The Street/Margate Hill
Above postcard, postmarked 1916. Kindly sent by Graham Butterworth. |
Above photo, 1920s, kindly sent by Michael Mirams. |
Above photo, date unknown, by David Redfern. |
Above photo, date unknown, by David Redfern. |
Above photo, date unknown, by David Redfern. |
Above photo 1938, probably showing Harold & Vida Dillistone. |
Above photos from
Crown and Sceptre sign left July 1993. Sign right 2010.
Above with thanks from Brian Curtis |
Above photo 2012. |
Above photo November 2022, kindly sent by Chase Winchester. |
The premises dates back to the 1660 and was originally two farm
buildings. When open it contained a restaurant
titled the "Stock's Restaurant," where the Magistrates used to hold their
court cases.
The former stables and barn have been converted into a games room and the
back bar shows its original oak beams.
Opened as an inn in 1770, it was nicknamed the 'Clown and Spectre' after
the proprietor and proprietor's wife of that time. Their ghosts can still be
heard bickering and rowing throughout the day. When they do make an
appearance, he is tall and thin, with she small and dumpy.
This was probably the hostelry
referred to by William Cobbett in his Rural Rides. In 1823, Cobbett ‘took
breakfast' at Acol, but was unable to buy corn for his horse or bacon for
himself, so his opinion of the little hamlet was low in the extreme.
Prior to 1833 the pub was owned by the Symond's Brewery of Ramsgate, but
they sold the business and pub to Francis Cobb and Son, brewer also in
Ramsgate that same year.
I am informed that the brothers of 1861 and 1871 as listed below were
working as farmers in Acol in the 1881 census.
From Kentish Gazette 24 July 1784.
From his Stake Line, near ACOL, in the Isle of Thanet, On Wednesday the 21st Instant.
A Black Pony, about thirteen Hands and a Half high, and Blind with the off Eye, has a
cut Tail, and has been wrung upon his Back; had a pair of Locks and a
Chain on his near fore Foot.
Whoever has got him, and will bring him to Mr. Page's at the
"Crown" at Acol, in the Isle of Thanet, or to Nathaniel Wixson, on Lady Wooton's
Green, Canterbury; or will be so kind as to let them know where he is,
so that they may have him again, shall receive all reasonable
From Kentish Gazette 23 March 1785.
To be Sold by Auction, on Friday, the 8th Day of April next, About Five
o'Clock in the Afternoon, At the "Crown" at Acol in the Isle of Thanet, (if not sold before by Private
Two Dwelling Houses, with the Buildings, (all in good Repair) Gardens,
Orchards, and several Pieces of good Arable and Pasture Land, thereunto
belonging, containing together. Twenty four Acres more or less, with the
Appurtenances; situate in Acol and Monketon in the said Isle of Thanet,
and now in the Occupation of Mr. George Friend or his Under tenants.
Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 25 April 1896.
Acol. A costly drink.
At the County Sessions at Margate, on Tuesday, Edward May, painter, of
6, Chester Road, Westgate, and Frank Smith, painter, of Canterbury, were
charged with falsely representing themselves to be travellers and
obtaining intoxicating liquid from John J. F. Robinson, landlord of the
"Crown and Sceptre Inn," Acol, during the time the house was required to
be closed.
John J. F. Robinson, landlord of the "Crown and Sceptre," said:- On the
day in question, about 4 o'clock, defendants came in and asked for
refreshments stating that they were from Margate. On that statement they
were served with a pint of beer. Whilst there P.C. Dryland came in and
took their names and addresses, and they also told him they came from
Margate. Defendants was strangers to him. P.C. Dryland said on Good
Friday he visited the house and company with P.C. Bretman. He saw the
two defendants in front of the bar with a pint of beer. Witness asked
the landlord if the defendants were travellers and he said they told him
they came from Margate. Witness then asked defendants where they came
from and they said "Margate."
Witness, said "Don't tell me that story. I
know you both. You come from Westgate."
