "Wellington" public house in Broad-street) John Taylor, and
John Clarke (two, disbanded militiamen), were charged with having
stolen a gold watch, value 40 guineas, he property of John
Merryweather, a sub-contractor on the London, Chatham, and Dover
From the evidence given by the prosecutor, it appeared that at about
9 o'clock on the previous night he went into the house kept by the
prisoner Denne, and had something to drink, and in the tap-room he
saw the two other prisoners, Clarke and Taylor. He (prosecutor) was
sitting on a table in a "dosing state," when the prisoner Clarke
left the room. Denne then went in, took hold of the table on which
the prosecutor was sitting, and tried to throw him off. Denne and
Taylor afterwards caught hold of him, one on each side and when he
was about to go out of the room, he met Clarke, who threatened to
strike him. Prosecutor then felt Denne take hold of his watch, and
on seizing his hand he found it contained his watch. All parties
then left the room, and the prosecutor gave information to the
police. At the time of hearing the case, the watch had not been
found and the prisoners were consequently remanded till Monday, bail
being refused.
South Eastern Gazette, 26 June, 1860.
The Watch Stealing Case.
Yesterday (Monday) Thomas Denne, licensed victualler, John Clarke
and John Taylor, labourers, were brought before the magistrates on
remand, charged with stealing a gold watch, value 50 guineas, from
the person of John Merryweather, a railway sub-contractor. Mr. T. T.
Delasaux appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Mourilyan, of
Sandwich, defended the prisoner Denne. The former evidence having
been read over, prosecutor added, in cross-examination, that he was
not drunk, though he might have been into five or six public-houses
previously. He swore positively that it was Denne who took the
watch; but he did not give him in charge because he was told he
should have the watch back again. Inspector Spratt proved finding
the watch buried in a cup, and wrapped in paper, at the premises of
the prisoner Taylor’s father, in Burgate-lane. Clarke here said he
was the man who took the watoh, which was dangling out of
prosecutor’s pocket, while he was struggling with some navvies).
Sergeant Else said he went to Denne’s house; prosecutor charged the
latter with having his watch, which Denne denied. Prosecutor also
pointed out a man named Whittaker as one who had assisted in robbing
him, but afterwards admitted that he was mistaken, and then pointed
out Clark and Taylor. Prosecutor was three-parts drunk, and when
asked at the station if he had any particular charge to press
against either of the prisoners? said, "None whatever," and they
were then all discharged.
Mr. Mourilyan then addressed the Bench, on behalf of the prisoner
Denne, contending that there was not such evidence against his
client as would justify the magistrates in imposing upon him
imprisonment until the sessions, but the magistrates committed all
of the prisoners for trial at the quarter sessions. They, however,
consented to accept bail, which was found for the prisoner Denne.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 30 June, 1860.
(Before the Mayor and ten magistrates.)
Thomas Denne, landlord of the "Wellington" public-house, and John
Taylor and John Clarke, two discharged militiamen, were charged on
remand from Thursday, with stealing a gold watch, the property and from
the person of Merrewether, late railway sub-contractor, of Chartham.
Before the re-examination this morning Mr. Delasaux stated that the
watch had been found in the garden of the father of the prisoner Taylor.
The prosecutor's deposition was read over, and on the watch being
produced by police-inspector Sprint, he identified it as his property.
Mr. J. N. Mourilyan appeared for the prisoner, and in answer to
questions from him the prosecutor said he had been to several
public-houses before he went to the "Wellington," and had something to
drink at each, but was not drunk. He would swear the watch was taken out
of his pocket by Denne. When he went to the police-station he stated
that he had lost his watch at the "Butchers’ Arms," but that was a
mistake. He did not at that time know the name of the "Wellington"
public-house, being a stranger in Canterbury.
Inspector Spratt deposed: In consequence of information received, I went
to the house of the prisoner Taylor's father, Burgate-lane, on Friday
last. In the yard there is a flower border, and on digging beside a
fuchsia I found the watch enclosed in a cup. In reply to a question from
Mr. Mourilyan, Inspector Spratt stated that the defendant's house was
generally well conducted, and that the landlord had given information to
the police by means of which robberies had been found out, and the
perpetrators punished.