May then admitted that he came
from Westgate and Smith said he came from 6, Hawks Lane, Canterbury, but
was lodging at Westgate, where he slept on the previous night. Smith
said that he told the landlord he came from Westgate and not from
Margate. He was sorry if he had broken the law. He only went to Westgate
on the Thursday from Canterbury, and slept there for the night. May said
he walked round by Birchington, a distance of 4 miles, and he thought he
was entitled to a drink.
He was fined 5s. and 10s. costs and Smith 5s.
and 12s. costs, in default ten days each.
The money was paid.
Smith:- This is a dear glass of beer, sir; good morning.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, 2 May 1896.
Westgate-on-Sea. The Bonafide Travellers Question.
At the Cinque Ports Petty Sessions, held at Margate, on Tuesday, before
Captain Hatfield, Dr. A. Flint, and J. T. Friend, E. S. Goodson, J.
Crawford, T. D. Ind and J. Ward, Edward May, of Westgate, and Frank
Smith, and 6, Victoria Grove, Hawks Lane, Canterbury, were summoned for,
on Good Friday, April 3rd, falsely representing themselves to be
travellers, and obtaining intoxicating liquor, from John J. F. Robinson
at the "Crown and Septre," Acol.
Mr. Robinson said, at about 4 p.m. on the 3rd instant, the defendant's
went to his house and said they had come from Margate, and, on that
statement, they were served with a pint of beer. On P.C. Dryland
arriving, he saw the defendant's, who told him they had come from
Margate. As they were strangers, he believed their statement, he
supplied them with drink, thinking they were bona fide travellers. Smith
afterwards gave an address at Canterbury and May gave one in Chester
Road, Westgate.
P.C. Dryland said that he and P. C. Bateman, on going to the house at 4
p.m. on Good Friday, saw the defendant's there, with glasses in front of
them. He asked the landlord who they were? and he replied that they told
him they came from Margate, but he (Dryland) saud he knew them very well
and thought they came from Westgate. He had since found that both slept
at Westgate on the previous night. The "Crown and Sceptre" was about a
mile and a half from Westgate.
Smith said he thought he walked the prescribed distance and was thus a
bona fide traveller; but, being a Canterbury man he did not know the
exact distance.
May said he had walked from Margate, but slept at Westgate on the
previous night.
May was fined 5s. and 10s. costs or 10 days' hard labour; and Smith, 5s
and 12s cost; and the Chairman said they might have got the landlord
into trouble.
Smith said he was sorry, but it was a dear glass of ale.
Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 26 November 1898.
Acol. Publican Heavily Fined.
At the Cinque Port Petty sessions, at Margate, on Monday, J. J. F.
Robinson, "Crown and Sceptre Inn," Acol, was summoned for permitting
drunkenness on his licensed premises, on the 10th instant.
Sergeant Hoare said, on the 10th instant, at 11 a.m., he was on duty in
Acol Street. He heard loud talking in the defendant's house, and
subsequently he saw 9 or 10 men there, some of whom were drunk. The
defendant was at work in the garden, and when he spoke to him about the
state of some of the men, and told him he must not serve them with more
drink, he said he had not served them for the past half hour, and told
them to go. He then went with him (the sergeant) to the men, and said
"You won't get any more drink." One man, he was sober, said "All right,
governor, let them sleep it off." He refused. Subsequently, he served a
man called Patsey, who was sober. At 11:15 3 or 4 came out, and one
afterwards tried to return, but he refused to allow him to go in. Some
of the men became disorderly, and another fell on his back and could not
get up without assistance. Five were drunk and two under the influence
of drink. He took two into custody.
The defendant said the men had been drinking before going to his house,
but he served a man who was sober and he took the beer into the Tap
Room; but he (defendant) afterwards saw that two were drunk, and he
ordered them to leave and refused to supply more drink. He was in a weak
state, having been ill, and had not the strength to eject them.
The Chairman pointed out that he could have asked the sergeant to do so.
Edward Settlefield, Acol, farmer, said he saw the defendant refuse to
serve the men, before the arrival of the police.
The defendant was fined £5 and 10s. costs; but the Chairman said the
Bench would not endorse the licence.
Thanet Advertiser - Saturday 07 October 1899.
At the Cinque Ports Petty Sessions on Monday, at Margate, the licence of
the "Crown and Sceptre Inn," Acol, was transferred to Mr. W. J. Vincent.
Dover Express 4th June 1942.
At the Dover Licensing Sessions on Monday, the licence of the “Crown and
Sceptre”, Acol, was transferred from Mrs. Dillstone to Mr. J. T. Watts
of Penge.
Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 4 May 1943.
Raid on public house. Late drinks at Acol.
Following a police raid on an Acol public house a number of summonses
alleging drinking after hours were heard at the Cinque Ports police
Court, Margate, on Monday.
Mrs. Vida Dillistone, licensee of the "Crown and Sceptre" public house,
was fined £5 for supplying intoxicating liquor during other than
permitted hours on 27th of March, and £5 for failing to cause the
premises to be closed after 11 p.m. in accordance with the direction of
the Regional Commissioner.
The following four defendants were fined £1 each for consuming
intoxicating liquor after the permitted hours and £1 each for remaining
on licensed premises after 11 p.m. Ldg-Acm Thomas Richard James Burrows,
R.A.F., of Church cottages, Acol; John David Richard Swain and his wife,
Louisa Swain, of Margate Hill cottages, Acol, and George Edward
Prescott, of Minnis Bay, Birchington.
On behalf of all the defendants Mr. A. R. Young pleaded not guilty to
all the summonses.
P.S. Wilkinson, stationed at Minster, related how he kept observation on
the public house and said that after 10:15 p.m. he heard sound similar
to money changing hands and glasses being filled. At 11:45 p.m. he
entered the premises through the kitchen door. On the counter in the bar
were two glasses of light ale, one belonging to Burrows and one to
Prescott, one glass of brown ale, to grape fruits and a pint glass of
beer which belong to Swain.
P.C. Thompson gave corroborative evidence.
Mrs. Dillistone denied that she was in the bar when the police officers
entered. She said she was in the kitchen helping her daughter cook the
supper. The only drink she served after 10 o'clock with those she gave
the people in the bar. She had had a present of fish and asked several
friends to stay to supper.
In addition to the fines, defendants between them were ordered to pay
three guineas costs.
In 1963, licensee Reg Cook had a performing parrot named Polly that would
do tricks to the amusement of the customers.
Above postcard, 1964, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, 1964, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above postcard, 1963, showing the performing parrot.
Thanet Times, Tuesday 21 July, 1964.
Polly likes to show off with his tricks.
Polly the grey parrot is an attraction at the "Crown and
Sceptre" Public
House, Acol, and has brought customers from as far away as London as
well as all over Thanet.
With the aid of his master and licensee of the house, Mr. Reg
Cook, Polly is enthusiast about showing off his tricks to his
public. Lying on his back, hanging by his beak on a bottle,
whistling wolf whistles, coughing and talking quite audibly are
parts of his repertoire.
His latest gimmick is making a collection of pennies that is to
be donated to the Cancer Research Fund. In the past 10 days, pennies
put into his cage in the saloon bar have amounted to over £6.
Mr. Cook explained in between serving drinks to a full house,
recently, that he and his wife, Jean, bought Polly just before they
moved to the "Crown and Sceptre" about two-and-a-half years ago.
"We couldn't really be without him now," said Mr. Cook. "It is
not only the trade he brings in, but he has got to be almost like a
member of the family."
Polly is only part of the success of the booming trade at the
"Crown and Sceptre," which is Mr. Cook's first public house.
Commented Mrs. Cook:- "We have a good partnership behind the bar.
This in particular makes people feel happy — as we want them to be."
She added:- "Since we moved to Thanet from Sidcup we have found
the people helpful and that has helped as to settle down and be
happy here ourselves."
Thanet Times, Tuesday 27 September 1966.
Pictured here is Mr. Jack Bowles, the new host at the quaint "Crown and
Sceptre," Acol with his attractive wife Joan.