Prosecutor came to the police station. In consequence of what he said I
went to the "Butchers’ Arms" and after wards to the "Wellington"
public-house. I saw the three prisoners there. I asked the prisoner Denne if he had seen the prosecutor before, and he said he had. I told
Denne the prosecutor said he had lost his gold watch there—the
prosecutor said "this (Denne) is the man who has got it." Denne said it
was false, for he was not there at the time. The prosecutor said
"perhaps I am mistaken," and he then picked out the two prisoners Taylor
and Clarke. I told them they were charged, along with the landlord, with
stealing the prosecutor's watch. They denied it, and I searched them but
did not find anything. The prosecutor charged them all with stealing the
watch, and, with the assistance of P.C. Holliday, I took them all three
to the station-house. The prosecutor was three parts drunk and did not
appear to know what he was doing. We went to several public-houses
before we got to the right one, and in consequence of the description he
gave of the landlord we went to the "Wellington." He said the landlord
was stout, full-faced, and pitted with the small-pox. When at the
station the Superintendent asked the prosecutor if he had any particular
charge to make against any of the prisoners. Ha said "none whatever,"
and the prisoners were consequently discharged.
Mr. Mourilyan addressed the Court on behalf of the prisoner Denne.- The
prisoners were committed for trial, bail being accepted for the
appearance of Denne, himself in £100 and two sureties in £50 each.
South Eastern Gazette, 10 July, 1860.
The summer quarter sessions for this city and borough were held
before John Deedes, Esq., Recorder, at the Guildhall, on Wednesday
Thomas Denne, licensed victualler, John Taylor and John Clarke,
labourers, were conjointly indicted for stealing a gold watch, value
40 guineas, from the person of John Meryweather, at St. Mary,
Northgate, on the 20th June last. Mr. Barrow prosecuted; Mr. Bussell
defended Denne. Clarke pleaded guilty. The other prisoner was
The evidence adduced was substantially the same as that given at the
examinations before the magistrates, and reported by us a fortnight
Three witnesses were called for the defence of Denne, who stated
that the accused did not commit the offence imputed to him.
The Recorder carefully summed up, and the jury retired to consider
their verdict. After being locked up for nearly five hours, they
found a verdict of guilty against Taylor, but acquitted Denne.
Clarke and Taylor were sentenced to twelvemonths' hard labour.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 15 September, 1860.
William King was charged with stealing 5s. from the person of Charles
Stiff, a bricklayer, on Sunday afternoon. The prosecutor had gone to the
"Wellington" public-house, about three o'clock, and after staying in the
tap-room for about twenty minutes went upstairs into a bed-room to see a
man named Crip. Here he lay down on the bed and fell asleep till aroused
by the prisoner groping in his pockets, and on getting up he found he
had been robbed of two half-crowns. He reclaimed that amount of King,
and on his refusal to give it up called a policeman, to whom prisoner
was given in custody. Prisoner now pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to
one month’s imprisonment.
South Eastern Gazette, 18 September, 1860.
Stealing Money from the Person.
Yesterday, before the city justices, William King was charged with
stealing 5s. from the person of Charles Stiff, a bricklayer, on
Sunday afternoon. The prosecutor had gone to the "Wellington"
public-house, about three o’clock, and after staying in the tap-room
for about 20 minutes went up stairs into a bed-room to see a man
named Crip. Here he lay down on the bed and fell asleep till aroused
by the prisoner groping in his pockets, and on getting up he found
that he had been robbed of two half-crowns. He reclaimed that amount
of King, and on his refusal to give it up called a policeman to whom
prisoner was given in custody. Prisoner now pleaded guilty, and was
sentenced to one month’s imprisonment.
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 10 September 1861.