Jack and Joan, as they insist on being known, arrived al the pub after
being in charge of the catering at the "Swan," in Teynham, near
Said Jack:- "We have been in the licensed trade for the last 15 years,
but this is the first time we hare actually served behind the counter in
our own pub. We are delighted with the house and are looking forward to
making lots of new friends in Thanet."
The couple have two daughters, Carolyn (20), and Sally (15).
Before entering the licensed trade, Jack was Appeals Secretary for the
Royal National Institution for the Blind, in Cambridge.
Thanet Times, Tuesday 31 May 1977.
Publicans withdraw pleas for extension.
TWO publicans in Margate's old town centre withdrew applications at
Margate Court on Wednesday for licensing extensions to open their
premises during the afternoon of 6 June.
They were licensees of the "Ruby Lounge" and the "Queen's Head" hotels.
Parties for the young and elderly to celebrate the Queen's Silver
Jubilee are planned in the square during the afternoon.
The bench also turned down an application by the landlord of the "Crown
and Sceptre" at Acol for a Jubilee day extension to coincide with an
afternoon fete and carnival being held on a field opposite his public
Thanet Times, Tuesday 19 December, 1978.
Drinks Thieves Raid Two Village Pubs.
Thieves raided two village pubs on Thursday.
More than £1,000 worth of spirits was stolen from the seller at the
"Crown and Sceptre Inn," Acol, during the afternoon.
The thieves broke in through the delivery hatch whilst licensing Mr.
Ronald Evans and his wife were upstairs.
During the night, £400 worth of wines and spirits was taken from the
"Jolly Farmer," at High Street, Manston.
Youtube clip of parrot:-
I am informed that the pub is currently closed and for sale. (April
2014.) And unfortunately looks like it won't open again as a pub.
From the By Kathy Bailes, 9 August, 2017.
Residents brand plans to demolish an historic village pub and build houses as a ‘Cell Block H’ proposal.
An application submitted to demolish the Crown & Sceptre pub in Acol and
build two homes in its place has been branded a Cell Block H proposal by
The former Shepherd and Neame pub shut in May 2012. It was then put on
the market for £240,000 but only one offer was received and that was
later withdrawn.
In April 2013 it was sold for a sum below the original asking price but
deemed unsuitable to open as a pub again.
Shepherd and Neame said the pub was not viable with falling beer sales
before its closure, little passing trade and a lack of kitchen and
restaurant space.
Margate Civic Society has objected to the “complete annihilation of the
historic building.”
In an objection letter the group says: “There were premises here in the
1400s, occasionally used by magistrates. The house has some claim to
literary recognition as it must be the hostelry featured by William
Cobbett in his Rural Rides (1823).”
Previous applications to develop the site have been withdrawn or
modifications were requested.
The building is currently in a poor state with the roofs gone and
weather damage inside.
A new building already on the site has been described as “a disgrace” in
one letter of objection, with the resident adding: “To erect another
huge building will make what used to be a pleasant pub and car park like
cell block H.”
The resident also brands the lack of work to put in a temporary roof as
“deliberate architectural vandalism” adding: “The developer should be
made to restore the building to the condition it was in when he bought
it, before he left it empty and rotting for years.”
Another resident also said the property had deliberately been left
without a roof and houses built on the same plot by the developer “are
an eyesore and resemble a prison block rather than homes.”
The loss of the pub is in addition to the closure of Acol’s shop and
post office.
The premises dates back to the 15th century contains a ‘stock’s
restaurant’ title, showing magistrates used to hold their court cases at
the site.
The “Crown and Sceptre” was an inn in 1770.
Prior to 1833 the pub was owned by the Symond’s Brewery of Ramsgate, but
they sold the business and pub to Ramsgate brewer Francis Cobb and Son
that year.
A decision on the application is yet to be made.
From the By Adele Couchman, 19 OCT 2017.
An historic Thanet pub will no longer be demolished but it will still be
earmarked for housing.
Developers tried to demolish a 17th century pub and put two houses in
its place, but villagers were left furious.
Plans to demolish a 17th century pub in Birchington have been refused by
the council - although developers have confirmed the site could still be
pursued for housing.
The Crown and Sceptre pub served the people of Acol but has been shut
down since 2012 after brewing giants Shepherd Neame struggled to make
profits and sold the pub to a developer the following year.
But a recent planning application from Torran Projects to demolish the
entire building and build two three storey homes in its place has been
refused by Thanet District Council due to its status as a
"non-designated heritage asset".
A notice explaining the reasons for its refusal said: "A proposal would
result in the full demolition of a non-designated heritage asset within
the village of Acol, for which there is no justified need.
The pub has since had its roof removed which has prompted backlash from
"The heritage asset is considered to have historic significance within
the village, both through the age and historic use of the building, but
also through its local interest as a historic landmark.
"The loss of this significant heritage asset is not considered to be
outweighted by any public benefits, and as such is considered to be an
unsustainable form of development that would cause harm to the historic
Conversion of the building.
Developers originally gained planning permission in 2014 to convert the
old pub into a four bed dwelling and build two three bedroom
semi-detached homes in the pub car park.
Original plans included converting the pub into a four bed dwelling
house, with two semi-detached homes.
Construction of the two homes commenced earlier this year and are
expected to be completed in 2018.
Due to the poor state of the building, developers then sought to
demolish the building after it was found the current conversion plans
were not "economically viable".
Although no final decision has been made on how the historic building
will be used following the demolition refusal, director of Torran
Construction John Rodgers has confirmed that the original renovation
plans may still be explored, or the building may be sold to another
developer to allow them to renovate the building.
Other "planning possibilities" are also being reviewed.
Controversy surrounded the building earlier this year after the roof of
the building was removed, leading villages to question whether the move
was deliberate to "wreck the building".
In an objection written to Thanet District Council, Sally Whitwoth of
Margate Civic Society said: “I am concerned the developers have already
removed the roof and appear to be trying to demolish the building before
planning permission has been granted.
"Part of the top floor has gone – any further demolition should be
stopped immediately.”
She added: “The original plan to turn the building into dwelling houses
should remain in place – to pull down such an historic building in the
village to replace with modern houses perhaps just shows how little the
past is valued in Thanet."
A spokesman for Torran Construction said that the roof was removed as it
was in a poor state and needed repairing.
According to John Land’s book Village Pubs Of Thanet, the Crown and
Sceptre began life as two farm dwellings as long ago as 1660 before
becoming a pub.
From the By Kathy Bailes, 10 January, 2018.
Thanet council serves notice on Acol Crown & Sceptre owner ordering rebuilding works.
Thanet council has served notice on the owner of the former Crown and
Sceptre pub in Acol ordering them to carry out rebuilding works –
including the replacement of the roof.
Last October an application submitted to demolish the pub and build two
homes in its place was refused.
The former Shepherd and Neame pub shut in May 2012. It was then put on
the market for £240,000 but only one offer was received and that was
later withdrawn.
In April 2013 it was sold for a sum below the original asking price but
was deemed unsuitable to open as a pub again.
The planning application from Torran Construction was vehemently opposed
by many residents in the village.
Margate Civic Society objected to the “complete annihilation of the
historic building.”
The building is currently in a poor state with the roof gone and weather
damage inside. The notice served by Thanet council requires the roof to
be replaced.
The premises dates back to the 15th century.
The TDC Section 215 notice orders the:-
Rebuilding of the front elevation wall and from second floor cill level
and repairing of any cracks within the main building elevations.
Replacement of the three front windows in the same design and materials
as previously installed.
Replacement of timber roof structures and replacement of the roof using
the same materials and design as before.
Rebuilding the north end gable of the rear addition.
The notice will take effect from February 7 and requires the work to be
completed within three months of that date.
A TDC spokesman said: “The council can confirm that a Section 215 Notice
has been served on the owners of the Crown and Sceptre. This requires
works to be carried out to the building, including rebuilding the
removed parts of the front elevation and replacing the roof, to bring it
back to an acceptable standard.’