Most of the old licenses were renewed, but those of the following
publicans were left for consideration until an adjourned licensing day
(the 12th inst.) in consequence of complaints having been made of the
way in which the houses have been conducted. Robert Whittaker, "Princess
Royal," Northgate; Thomas Denne, "Wellington," Broadstreet; Richard
Drew, "Three Grenadiers," Military Road; William Taylor, "True Britton,"
Northgate; and Charles Moore, the "Cock," Westgate.
Kentish Express 11 October 1862.
Quarter Sessions, Tuesday week; before J.J. Lonsdale Esq.
Anson Polaski, alias Thomas Joy, 28, and Kames Burns, 25, engine
driver, were charged with stealing a gold pin, four clocks, £3 7s.
6d. in money, and other articles, the property of William Hall
Robinson, in his dwelling house, at Folkestone, on the 2nd
September, 1862. Mr. Minter appeared for the prosecution.
The prosecutor deposed that he was the landlord of the "Swan Inn," and
that on the night of the 1st September he went to bed about one
o'clock. In consequence of what had been told him he came downstairs
about a quarter to seven the next morning and found the pane of
glass close to the sash fastening of the back parlour window broken,
and the window a little way up. The writing desk had been broken
open, and a pin, four clocks, and some children's wearing apparel
were missing. The clocks were in a box. From the bar he missed £3
0s. 6d. in silver, and about seven or eight shillings in copper. He
also missed three coats, a concertina, a letter, and a Magistrates'
certificate from the bar. He saw the prisoner on the previous
evening in his house. He came in for some refreshment. On Tuesday
morning he gave information to the police, and went with them to
Dover and Canterbury. He got to the "Wellington Inn," at Canterbury,
with P.C. Smith, about half past twelve. The prisoner Joy was there,
and they found a concertina and three coats there in his possession.
Joy said the concertina and the coats were his property, and he had
bought them. He was then taken to the station and searched, and a
letter, a Magistrates' certificate, and five cigars were found on
him. The concertina and coats produced were his property. He saw
police sergeant Newman searching Joy at the station-house and find
the letter and Magistrates' certificate produced, which were safe in
his house on the Monday night.
Evidence corroborative of the above was given, and also tracing some
of the stolen articles to the possession of Burns.
There was a further indictment against Joy for stealing five
shillings, a watch, and a walking stick from the premises of the
"Duke of York," Sandgate, but this broke down from the want of
A previous conviction having been proved against Joy, the Recorder,
on the first charge, sentenced him to fifteen years' penal
servitude, remarking that he was evidently one of those persons who,
if interfered with in carrying out his nefarious purposes, would not
hesitate to use violence; Burns, five years penal servitude.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 9 July, 1864.
At the Canterbury Police Court on Monday, a gunner in the Royal Horse
Artillery, named John Ryan, was brought up in custody, charged with
assaulting James Delahanty, a trooper belonging to the 3rd Dragoons, at
the “Wellington” public-house, Broad-street, on Sunday night. The
complainant said he was at the “Wellington” about a quarter to 9 o’clock
on Sunday night. Some girls wanted to drink with him, but he refused to
allow them. The prisoner and some others then began to annoy him, and
the prisoner struck him on the back of the head. He was them challenged
by a man belonging to the 7th Dragoons, and they went out into the yard
and fought about three minutes. The other men then closed in upon him
and struck him. He then got into the street, where he was again set upon
and used most shamefully. His face presented marks of severe violence,
the left eye being very much discoloured and swollen. The prisoner was
not one of those who ill-used him in the yard and in the street. The
Landlord and landlady of the “Wellington” declared that the prisoner was
not in their house at all during Sunday evening. The magistrates
dismissed the case.
WRAIGHT Thomas 1824+
WRAIGHT John 1828+
WATTS William 1830-32+
CHAPPERDEN William 1838-47+
DENNE Thomas 1857-68+ (age 34 in 1861)
From the Pigot's Directory 1824
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Guide 1838
From the Pigot's Directory 1840
From Bagshaw Directory 1847
From Melville's Directory 1858
From the Post Office Directory 1862
Canterbury Directory 1868
Canterbury web site www.machadoink.com