“The notice comes into effect in February, unless an appeal is received
beforehand, with a three-month compliance period. If an appeal is made
to the magistrates court and accepted before the notice comes into
effect then further action will held in abeyance while the appeal is
A Section 215 notice can be served on any interested party where land or
buildings have become untidy and are considered to adversely affect the
amenity of the area. There is a right of appeal to the magistrates
From the By Kathy Bailes, 29 October, 2018.
Former Crown & Sceptre pub in Acol sold at auction.
The Crown & Sceptre pub.
The former Crown & Sceptre pub in Acol has sold at auction for £152,000
– the lower end of the £150-£160,000 guide price.
The property went under the hammer at a Clive Emson auction today
(October 29).
In October 2017 an application submitted to demolish the pub and build
two homes in its place was refused.
The former Shepherd and Neame pub shut in May 2012. It was then put on
the market for £240,000 but only one offer was received and that was
later withdrawn.
In April 2013 it was sold for a sum below the original asking price but
deemed unsuitable to open as a pub again.
The planning application from Toran Construction was vehemently opposed
by many residents in the village.
Margate Civic Society objected to the “complete annihilation of the
historic building.”
In January Thanet council served notice on the owner ordering them to
carry out replacement and repair works to the roof and structure.
The building is currently in a poor state with the roof gone and weather
damage inside.
Part of the premises dates back to the 17th century.
From the By Kathy Bailes, 24 July, 2019.
Former Crown and Sceptre pub in Acol sells at auction – again.
The property has planning permission to be converted into two homes; one
with two bedrooms and the other with four.
It was among 124 lots listed for sale by Clive Emson, the land and
property auctioneers, at its latest sale.
The former hostelry lies between Birchington and Minster and had a
freehold guide price of £165-175,000 but sold for £215,000.
Kevin Gilbert, auctioneer, said: “This was a fine opportunity for a
builder to create new, in-demand residential properties.
“It is a large building in a good location and therefore we anticipated
a great deal of interest, which we received.”
The former pub last sold at auction in October 2018 for £152,000.
In October 2017 an application submitted to demolish the pub and build
two homes in its place was refused.
The former Shepherd and Neame pub shut in May 2012. It was then put on
the market for £240,000 but only one offer was received and that was
later withdrawn.
The Crown & Sceptre Photo © Robin Webster (cc-by-sa/2.0)
In April 2013 it was sold for a sum below the original asking price but
deemed unsuitable to open as a pub again.
The planning application from Toran Construction was vehemently opposed
by many residents in the village.
Margate Civic Society objected to the “complete annihilation of the
historic building.”
In January Thanet council served notice on the owner ordering them to
carry out replacement and repair works to the roof and structure.
The building was in a poor state with the roof gone and weather damage
Part of the premises dates back to the 17th century.
Above photo July 2021, kindly sent by Chase Winchester. |
PAGE Mr 1784+
WEBB William 1841+ (age 60 in 1841)
HOGBEN Thomas 1847+
HOGBEN John 1851-61+ (age 40 in 1861)
HOGBEN Thomas (brother of above) 1867-71+ (age 63 in 1871)
KNOTT Thomas 1881+ (age 52 in 1881)
KNELL James 1890-91+ (age 60 in 1891)
ROBINSON John J F 1896+
VINCENT William J Oct/1899-1901+ (age 41 in 1901)
VINCENT Eliza Ann 1903+
ROBINSON Henry C 1911+ (age 38 in 1911)
DRAY Harry 1922+
HARRISON Thomas 1930-Dec/33
JEE Egbert Dec/1933-Sept/36
(Late of
the "Angler's Hotel," Walton-on-Thames.)
COOPER Alexander Sept/1936+
DILLISTONE Harry 1938+
HAMILTON Thomas G 1939 (age 59 in 1939)
DILLISTONE Harry to June/42
DILLISTONE Vida Mrs 1943+
WATTS J T Mr June/1942+
COOK Reg 1963-64+
BOWLES Jack & Joan Sept/1966+
EVANS Ronald 1978+
VOWLES Mr B 2012+
From the Dover Express
From the Kelly's Directory 1903